How to make your own facial scrub at home

A facial scrub at home can replace one purchased at a pharmacy or retail chain. The procedure for making products yourself will reduce time and money, because complete facial skin care is necessary not only for women, but also for men.

Cleansing the epidermis

If you do not cleanse the epidermis of the dead layer of cells, acne and pimples will begin to appear on your face as a result of clogged pores, and over time, signs of aging may appear prematurely. If you follow simple rules and follow all the steps necessary to provide your skin with complete care, you will be able to ensure a healthy appearance, radiance, and later formation of wrinkles.

What is a facial scrub for?

Every day, the skin experiences stress, and the pores become contaminated with particles of cosmetics, dust, and mud components. To prevent clogging, it is necessary to carry out deep cleansing at least twice (on a normal type of dermis), and one of the methods is the use of mechanical means, scrubs.

I recommend reading: Cleansing face masks: the best recipes at home.

Renewal occurs every four to seven weeks, and dead cells accumulate on the surface, creating a barrier to oxygen and nutritional compounds from skincare products. Over time, the skin loses tone, begins to fade, and wrinkles appear.

Exfoliating agents, due to the coarse particles in their composition, are able to perform superficial tasks; for deep cleansing, chemical peeling is required. A combination of two methods is possible - the second should be used no more than once every four weeks.

Daily care combines cleansing with a mild cleanser, toning, and moisturizing with cream. At least twice within seven days it is necessary to eat using a mask, for this:

  • the face is steamed using a bath;
  • scrub is applied;
  • nutrient is applied.

The measure helps the mask penetrate into the skin, bypassing the dead layer.

Recipes for sensitive skin

Sensitive skin types are characterized by irritability. An allergic reaction can occur even to the mildest care products.

There are recipes for scrubs for sensitive skin.


Preparation of the scrub and indications for use:

  1. Grape seeds are crushed using a coffee grinder.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. The mass is mixed with the same amount of warm coke oil.
  3. The resulting product is evenly distributed over the face.
  4. The scrub is left on the skin for 10 minutes, then its remnants are removed with a paper napkin.

The use of a folk remedy helps to carefully remove dead skin particles, nourish cells and moisturize the skin.

Soft with honey

Honey scrub recipe and instructions for use:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. honey mixed with 1 tsp. St. John's wort oil.
  2. The composition is applied to cleansed skin for 4 minutes.
  3. After a light massage, the product is removed with a damp cloth, then the face is washed with warm water.

The procedure should be carried out 30 minutes before bedtime. Using a soft scrub with honey helps cleanse and renew your facial skin.

What is the difference between a scrub and a facial peel?

The two methods promote deep cleansing of the skin layers, but that’s where the similarities end. Equating the concepts of “peeling” and “scrubbing” is a misconception, since the first method involves cleansing using chemicals according to the following scheme:

  • dissolution of dead cells;
  • destruction;
  • penetration of nutrients into deep layers.

A scrub is a mechanical cleaning product that contains abrasive particles. The difference is presented in detail in the table.

Scrub and peeling: difference (table)

CompoundFruit acidsAbrasive components
ImpactDeep action without damageMassaging
ApplicationHyperpigmentation is possible, so should not be used year-roundThere are no restrictions on use depending on the seasons
PeculiaritiesCareful selection of composition and concentration is requiredIt is enough to observe the type of dermis and conduct a test for allergic manifestations

Peeling acts deeply and helps eliminate pigmentation, scars, and rejuvenate, but only with the right choice of components and quantities. Scrub:

  • removes dead layer;
  • evens out the terrain.

Cooking principles

First, it’s worth considering the rules and recommendations:

  • The ingredients must be fresh;
  • Prepare for one use only, before applying to the surface;
  • The composition should include abrasive particles, but they should not be large. Otherwise, you can seriously damage the skin;
  • If you are making a sugar-based scrub, you should apply it immediately before the particles have time to dissolve;
  • When carrying out chocolate peeling, a bar of dark chocolate containing cocoa is used;
  • For honey scrub, it is recommended to use candied honey because it contains abrasive particles;
  • It is worth adding vegetable oils to the base; they will make the texture smooth and delicate.

Benefits and contraindications of skin scrubs

Scrubbing acts as an intermediate procedure between steaming and nourishing with a mask in order to:

  • clean enlarged pores;
  • eliminate contaminants for the penetration of nutrient components;
  • even out the tone.

