Anna Stetsenko: With hardware techniques I can offer my patients much more

  • Possibilities of non-surgical blepharoplasty Plasma Pen
  • Pros and cons of Plasma Pen
  • How to correct skin using Plasma Pen
  • Contraindications
  • After the procedure
  • Prices for non-surgical blepharoplasty Plasma Pen

The latest development of hardware cosmetology in the field of facial correction is Plasma Pen (Plasma Pencil, Plasma liner), literal translation - plasma pen. This is a small device that looks like a fountain pen. A needle attachment is used for contact with the skin.

Non-surgical plasma blepharoplasty. Eyelid skin tightening without incisions using the Plexr device.

Eyelid surgery can be performed in different ways.
The main indication for this operation is the appearance of sagging eyelid skin, the formation of skin bags and drooping of the outer corner of the eye. Until 2008, blepharoplasty was performed only with a scalpel. Traditional surgery is performed under anesthesia and always leaves a mark in the form of a postoperative scar.

The Plexr device allows you to perform eyelid surgery - blepharoplasty using plasma without anesthesia and incisions, without health risks and scars on the skin.

Rice. 1. Non-surgical plasma blepharoplasty


Model age:50 years
Specialist diagnosis:
  • classic deformation type of skin aging;
  • excess tissue of the fixed upper eyelid.
Objectives of the procedure:
  • reduce the size of the skin flap and the fold on the fixed upper eyelid;
  • improve the quality of the skin, increase its tone and turgor;
  • smooth out wrinkles in the corner of the eye and “crow’s feet”;
  • open your eye slightly, lifting your upper eyelid.
Appointment of a specialist:Main stage:
  • blepharoplasty of the upper eyelids using the PLASMA BT device; pulse duration – 0.3 seconds, intensity level – 2. In the area of ​​excess skin of the upper eyelid, pulse duration is increased to 0.4 seconds.
Number of recommended procedures:2–3 procedures once a month
Number of procedures performed:1 procedure
Time for one procedure:30 minutes + anesthetic cream exposure time
Anesthesia:application + injection
Recommendations for post-procedure care:Are common:
  • During the week, thermal (bath, sauna) and sports activities with heavy sweating are prohibited to avoid secondary infection; For a month, you must use products with a sun protection level of 50+ or ​​higher, and wear large sunglasses on sunny days.

Recommended home care:

  • treat the skin of the eyelids with miramistin;
  • Bepanten ointment 2-3 times a day; if severe burning, itching, or inflammation symptoms occur, use Baneocin powder 2-3 times a day;
  • diuretics were prescribed to combat edema for 2-3 days under the cover of potassium and magnesium drugs to reduce the load on the heart: Furosemide once a day + Asparkam (Panangin).
Photo "BEFORE"Photo “AFTER”

What is Plexr?

Plexr is a device that allows you to remove excess skin on various parts of the body using plasma.

The impact on the skin occurs through thin disposable tips, which ensures high precision of the intervention. The heat generated as a result of the action of plasma leads to sublimation of skin cells.

During the treatment process, plasma is applied to the skin of a certain area, which causes reduction and tightening of loose skin.

For optimal results, 3-4 sessions are usually required, spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

Rice. 2. Eyelid skin rejuvenation with plasma, without surgery

How does it work

Plasma or laser blepharoplasty is a technology of ionization of gas particles in the air between the instrument and the skin, which provides extremely effective skin tightening in plasma.
There is no heat transfer between the tool and the surface of the skin, so there is minimal or no damage. Today, this is the only procedure that removes skin without a single cut, without stitches and with a quick recovery period. Due to its precision, laser blepharoplasty is ideal for removing excess skin around the eyes. Plasma eye lift not only leaves very little damage to the surface, but also has no effect on the underlying tissue. In addition, the procedure also protects the deeper layers of the skin from unwanted heat transfer.

How is treatment performed using the Plexr device?

The skin at the surgical site is thoroughly cleaned, then an anesthetic cream is applied.

After 1-1.5 hours, plasma eyelid lifting is performed (non-surgical plasma blepharoplasty).

The impact is targeted at short intervals, which causes tightening and contraction of the skin, eliminating wrinkles and sagging tissue.

The plasma treatment procedure lasts 10-15 minutes.

