Internal and external thigh lift: incision methods and scars

Thigh lift surgery (femoroplasty) is less discussed than, for example, liposuction or a tummy tuck, but it is considered no less popular. The main patients of this operation are women who suffer from excess fat in the thighs and buttocks. Problems in this area are much more common among them than among men. A thigh lift has something in common with liposuction, as it gets rid of excess fat deposits, but its higher priority is the removal of excess skin.

A thigh lift can be considered as a way to remove excess fat and skin tissue, and also as one of the stages in the treatment of obesity (after bariatric surgery). Thigh lift is included in the complex of post-bariatric surgeries along with abdominoplasty, body lifting and tightening of the skin of the arms and face.

There are two main types of thigh lifts - internal and external. Both operations are different and are designed to solve different problems.

Best Candidate for External Thigh Lift

Priority for an internal thigh lift is given when the main problem area is excess fat and skin on the outer thighs and buttocks, i.e. what is called “thigh flaps” or “breeches”. This aesthetic problem is often faced by women with a pear-shaped figure.

As a rule, an external thigh lift is rarely performed independently; it is usually combined with an internal one.

An external thigh lift can be performed after one or more unsuccessful liposuction sessions, when too much fatty tissue has been removed, but the skin has not had time to recover and has begun to sag.


Initial position:

feet shoulder-width apart, squat, hands clasped in front of the chest.

Number of repetitions:


Number of approaches:


Do three squats, and on the fourth, take a short jump, lifting your legs off the floor. Pay attention to your knees: when squatting, they should not “go beyond” your toes.

Legs like Kendall: squat exercise for beautiful hips

Best Candidate for Internal Thigh Lift

Internal thigh lift is more popular than external thigh lift, since problems usually lie on the inner thigh. The skin there is softer, fat accumulates more intensely, and as a result, many women suffer from sagging, loose skin on the inside of the legs and excess fat.

Problems can also appear in the absence of excess fat, for example, after severe weight loss, when the skin does not shrink, but begins to sag in folds on the legs like lowered stockings.

So, the best candidate for an internal thigh lift would be a patient with excess fat and skin tissue in this area. Such deficiencies can cause not only aesthetic discomfort, but also physical discomfort - when walking, irritation appears due to friction of the legs.

In general, it can be said that a thigh lift is suitable for people who have at least one of the following problems:

  • Loss of skin turgor (decrease in elasticity and firmness) as a result of age-related changes;
  • Excessive volumes of fat deposits in combination with inelastic skin;
  • Excessively loose and weakened skin due to severe weight loss.

How to remove internal flaps

In order to tighten the inner surface of the thighs, you need to perform exercises aimed specifically at problem areas.

Cardio exercises will promote uniform burning of fat deposits and acceleration of metabolism.

Incision options for external thigh lift

External thigh lift is difficult to model. The doctor needs to simulate the new position of the fat and skin tissues so that asymmetry does not occur.

External lifting begins with liposuction. After removing the fatty tissue, we proceed to excision of excess skin. The incision, called a lateral incision, is made from the groin line up around the thigh near the pelvic bone so that the scars are subsequently hidden under underwear. If the volume of tissue to be removed is quite large, the incision passes under the gluteal fold.

Nutrition for weight loss

Proper nutrition will help you achieve positive results faster when losing weight.

During this period, the following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • Sausage and bakery products;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Fatty and spicy foods;
  • Chips;
  • Potato;
  • Fried foods.

But the most important thing to consider is regular exercise. After all, as mentioned above, thighs are the most difficult part of the female body to change. Therefore, you will have to work every day.

Incision options for internal thigh lift

The incision to eliminate excess on the inner thigh is called medial. The surgical field in this case is located in the perineum. The area of ​​excised skin starts from the groin area, goes down vertically, and then rises, ending at the fold under the buttock. Thus, the flap of excised skin forms a triangle or T-shape. The latter is done when it is necessary to remove a lot of tissue. In the case, for example, when the patient has large excess skin to remove. As a result of the T-shaped incision, a scar of a similar shape is formed. The triangular incision is sewn together with a single suture, which runs from the crease under the buttocks to the groin area.

Scrub to remove fat from the inside of the thighs

A scrub will help quickly remove the inside of your thighs.

You can prepare it by mixing salt and kefir in a 2:1 ratio. After this, massage onto problematic parts of the body.

You can make a scrub from salt, cinnamon, vegetable oil, coffee.

After using the scrub, wipe your body dry with a towel and apply anti-cellulite cream or gel to your thighs.

After a shower with a scrub, you can take a bath. Add a few drops of essential oil, 60 g of sea salt, milk or cream to the water. Stir well and take a bath for 20 minutes.

How noticeable will the scars be after a thigh lift?

Many surgeons note that after a thigh lift, problems may arise with narrowing of the perineum and sutures coming apart. The reasons for this lie in the fact that the legs are a moving part of the body. While walking, the scars constantly rub against the perineum. In addition, they are more affected by gravity and the weight of the upper body.

