With eyes wide open: the most advanced methods for correcting drooping eyelids. Let's talk with experts

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and often they are the ones that reveal our age. The skin in the periorbital zone is very delicate, sensitive, there is no fat layer, and it turns out that wrinkles, circles, fatty hernias appear primarily in the area around the eyes, adding non-existent age to us. How to fix the situation? If previously, in order to rejuvenate the eye area, eliminate “bags” and dark circles under the eyes, sagging skin in the lower eyelid and overhanging upper eyelid, in the vast majority of cases it was necessary to turn to a plastic surgeon, but now the possibilities of aesthetic medicine have expanded significantly. The patient has a choice between plastic surgery and hardware and injection techniques.

GMTClinic doctors are highly qualified and have extensive experience in successfully working with the periorbital area, modern equipment and drugs, i.e. everything you need to effectively and safely solve aesthetic problems in the eye area.


Non-surgical ultrasonic SMAS lifting Ulthera® System is a modern alternative to surgical circular skin tightening in just 1 procedure! Its main advantage is the absence of a postoperative rehabilitation period. The rejuvenation effect increases within 3-4 months and lasts up to 1.5 years. SMAS-lifting Ulthera®System is a scientific reality available to all GMTClinic patients.

This method is indicated for age-related ptosis of the upper eyelid, bulging subcutaneous fat in the lower eyelid area, drooping eyebrow tails, and the presence of crow's feet. SMAS-lifting Ultherapy® is an alternative to surgical tissue tightening, because the device works at the same depth as surgeons, but without anesthesia and a scalpel. Plus, in addition to tightening, altera therapy improves the quality, density and elasticity of the skin.

Professionalism, brilliant mastery of the SMAS-lifting technique, as well as the number of grateful patients, who are increasing every month, brought GMTClinic two prestigious awards from the manufacturer ULTHERA SYSTEM company Merz Aesthetics. The Ulthera® System has received the "Best Device in Aesthetic Medicine" award and is considered the gold standard for non-surgical eyelid surgery and periorbital rejuvenation.

Indications for Ulthera®System non-surgical blepharoplasty:

  • small wrinkles around the eyes, “crow’s feet”;
  • bags and circles under the eyes;
  • hernias, wen;
  • swollen, heavy upper eyelids;
  • drooping outer corners of the eyelids.


The method allows drugs to be delivered to the affected area using a low-frequency magnetic field.

The procedures provide a combined effect of a magnetic field and medications, which achieves vasoactive (improved microcirculation), anti-inflammatory, trophic, analgesic, and hypocoagulant effects. The effect is carried out through closed eyelids, with the application of medicinal substances to the eyelids or their introduction into the conjunctival sac.

Magnetophoresis is prescribed for:

  • Endocrine ophthalmopathy.
  • Conjunctivitis, episcleritis, keratitis.
  • Epithelial-endothelial dystrophies of the cornea.
  • Dry eye syndrome.
  • Iridocyclitis.
  • Edematous forms of diseases of the retina and choroid.


In addition to alter therapy, GMTClinic also uses other hardware techniques to rejuvenate the eye area. The fleet of beauty machines includes 60 units, 30 of them in the facial cosmetology department. GMTClinic in Moscow is the most equipped aesthetic medicine clinic in the capital, where they successfully solve the most complex aesthetic problems for the face and body. To lift and rejuvenate the skin in the periorbital area and eliminate all kinds of imperfections, the clinic’s doctors successfully use:

  • RF lifting Thermage and needle RF lifting Infini;
  • laser technologies: Fraxel Re:Store Dual, Sciton Halo, MultiPulse CO2, Dermablate MCL-31, Quanta System Duetto, MedioStar Next;
  • microcurrent therapy (Bio-Ultimate Gold).

Cost of the procedure

RF eyelid lift using a Thermafine device costs 6,500 rubles.
If treatment of the entire face is required, the price will be 10,000 rubles. From time to time we have discounts on radio wave lifting, stay tuned for updates on the website and publications on Instagram. All Medial cosmetologists perform RF lifting, so you can make an appointment with us on any convenient day. We work every day, without holidays and weekends, and are always happy to meet you! Cosmetology at the multidisciplinary clinic “Medial” means attention to each patient and a guarantee of the effectiveness of all procedures.