The recovery period after the intervention lasts 5-7 days. It is very important to properly and carefully care for your skin, and, if possible, not to rip off the scabs. They should fall off on their own.

The skin at the intervention site first becomes bright pink and gradually takes on a normal appearance.

To prevent hyperpigmentation, be sure to apply sunscreen before going outside.

Plasma blepharoplasty sessions should be performed at intervals of 4-6 weeks.

Rice. 3. Elimination of eyelid skin defects with plasma

Advantages of the plasma tissue sublimation technique:

  • The transition of the burned tissue immediately into a gaseous state practically eliminates the occurrence of weeping wounds, secondary infection, and lymphorrhea.
  • Minor tissue trauma causes a short rehabilitation period. Patients who had the procedure done on Thursday evening can go to work on Monday morning, even with decorative makeup.
  • Comfort, mild pain, the procedure requires only local anesthesia. Sometimes (with a low pain threshold) additional injection anesthesia is performed.
  • The procedure is safe for vision.
  • The procedure is not seasonal; it can be performed in the summer, provided the patient follows all the doctor’s instructions to protect the treated area from the sun.

For what purposes is plasma used in medicine?

Indications for plasma skin grafting:

  • Restoration of eyelid skin (non-surgical blepharoplasty), including bags under the eyes, excess eyelid skin.
  • Tattoo removal.
  • Removal of skin defects and skin formations, including warts, fibromas, pigmentation, keratomas.
  • Treatment of scars, post-acne, stretch marks.
  • Removing wrinkles around the mouth
  • Face and neck lift.
  • Treatment of active acne.

Plasma allows you to remove excess skin in real time, the result of the procedure lasts for several years. Complications during plasma procedures practically do not occur.


The use of Plasma Pen, like most hardware and injection procedures, is prohibited in case of acute inflammatory process, infection, serious diseases - diabetes, epilepsy, herpes, autoimmune, oncological and mental diseases, blood clotting diseases. This procedure is not recommended during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, or when wearing a pacemaker. An allergic reaction to local anesthesia, taking blood thinning drugs and a tendency to form keloid scars can also become an obstacle.

And, of course, it cannot be used for non-surgical blepharoplasty if you have already had your eyelids tightened surgically before. If you try Plasma Pen before surgery, there is a high chance that the “before” will be replaced by “instead”.

Eyelid surgery without plasma surgery (non-surgical plasma blepharoplasty)

The benefits of plasma energy have begun to be used to perform eyelid surgery without incisions. The results of plasma blepharoplasty are comparable to those after conventional scalpel surgery.

However, after using plasma:

  • no marks or scars are left,
  • the skin of the eyelids is tightened,
  • bags under the eyes are eliminated,
  • the corner of the eyelid rises and
  • The recovery period is short and painless.

Rice. 4. Elimination of sagging and sagging skin with plasma

Contraindications to the plasma tissue sublimation procedure:

  • current or past skin cancer or current condition of any other type of cancer; precancerous birthmarks;
  • severe concomitant diseases (for example, cardiac disorders);
  • pregnancy and feeding;
  • impairment of the immune system due to immunosuppressive diseases such as AIDS and HIV, or the use of immunosuppressive drugs;
  • diseases that are stimulated by heat (for example, recurrent herpes in the treatment area, in this case it is necessary to take preventative medications three days before the procedure and three days after it);
  • poorly controlled endocrine disorders such as diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, or polycystic ovaries;
  • any active condition in the area of ​​treatment: ulcers, psoriasis, eczema and rashes;
  • keloid scars, impaired wound healing, as well as very dry and fragile skin;
  • bleeding coagulopathies or use of anticoagulants in the last 10 days;
  • surgical blepharoplasty performed within six months before the start of treatment;
  • using isotretinoin (Accutane®) within six months before starting treatment;
  • skin of phototype VI and patients with dark phototype V;
  • excessively tanned skin from the sun, tanning bed, or tanning lotion within the last two weeks;
  • The practitioner may, at his own discretion, refuse to provide treatment. Usually in the latter case we are talking about psychosomatic disorders and anxiety of the patient.

