Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and tricks

From this article you will learn:

  • What is laser rejuvenation
  • What is the effect of laser rejuvenation
  • What types of procedure are there?
  • How is laser rejuvenation performed?
  • What are the contraindications
  • Where is the best place to get laser rejuvenation?
  • How much does it cost

All women want to look young. When plastic surgery appeared, many, without even hesitating, went for operations. Currently, fractional laser rejuvenation has appeared, which does not require you to go under the surgeon’s knife. It is safe and effective. Many Hollywood stars have already used laser skin rejuvenation and were satisfied because it perfectly transforms their face. The procedure is carried out using a laser grid and is inexpensive, so you don’t have to earn a lot to afford such a transformation. In this article we will tell you about the mechanism of action and the effects of laser rejuvenation so that you have no worries.

What is laser skin rejuvenation

Aging affects all human internal organs and tissues, and so far this process, unfortunately, cannot be stopped. In addition, facial tissues are affected not only by the environment, but also by facial expressions, as well as articulatory and chewing functions. Due to this, facial tissues are very vulnerable.

If facial wrinkles are visible even in a static position of the face, this is the main sign of skin aging. Soft tissues are also deformed, spider veins, neoplasms and age spots appear, and the configuration of the face and neck changes.

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With age, the collagen framework of the skin weakens, so the tissues sag and facial features sometimes change beyond recognition. From this point of view, wrinkles are not the worst “age-related” problem. Young people have enough collagen in their skin, so the tissues of the face and body successfully resist ptosis. But over time, collagen fibers are poorly produced, as a result of which the skin sags, “jowls” appear under the cheeks, bags under the eyes, the oval of the face becomes unclear, the corners of the eyes and lips droop down, a double chin is visible, etc. Only a surgeon can help you get rid of drooping chin, cheeks and eyelids. It is better to think about this problem in advance and take advantage of laser skin rejuvenation before it is too late.

One of the most effective ways to combat age is lifting. Today there are quite a lot of methods to do a facelift without the intervention of a surgeon, but most of them are unsafe or not as effective as laser rejuvenation. When a client wants to get a quick result, he goes to the clinic for a skin tightening procedure, but in the end there is a very unfavorable effect that contributes to premature aging. There are non-invasive technologies to get rid of sagging skin. Each method has advantages and disadvantages, but fractional facial rejuvenation is the most suitable option for most clients because it produces the desired results without surgery.

Deep chemical peeling and dermabrasion can be considered not entirely relevant methods of rejuvenation, although they have recently been very popular. Laser technology is modern and safe. There is no risk of infection to the patient, and the specialist can accurately control the depth of laser exposure and its uniformity. These are very important advantages.

Let's figure out how laser radiation acts on human skin. Radiation affects biological tissue. Chromophores absorb light in a specific range of wavelengths. Skin structures are 90% water. For water, the wavelength range is the infrared spectrum, for hemoglobin - green, for hair and skin melanin - red. Chromophores absorb laser radiation, as a result of which light energy is converted into heat in the area that contains the substance.

It is worth mentioning radio frequency lifting, which was previously used for skin rejuvenation. It did not bring the expected result and, moreover, was unsafe. There was a risk of atrophy of subcutaneous fat and many other problems. Laser skin rejuvenation is an ideal option for patients; its energy penetrates the skin.

Read material on the topic: Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons

Submit your application

Elos facial rejuvenation is a cosmetic procedure that allows you to tighten the skin of the neck, face, chest or abdomen without surgery. The technique helps get rid of wrinkles, age spots and other skin imperfections. Elos is a hardware lifting technique. The essence of the procedure is a special radiation that penetrates the skin and triggers rejuvenation processes. Elos rejuvenation helps to avoid blue circles under the eyes, vascular defects and age spots, and is also used for stretch marks. The technique is characterized by low invasiveness. It is suitable for any age. It is used to prevent skin aging.

What is the effect of laser skin rejuvenation

If you are still afraid of something and do not dare to undergo fractional facial rejuvenation, read the reviews of patients who have already gone through it. You will see admiration and joy from the result obtained. Perhaps this will encourage you to make an appointment with a master. The procedure is almost painless, does not take much time, and does not require long-term rehabilitation or surgical intervention. The following are the effects of laser rejuvenation:

  • Getting rid of scars, spider veins, stretch marks and pigmentation on the face;
  • Narrowing of pores;
  • The skin will become firmer and more elastic. This is possible due to the fact that during the procedure collagen and elastin are synthesized in skin cells under the influence of laser radiation;
  • Reduction of wrinkles;
  • Removing crow's feet;
  • Improved complexion;
  • The appearance of a clearer facial contour.