With regular use of the scrub:

  • evens out tone;
  • cleanses pores;
  • eliminates acne;
  • prevents early formation of wrinkles;
  • promotes saturation of the dermis with oxygen by removing dead cells;
  • accelerates the regeneration of the skin, thereby promoting rejuvenation;
  • improves blood circulation and the flow of beneficial compounds;
  • enhances the effectiveness of nourishing and moisturizing care products.

Despite the undoubted benefits, in some cases it is worth abandoning scrubbing. Contraindications for use are presented in the table.

Contraindications to the use of scrubs (table)

Allergic manifestationsWorsening the consequences of the reaction
Presence of rosaceaBruises, deep hematomas
Foci of inflammation, acne, wounds, microcracksSuppuration may occur
Skin diseasesComplications
Thin, sensitive epidermisMay lead to inflammation and irritation

If one or more factors are present, mechanical facial cleansing at home should be avoided. In this case, the selection of funds should be carried out only after consulting a specialist, giving preference to gentle procedures.

The procedure for applying a scrub to the face

Recipes for normal skin

With a normal skin type, there are no excessively dry or oily areas. The skin is smooth and soft, pimples and acne occur extremely rarely.

The following scrub recipes are recommended for normal facial skin.


Preparation of the cleansing scrub and method of use:

  1. Aloe leaves are crushed using a meat grinder.
  2. From the resulting leaf mass, squeeze out 3 tbsp. l. juice and combine with 6 g of semolina.
  3. 7 g of chocolate melted in a water bath is added to the resulting mass.
  4. The mixture is applied to the face and left for 8 minutes.
  5. Then the scrub is washed off with warm water.

Regular use of the product helps cleanse the skin, normalize blood circulation, moisturize the skin and saturate it with vitamins and minerals.

Nutritious with apple and oat flakes

Recipe and rules for using a nourishing scrub:

  1. 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal are poured with boiling water.
  2. Half an apple is crushed using a grater.
  3. The apple mixture is added to the cooled oatmeal.
  4. The resulting mixture is distributed evenly over the skin of the face.
  5. The product is left for 7 minutes, then removed with warm water.

Using a fruit scrub with oatmeal twice a week will help nourish the dermis, saturate it with useful vitamins and microelements, which will prevent many skin problems.

From blackheads

Preparation of the product and method of use:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. oat bran is mixed with 0.5 tsp. chopped ginger root.
  2. Add 2 tbsp to the composition. l. honey
  3. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  4. The composition is applied to the skin using rubbing movements.
  5. After 10 minutes, the product is washed off with an infusion of chamomile or lemon balm.

The use of a honey-bran mixture helps not only cleanse the face, but also narrow the pores, which helps get rid of blackheads and prevent the appearance of acne in the future.

For acne

Recipe and rules for using acne scrub:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. cosmetic clay is combined with 2 tsp. yogurt.
  2. The resulting composition is distributed evenly over the face.
  3. After 8 minutes, the mixture is washed off with warm water.

Daily use of the scrub will help get rid of acne in the shortest possible time, improve the overall condition of the skin and prevent the recurrence of pimples and acne.


Preparation of the scrub and method of its use:

  1. Mix 0.5 tbsp. l. olive oil and castor oil.
  2. The composition contains 1.5 tbsp. l. coarse salt.
  3. The product is applied to the skin with massaging movements for 7 minutes.
  4. The oil-salt scrub is washed off with warm water.

Using this recipe will help cleanse and moisturize the skin, saturate it with useful substances and vitamins.

For whitening with lemon

Recipe for whitening scrub with lemon and rules for its use:

  1. Honey is mixed with lemon juice in equal parts (1.5 tbsp each).
  2. The resulting composition is combined with 2 tbsp. l. wheat or rye bran.
  3. The finished scrub is evenly distributed over the skin.
  4. The product is left for 5 minutes and washed off with warm water.

A scrub with lemon juice and bran will help brighten your facial skin and saturate it with vitamins.


Preparation and method of using a sedative:

  1. 4 tbsp. l. sour cream combined with 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  2. The dairy product must have at least 20% fat content.
  3. The product is distributed over the face. During application, you must gently rub the composition into the skin.
  4. After 20 minutes, the sour cream and sugar scrub is washed off with warm water.