Two women (aged 50 and 37 years) with the classic deformational type of skin aging were invited as models to test plasma blepharoplasty using the PLASMA BT The procedures were performed by Inna Igorevna Beloborodova, dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist at the Virsheba and ONI Clinic clinics, trainer at INVASIX (Israel).

Would you recommend that practitioners take a look at Plexr®?

Just six months ago, I was a fan exclusively of injection techniques. Now that I am familiar with the Plexr® hardware method, I can offer my patients much more. They can stay with me to solve a much wider range of problems. Now I can expand the range of my capabilities to the removal of fine wrinkles, non-surgical blepharoplasty, removal of age spots, lifting of facial tissues, and, naturally, only then come procedures to replenish lost volumes and fix the results.

I am very glad that today the range of our capabilities is expanding, and I recommend that all specialists develop and turn their attention to new technologies.

Plexr® is the latest device, which has been used in Europe for more than 7 years, and, thanks to the Aphrodite company, has now appeared in Ukraine, and allows us to get truly excellent results.


Non-surgical laser blepharoplasty Contour TR

We present an exclusive procedure performed using the latest Contour TRL laser module - weekend blepharoplasty. The rejuvenation technique involves the doctor using a laser tip to accurately and accurately treat the fold of the upper and lower eyelids and the periorbital area. After the procedure, there is a significant reduction in drooping eyelids and protruding hernias, smoothing out wrinkles in the eye area. Contour TRL is a unique SMART system that extremely accurately controls the depth of treatment and allows you to individually select settings for each patient. The procedure takes within 20 minutes and leaves behind only slight swelling and redness. After slight peeling has passed (1-2 days), the patient can evaluate the first results of the procedure, which subsequently increase.

Our clinic uses several laser blepharoplasty protocols - “delicate” and more complex. The quality and results do not differ from each other, the only caveat is that “delicate” procedures are recommended to be performed more often.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty is the most popular procedure today to rejuvenate the appearance of the skin in the eye area.

Your skin is the first to reveal your biological age. This is especially true for the skin of the eyelids, which play an important aesthetic role in the entire appearance. After all, the expression of the eyes is directly dependent on the condition of the eyelids and periorbital tissues. The cosmetic services market offers a number of non-invasive procedures that are designed to radically change and rejuvenate the appearance of the skin.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty, performed using the latest Contour TRL laser module, is an innovative development. Its peculiarity is a high degree of safety and effectiveness; it is “know-how” in the field of non-invasive methods of skin rejuvenation. The Contour TRL scanner allows you to select parameters for a cosmetic procedure depending on the initial condition of the skin and the wishes of the client.

The range of depth of influence of the device on dermal cells is quite wide, ranging from superficial light peeling to deep grinding. Unlike CO2 lasers, non-surgical blepharoplasty using Contour TRL technology allows you to control the depth of ablation and the degree of coagulation within a given range.

Non-surgical lower eyelid blepharoplasty at the Real Clinic is performed using a modern Contour TRL device. This is an innovative procedure based on the use of laser technology. The technique is painless, makes it possible to adjust the depth and degree of impact individually, and the result is simply amazing!

The laser beam delicately corrects wrinkles, sagging skin in the lower eyelid area, and eliminates all age-related changes. And this takes only 20 minutes, because that’s how long the session lasts. It’s no wonder that Real Clinic patients call laser correction of the lower eyelids using the Contour TRL device “weekend blepharoplasty,” because it allows you to rejuvenate the skin in this area in record time. Make sure of this too!

Plexr device for blepharoplasty reviews

This procedure suited me completely. As I got older, excess skin began to appear on my eyelids. The view was not pleasant. I didn’t want to have blepharoplasty, it wasn’t that bad. I read reviews about the new device, there were both positive and negative. But there are still more good ones. In principle, the risk was not great and the price for the plexr procedure with a blepharoplasty device was quite adequate. I can’t say that the result was stunning, but I looked noticeably better, the small wrinkles were gone. The deeper ones remain, of course. The circles under the eyes and the swelling of the upper eyelid have become smaller. After the operation, I think the result is more significant, but this is enough for me.

Opinion of cosmetologists

There are few reviews on cosmetologist forums; there are advertisements for training in work techniques.

The official website states the following:

The user writes about the advantages of the device in comparison with other procedures.

The participant writes about the low cost of the device, the absence of serious side effects, and ease of use.