One week after the session, the result will already be obvious. But it needs to be fixed, so several procedures will be required. Consult with a laser rejuvenation specialist about how often you should visit the clinic.

If you don’t like your reflection in the mirror, make the right decision by contacting a laser facial rejuvenation specialist. Find out from him again about this procedure and consult about contraindications. You will not regret using a service that turned back the clock for your skin.

ELOS technology allows:

  • get rid of fine and medium-deep wrinkles;
  • improve complexion;
  • restore skin elasticity;
  • relieve the feeling of tightness and dryness;
  • cure acne (acne);
  • remove rosacea, remove spider veins, freckles and excessive pigmentation;
  • activate metabolic processes and collagen synthesis in tissues;
  • get a lifting effect, correct the contour of the face;
  • tighten pores, smooth out skin texture;
  • get rid of unwanted hair, including light vellus hair.

The technique is used to rejuvenate and improve the quality of the skin of the face, neck, hands, and décolleté.

What is laser facial skin rejuvenation?

Depending on how deeply the laser beam penetrates your skin, the mechanism of action changes. The client can choose the most suitable laser facial rejuvenation method for himself.

Ablative laser rejuvenation

Very micro areas of the skin are removed using the laser. Those areas that were damaged during healing are tightened. After the first session you will notice an amazing result.

Non-ablative laser rejuvenation

When microzones are damaged, collagen and elastin are renewed in the skin. The laser beam penetrates deep into the patient's skin, so the outer layers will not be damaged; collagen renewal occurs in the deeper layers. The process lasts longer than with ablative laser rejuvenation.

The best option is a combination of different types of laser rejuvenation, because in this case, cells are renewed both on the surface of the skin and in the deeper layers. But you should still consult with a specialist.

Possibility of performing the procedure at home

You cannot perform hardware facial rejuvenation on your own at home. The production of the devices is intended for salon use only.

At the same time, there are analogues of the device that can be purchased for home use. These may include laser, photopulses and RF, or laser radiation alone.

Device for Elos

What other types of laser rejuvenation are there?

There are several types of laser peeling.

1) Superficial

. This method is intended for treating the deformed upper layer of skin, i.e. epidermis.

This peeling allows you to quickly remove age spots and make uneven skin smooth.

Superficial peeling is suitable for the lips, décolleté, neck and around the eyes, meaning it can be trusted on the most sensitive areas.

Such procedures include most types of fractional facial rejuvenation and all types of laser skin resurfacing.

Keep in mind that after superficial peeling, complete skin restoration will occur only after one to two weeks, since such procedures injure the epidermis.

2) Middle

. This type of peeling is suitable for those who want to get rid of dead cells in the basal (lowest) layer of the epidermis.

Medium peeling helps smooth out wrinkles of varying depths, as well as keloid scars and stretch marks. In addition, it relieves the patient of warts, shallow scars that are the result of acne, papillomas, evens out the complexion, eliminating age spots. Medium peeling affects problem areas on the neck, face, décolleté, and hands.

The skin is irradiated with a frequent grid of beams from various types of lasers, including neodymium, erbium and CO2 lasers. This method is called fractional. Each type of laser has its own advantages and disadvantages. They are due to different wavelengths, penetration depths and procedure techniques. There is no laser that is significantly superior to others.

A completely different method of medium peeling is laser dermabrasion. It differs in that, in addition to beams of laser beams, the skin receives a lot of additional energy during the session, which contributes to the formation of microexplosions, as a result of which the tissue evaporates due to the action of the laser. In this case, laser resurfacing is carried out using CO2 and an erbium laser.

3) Deep

. Deep peeling includes laser facial rejuvenation, performed using a device called Palomar, as well as RF rejuvenation. Such methods are considered the most effective. We can say that this is a lift without surgery.

The Palomar device promotes the formation of a very dense laser grid, sending beams of rays onto the skin. It consists of several nozzles, a cooling element and a control microprocessor.

In RF rejuvenation, mentioned above, laser beams penetrate deep into the epidermis. In this case, the deep layers are affected by radio frequency energy. As a result, problem areas of the face and body are heated in a targeted manner.

Both fractional RF facial rejuvenation and laser rejuvenation using the Palomar device make it possible to make collagen bundles more dense and form a supporting framework for the skin. In addition, during the procedure, rejuvenating and regenerative processes are activated in those areas on which the master acts with a laser.

Since both procedures are safe and eliminate the risk of injury to the patient, they can also be done for the skin around the eyes, and not just for the neck and arms.

We hope you are convinced that facial rejuvenation is possible without plastic surgery. Deep laser peeling smooths out deep wrinkles, evens out the complexion and makes the skin look younger.

The advantage of fractional RF facial rejuvenation and laser rejuvenation using the Palomar device is that the effect of the procedures improves within six months after completing the course.

