Non-injection mesotherapy: beauty no longer requires sacrifice

From this article you will learn:

  • What is non-injection mesotherapy
  • Types of non-injection mesotherapy
  • Mesococktails for non-injection mesotherapy
  • Indications for non-injection mesotherapy
  • Contraindications to non-injection mesotherapy
  • Advantages and disadvantages of non-injection mesotherapy
  • How to prepare for a non-injection mesotherapy procedure
  • How to conduct a non-injection mesotherapy session
  • Rehabilitation after non-injection mesotherapy
  • Possible consequences and complications after non-injection mesotherapy
  • Non-injection mesotherapy at home: pros and cons
  • How much does non-injection mesotherapy cost in a salon?
  • How to choose a clinic for non-injection mesotherapy

To preserve youth, many procedures have been invented, among which injection methods are especially popular. With the help of beauty injections, you can slow down aging, tighten the shape of your face, and improve the color and condition of your skin. But what if you are afraid of such methods and consider them radical? In this case, non-injection mesotherapy comes to the rescue.

This is a relatively new area of ​​cosmetology that has proven itself well. Hardware mesotherapy allows you not to injure the skin, but is not inferior in effectiveness to invasive techniques. However, these procedures cannot be called universal. Each type of exposure has contraindications and restrictions that you should learn about before deciding on a session.

What is non-injection mesotherapy

In 1952, the French doctor Michel Pistor first proposed a unique technique called mesotherapy. She performed well and is now popular all over the world. Non-injection facial mesotherapy - what is this procedure? The essence comes down to applying a special vitamin cocktail to the skin, followed by treatment with a special device. The procedure is very effective due to the deep penetration of beneficial substances into the skin. The permeability of the cell membrane during the session increases 400 times.

Non-injection mesotherapy uses a serum based on amino acids, vitamins and minerals. They penetrate deep into the skin, nourishing and rejuvenating it. Thanks to the non-injection mesotherapy procedure, cell hydration is restored, microcirculation is normalized and the production of “youth proteins” (collagen and elastin) is improved. The skin acquires freshness, elasticity and a radiant appearance.

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Penetrating 1–2 mm inside, the beneficial substances act almost instantly. Part at a deep level is put aside so that the skin can be nourished for some time after the procedure. Thanks to the “storehouse” of useful substances, the duration of the rejuvenating effect is achieved. How often to do non-injection mesotherapy? To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to take a course of 4–6 sessions. This frequency will slow down skin aging and prolong your youth for at least a year.

The effect of mesotherapy

The effectiveness of the mesotherapy procedure is due not only to the ability to transport active substances directly to the problem area, but also to the activation of regenerative processes that awaken as a result of violation of the integrity of the skin.

The result of the mesotherapy procedure is:

  1. Strengthening the production of collagen and elastin. Microdamage to the skin causes stimulation of regeneration processes, which, in combination with the effects of hyaluronic acid and biologically active substances, give an amazing rejuvenation effect. Small wrinkles are smoothed out and deep wrinkles are reduced.
  2. Blood circulation increases. Improves complexion. Stagnant pigment spots disappear, skin tone and texture are evened out.
  3. Acne manifestations decrease or disappear.
  4. Stretch marks and scars disappear or become less noticeable.
  5. Adipose tissue is actively broken down.

Types of non-injection mesotherapy

This non-invasive method of improving skin condition has several varieties. For example, according to the area of ​​application, non-injection mesotherapy of the body, face, scalp, neck, arms and legs is distinguished. There is a division of cosmetic procedures into types depending on the method of impact on the skin. Each of them has its own characteristics. The procedure technology is selected individually. This takes into account the client’s age, her needs, the condition of the skin, as well as the desired result after a course of non-injection mesotherapy.


The method is ideal for those who prefer to avoid pain. Electroporation is a non-injection mesotherapy that is carried out under the influence of an electromagnetic field. The method ensures good permeability of cell membranes, while the beneficial substances from the cocktail quickly and deeply penetrate the skin.

A course of electroporation sessions will help normalize water balance, accelerate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, and increase the flow of oxygen.


During the procedure, the skin is exposed to an alternating or constant low-frequency field. Magnetophoresis is a hardware-based non-injection mesotherapy in which the nutrients of meso-cocktails penetrate deep into the skin under the influence of a magnetic field.

Oxygen mesotherapy

The essence of the procedure is to saturate the skin cells with oxygen supplied under pressure by a powerful jet. During this beauty treatment, nutrients are combined with oxygen, enhancing internal physiological processes. To obtain a noticeable effect, a course of 2-3 procedures is sufficient.