Despite the fact that the manufacturer claims that the procedure is comfortable, many patients report pain. Depends on the pain threshold and the choice of anesthetic cream. After treatment, swelling, redness, itching, and burning are observed in the area of ​​exposure. These are normal reactions during the recovery period; it is important to follow the care recommendations to avoid unwanted effects such as hyperpigmentation or lack of effect. Other side effects, such as with invasive, laser techniques or surgical correction, such as scars, asymmetry, infection, inflammation, are excluded.

Is preparation necessary?

At the preparation stage, you need to choose a clinic or medical center where the Plexer device is successfully used. During a consultation with a cosmetologist, the target areas the effect the patient wishes to achieve are determined. A complete medical history is also taken to determine whether allergic reactions, eye diseases, or chronic pathologies are present. To identify hidden conditions, consultation with specialists and further examination may be required. There are no restrictions required prior to the procedure. But the result of the correction still depends on lifestyle and aging processes.

You should not consume alcohol, salty or spicy foods for a week before the procedure. But these restrictions are only recommendations that are not required to be followed.

How does Plexr® help solve these problems?

A.S. The Plexr® device operates using plasma energy. Under its influence, the liquid part of the cell evaporates and its regeneration is very intense. As a result, the epidermal layer is completely restored, and as a result of the involvement of the basement membrane, collagenogenesis is stimulated.

Through microscopic examination, we can clearly see how type 3 collagen is formed. This is a rather complex process, which not every device can run.

What is the price

Non-surgical wrinkle correction
Price list
Eyebrow area10,000 rub.7,000 rub.
Forehead area10,000 rub.7,000 rub.
Crow's feet10,000 rub.7,000 rub.
Upper eyelids20,000 rub.15,000 rub.
Lower eyelids15,000 rub.12,000 rub.
Cheeks (fine wrinkles)10,000 rub.7,000 rub.
Neckfrom 10,000 rub.from 7,000 rub.
Cleavage20,000 rub.18,000 rub.
Post acne treatment whole face105,000 rub.10,000 rub.
Treatment of post acne lower third of the face10,000 rub.7,000 rub.
1 element1,000 rub.700 rub.
Treatment of scars, stretch marksfrom 1,000 rub.

Comparison of plasma current devices

Chinese plasma machine from AliexpressPlasma Penсil™ V1.Plasma Penсil™ V2Beauty MonsterPlasma ZanPlasma Pen. Pelsar. Maglev. Medi Plasm. PLASMATIC. MBT-Plasma Plasma Liner. PlasM. Planoplas
Made in Russia. Chinese and Russian components Made in Russia. Russian components Made in Korea. (a plant in China was also discovered) Made in the Czech Republic? (the plant in the Czech Republic could not be found, but was found in China) Made in Germany? Identical devices under different brands. (the plant in Germany could not be found) Made in Germany? Identical devices under different brands.

This device was not found on the website of the company declared in the certificate as a manufacturer.

Price, rub1.50018.00025.00060.000147.000from 80.000-180.000250.000
Ergonomics No

Inconvenient shape of the device. Difficulty pressing the START button


Compact. Convenient to hold in your hand during the procedure.


Compact. Convenient to hold in your hand during the procedure.


Compact. Convenient to hold in your hand during the procedure.


Compact. Convenient to hold in your hand during the procedure.


Too bulky and heavy. Doesn't fit in your hand. Not convenient to use.


Compact. Convenient to hold in your hand during the procedure.

Plasma power adjustment2 levels5 levels6 levels4x4 levels4 levels2 levelsNo plasma power adjustment
BatteryThere isThere isThere isNoNoThere isNo
NutritionNetwork adapterNetwork adapterWireless chargerNetwork adapterNetwork adapterNetwork adapterNetwork adapter
Fast battery charging modeNoNoYesNoNoNoNo
Plasma stability Not stable

Discharges of different powers are delivered.


Plasma power drops by no more than 10% when the battery is discharged to 80-90%


Plasma power is maintained until the battery is completely discharged

StableStable Stable

Plasma power drops by 20-30% when the battery is discharged to 70-80%

Plasma power on a 10-point scale78108787
BacklightThere isNoThere isNoNoThere isNo
overheat protectionNoNo There is

In cases of overheating, it automatically turns off.