If deep laser peeling is carried out with a CO2 laser, then the specialist must be highly qualified, otherwise you can leave deep scars on the skin. After all, this device is used by plastic surgeons as a scalpel.

Now about pain relief. For superficial and median exposure to the skin, local anesthesia is used. For deep peeling, general anesthesia will be required.

What type of peeling you need depends on the complexity of the cosmetic defect. Therefore, be sure to consult a specialist.

Read material on the topic: How to remove wrinkles on the face: the most effective methods


This is a cosmetic procedure during which active substances are injected under the patient’s skin.
The peculiarity of this effect is that the patient’s own blood plasma acts as the active components. To do this, from 20 to 100 ml of blood is taken from him and plasma is separated from it in a special centrifuge. The process itself consists of injecting it under the skin of the face to a depth of 3 mm. This promotes activation of stem cells and overall rejuvenation of facial skin. This method is suitable for those who are afraid of exposure to chemicals and the associated negative consequences; here everything is natural and natural, done in the presence of the patient. Storage of such a drug is excluded; new blood is taken at the next session. To achieve maximum effect, 4-5 sessions are usually required, but the exact number can be determined by the doctor, it all depends on the severity of the case and the result the patient wants to get. The break between sessions is on average 2 weeks, during which time the face has time to rest and the plasma can begin its beneficial effects. Possibilities of plasma Blood plasma has unique properties, thanks to it the body's stem cells are activated, metabolism improves and, as a result, the condition of the skin significantly improves, it becomes much younger and fresher. The effect can last quite a long time, but over time the procedure must be repeated.

Plasmolifting differs from other methods in cosmetology in that it is absolutely safe and does not cause allergies or other side effects. The effect of the procedure is not only long-lasting, but also increasing and can last for several years. This method of treatment involves a certain amount of pain, and this scares many; in fact, the sensations are quite tolerable. The result will show itself in 8-10 days, when the plasma shows itself in all its capabilities.

Among the main indications for a course of treatment using plasma therapy are:

  • age-related changes;
  • pale or unhealthy skin color;
  • sagging, excessive dryness or oily skin;
  • skin laxity due to weight loss;
  • acne;
  • consequences of excessive use of solarium;
  • the presence of wrinkles, including deep ones.

Like any method of treatment, this also has its contraindications:

  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • lactation;
  • inflammatory or infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases of any form and stage, even predisposition to them;
  • hepatitis of any form;
  • blood diseases;
  • taking blood thinning medications;
  • HIV; other viral diseases.

The result after a course of treatment, which usually lasts 5-6 sessions, will not be noticeable immediately. You need to wait 8-10 days for the injected plasma to start working. As a result, the skin noticeably brightens, wrinkles become less noticeable, and in some cases disappear altogether, and acne disappears. A positive result usually lasts 1.5-2 years.

Laser rejuvenation: contraindications and indications

If you are wondering whether fractional laser rejuvenation will help you, then read the indications for which this procedure is recommended by specialists for excellent results:

  • Stretch marks, spider veins and scars;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Acne;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Flabby, fading, sagging skin;
  • Wrinkles, crow's feet in the eye area.

If among these points you come across something that is typical for your skin, then be sure to take a course of fractional facial rejuvenation, and you will forget about your problems.


Before making an appointment at the clinic for a fractional laser rejuvenation procedure, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. If you have read negative reviews on the Internet about this method of rejuvenation, then you should not be upset and abandon it completely. Most likely, the authors of such reviews simply did not take into account the presence of contraindications:

  • Inflammatory processes in the treatment area;
  • Skin infections;
  • Psoriasis;
  • Allergy;
  • Malignant tumors in the laser impact area;
  • Epilepsy.

There are many more indications than contraindications, so if you don’t have any of the above, then you shouldn’t refuse this truly wonderful procedure.

List of contraindications

The desire for beauty is absolutely natural for a person, especially a woman. However, in the pursuit of perfection, you can do harm. To avoid health problems and irrational spending, contraindications to facial photorejuvenation should be taken into account:

  • very dark skin by nature;
  • recent tanning (no more than 2-3 weeks ago), use of self-tanning;
  • acute dermatological and infectious diseases;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • oncopathology;
  • blood diseases;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

The procedure is also not recommended in summer, when there is intense ultraviolet radiation. Combination with phototherapy can cause the opposite effect - hyperpigmentation.

How does the laser rejuvenation procedure work?

The procedure requires a special laser that efficiently treats problem areas of the patient’s skin. It can be used on skin of any condition and thickness.

Laser beams (fractions) contribute to the evaporation of small areas of skin, our eyes cannot see them. The tissues warm up, causing old collagen and elastin to be destroyed. For some time you will not see the result, the condition of the skin will not change, because the skin will not be damaged externally. However, the skin begins to recover and new cells are created. As a result, the skin is partially renewed and its condition improves.