Using this product helps soothe the skin, relieve inflammation, irritation and swelling.

From coffee grounds

Coffee scrub recipe and instructions for use:

  1. 1 tsp. Finely ground coffee is diluted with warm boiled water to a thick paste.
  2. The resulting coffee grounds are mixed with olive and lemon balm oils, taken 1 tsp each.
  3. The coffee-oil mixture is applied to steamed skin for 4-5 minutes.
  4. After this period of time, the product is washed off with water or chamomile infusion.

Regular exposure of the skin to a scrub made from coffee grounds helps not only to cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, but also to start renewal processes, which allows you to prolong the youth of the face.

From soda

Preparation of soda scrub and method of its use:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. oat flakes are ground to a powder.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mass. l. baking soda and cinnamon.
  3. The mixture is diluted with boiled water until a thick paste forms.
  4. The product is applied to the skin for 5 minutes.
  5. The composition is washed off with warm water.

Using a homemade soda scrub allows you to quickly clean the upper layer of the dermis from dead particles.

Exfoliating with salt

Recipe for the product and instructions for use:

  1. Salt is mixed with soda in equal quantities - 1 tsp each.
  2. Take sea salt. If this is not available, you can take an iodized product.
  3. The mixture is diluted with a small amount of thick sour cream until a homogeneous paste is formed.
  4. The resulting product is distributed over the face with massaging movements.
  5. After 5 minutes, the composition is washed off with water.

By using an exfoliating salt scrub, you can achieve the same result as after a peeling procedure. You should use the product no more than 2 times a month. More frequent use will lead to depletion of the dermis and loss of its protective properties.

With sugar and mustard

Preparation and method of using mustard scrub:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. sugars are combined with 1 tsp. mustard powder.
  2. The mixture is diluted 1.5-2 tbsp. l. olive oil until a homogeneous thick paste is obtained.
  3. The resulting product is applied to the skin with massaging movements.
  4. The composition is left for 3 minutes, then washed off with water. Prolonged exposure to skin may result in burns.
  5. After the procedure, the face is moisturized with a nourishing cream.

The effect of a sugar-mustard mask leads to increased blood flow, deep cleansing and improved skin color.

Vitamin with carrots and semolina

Recipe for the product and instructions for use:

  1. Small carrots are peeled and chopped using a grater.
  2. The resulting mass is combined with semolina in equal parts - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Add 1.5 tbsp to the mixture. l. milk.
  4. The vitamin mask is applied to the skin with massaging movements.
  5. After 5 minutes, wash your face with warm water.

The use of carrot-milk product not only helps to cleanse the skin, but also helps to saturate the dermis with vitamins, microelements and other valuable substances.

With almonds

Preparation and method of using almond scrub:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. crushed almonds to a powder, combine with 1 tbsp. l. honey and raw egg.
  2. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  3. The composition is evenly distributed over the skin.
  4. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water.

Almond scrub with honey deeply cleanses the dermis and prevents the occurrence of various skin problems.

From starch

Recipe for starch cleanser and rules for its use:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. starch is combined with a small amount of sunflower or olive oil to form a thick mixture.
  2. Corn starch is used, but if it is not available, a potato product will do.
  3. The finished product is applied to the face for 5 minutes.
  4. The composition is removed with warm water.

Using a starch scrub helps cleanse skin pores and saturate the dermis with vitamins and nutrients.

Softening made from oatmeal, cream and butter

Preparation and method of using soft scrub:

  1. 2 tsp. cream are slightly warmed in the microwave. The product must have at least 20% fat content.
  2. Add 1 tsp to warm cream. olive oil and 2 tsp. oatmeal.
  3. The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous thick paste is obtained.
  4. The resulting composition is rubbed into the skin with gentle movements.
  5. The product is left for 5 minutes, then the face is washed with warm water.

When used regularly, the composition helps soften the skin, gently cleanse pores and saturate the dermis with nutrients.


Recipe for the product and rules for its use:

  1. The shell of 1 egg is doused with boiling water, dried and crushed using a coffee grinder to a powder.
  2. To prepare the product 1 tsp. raw materials are mixed with gel or soap for washing the face until a thick mass is formed.
  3. The resulting mixture is massaged onto the skin for 2-3 minutes.
  4. At the end of the procedure, wash your face thoroughly with warm water.