Sign up for Thermafine therapy by phone: +7 (499) 137-00-00


You can improve the quality of skin in the delicate eye area, as well as get rid of dark circles, bags and hernias in the lower eyelid area using injection techniques. At GMTClinic, all these problems are successfully solved with the help of botulinum therapy, mesotherapy and biorevitalization, plasma therapy, injections of lymphatic drainage drugs and contour plastic surgery.

Botulinum therapy eliminates wrinkles on the temples and around the eyes, including crow's feet, as well as horizontal wrinkles in the lower eyelids.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization can significantly refresh the eye area, give the skin radiance, improve cell metabolism, and also remove circles with yellow, brown or bluish undertones. Especially for these purposes, the drug MesoEye C71 was developed - a unique meso-cocktail for the prevention and treatment of congestive processes, reducing swelling in the delicate areas of the upper and lower eyelids. After a course of 6-8 procedures at weekly intervals, you will notice a beautiful “glow” in the eye area and the absence of wrinkles.

Plasma therapy, as well as the introduction of a special plasmogel based on the patient’s own enriched plasma, allows you to rejuvenate the delicate skin in the eye area and literally “erase” wrinkles and unaesthetic dark circles.

Contour plastic surgery is successfully used to correct deep nasolacrimal grooves, which give the face a tired and aged appearance. For this purpose, GMTClinic uses filler injections based on hyaluronic acid.

Preparation for a lift and stages of the session

All preparation consists of consultation with a cosmetologist who will collect a detailed medical history and determine the areas and depth of impact. After this, you can begin the procedure.

The session is divided into several stages:

  • The face is cleansed of dirt and makeup;
  • Then the cosmetologist applies markings to the part being treated;
  • Usually, one part of the face is treated first, after which the patient is asked to evaluate the result before and after. Then they finish working on the second side.

A rejuvenation session lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. All this time no pain is felt. In areas with minimal fat, an unpleasant short-term sensation may occur.


Along with hardware and injection methods for correcting the eye area, as well as for changing the shape of the eyelids, at GMTClinic you can consult a plastic surgeon and, if the decision is positive, resort to surgery. The appointment is conducted by one of the best plastic surgeons for blepharoplasty in Moscow, a specialist with more than 30 years of experience, who knows not only classical and new techniques, but has also developed his own. At GMTClinic, we successfully perform circular blepharoplasty; plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids, if the patient wishes, can change the shape of his eyes and - which is very important! – even correct the mistakes of other surgeons, leading clients to the desired results.

Remember, no matter what type of blepharoplasty - injection, hardware or surgical - you choose, GMTClinic specialists will professionally perform this procedure at a high level, observing all safety requirements without sacrificing efficiency! We are waiting for you at our clinic.


Electrotherapy involves exposure to electric currents: low voltage (electrophoresis, galvanization), periodic low voltage currents (diadynamic therapy, electrical stimulation), high voltage electric fields (UHF therapy) and alternating magnetic fields (low frequency magnetotherapy).


The drug electrophoresis method is the most common in ophthalmology. It is a variant of the physicochemical combination of exposure to direct electric current and aqueous solutions of drugs.

When applying the method, galvanic reactions occur with the formation of heat and a change in the pH of the environment, a redistribution of ions in the cellular substance occurs, and the formation and activation of biochemically active substances occurs. Such reactions stimulate local blood circulation and the resorption capacity of tissues, activate metabolic and trophic processes and the secretory function of the glands, and increase the permeability of the blood-ophthalmic barrier.

The use of electrophoresis is effective for acute inflammatory and degenerative eye diseases and chronic pathologies:

  • Scar changes in the eyelids.
  • Barley.
  • Phlegmon.
  • Chalazion.
  • Keratitis, iridocyclitis, episcleritis.
  • Cloudiness of ST.
  • Adhesions, hemophthalmos.
  • Chorioretinitis, chorioretinal degenerations.
  • Macular degeneration, various retinopathy.
  • Neuritis and atrophy of the optic nerve.


The method ensures the introduction of the required doses of medication into the affected area through direct current pulses with a frequency of 50/100 Hz. Under the influence of diadynamic currents, sensitive nerve endings are blocked, and trophic and metabolic processes are stimulated. This promotes rapid resorption of edema, hemorrhages and opacities of the vitreous body.

Diadynamophoresis is prescribed for:

  • Keratitis of various etiologies, with pain syndrome;
  • Dystrophic processes of the cornea;
  • Episcleritis and acute iridocyclitis;
  • Paresis of the extraocular muscles.

