Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment in dermatovenerology

Indications Contraindications Benefits Photos before and after Which one to choose Instructions Buy darsonval for hair

The problem of early baldness in our time, unfortunately, does not surprise anyone. Only if men are calm about thinning hair, then for women this process is a real disaster. Modern technologies come to the rescue.

Go to the Darsonval catalog

Darsonval is a unique physiotherapeutic device that allows you to prevent earlier baldness. It is based on the principle of exposure to high-frequency current discharges on the human body. At the origins of this phenomenon was the French physiologist D'Arsonval.

He devoted his entire life to studying the effect of current on the human body. The name of the French scientist has become firmly established in history and is now enshrined in the name of the presented device.



– introduction of medications into the surface layers of the skin, which is carried out using ultrasound.

Ultrasound vibrations help increase the permeability of the skin to medicinal substances. The substances quickly penetrate the patient’s body and then gradually enter the blood.

In dermatology, phonophoresis affects the body in the form of micro-massage, which has a positive thermal and biological effect. Phonophoresis affects tissue pH and accelerates metabolic processes. Ultraphonophoresis quite often gives a positive result:

  • improves facial skin elasticity;
  • improves neck skin tone;
  • improves skin in the décolleté area;
  • effectively helps with rehabilitation after surgical operations of the face and neck;
  • in the treatment of scars.

During this procedure, external preparations penetrate the skin quite deeply; without ultrasonic exposure, such an effect is almost impossible to achieve.


Ultraphonophoresis is especially effective in the treatment of inflammatory forms of acne. This procedure can correct the disturbance of skin microbiocenosis, as shown by the results of laboratory tests.

Based on the above, we can conclude that ultraphonophoresis has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.

This procedure has practically no contraindications. For more detailed advice, please contact the URO-PRO clinic.

How does removing acne scars using Platinetal differ from other methods?

We devoted a separate article to what acne scars are, and why resurfacing will never solve the problem of post-acne, no matter how many times you do it.

In short, scars form in the lower, reticular layer of the skin. It is in this layer that elastin and collagen fibers are located and it determines how smooth our skin looks. Acne damages its structure. A scar forms at the site of damage.

Since scars form in the reticular layer of the skin, it is logical that this is what needs to be affected in order to smooth out the scar. This is the mistake: in the process of peeling, polishing and other procedures to eliminate scars, cosmetologists act only on the upper, papillary layer of the skin. But the problem was and remains the same, because, by and large, the doctor does not work with it at all.

We work with the lower, papillary layer of skin, where scars form, and eliminate them.

Device "Darsonval"

"Darsonval" is a device with a wide range of uses. This device is used in the treatment of diseases in the field of cosmetology, dermatology, surgery and neurology.

Indications for use

  • prevention of skin aging;
  • acne treatment;
  • treatment of pimples and acne;
  • reduction of sebum secretions and the number of propion bacteria;
  • reducing the development of staphylococci;
  • prevention of baldness or hair loss;
  • treatment of seborrheic dermatitis and alopecia;
  • psoriasis treatment;
  • treatment of allergic conditions, itching or eczema, etc.;
  • treatment of herpes of various etiologies and localizations;
  • elimination of postoperative edema, keloid scars;
  • treatment of neurodermatosis and various atopic skin conditions;
  • improving metabolism, relieving swelling;
  • treatment of lymphostasis.

The Darsonval device improves blood circulation, due to which tissues are actively nourished, they are supplied with oxygen, and biochemical metabolic processes are also activated.


The use of this technique is contraindicated if you have bleeding and bleeding disorders, malignant tumors or individual intolerance to current. Treatment with the Darsonval apparatus is not recommended for patients with epilepsy or tuberculosis.

The list of contraindications also includes cases such as:

  • the patient has a pacemaker;
  • pregnancy;
  • pronounced forms of rosacea;
  • hirsutism;
  • feverish condition;
  • thrombophlebitis or cardiac arrhythmia.

Which is better to choose Darsonval for hair

The modern market offers many devices for darsonvalization. Each of them has its own advantages.

Darsonval Spark ST-117

It consists of three attachments. The procedure can be carried out using both non-contact and contact methods. Warranty period – 12 months.