The laser facial rejuvenation procedure is carried out in several steps:

  1. First, the master prepares the client’s skin for the upcoming procedure. To do this, the area of ​​skin that will be affected is cleansed and a special cream is applied to it, which helps reduce pain.
  2. The specialist carefully examines the skin and enters the relevant data into the fractional laser.
  3. Using a laser, areas of the skin in a certain sector are evaporated. This lasts about half an hour.
  4. This concludes the procedure. The skin is treated with a special ointment.

Don’t expect to notice the effect immediately after leaving the laser rejuvenation specialist’s office. At first, the skin will turn red and there may be slight swelling. Don't be alarmed, this is acceptable. The skin will fully recover in three days, and the effect will be noticeable after 10 days.

To consolidate the results, you should undergo a course of sessions, especially if you experience significant skin problems. Fractional laser rejuvenation of the face and skin has a cumulative property.

Watch a video about laser rejuvenation:


This is a procedure for introducing special compositions of vitamins and biologically active substances under the skin to a depth of 4 millimeters.

Indications for mesotherapy procedures:

  • acne;
  • increased sebum secretion;
  • enlarged pores;
  • unhealthy, dull complexion;
  • uneven pigmentation (freckles, acne marks, age spots);
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • changing facial contours;
  • age-related ptosis;
  • scars.

Mesotherapy has a number of contraindications that must be taken into account:

  • any infectious diseases;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • cosmetic procedures carried out less than a month ago that injure the epidermis:
  • mechanical cleaning, peeling;
  • liver or kidney dysfunction; endocrine diseases; - malignant tumors;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • skin damage on the face;
  • herpes and other rashes;
  • recent facial surgery;
  • taking antibiotics, hormonal and blood thinning drugs;
  • allergy to any of the components of the product.

It is not recommended to perform mesoprocedures during pregnancy, menstruation and breastfeeding.

The result of using meso cocktails:

  • healthy complexion;
  • lightening of age spots, freckles;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • increasing skin tone;
  • moisturizing, eliminating dryness and tightness;
  • reduction of ptosis (sagging skin);
  • removal of toxins and free radicals;
  • absence of blackheads and pimples.

There are a huge number of drugs for mesotherapy. The products used consist of one or more components that complement each other. The effect of mesotherapy is cumulative, a noticeable result appears after several procedures and lasts up to a year. The number of sessions and the resulting effect depend on the initial condition of the skin and the composition of the drug. To prescribe the meso-cocktail that is optimal for you and the number of procedures, you must consult a dermatologist.

Are there possible consequences after the procedure?

Side effects after laser skin rejuvenation are possible, but observed quite rarely:

  1. Mild itching occurs.
  2. Formation of red spots in the laser impact area.
  3. Activation of the herpes virus.
  4. Violation of the integrity of the skin: peeling, minor burns, crust formation.

It is worth remembering that after laser rejuvenation you will not necessarily notice any of the listed symptoms. If they happen, they will pass in a few days. For most patients, everything goes away without consequences. It depends on the sensitivity of the skin and its structure.

Approximately 4% of patients experience negative consequences, such as:

  1. Skin prone to seborrhea becomes covered with whiteheads (milia).
  2. After the procedure, scars or keloids remain.
  3. Skin hyperpigmentation.
  4. Exacerbation of herpes and activation of its rashes (despite the prevention).

Advantages and disadvantages

There are a lot of positive aspects from the procedure:

  • no special preparation required;
  • the procedure is practically painless;
  • takes little time;
  • the effect is visible after the first session;
  • the recovery period is quick and does not require special care;
  • the result lasts for about six months.

But there are also disadvantages of the technology:

  • the price is quite high;
  • rejuvenation requires several procedures;
  • it is necessary to constantly maintain the effect through additional manipulations;
  • Skin problems intensify immediately after rejuvenation.

If you decide to rejuvenate your skin using this method, choose clinics and salons that are licensed to carry out such manipulations. Pay attention to the presence of evidence of the cosmetologist’s professionalism.

Laser rejuvenation: patient reviews

Anna (33 years old), St. Petersburg

I had a laser skin rejuvenation procedure at 30 and 33 years old. I want to say that you should not believe advertising that exaggerates the effect several times. Of course, there is a result, but not as impressive as it is said. My skin became more elastic, the pores shrank, my face took on a fresher appearance, the fine mesh was removed, the wrinkles on my forehead were slightly smoothed out, the freckles that appeared after the summer brightened and became smaller in diameter. If you know what the effect will be and do not hope for a miraculous transformation, you will be satisfied. It was especially painful around my mouth and ears, despite the pain relief. You definitely need to take a vacation from work, because you can only go outside after 5-6 days. The result will be better if you are under 40 years old, since the skin's ability to regenerate has not yet weakened. And after 40, several sessions will be required. At one time I also did chemical peels, but I realized that it was better to undergo laser rejuvenation once. This is the same as attending a whole course of mid-peelings. And the cost will be the same.

