Mesotherapy for the face: universal beauty injections?
Ready-made preparations and cocktails Haircare Preparation for the scalp. Contains amino acids
What is better foundation or powder in summer and winter for dry, oily, combination, problem and aging facial skin: advice from a cosmetologist
When choosing between foundation and powder, many assume that one of these
Can children's cream be used on the face by adults?
Children's cosmetics and mother's products: when is it possible?
The following types of people who do not properly care for their skin are common among cosmetology salon clients. The first ones in general
Face cream for 35-40 years. Rating of the best, which one to choose, names, prices and reviews
Face cream for 35-40 years. Rating of the best, which one to choose, names, prices and reviews
A woman is beautiful at any age. But if at 18-20 years old you don’t have to make any special efforts
retinoic peeling post-peeling care
Proper skin care after peeling is no less important than the procedure itself - important rules for post-peeling facial care
Published: June 1, 2017 Facial peeling is a procedure beloved by many women, which allows
Prevention of early skin aging
Facial skin care after 30 years - stages: how to properly care for and maintain youth
The human body changes throughout his life. And aging occurs for everyone. U
LED phototherapy of the face in Simferopol
Phototherapy as one of the methods for treating hyperpigmentation
LED skin therapy is treatment with light waves of different colors of the spectrum. Photoexposure improves nutrition of body tissues,
Simple and effective rejuvenation: self-massage of the face by Elena Zemskova
To rejuvenate or maintain their youth, women are ready to do a lot. The most radical solution in
A plastic surgeon explained how to quickly remove a double chin
How to remove the second collection without surgery: Technique from a plastic surgeon
January 17, 2022, 14:00 - Public news service - OSN Double chin changes oval
What are wrinkles
How to get rid of expression wrinkles around the eyes, on the forehead, near the mouth?
Wrinkles on your face are evidence of how you lived: you laughed, you were sad, you loved, you hated. IN
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