How to even out your face with makeup: 20 beauty hacks for perfect skin tone

Issues discussed in the material:

  • What cosmetic products will you need to even out your complexion?
  • How to choose the right makeup products
  • How to prepare your skin for makeup
  • How to even out your complexion with makeup

Recently, a stable trend in makeup remains a beautiful, even complexion. It replaced the previously popular contouring technique, when facial features were corrected using bronzer and highlighter. Now natural beauty is in demand: natural skin tone with a slight glow and barely noticeable blush. Read our article on how to even out your face with makeup to achieve this result.

Causes of deteriorating skin tone

The complexion may acquire an unhealthy dull tint under the influence of the following factors:

  1. moisture deficiency - dehydration caused by a lack of hyaluronic acid, excessive tanning and solarium, improper care and nutrition, leads to loss of skin firmness and elasticity, development of sagging and dull shade;
  2. lack of vitamins A, C, E, group B;
  3. deterioration of microcirculation - a slowdown in local blood circulation leads to insufficient supply of oxygen and other beneficial substances, as a result of which the tone of the skin also suffers;
  4. thickening of the upper layer - slowing down the process of natural exfoliation of dead epidermal cells leads to fatigue and roughening of the skin;
  5. stressful situations, lack of sleep and rest;
  6. hyperkeratosis - age-related changes that slow down the natural process of skin cell renewal.

Evening out skin tone is achieved by following the basic rules of skin care - daily cleansing, moisturizing, toning and providing protection from external factors.

In addition, additional use of cosmetics and salon procedures is recommended.

Changing lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle will help make your complexion even and get rid of blemishes: proper nutrition, hydration, exercise and quality sleep.

Maintaining water balance

Complexion depends on the hydrolipid balance of the skin. The condition of the skin can change under the influence of such unfavorable factors as constant temperature fluctuations, dry indoor air, harmful environmental influences, poor-quality tap water and natural aging. To maintain optimal moisture levels, it is recommended to monitor the consumption of the required amount of water.

To improve the condition of the skin, it needs water, because the human body contains 70% water. To provide skin cells with moisture, you should drink more than 2 liters of liquid daily, excluding tea, soups and juices. It is recommended to add lemon or cucumber juice to the water. Water will help your skin look fresh and prevent wrinkles.

You should limit your consumption of soda and alcohol. The sugar in sweet drinks causes acne and oily skin. Alcohol deprives cells of moisture, leading to premature aging of the skin.

Nutrition and complexion

The skin of the face is significantly affected by nutrition. It is necessary to include in the diet fish, lean boiled and chicken meat, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese, soy, vitamins A and E. These vitamins are found in large quantities in liver, eggs, dairy products, herring, chum salmon, carp, sturgeon caviar , carrots, broccoli, new potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, melon, apricots, plums, papaya. Juices from carrots, beets, citrus fruits, and green tea improve and even out complexion.

The complexion deteriorates from canned food, sausages, margarine, mayonnaise, hot spices, sweet carbonated drinks, chips and fried foods. Therefore, their consumption should be reduced. Alcohol, coffee and cigarettes have a negative effect on the skin.

In order to even out and improve your complexion, it is recommended to prepare vegetable soup from zucchini, broccoli, leeks, celery, tomatoes, carrots and sweet peppers. There is no need to add salt to this soup. They drink it instead of dinner.

How to even out your face tone with cosmetics

The correct selection of care products helps eliminate moisture deficiency, normalizes water-lipid balance, and evens out skin color.

For this purpose, regular use of the following products is recommended:

  1. exfoliating creams - eliminate dead cells, remnants of decorative cosmetics, help even out complexion;
  2. mask-scrubs – even out skin texture, tighten pores, eliminate oily sheen;
  3. peelings with glycolic or salicylic acids - remove the top layer of skin, which looks dull due to moisture deficiency, spots or scars;
  4. whitening agents - eliminate cosmetic imperfections such as freckles, age spots;
  5. tinted moisturizers with SPF sun protection.

You can improve your skin tone with properly applied makeup. This includes using a concealer pencil or concealer, applying foundation, applying blush to add color and volume to the face, and setting the result with powder.

At the same time, it should be remembered that decorative cosmetics provide a short-term masking effect.

To even out your skin color, you must follow the general rules of a healthy lifestyle: drink a lot of water, exercise, get good sleep, eat right, and avoid bad habits (especially smoking).

Rejection of bad habits

Do you have a good idea of ​​what happens to the complexion of smokers and alcoholics?

In alcoholics, it becomes sallow gray and uneven. The cheeks, wings of the nose, and chin are covered with a rosacea mesh.

In smokers, the skin also loses its natural color and acquires gray, yellowish, pale shades. There is even such a term as “smoker’s face”: in addition to altered color, it also refers to emaciated features, atrophic skin, and deep wrinkles.

But this can be fixed. If you quit smoking and stop drinking too much alcohol, your skin will begin to transform right before your eyes. Within two weeks, your complexion will improve.