Automatic shutdownNoNo Eat

It will automatically turn off if the device is not operated for 10 minutes.

Nozzles and needles included.10 pieces. non-standard disposable needles without markings. Can only be purchased in China. Presumably medical steel. 5 pieces. disposable needles made of copper steel.

1 PC. tip adapter for needles made of copper steel.

1 PC. reusable cone-shaped tip made of copper steel.

Many standard coagulator needles are also suitable.

10 pieces. disposable needles made of copper steel.

3 pcs. reusable cone-shaped tips made of copper steel.

1 PC. adapter for needles made of copper steel.

Many standard coagulator needles are also suitable.

Additionally, you can purchase fractional (“plasma shower”) and thermal nozzles.

1 PC. cone nozzle,

1 PC. yellow metal needle. The composition of the metal for the needles is unknown.

Round fractional nozzle 1 pc.

Round thermal nozzle 1 pc.

1 PC. cone nozzle,

1 PC. yellow metal needle. The composition of the metal for the needles is unknown.

3 pcs. disposable needles, presumably made of copper steel.

1 PC. conical nozzle made of yellow metal. The composition of the metal for the needles is unknown.

10 pieces. white metal needles. There is no marking of what metal they are made of.

Advantages and disadvantages

The innovative device has many advantages in comparison with various cosmetic and surgical correction methods.


  • the target area of ​​impact correction does not extend to adjacent tissues;
  • it is possible to solve a whole range of aesthetic problems;
  • has no age or season restrictions;
  • no skin trauma;
  • there are no risks of side effects;
  • short recovery period;
  • does not require preparation, and there are no restrictions during the recovery period;
  • long-term preservation of the result;
  • affordable price;
  • the effect is not inferior to injection methods of rejuvenation or surgery.


  • patients note that the procedure is painful;
  • During the recovery period, discomfort is possible.

Patient reviews

On forums, users discuss the new hardware cosmetology product, mostly positive reviews.

The user writes about a good result after the procedure, advantages in comparison with blepharoplasty surgery.

The participant writes about the lack of effect after the procedure.

The review describes discomfort after correction and a long rehabilitation period.

The user writes about pain during the procedure, swelling and itching after.

Other reviews can be found on the forum.

Efficiency of the technique

As a result of the procedure, it is possible to restore the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Wrinkles are smoothed out, swelling and pigmentation disappear.

The possibility of excision of excess tissue with drooping eyelids gives expressiveness to the look.

The use of the device allows you to replace more traumatic methods of correction - laser technologies, radio wave lifting, injection procedures, surgical operations.

Note! It can be performed from the age of 18; it is also used in adulthood after 50–60 years as an effective rejuvenating method. There are no seasonal restrictions for use.

To create prominent cheekbones and smooth out deep wrinkles, using Plexer is ineffective. It is possible to include the procedure in a comprehensive anti-aging program.

Where is it done and how much does the procedure cost in Moscow?

The cost depends on the clinic, the doctor’s qualifications, and the area of ​​correction. Often, consultation with specialists is required, tests, and additional examinations are paid separately. Thanks to the innovative cosmetology device, it is possible to carry out a number of procedures:

  • blepharoplasty - from 15,000 rubles. up to 20,000 rubles;
  • reducing the number and depth of wrinkles in the eye area, mouth, neck, décolleté - from RUB 4,000. up to 10,000 rubles;
  • treatment of acne and the consequences of acne - from 500 rubles. up to 10,000 rubles;
  • smoothing of scars, scars - from 500 rubles. up to 10,000 rubles;
  • restoration of facial contour - from 15,000 rubles. up to 30,000 rubles;
  • restoration of a clear line of the lower part of the oval, elimination of a double chin - from 10,000 rubles. up to 25,000 rubles;
  • removal of papillomas, warts, spider veins - from 100 rubles. up to 1000 rub. for 1 element.

Attention! You should not trust private cosmetologists without medical education to correct your appearance. But even in a prestigious medical center, it is important to inquire about certificates and licenses for the provision of aesthetic and medical services, about the doctor’s qualifications, and training in work techniques.

The cost of hardware treatment with Plexer is several times lower than injection techniques and plastic surgery.

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