Darsonval Karat DE-212

It contains four attachments. This device can be used for darsonvalization not only of hair, but also of the face. Warranty period – 3 years.

Darsonval Ultratek SD 199

The main advantage of this model is the large number of attachments - 5 pieces. This is one of the few Russian-made devices belonging to the premium segment. Warranty period – 3 years.

Darsonval Elad Medteko

It contains three attachments. The main area of ​​application of this device is skin massage. Warranty period – 2 years


Galvanization is a technique of electrotherapy, during which the patient’s body is exposed to a constant low-voltage electric current. Galvanization is applied locally to affected areas and reflex segmental areas, and there is also a method of general galvanization.

Dermatologists traditionally use several galvanization methods:

  • local - to foci of inflammation;
  • intranasal;
  • general according to Vermeule;
  • galvanization of the collar zone according to Shcherbak;
  • four-chamber galvanic bath;


Galvanization is indicated for patients with:

  • neurodermatitis;
  • other itchy dermatoses;
  • scleroderma or nodular vasculitis;
  • psoriasis or lichen planus;
  • keloid scars.


Galvanization is not recommended for:

  • eczema, dermatitis and pyodermitis;
  • stage 3 hypertension;
  • feverish condition;
  • oncological diseases.

UV therapy

UVR therapy is dosed irradiation with ultraviolet rays, which is used in cosmetology, dermatology and trichology.

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, specific metabolic processes begin to occur in human tissue. UV waves have a positive effect on the human body; this procedure is useful in winter, when there is not enough ultraviolet radiation.

When ultraviolet rays penetrate the tissues of the human body, the light energy is converted into the energy of chemical reactions. At this time, the patient’s body actively releases useful biological substances:

  • histamine;
  • serotonin;
  • melatonin;
  • vitamin D and much more.

These substances, thanks to the good blood supply to the skin, are very quickly absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body, which contributes to a positive effect. However, irradiation is useful only in small doses, and an excess can have a negative impact on health, so this therapy is prescribed in strictly dosed doses - minute by minute.


UV therapy is prescribed as:

  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic;
  • immunostimulating and general strengthening;
  • antiallergic.

Ultraviolet rays promote active calcium metabolism and accelerate the absorption of vitamin D - this gradually lowers blood pressure, and also enhances the formation of lymphocytes in human blood. Ultraviolet waves also have a psychological effect: the patient’s mood improves, which leads to strengthening of the immune system.

UV therapy is used both locally and locally, when the rays affect only problem or painful areas.

The procedure for the general effect of UV waves on the body is usually prescribed for significant damage to the skin and mucous membranes, for trichology, and also as a prevention of infectious diseases. UV therapy stimulates metabolism, hematopoiesis, and is also useful for chronic diseases.


UV therapy is prohibited for patients who have:

  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis, bleeding, smallpox or hyperthyroidism;
  • systemic autoimmune diseases.

Removal of acne scars using the subcision method takes place in 4 stages

Acne scar removal is performed under local anesthesia, so you will not experience pain.

Stage 1. Tissue separation

Treatment of post-acne scars begins with the actual subcision. All manipulations are carried out with a thin needle from a syringe, so the skin is minimally injured.

This stage lasts about 3 hours and is carried out under the control of a surgical microscope - this ensures maximum accuracy and eliminates damage to neighboring tissues.

Stage 2. Filling voids

Immediately after tissue separation, the crater rises upward. A void forms underneath. So that after a while the tissues do not fall back to their original place, this void must be filled. We use collagen or stabilized hyaluronic acid as filler.

After 6 months, the drug is replaced by collagen and elastin - this achieves a life-long skin smoothing effect.

Expert comment:

“After severe acne, one small area of ​​skin may have more than 5 scars. When there are a lot of deep scars and pits, it is technically impossible to even out the relief in one procedure. If the distance between them is less than 1 mm, it is impossible to cut them all in one procedure - the scars will lose their support point and will settle at once. The result will be the opposite effect - one large crater.