An egg scrub deeply cleanses the dermis and prevents the appearance of acne and pimples.

Oatmeal with olive oil

Preparation of the scrub and method of use:

  1. 1.5 tbsp. l. oatmeal combined with 1 tsp. buckwheat bran.
  2. The mixture is diluted with 1 tsp. olive oils.
  3. The product is applied with rubbing movements onto steamed skin.
  4. After 5 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.

The oil-oat product cleanses and nourishes the skin, reduces the number of wrinkles, and helps get rid of age spots and scars.

Black scrub

Recipe for the product and rules for its use:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. low fat sour cream and black clay powder are mixed.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. crushed peach pits into powder.
  3. The resulting mass is distributed over the skin of the face.
  4. The product is left for at least 5 minutes, then washed off with water.

The use of a clay-milk composition helps cleanse pores and saturate the skin with beneficial microelements.

How to use a facial scrub

The product must be applied to steamed skin, spreading it over the face along the massage lines with your fingertips. Massage for two minutes, rinse with warm, then cool water. In some cases, the scrub should be left for 15 minutes:

  • combined type of dermis;
  • instructions for use of the product.

A mask is applied to a cleansed face depending on the type of epidermis, age, direction of action, the required time interval is maintained, and removed with water. Next, apply a moisturizer in the form of a gel or cream.

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Recipes for oily skin

Oily skin is characterized by a greasy shine and overly enlarged pores. With this type of skin, a person is often bothered by pimples and acne.

Scrub recipes for oily skin are as follows.

With aspirin

Preparation of the scrub and indications for use:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. dry plantain leaves are brewed with half a glass of boiling water. The product is infused under the lid for half an hour, then filtered.
  2. 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid are crushed to a powder.
  3. Crushed aspirin is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. herbal infusion and 1 tsp. grape essential oil.
  4. The resulting composition is distributed over the skin of the face and left for 3-4 minutes.
  5. The product is washed off with warm water.

A scrub with aspirin helps not only cleanse the skin, but also whiten it, eliminate excessive oiliness and prevent many different skin problems.


Recipe for the product and instructions for use:

  1. Squeeze 1 tbsp from lemon. l. juice
  2. Lemon liquid is combined with 1.5 tsp. salt.
  3. The resulting mixture is gently rubbed into cleansed facial skin.
  4. The composition is left for 3 minutes, then washed off with water.

The use of a lemon-salt scrub helps improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which excessive oiliness of the skin disappears and acne goes away.

Rules for using facial scrubs

Care products should be used strictly following the recommendations, otherwise you may not get the expected result. In the table we consider the rules for using scrubs for use on the face:

Purpose In the case of a ready-made product purchased in a retail or pharmacy chain, the use of a scrub intended for another part of the body (legs, arms) is prohibited.

A recipe or product must be selected based on the type of epidermis and age

Preliminary testing To avoid an allergic reaction over a large area, you should check:

  1. Prepare or take a small amount of purchased scrub.
  2. Apply to the area behind the ear or on the inside of the forearm.
  3. Leave for fifteen minutes.
  4. If urticaria, itching, or severe burning are not detected, further use is indicated.
Best before dateAll products must be of natural origin and comply with shelf life
Quality requirementsMaterials for preparation must be clean, and components must be of natural origin, without flavor and color enhancers.
Application order, how long to keep on, how to remove It should be applied to the steamed dermis and kept in accordance with the directions of the recipe or instructions for use. Rinse off using first warm, then cool water. To do a steam bath, deep cleansing and nutrition, you need:
  1. Place about two tablespoons of nettle, chamomile or sage in a bowl and pour in a liter of boiling water.
  2. Soak your face, covering your head with a towel for a sauna effect, from five (for the first time) to ten minutes.
  3. Blot lightly with a napkin so that the epidermis remains moist.
  4. Apply a small amount of the prepared mixture to your fingertips, distribute, massage for two minutes, unless otherwise provided.
  5. Rinse off.
  6. Apply the mask and leave for a certain time.
  7. Rinse off.
  8. Apply a moisturizer in the form of a cream or gel.
Procedure timeAfter 18.00 for women, in the morning for men
Other recommendations It is forbidden to rub with rough movements, using various devices with rough bristles - cleansing should be gentle.