Alena (39 years old), Moscow

I want to share my experience. When I started thinking about fractional facial rejuvenation, I read a lot of reviews on the Internet. The result depends on how experienced the specialist who will perform the procedure is, what kind of skin you have and what equipment. I’ve been planning fractional rejuvenation for a long time, I’ve consulted with my cosmetologist more than once, but I still couldn’t make up my mind, because the method is still traumatic. The specialist told me that it is better to do the procedure on the eve of the weekend, since it takes 2-3 days for the skin to recover. I put off going to the salon, but still my age, unclear oval face and wrinkles did not give me rest. I did mesotherapy, but the wrinkles still return, the skin becomes rougher and dull. And I decided!

I'll tell you a little about how the procedure is carried out. First, an anesthetic is applied - ointment with lidocaine. Be sure to notify your cosmetologist if you are allergic to this substance. In this case, the master will use another tool. The ointment took effect on me within 20 minutes, and rejuvenation began). It took about 20 minutes to treat the face and neck. I must say that the sensations are unpleasant, but tolerable. There is a tingling sensation. It is very important to use a modern American or Italian laser because it is considered safe.

Half an hour passed and it became clear why the procedure is recommended to be done before the weekend. The anesthesia began to wear off and the skin became very red. I was by car, so I quickly got home, without showing myself to others, and immediately applied Bepanten Plus. It cools the skin and relieves inflammation. The cosmetologist advised me to apply it to the skin often and not to steam my face for several days.

My redness subsided within a day. Thin crusts appeared on those areas of the skin where the laser was applied. This is not scary, since new skin has formed and the old one has gone away. You just need to wait a couple of days and apply Bepanten. On the fourth day you can take a hot bath. After the bath, these crusts became soft, I removed them, while massaging the skin with my fingertips. Then it is better to apply moisturizer, then the new skin will glow. A week later, the result was obvious: I looked at least five years younger, age spots on my forehead and cheeks disappeared, the oval of my face became more toned, and the crow’s feet around my eyes became smaller. What pleased me most was the barely visible wrinkle across my forehead, which before the procedure was deep and spoiled my mood. My cosmetologist said the result was excellent. If you repeat the session after a month and a half, the effect can be consolidated for a longer time. I have already decided that I will definitely repeat it again.

Read material on the topic: Plasmolifting of the face - a breakthrough in domestic cosmetology

What is the essence of rejuvenation using the ELOS technique?

Rejuvenation using this method involves the use of laser, radio frequency and light radiation. The effectiveness of the procedure is determined by the effect not only on the upper layers of the skin, but also on its deep tissues.

Important ! ELOS stands for “electro-optical synergy.”

The principle of operation of the technique is simple: skin tissue absorbs the released light energy, and in the deeper layers of the skin it turns into heat.

This technique is a combination of radio frequency and light radiation, laser

The method was discovered under interesting circumstances. Now we can say that this happened by accident. Cosmetologists noticed that the skin became visually better after the photoepilation process. The tissues were tightened, pigmentation decreased, the number of acne inflammations and pimples decreased, and the properties of the skin increased. As a result of these observations, the “ELOS” technique was patented using Israeli technology. It worked on two types of energy: laser and radio frequency bipolar energy of an electrically charged particle stream.

This method was discovered completely by accident.

The technique is based on the absorption of light energy and electric current by cellular units, then in the deep tissues of the skin the light is converted into heat. Electric current is more effective in areas that have been previously exposed to light. It turns out that the flow of charged particles acts selectively and more effectively affects skin that has been preheated.

Important ! This technique is successfully used in the treatment of age-related changes in skin tissue and the elimination of defects.

Heated areas of the skin are more susceptible to treatment

How often should laser rejuvenation be done and other patient questions?

Laser facial resurfacing, which was popular some time ago, is gradually being replaced by fractional facial rejuvenation (smooth rejuvenation).

Laser resurfacing, although it led to results, was a painful procedure with a very long recovery period. In addition, with a high risk of complications.

Gradually, these negative consequences go away thanks to modern lasers that are equipped with skin scanners.

How many procedures are needed for the fractional rejuvenation procedure to give a lasting effect?

Cosmetologists recommend undergoing at least five procedures to restore aging facial skin. The break between sessions is five days. But by contacting a dermatologist, you can create your own rejuvenation program, which will take into account the characteristics of your skin.