Therefore, removal of scar skin in this case must be repeated after 2 weeks. How many procedures will be needed to eliminate all scars and get the most even skin texture depends on their number.”

Maxim Vasiliev, plastic surgeon, expert in scar removal.

Stage 3. Biorevitalization for acne scars and stagnant spots

The best remedy in this case is a course of biorevitalization using 3% hyaluronic acid. The procedure well evens out the skin tone and returns it to a fresh, healthy appearance.

At this point, acne scar treatment can be completed.

Stage 4. Laser resurfacing

To even out the skin surface as much as possible, in some cases, 6–12 months after revitalization, we recommend fractional laser resurfacing. The indication for resurfacing is an excessively pronounced scar after a boil or multiple deep scars.


“For as long as I can remember, I have been treating acne scars.

As a teenager I suffered from severe acne. Then the acne went away, but terrible spots and ruts remained. The face was simply disfigured. I was ready for any experiments, just to get rid of them - I had nothing to lose.

But the treatment of acne scars was without visible results. The skin became a little smoother, lighter - and nothing more. But I wanted something completely different! I hated myself, cried, masked the scars with several layers of foundation and powder.

When I learned about
Maxim Vasiliev’s , I thought it was just another promise, and nothing more.
But when I came to see the doctor, I immediately realized that in front of me was not just a professional, but a person who is passionate about his work! And the result is no less important for him than for me. And I believed it. Treatment of acne scars in my case required 4 visits, but the result exceeded all my expectations after the first! For the first time in my life, I loved and accepted myself. I now recommend to all sufferers that acne scars be removed only from Dr. Vasiliev.”

Tatiana M.


Magnetic therapy is the treatment of diseases using magnetic fields.

This is one of the new methods of physiotherapy, which is based on stimulating the body using a low-frequency alternating magnetic field. Magnetotherapy affects various elements that are found in the tissues of the body (water, blood cells, etc.), however, with this effect the tissues themselves are not magnetized. Magnetic fields contribute to a concentration change in biologically active substances:

  • enzymes, proteins;
  • nucleic acids;
  • free radicals.

Magnetic fields also affect liquid crystals and metalloproteins:

  • cholesterol, lipoproteins;
  • hemoglobin;
  • catalase;
  • vitamins.

Magnetotherapy has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system: it improves coronary circulation, reduces the myocardium's need for oxygen, and increases the body's resistance to physical stress. Magnetic fields promote vasodilation, reduce blood viscosity, prevent the formation of blood clots, and also accelerate the delivery of oxygen to the patient’s organs and tissues.

Magnetic therapy provides:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • decongestant;
  • sedative;
  • and painkiller.

Today, magnetic therapy is widely used in the world as a treatment for many diseases.


Magnetic therapy is used in the treatment of diseases:

  • cardiovascular system and respiratory organs;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • genitourinary system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • soft tissues and nervous system;
  • purulent-inflammatory;
  • substance abuse, alcoholism and local dermatoses.

Among the positive effects that magnetic fields have on the body, we can highlight the improvement:

  • general well-being;
  • sleep;
  • joint work;
  • blood indicators.

Magnetic therapy also reduces blood pressure and blood sugar levels, restores the functions of peripheral nerves and normalizes temperature.

  • reduction of lymph nodes and resorption of infiltrative tissue;
  • cleansing the urinary tract from stones in a painless way.

Since magnetic therapy affects the body at the submolecular, molecular and subcellular levels, this procedure has no contraindications.

Features of physiotherapeutic treatment of sexually transmitted infections

Treatment of diseases occurs due to the influence of physical factors:

  • heat;
  • cold;
  • electromagnetic or laser irradiation;
  • direct or alternating electric current;
  • mechanical impact.

Physiotherapeutic treatments for sexually transmitted infections that have already proven effective:

  • cryotherapy;
  • laser radiation;
  • radio wave radiation, for example, from the Surgitron apparatus;
  • exposure to electric current (electrical stimulation).

The specialists of the URO-PRO clinic have extensive experience in treating diseases using physiotherapy; you can make an appointment with us for a consultation right now by filling out the online form on the website. Do not delay treatment; timely diagnosis will help avoid the development of more serious diseases.

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