Should not be used in the periocular area.

Intervals must be observed between applications; frequent use will lead to thinning of the dermis.

How to make a facial scrub at home

To prepare the product yourself you should:

  • select ingredients;
  • measure quantities;
  • following the recipe directions, make the mixture;
  • mix everything thoroughly.

How often can you use a facial scrub?

Scrubbing has undoubted benefits for the epidermis, but with frequent procedures it is possible:

  • thinning;
  • premature aging.

To avoid side effects, the frequency between treatments should be observed depending on the type of dermis according to the table:

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Recipes for aging skin

Aging skin needs products with a rejuvenating effect, rich in vitamins and nutrients.

The recipes for anti-wrinkle scrubs are as follows.


Preparation and method of use:

  1. The kernels are removed from 3 walnuts and thoroughly chopped.
  2. Add 1 vitamin C tablet to the mixture, crushed into powder.
  3. The resulting composition is combined with 2 raw quail eggs.
  4. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  5. The scrub is applied to the face for 6-7 minutes.
  6. The mixture is removed with a damp cloth.

Using such a scrub helps not only cleanse the skin, but also get rid of wrinkles, significantly prolonging the youth of the face.


Recipe for the product and instructions for use:

  1. 1 tsp. Rice is ground in a coffee grinder to a powder.
  2. The resulting rice flour is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. ground coffee.
  3. Add 1 tsp to the mass. chopped parsley seeds.
  4. The mixture is applied to damp skin with massaging movements.
  5. After 3-4 minutes, the product is removed with a damp cloth, then the face is washed with warm water.

The scrub deeply cleanses the dermis of dirt and dead cells. It should be used no more than once every 2 weeks.

Men's facial scrub

The male epidermis differs from the female:

  • thick;
  • the amount of sebum produced by the glands.

Despite its great thickness, the dermis requires cleansing to prevent clogging of pores. All stages of daily care should be performed: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. Scrubs intended for use on male skin are distinguished by their large particle size.

Products intended for women will not have the desired effect, since scrubs for different genders solve different problems.

The stubble area is subject to scraping, so scrubbing should be done more often on the rest of the face, with the exception of the area around the eyes, which should be moisturized daily with cream. There is a wide variety of products on the market, so it is possible to use ready-made ones depending on the type of dermis or make them yourself. The procedure for determining a type variety is as follows:

  1. Wash your face.
  2. Blot with a napkin.
  3. After two hours, blot dry with a napkin: without traces of grease - normal; feeling of tightness after washing – dry; the presence of greasy marks on a napkin indicates an oily type; traces remained only from touching the T-zone - mixed or combined.

Scrubs of the “For Men” series available on the market, brand/cost, rub.:

  • “Nivea”/370;
  • “L`Oreal”/530.

Components of home scrubs depending on the type of epidermis/clay color:

  • white/bold or mixed;
  • grey/dry;
  • green/sensitive;
  • pink/normal;
  • blue/problem (acne, pigmentation).

To relieve irritation, red clay is suitable, and black clay is suitable to reduce the impact of external factors.

To prepare the scrub, you will need to dilute the clay of the appropriate color for the type of dermis with water, selecting the amount to obtain a paste consistency. Homemade or purchased products are applied to the steamed epidermis in the same way as the recommendations above. Scrubbing according to the given recipe involves waiting for fifteen to twenty minutes without massage. In other cases, follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Terms of use

Scrubs can be used for any type of facial skin. But follow the mandatory rules of the procedure:


  • Be sure to cleanse your face before applying
  • It is advisable to warm up the skin before using the scrub.
  • Do not apply cleanser to the eye area
  • It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the evening before bedtime.
  • Be sure to apply the composition along the massage lines
  • Use recipes that suit your skin type
  • Rinse off the mixture with warm water
  • After the procedure, use a nourishing cream suitable for your skin type
  • Monitor for an allergic reaction - if the redness does not go away 3 minutes after rinsing, do not use the composition anymore

ATTENTION! There are contraindications when using scrubs:

  • Do not perform the procedure if you have rosacea, psoriasis, infectious and fungal diseases of the facial skin, or severe acne.
  • Do not carry out the procedure if there is irritation or damage.
  • Do not apply scrubs more often than necessary

Korean facial scrub

Korean cosmetic companies, which carry out strict quality control of products before release, have developed new products in this area - peeling rollers. Main differences:

  • multifunctionality;
  • gentle cleansing.