The first result can be seen just four days after the laser rejuvenation procedure: the skin will become more toned, its color and structure will improve, and shallow wrinkles will be smoothed out.

If you go through the entire course of procedures, the effect will be more impressive: wrinkles and folds will smooth out better, stretch marks and scars will disappear, pores will narrow, the skin will tighten, pigment spots will become much lighter or completely eliminated.

As a rule, the effect of fractional facial rejuvenation lasts for several years. At a minimum, the result is noticeable for one year. And it is worth remembering that the sooner you contact cosmetologists, the more effective the procedure will be.

At what age is it legal to undergo laser facial rejuvenation?

Laser facial rejuvenation can be done from the age of 17. At this age, there may be acne scars that can be treated with this procedure. And for mature women it will help maintain attractiveness and youth.

Laser beams that affect problem areas of the skin stimulate skin cells to produce collagen. This is useful for everyone over 40 years of age.

Depending on how complex the defect is and how exactly the laser affects the skin, the rehabilitation period can vary - from one to two weeks.

How soon can you go back to work?

It’s impossible to say for sure. This depends on the area of ​​the treated area, the type of laser rejuvenation and the professionalism of your cosmetologist. Some people go to work in two days, while others only after three weeks. There are also cases when patients are ready to work the very next day.


The iontophoresis procedure is the effect of electric currents that deliver beneficial substances deep into the dermis and change the properties of the cell membrane.

Iontophoresis in cosmetology solves many problems of various nature. The course of procedures ranges from 5 to 10 procedures. Indications for the procedure include the following:

  • Disturbance of water balance in the dermis.
  • Wrinkles and folds (including those around the mouth or eyes),
  • Signs of early aging.
  • Cellulite, local fat deposits.
  • Accumulation of waste and toxins.
  • Puffiness and bags under the eyes.
  • Blackheads, enlarged pores, increased sebaceous secretion.
  • Reduced skin tone, loss of elasticity.
  • General signs of skin fatigue (uneven texture, dull color, etc.).
  • Nutrient deficiency in the off-season.
  • Scars from mechanical damage to the skin or acne.
  • Dark spots.

The effects of the procedure are very diverse:

  • eliminating and slowing down the formation of wrinkles;
  • increasing skin elasticity and color; With
  • creating tissue hydration;
  • reduction of nasolabial folds, “crow’s feet”;
  • saturating the skin with beneficial substances;
  • cleansing the skin of toxins and free radicals;
  • elimination of acne and its consequences.

Before the procedure, you must consult a dermato-cosmetologist and make sure there are no contraindications. Iontophoresis is not performed when:

  • Individual intolerance to electric current.
  • Presence of pacemakers.
  • The presence of metal implants in the affected area.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Oncology.
  • Chronic skin diseases, foci of inflammation in the problem area.
  • Hypertension.
  • Infectious diseases, reduced immunity and fever.
  • Lesions of the endocrine system.
  • Chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, internal organs in the acute stage.
  • Epilepsy and nervous disorders.

Where to get fractional laser rejuvenation in Moscow

Contact the City Beauty and Health Center “Veronika Herba”, which uses innovative technology - the AFFIRM laser device, developed by the American company CYNOSURE. This laser can be considered a revolution in aesthetic cosmetology.

This laser provides non-ablative fractional laser rejuvenation. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved this procedure. It is also registered in Russia. In addition, this system has received the prestigious ASLMS Award and is recognized as the best fractional technology in the United States.

Fractional laser AFFIRM is:

Uniqueness. Deep rejuvenation + effective lifting in one session.


The laser acts on all factors that contribute to skin aging: dilated blood vessels, wrinkles, skin hydration, pigmentation, decreased tone, uneven texture.


The laser has a built-in triple radiation calibration system, which ensures accurate operation.

Maximum efficiency and economy.

The amount of microthermal damage increases the density of the laser beam and reduces the time of laser facial skin rejuvenation to 15 minutes. Thus, in one session the master performs two procedures.


Since the penetration depth of the beams can be precisely controlled, the results are guaranteed. A big advantage is that the procedure does not require a long rehabilitation period.


Anesthesia is not required because an air system is provided that cools the area of ​​skin that is treated with the laser by 30 C. Thanks to this, the patient does not feel pain.

How does it work and how is it different from other procedures?

Lasers that use patented MultiPlex (MPX) technology generate two types of pulses. This is what makes them different from all others. The American laser Affirm MPX (Cynosure) has a wavelength of 1320 nm and 1440 nm, which allows you to consistently, with a difference of 3–5 ms, act on different layers of the patient’s skin, and therefore on different links leading to aging.