Today, in order to prevent scars from spreading, the formation of unaesthetic scars and narrowing of the perineum, doctors use special skin stitching techniques. This is one of the key questions. In particular, the technique of rigid tissue fixation with sutures to the bone fascia is used. In this case, biodegradable threads are used, which help create connective tissue inside, keeping the sutures from resorption.

In addition, this “rigid attachment” helps eliminate vulvar enlargement, a common complication after a thigh lift that can lead to infection.

As a result, we can say that modern wound suturing methods reduce the risk of suture expansion. Patients must adhere to the regimen and wear compression garments. Usually the restriction on wearing underwear is lifted a month after the operation, but surgeons recommend not putting off compression hosiery too far, but still wearing it periodically. It helps the skin “breathe correctly”, increases blood flow, is responsible for the supply of oxygen to the muscles, and generally improves the condition of the skin of the legs and prevents post-operative scars from growing.

You can learn more about this operation in the “Thigh Lift” section.

Wraps for weight loss

Wraps will help remove fat from the inside of the thighs. They help remove toxins and waste from the body, help start the fat burning process, and improve skin tone.

Toxin is a poison of biological origin. Toxins are produced by tumor cells, bacteria, fungi, and parasites.

Source Wikipedia

Before the procedure, you need to take a shower and use a scrub to warm up the skin. After this, apply the prepared mixture to the surface of the skin, wrap the legs with film and cover with a blanket. Keep for 30 – 50 minutes.

After this, rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with anti-cellulite cream.

Recipes for inner thigh wraps

There are actually a lot of recipes, but I offer two:

With kelp

Take 100 g of kelp and pour 1 liter of boiling water over it. Let it brew for half an hour. Take a shower and cleanse your skin with a scrub. Apply the resulting mixture to your thighs. Wrap them in film and put on warm pants. After an hour, rinse and apply anti-cellulite cream to the skin.

With honey

Heat half a liter of honey, add a pinch of ground red pepper and dry mustard. You can add any essential oil - rosemary, lemon. orange, grapefruit.

The wrapping principle is the same as in the previous recipe.

For wraps, you can use honey alone without additional ingredients. Warm it up and apply it to your thighs. Wrap them in film and put on warm pants. Leave it overnight and wash off the remaining honey in the shower in the morning.

Lifting methods and their features

There are many techniques for restoring healthy skin on your legs. Most in demand:

  • RF lifting - the skin is exposed to radio frequency radiation. Cells start the regeneration process and begin to produce collagen and elastin. The result is rejuvenation and improved tone.
  • Thread lifting - the doctor outlines a mesh for hip correction and inserts threads along it under the skin. They reliably reinforce the problem area and tighten the skin.
  • Mesotherapy is injections of drugs that deeply affect the skin and fat deposits. They have a visible and lasting effect.
  • Aikun laser - infrared radiation has a targeted effect on the skin and stimulates cell renewal, improves the quality of the skin, and tightens it.
  • Laser rejuvenation is a laser technique aimed at combating increased skin sagging.
  • Fractional thermolysis is the effect of a laser pulse on the skin, which stimulates skin renewal and increases its elasticity.
  • Biomodeling Profhilo - injections of long-acting filler based on hyaluronic acid of different densities. Rejuvenate and tighten the skin.
  • Introduction of fillers - preparations based on hyaluronic acid moisturize the skin and increase its elasticity.

Ways to reduce thigh fat

In addition to surgery, there are conservative ways to get rid of fat traps on the thighs.

Modern methods of correcting fat deposits include:

  • massage
  • mesotherapy
  • wraps

Each procedure is carried out in a course lasting at least two months. Despite the undoubted positive effect that each cosmetic product has, excess fat may not go away or weight loss may be insignificant. It is always difficult to completely restructure your regime, diet, approach to sports and watch how slowly you move towards your goal or not at all. It is much easier to get yourself in order and then you will have an incentive to keep yourself in shape.

Procedures that enhance the effect of weight loss


Massage is a combination of rhythmic mechanical and reflex effects on adipose tissue in order to reduce its volume. There are several types: classic (manual), hardware (hydro- or vibration massage), honey, cup. Massage for weight loss is carried out in courses of 10-12 sessions. To achieve a more pronounced result, it is recommended to combine the procedures with wraps.

Wraps are a procedure for body compression bandaging, during which a mixture of active ingredients with a lipolytic effect is applied to the skin of “problem areas” and wrapped in film. There are honey, chocolate, coffee, citrus and mud wraps. The number of sessions depends on the volume of adipose tissue; on average, the course consists of 12 procedures.

What you need to do regularly to prevent the formation of belly fat:

  • Drink at least two liters of water daily. The norm is calculated from the proportion - 30 milliliters per kilogram of weight.
  • Reduce the size of portions, try to adhere to the “plate rule”. Half of the meal should be allocated to vegetables, the rest should be evenly distributed among complex carbohydrates and protein, cereals and lean meats. Portions should be 300-350 g, food should be eaten every 3-3.5 hours (5-6 times a day). The most important thing is not to starve! A large calorie deficit can undermine your health.
  • Engage in those sports that bring maximum satisfaction and do not cause negative emotions and physical discomfort.
  • Avoid harmful foods and drinks.
  • and in no case should it be a sacrifice for the sake of a beautiful figure!
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