Such cosmetics solve several problems at once, reducing the risk of injury to the dermis:

  • exfoliation;
  • deep cleaning;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • lightening;
  • refreshment;
  • adjusting the level of sebum produced;
  • alignment of tone and texture.

Peeling and scrub are contraindicated for use on sensitive and problematic epidermis, so they are being replaced by peeling rollers, which have no restrictions on use on these types of dermis.

Products on the market (table)

Name, brandRelease formDosage/quantityCost in rublesCategory
SIDMOOL Coenzyme Q10 Peeling GelBottle with dispenser120 ml250,0peeling roll
MAMONDE Natural Peeling GelBottle with dispenser150 ml780,0peeling roll
ARITAUM Bamboo Charcoal Peeling GelBottle with dispenser150 ml360,0peeling roll
ARITAUM Bamboo Charcoal Bubble GommageBottle with dispenser100 ml540,0peeling roll
LIOELE soft & gentle peeling padDiscs45 pcs670,0multifunctional product
SKIN79 Sweet Honey SugarPlastic box100 ml580,0scrub
TONYMOLY Strawberry Jam Sugar ScrubPlastic box90 ml420,0scrub
THE FACE SHOP Smart peeling white jewel peelingBottle120 ml380,0peeling roll
A'Pieu Apple Acid Visible Peeling GeBottle100 ml350,0peeling roll
Tony Moly Fruit Juice Lemon Peeling gelBottle with dispenser200 ml350,0peeling roll
TONYMOLY Gold Black Sugar MaskPlastic box100 ml430,0scrub

Products for cleansing skin from blackheads

Comedones, or blackheads, are small plugs of sebum, the top of which is contaminated with street dust and cosmetic residues, which is why they stand out so unattractively against the background of the face. It is necessary to remove comedones, and not only because they spoil the appearance. Old sebaceous plugs tend to increase in volume over time and stretch the pores. And when you finally remove the large comedone, a real “lunar crater” will remain in its place. To prevent this, cleanse your face regularly.

This is important: It is useless to apply cleansing masks and anti-blackhead products to unsteamed skin. All kinds of patches and films that have to be torn off from the face remove the top layer of the epidermis, and the sebaceous plugs continue to sit in their places. Assurances that comedones will “stick” to the patch and remain on its inner surface are pure myth.

Best home remedies for blackheads on nose:

  • Protein mask

    – beat the white of one egg into a stiff foam, apply it to the area covered with comedones, and place a paper napkin folded 2-3 times on top. When it dries a little, apply a second layer of protein foam and wait until it dries completely. The napkin should become hard, then you can easily and carefully remove it from your face. Protein perfectly pulls sebum out of steamed pores, since it is very sticky and shrinks greatly when it dries;

  • Black mask for blackheads

    – crush 1 tablet of activated carbon, add half a teaspoon of gelatin to it and steam this mixture with 1 tablespoon of hot milk. After a few minutes, when the gelatin has dispersed and the mass has cooled a little, apply it to the steamed nose and the area around it. After 20-30 minutes, the mask will dry completely and look like a shiny film, then you can remove it. The principle of operation of this remedy for blackheads is the same - drawing out and adsorption of impurities during the drying process.

How to get rid of blackheads using lightening?

If your nose is covered with small black dots that just don’t want to be squeezed out, don’t despair.

You can get rid of them by bleaching:

  • Salt, soda and baby soap

    – Add 1 teaspoon each of salt and baking soda to the soap solution. Place the resulting mixture on a cotton pad, toothbrush or a special facial cleansing brush and massage the skin of your nose for 3-5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. Repeat these procedures 2-3 times a week, and within a month the small comedones will completely lose their black “lids” and will no longer be conspicuous;

  • Lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide

    – mix one teaspoon of the above ingredients with a tablespoon of water. Soak a cotton pad generously and wipe the area covered with blackheads every evening for two weeks. During this time, the comedones will discolor, but keep in mind that this remedy for blackheads is not suitable for girls with very dry and sensitive skin.

Store products

There are many products in this area available in retail and pharmacy chains. Brands and prices are shown in the table.