The procedure requires a glass tip, which provides cooling of the epidermis when exposed to the laser and after treatment. Cynosure Affirm MPX first emits a pulse at a wavelength of 1320 nm. The CAP system consists of approximately a thousand diffractive elements and is a special lens. These elements help disperse the laser beam, so large areas of skin can be treated in one pulse. The pulse with a wavelength of 1320 nm is redistributed, which leads to the fact that the dermal structures located at a depth of 0.5 to 2 millimeters are heated evenly, and regeneration of collagen fibers occurs. The skin becomes more elastic.

When a pulse with a wavelength of 1320 nm is applied to the skin, a pause lasting 3-5 milliseconds occurs. During this procedure, the epidermis is cooled and the client’s discomfort is minimized. After this, the laser emits a pulse with a wavelength of 1440 nm, which is also redistributed by the diffraction elements of the ACS. Thanks to this, the surface layers of the dermis and epidermis are treated evenly, and photodamage is corrected.

As you can see, the combination of MultiPlex technology and the CAP system makes the laser rejuvenation procedure more effective, without damaging the tissue.


Microcurrents for the face are a special type of physiotherapy, the main goal of which is to rejuvenate the skin using pulsed current that has a healing effect.

This effect is based on weak pulsed currents, whose characteristics are in many ways similar to the electrical impulses of the human body.

The soft, delicate effect of microcurrents at the cellular level leads to a significant improvement in blood microcirculation and acceleration of metabolic processes.

In addition, they have a beneficial effect on the vascular system, muscles, and subcutaneous fat. The result of this influence is:

  • normalizing the electrical charge in cell membranes;
  • blood microcirculation becomes better, which means that all the required nutrients and oxygen will be delivered to the cells faster;
  • cellular regeneration, synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin proteins occur at a faster pace.
  • changes also occur in the muscular lining of the blood vessels - its tone noticeably increases. But with permeability, on the contrary, a problem arises; it decreases. As a result of this, lymphatic outflow increases, toxins and metabolic products are quickly removed from the cells.

Microcurrents are carried out on special devices that generate current. The procedure is carried out using electrodes of various shapes and structures.

Such procedures are especially useful for aging skin. Due to the fact that the alternating current parameters are insignificant, the procedures are not addictive and each session is perceived by the body as something new and useful.

The duration of the course is prescribed by a dermatologist and ranges from 6 to 12 sessions. The results obtained last for about 6 months.


  • the appearance of numerous acne and rosacea;
  • sagging skin;
  • development of dermatosis and atopic dermatitis;
  • the appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • presence of pigmentation, stale complexion;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • persistent damage to skin vessels;
  • the presence of stretch marks and scars;
  • aging and very dry skin;
  • swelling of the face.

Not everyone is allowed to use microcurrents. There are also contraindications that you need to be aware of.

  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • individual intolerance to microcurrents;
  • oncological diseases and the presence of benign formations;
  • severe thrombophlebitis;
  • a condition when there are serious pathologies of internal organs;
  • recent heart attack, stroke;
  • seizures (especially epilepsy);
  • the presence of metal implants (meaning pacemakers, pins in bones);
  • recently undergone chemical peeling of the face.

Who is ELOS therapy suitable for?

Rejuvenation using the ELOS technique will be recommended in the following situations:

  • the appearance of wrinkles associated with active facial activity;
  • the occurrence of rosacea;
  • Gravity-induced aging;
  • dull and gray complexion;
  • pimples and acne;
  • scars and marks left by acne;
  • uneven texture of the skin;
  • pigment spots occupying a large area.

Many skin defects can be corrected with this therapy.

It should be noted that ELOS rejuvenation will not be able to prevent the occurrence of new pigmentation. The procedure is designed to combat existing stains. After therapy, you need to take more careful care of your skin and protect it from exposure to sunlight.

It is important to sensibly assess your expectations from the procedure and its real possibilities. ELOS rejuvenation does not serve as a panacea; its existence is, in principle, excluded. In the cosmetology field, there are indestructible laws that state: the aging process of the skin is irreversible. The latest means and methods cannot change the course of time, but it is possible to slow down this process and prolong the desired youth. ELOS rejuvenation is not able to completely eliminate wrinkles and sagging skin tissue due to the action of gravity.

Important ! To eliminate these defects, the use of more radical techniques will be required.

Skin aging cannot be stopped with this therapy

Method properties

With the help of the latest techniques in the cosmetology field, it has become possible not only to eliminate age-related changes and cosmetic defects, but also to treat many diseases that previously could only be overcome after exposure to traditional methods of treatment. Today, using the ELOS method, it has become possible to:

  • elimination of the capillary network;
  • elimination of keloid scars and post-acne;
  • improvement of skin color and evenness of the skin;
  • reducing the depth of existing wrinkles;
  • correction of the oval of the face.