How to even out your complexion without makeup

You can improve your skin condition by performing cosmetic procedures.

Injection techniques such as mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasma lifting, and ozone therapy contribute to smoothing the skin. They not only improve complexion, but also produce an overall rejuvenating effect.

One of the most effective methods for evening out complexion is photorejuvenation. Exposure of the skin to intense flashes of light helps eliminate sagging, age spots and spider veins.

Facial cleansing (manual, vacuum, ultrasonic) is also a popular procedure that helps exfoliate the outer layer and improve tone.

The hardware effect is complemented by peeling, application of serums and whitening creams.

Prefer green tea to black

Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties and soothes the skin - reduces the amount of irritation, thereby evening out its color. Bonus: This drink contains antioxidants that slow down aging and wrinkles.

Drink cold 11 Steps to better skin tea. Hot drinks can cause redness of the skin.

Andrea Cambio


For the effects of green tea to be fully realized, you should drink at least a couple of cups a day.

How to even out skin tone after acne

Acne can have an unpleasant consequence - the appearance of lumpy, uneven areas of skin with a lifeless, dull tone.

To even out skin affected by acne, more radical techniques are used.

Laser resurfacing

The procedure is carried out using a laser beam. Penetrating deep into the skin, the beam destroys old collagen, promotes exfoliation in the deep layers of the skin, stimulates the synthesis of new collagen and complete skin renewal.

Laser resurfacing combats well the consequences of acne - the presence of unevenness, spots and small scars, as well as poor complexion.

The use of laser also provides a brightening effect.

The procedure is well tolerated by patients and does not require long-term rehabilitation.

Microdermabrasion (diamond resurfacing)

Cleansing the skin of dead cells and stimulating skin renewal is carried out through hardware action. In this case, a special diamond nozzle is used.

Evening out the tone occurs by reducing pores, improving the activity of the sebaceous glands, and increasing the overall tone of the facial muscles.

It is better to carry out the procedure in autumn or winter, when there is no active sun. The number of sessions is determined by the cosmetologist; he also regulates the time and intensity of exposure to the device during grinding.

Procedures are not performed if there are extensive lesions on the skin, severe forms of cardiovascular diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases or during a febrile period of infectious diseases.


Despite the spread of hardware methods for skin smoothing, the more traditional method using salon peeling does not lose its relevance.

Peels are carried out using various acids, which are selected individually.

The procedure can be performed at the superficial, middle and deep level. The type of peeling is recommended to the client by a cosmetologist after examining and assessing the condition of the skin.

It is not recommended to carry out deep peeling at home, since there is an increased risk of burns and trauma to the skin.

Learn to manage stress

Stress causes damage to the entire body, including the skin. This harm can be clearly traced. Thus, in a classic study, The response of skin disease to stress: changes in the severity of acne vulgaris as affected by examination stress, conducted with the participation of students at Stanford University, scientists found that during the exam period, students who were more nervous than others developed acne and rashes. much more than their calm comrades.

Stress is10 SKIN CARE SECRETS FOR HEALTHIER‑LOOKING SKIN a trigger for skin diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis (eczema). It also aggravates existing skin problems, worsening its appearance.

In general, try to be less nervous. Or at least learn to reduce your stress levels to make your face look healthier.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

Glycolic acid perfectly evens out skin tone. Therefore, it is recommended to use products based on it. A cosmetologist may suggest glycolic peeling. And products with hyaluronic acid will help moisturize the skin. HydraFacial facial cleansing has proven itself well. It helps to achieve an excellent effect of evening out the tone of the face. If you use cosmetics, do not forget to use a moisturizer before applying foundation. It is also important to cleanse the skin first.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

Head to chemical peels during the fall and winter months.
They perfectly even out skin tone and are inexpensive. In addition to improving complexion, the procedure helps get rid of a number of imperfections. Peeling is recommended for eliminating wrinkles, acne, age spots. It also rejuvenates the skin. An alternative to chemical peeling is hardware techniques. This could be, for example, laser resurfacing. Successful skin smoothing can be achieved with an integrated approach to the problem, combining home and salon procedures. To do this, it is recommended to visit a cosmetologist and follow his recommendations for home care, which will help improve your complexion and get rid of imperfections.

Home "military" arsenal

The process of evening out facial tone on your own begins with choosing the right cosmetics. First, avoid regular soap for washing your face; it only dries out the outer epidermis, causing it to age prematurely. Choose special foams and gels for your skin, taking into account its type and problems.

Be sure to get into the habit of using a peeling mask. The product effectively removes dead skin particles and various impurities. And massage during the procedure will restore blood flow to the face, which will launch restoration processes at the cellular level. You need to please yourself no more than twice a week, otherwise thorough cleansing will harm the epidermis.

Remember the algorithm of action for healthy skin:

  • Cleansing – twice a day (in the morning and before bed).
  • Toning – tightens pores and saturates the skin with vitamins.
  • Moisturizing – nourishes the skin.
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