Table of ready-made scrubs

CompanyProduct/cost, rub.DifferencesSatisfied customers, according to reviews, %
"Avon"“Tonic for deep cleaning of pores”/210Contains menthol, suitable for problematic skin types92
“Natura Siberika”“Exfoliating for face”/230Recommended for use on oily and combination skin types96
"Clean line"“Cleansing with apricot kernels”, bottle 50 ml/60Has no restrictions on skin types90
"Black Pearl"“Cleansing and care”, bottle 80 ml/110Suitable for any type of epidermis92
"L'Oreal"“Endless freshness”, bottle 150 ml/210Designed for normal and combination skin types80
"Garnier"“Pure skin active” with coal 3 in 1/300Recommended for oily types88

Recipes for combination skin

With the combination type, the skin on the forehead, nose and chin is oily. Excessive dryness is observed on the cheeks.

These scrub recipes are recommended for combination skin.

With activated carbon

Preparation of the scrub and indications for use:

  1. 10 tablets of the drug are thoroughly crushed to a powder state.
  2. The mass is diluted with a small amount of boiled water until a uniform thick paste is formed.
  3. The black mixture is applied to a damp face with massaging movements.
  4. The product stays on for 10 minutes, then rinses off with water.

Using a scrub with activated carbon helps cleanse pores, eliminate inflammation and improve the overall condition of the skin.


Recipe for the product and instructions for use:

  1. Fresh cucumber is chopped using a grater.
  2. Liquid is squeezed out from the resulting mass.
  3. Add 1 tsp to cucumber juice. salt and 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal
  4. The product is distributed evenly over the skin of the face.
  5. After 10 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water.

The use of cucumber scrub not only promotes deep cleansing, but also whitens the skin.

Reviews on the use of scrubs

Anna, 24 years old

I have been taking care of my skin since I was fifteen: I cleanse, tone, moisturize every day, and once a week I use a scrub and mask without steaming. I remove the dead layer of skin using the “Clean Line” scrub, the rest of the products are “Black Pearl”, I make masks myself. I'm happy with the condition of my face, I recommend it.

Irina, 34 years old

Until the age of 25, I didn’t take care of my skin: I used foundation, mascara, lip gloss for cosmetics, and washed my face with soap. I read an article about the aging of the dermis after 27 and began to actively follow all the recommended steps. Now expression lines are just beginning to appear. I believe that special attention should be paid to cleaning, since the procedure promotes the penetration of nutrients and oxygen inside. I make scrubs and masks at home, I’m happy with the results, I recommend them.

Maria, 45 years old

I do peeling in the salon monthly, with breaks, of course. I combine professional care with home care: I use homemade products as scrubs, and I do gymnastics to maintain the facial frame. I think my skin looks younger than its age.

Homemade skin cleansing treatments

If you want to have a healthy complexion and smooth, elastic skin, make it a rule to have a “cleansing day” at least once a month. Do not plan any activities outside the home for the evening of this day, since you cannot go outside after a home skin cleansing procedure: firstly, you can catch a cold, and secondly, dirt will immediately get into the open pores.

Complete skin cleansing at home includes several steps:

  • Steaming the face over a bath;
  • Removal of comedones (if any);
  • Exfoliation of the keratinized top layer of skin;
  • Face mask (cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, tightening pores - the choice depends on your facial skin type).

To prepare a steam bath, you will need a medicinal herb from a pharmacy:

  • For dry skin

    – oregano, thyme, linden;

  • For oily skin

    – coltsfoot, nettle, mint;

  • For acne-prone skin

    – calendula, St. John’s wort, yarrow;

  • For normal skin

    – chamomile, lavender, string.

Pour boiling water over one tablespoon of the selected herb, cover the container with a plate and wait 5 minutes. When the herb is brewed and the boiling water has cooled a little, sit over the bath, tilt your face and cover yourself with a terry towel. By the way, if you don’t want to bother with herbs, you can use essential oils instead - just a few drops with your favorite scent of rose, bergamot, orange, patchouli, ylang-ylang or tea tree.

It is best to steam the skin for at least 15 minutes, then the sebum will completely dissolve. After the allotted time, do not rush to remove your head from under the towel - the temperature difference will immediately close the pores. Instead, roll up a hot towel, cover your face, and lie there until it cools down. Then blot the steamed skin and sit in front of a magnifying tabletop mirror.