Important ! The ELOS rejuvenation procedure is widely in demand in European countries, Asian countries, and the USA. A separate advantage of the technique is its affordability in terms of price.

This therapy is in great demand around the world.

The principle of rejuvenation using ELOS technology

A pulsating light is directed to the part of the skin that will be manipulated. This is done to warm up the tissues and activate thermolysis in them. In addition, the skin tissue loses its ability to resist, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure as a whole.

The peculiarity of the procedure is in pulsating light

Next, two electrodes are placed on the skin; electrically charged particles pass through them, which increase the heating of the skin layers. As a result, the following changes are observed in the layers of the skin:

  • pigmentation loses saturation;
  • hair follicles die, which gives the effect of hair removal;
  • the fat component in the cells becomes smaller;
  • gluing of the walls of blood vessels is observed in the skin - for this reason, rosacea is eliminated;
  • The amount of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid increases, making the skin of the face tighten and look fresh.

After the procedure, noticeable changes occur in the skin

Important ! If we compare phototherapy and ELOS therapy, the latter is considered more gentle on the skin.

During a rejuvenating procedure through phototherapy, overheating of the skin in the upper layers is possible, which causes burns to the skin tissue, which is why this procedure is famous for its impressive list of contraindications. With ELOS therapy, the effect is softer - light energy and high-frequency current easily penetrate through the layers of the skin without causing any negative effects.

This therapy does not have any negative effects on the skin.

Interesting ! Rejuvenation using the ELOS technique is equally effective regardless of the person’s gender.

Before starting therapy, do not neglect a visit and examination by a qualified doctor. Only he can determine the condition of the skin and its readiness for rejuvenation. During the consultation, there is no need to hide from the doctor the presence of any diseases, the possibility of an allergic reaction, or important details from the medical history, because this can lead to serious complications. The patient's readiness serves as a call for the doctor to begin the procedure.

It is necessary to visit a specialist before the procedure

Therapy is carried out in several stages.

  1. Initially, the skin is thoroughly cleaned of contaminants - special preparations are used for this purpose.
  2. The person's eyes are then protected with glasses that block the infrared rays. The treated area is covered with a special gel - this is necessary to increase the sensitivity of skin tissue to the action of infrared rays, which will improve the quality of electrical charge conduction.
  3. Then the skin layers are heated with infrared rays. Then, through two electrodes, the skin is exposed to electrically charged particles.

Each stage has a specific effect on the skin

The session takes from 30 to 120 minutes. The duration will be calculated taking into account the area that needs to be worked. If the surface to be treated in the facial area is small, it will take about 20 minutes. Treatment of the entire face, neck and décolleté will take up to 120 minutes. As the treated area increases, the cost of the procedure also increases.

You have to wait a maximum of two hours

The ELOS rejuvenation course includes 4-6 sessions. The required interval between procedures should be 4-6 weeks - during this time the skin will be able to renew itself, and the warming effect will be enhanced in the deep layers of skin tissue. You can notice changes after just one ELOS therapy procedure.

Important ! After completing all sessions, the result lasts for two years, but this indicator depends on the condition of the person’s body, as well as on how he cares for his skin.

After the first procedure you can see the effect

Is ELOS therapy really capable of causing cancer?

Any new technologies in the cosmetology field often cause concern and seem unsafe. It is widely believed that exposing the skin to strong light increases the risk of melanoma and can turn benign skin lesions into malignant ones. If you look at the statement regarding exposure to UV radiation, it is true, but ELOS therapy involves the action of infrared rays on the skin, so it is not capable of causing cancer. The opinion of experts on this issue is clear.

This therapy does not cause cancer

What results are expected after ELOS therapy?

Based on the practical indicators achieved using ELOS rejuvenation, the following improvements can be predicted:

  • reduction of rosacea by 50-75%;
  • elimination of age spots by 50-75%;
  • tightening of the skin of the body, arms, neck and décolleté by 50-75%;
  • tightening and reducing pores by 50-60%;
  • the average wrinkle reduction rate is 65%;
  • skin texture is evened out, color indicators are improved by 50-60%;
  • clogging of the eyelids is eliminated, swelling from the lower eyelid is reduced by 40-50%;
  • elimination of post-acne and stagnant acne spots by 40-50%;
  • reduction of scars after plastic surgery by 40-50%.

The results are undoubtedly encouraging

How much will therapy cost?

Let's consider the average price range for ELOS therapy on various parts of the body.

Treatment areaapproximate cost
Face area9000 rub.
Eye area3000 rub.
Neck6000 rub.
Face and neck12000 rub.
Neckline area9000 rub.
Face, neck and décolleté18000 rub.
Hands4000 rub.
Stomach9000 rub.

Price depends on the area to be worked on

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