Electrical stimulation

The therapeutic effect of electrical stimulation is to activate the processes of tissue regeneration and repair. As a result, the functions of those structures that retained their viability during a decrease in the conductivity of nerve impulses are restored. Electrical stimulation is prescribed for damage to the neuroreceptors of the eye and reflex arc:

  • Optic nerve atrophy.
  • Myopia.
  • Retinal dystrophy.
  • Amblyopia of various types in children.
  • Neurogenic keratitis.
  • Compensated primary open-angle glaucoma.

Contraindications for electrical stimulation of the eyes. Electrical stimulation procedures are not prescribed for:

  • Oncological neoplasms;
  • Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Infectious diseases in acute form, febrile states;
  • Chronic infectious diseases (tuberculosis, brucellosis, etc.);
  • Stage III hypertension;
  • Diseases of internal organs in the stage of decompensation.

In addition, contraindications to electrical stimulation are:

  • Tearing.
  • Fresh hemorrhages or risk of recurrence.
  • Decompensated glaucoma.
  • Metallic foreign bodies in the internal media of the eye.


This is the effect on acupuncture points of the human body by certain physical factors.

Acupuncture points are zones with a high concentration of nerve endings, through which it is possible to carry out therapeutic effects on the body with physical stimuli (laser, phono, electro, magnetopuncture, etc.).

Electroreflexotherapy is prescribed for:

  • Amblyopia.
  • Spasm of accommodation and progressive myopia.
  • Cataracts, glaucoma.
  • Dystrophic processes in the retina and optic nerve.

UHF therapy

Treatment with this method involves exposing the organ of vision to a continuous and pulsed electric field of ultra-high frequency.

With such an effect, vibrations of ions of the same frequency, polarization of dielectric particles and rotation of dipole molecules occur with heating of tissues and the formation of intracellular heat.

UHF therapy is indicated for:

  • Dacryocystitis.
  • Barley.
  • Phlegmon of the lacrimal sac.
  • Keratitis and uveitis.

Important points of rehabilitation

The most common questions from patients: will there be pain or bruising after eyelid blepharoplasty? When can I go to work and are the stitches noticeable after eyelid surgery?

Painful sensations

We are dealing with surgery, so you will experience some discomfort in the early postoperative period.

How to reduce?

Analgesics in tablets can easily cope with this.

Hematomas and edema

Hematomas (bruises) and swelling are inevitable. The manifestation reaches its peak within two to three days after correction.

How to reduce?

During the first days after eyelid blepharoplasty, apply ice to your cheeks. Try to sleep on a higher pillow to minimize swelling. Do not bend over or lift heavy objects.

Two weeks after the procedure, swelling disappears almost completely.

When can you put on makeup and go out in public?

2 weeks after blepharoplasty, you can use cosmetics and resume an active social life. But heavy physical activity and active sports are not yet allowed.

How to care for seams

Scar healing takes place in several stages. The color of the scar evens out with the skin tone after about 3 months.

To a cosmetologist or an aesthetic surgeon?

Cosmetology and aesthetic surgery specialize in rejuvenating the skin around the eyes.

Let's figure out when cosmetology products are enough and when contour correction is necessary.

Unfortunately, no amount of cosmetic rejuvenation procedures can hide baggy eyelids or remove hernias under the lower ones! To the question “how to tighten the skin around the eyes with maximum aesthetic results?”, I will answer – “contact an aesthetic surgeon.”

You can clarify the information and amount regarding blepharoplasty by calling the contact number in Moscow.

How to prepare for surgery

If you ask the question “Where to perform blepharoplasty?” If everything has already been decided, then before the intervention I recommend mandatory preparation, which will not only minimize complications during and after plastic surgery, but also quickly go through the recovery stage and return to normal life.

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Quit nicotine completely
  • Avoid taking aspirin, homeopathic and anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as vitamin complexes (they can cause excess bleeding)

What to take with you to the clinic

In advance, before going to the clinic for surgery, you need to prepare the following items:

  • ice cubes;
  • gauze napkins;
  • pharmaceutical preparations for the eyes (the surgeon will prescribe them on the eve of surgery);
  • painkillers or injections (some can cause bleeding, so it’s best to ask your doctor for a list of acceptable medications).
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