If you want to get rid of blackheads on your nose, now is the time to do it. Wrap your fingers in a sterile bandage or napkin moistened with hydrogen peroxide, and with light pressure in counter movements, clean the pores around the nose, forehead and chin from comedones and excess sebum.

This is important: Do not squeeze out pimples and blackheads with long nails. Firstly, this does not work well, since the area of ​​the tip of the nail is very small, and successful extrusion is ensured by crushing the entire thickness of the skin at the desired angle, and not by applying pressure to one point. Secondly, it is fraught with injury.

It is best to perform mechanical cleansing of the face using very short nails or just fingertips. There are special metal devices in the form of loops, but reviews about them are very controversial - some like to remove pimples and comedones with their help, others do not. Do home facial cleansing in the way that is most convenient for you, the main thing is to maintain sterility and do not try to squeeze out an intractable pimple at any cost. This will only damage the skin, leaving an unsightly red spot, and the pimple will become more inflamed and will take longer to mature.


  1. Scrubbing is a procedure that should be performed regularly when caring for your facial skin.
  2. The frequency of deep cleansing should not be exceeded, as this may lead to thinning of the dermis.
  3. It is worth distinguishing between the concepts of “scrub” and “peeling”: the first means exfoliation of the dead layer with coarse particles, the second means dissolution by chemical means.
  4. Removing the top layer with dead cells cleanses the pores, accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis, refreshes, prevents early aging, and is necessary for the penetration of vitamin and mineral compounds into the deep layer.
  5. It is necessary not only for women, but also for men to cleanse the epidermis of the face: excessive production of sebum by the glands leads to clogged pores.
  6. Scrubbing can be done using homemade products or purchased at a pharmacy or retail chain, taking into account gender, age, and typical type of dermis.


Despite the presence of many healing properties, in some cases the use of scrubs can significantly harm the skin of the face. It is strongly recommended to refrain from using home remedies if the following contraindications occur:

  • Allergy to components of the composition . The use of a scrub if you have an individual intolerance to any of the ingredients of the product is fraught with a severe reaction in the form of a rash on the face, accompanied by itching, inflammation and swelling and can lead to anaphylactic shock.
  • Skin diseases . With such pathologies, the use of any cosmetics and skin care products without the permission of the treating dermatologist is fraught with an exacerbation of the current disease.
  • Damage to the skin of the face . If you have scratches, wounds and burns, or large areas of inflammation, you should avoid using any type of scrub until the skin is completely healed. Otherwise, the damage may increase significantly in size.
  • Severe acne . With a large number of acne on the face, the use of rough cleansers will lead to an increase in the area of ​​​​inflammation.
  • Dilatation of capillaries . Using a home remedy containing particulates can cause damage to blood vessels, leading to the formation of vascular networks on the face (rosacea).

If a person has excessively thin or too sensitive skin, then you can only use very soft scrubs - with ground oatmeal, apple-based, berries with the addition of sour cream.

With the correct use of homemade cleansers, strict adherence to recipes for their preparation and taking into account existing contraindications, it will be possible to significantly improve the general condition of the face and prolong its youth, solve many skin problems and prevent their occurrence in the future.

What can be applied to combination skin?

If we compare this type of skin surface with all others, we can call it the most unpredictable.

This is characterized by a combination of increased fat content (in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin) and excessive dryness on the cheeks. Therefore, cosmetics are selected appropriately, which would simultaneously cope with these two flaws.

The main requirements for scrubs are the absence of alkaline, coarse abrasive and alcohol components.

A selection of the most productive home scrubbing compositions:

OrangeDried orange zest (ground) – 17 g, yogurt without additives – 30 ml.Effectively cleanses, saturates with ascorbic acid and returns a healthy glow.
Nut and berryBerries - a tablespoon, wheat flour - 14 g, walnut crumbs - 6 g, 10% cream - 5 ml. The following berries can be placed: currants, raspberries, strawberries. It is acceptable to replace it with fruits: peach, banana. Fills the epidermis with a vitamin and mineral complex, giving youth and radiance. Raspberry and strawberry scrub works well on black comedones.
Rice and curd18 milled rice, 20 g cottage cheese, 5 ml olive oil, 7 g granulated sugar. The curd mass is mixed in last. It mattifies sebaceous areas and removes greasy deposits and dirt, and nourishes dry areas with valuable components.
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