Oxygen non-injection mesotherapy helps reduce rashes, smooth out fine wrinkles, narrow pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. In addition, the cosmetic procedure whitens age spots, reduces the size of scars and scars on the skin.


With this method, ultrasonic vibrations act on the skin. They are involved in transporting the nutritional components of the serum deep into the cells and tissues of the skin.


The effect of the nutritious meso-cocktail is enhanced by galvanic current. The essence of iontophoresis is simple: molecules of useful substances are ionized, which makes it easier for them to penetrate the cell. This procedure, performed on a non-injection mesotherapy device, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation, and improves metabolism.

Laser mesotherapy

The procedure ensures deep penetration of all nutrients from the meso cocktail into the skin. This type of non-injection mesotherapy has a higher cost than others, but the result looks better and is achieved faster. The course usually contains about 15 procedures. Sometimes after the session there is slight redness, which quickly subsides.

This method of non-injection mesotherapy is reminiscent of fractional mesotherapy, which is also performed with a laser. Its distinctive feature is that injections are not used. Laser mesotherapy has a cumulative effect. Infrared radiation helps improve microcirculation, create a lifting effect and achieve rejuvenation.

Cryogenic mesotherapy

The essence of the method is a three-way effect on the skin - serums with active ingredients, cold (liquid nitrogen), and electrical waves. Under the influence of liquid nitrogen, blood vessels sharply narrow and then gradually expand. Cryogenic mesotherapy has virtually no contraindications, as it does not cause any side effects.

The temperature and duration of the procedure are selected individually for each client. Many factors can influence this. The session time and temperature conditions are determined, in particular, by the condition of the skin, its reaction to cold, as well as the task at hand. Cryogenic mesotherapy is painless. For a pronounced lifting effect, 1–2 procedures are sufficient. Due to exposure to cold, slight redness of the skin may occur, which will not remain a trace after applying a special mask.

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A popular cosmetological method that combines lymphatic drainage, electrical stimulation and laser treatment of the skin. Aquaphoresis activates metabolic processes in cells, eliminates swelling and helps normalize fluid outflow. This method of non-injection mesotherapy, according to reviews from clients and cosmetologists, restores skin tone, elasticity and normalizes hydrobalance.

Mesococktails for non-injection mesotherapy

The nutrients contained in non-injection mesotherapy preparations help rejuvenate the skin. The composition of meso cocktails is selected individually. The use of certain components is determined by the condition of the skin before non-injection mesotherapy and the desired result after the course of procedures. The patient cannot independently select nutrients; this is the task of the cosmetologist.

What components are most often used for meso cocktails?

  • Vitamins . They, along with microelements, are necessary for skin health. A deficiency of these beneficial substances contributes to the appearance of pigmentation, a painful shade of the skin, and the appearance of premature wrinkles. Vitamins are needed for breathing, restoration and renewal of the skin. Thanks to minerals, proper metabolic processes occur at the cellular level, and the immune system is strengthened.
  • Glycolic acid . In meso cocktails it plays the role of a “rejuvenating apple”. In nature, glycolic acid is present in large quantities in fresh fruits and canes. The substance has a small molecular weight, so its particles have high penetrating ability and quickly enter the skin cells. This is an important property for non-injection mesotherapy. Glycolic acid acts as a catalyst in the formation of new cells, as well as the elimination of dead skin particles. In addition, the substance is a natural antioxidant. Non-injection mesotherapy with a mixture of glycolic and hyaluronic acids perfectly smoothes small wrinkles and reduces the depth of large ones.
  • Hyaluronic acid . It is the main component of most cosmetic products for improving skin condition. The substance retains moisture inside the cells and activates the production of “youth proteins” - collagen and elastin. After non-injection mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid, the skin becomes firm and elastic.
  • Other components . In addition to the substances listed above, meso cocktails may contain amino acids, collagen, herbal and plant extracts, as well as medications. The composition of the nourishing serum is determined by the cosmetologist after assessing the current condition of the skin and taking into account the desired result.

Mesotherapy techniques

Injection mesotherapy, due to its effectiveness, has become the most popular method. It allows the specialist to deeply work on each area of ​​the patient’s epidermis, individually selecting the number and depth of punctures and using various techniques for administering the drug.

There are six injection mesotherapy techniques:

  1. Papular. The needle is inserted under the skin at an angle. When injected, a small papule is formed, which ensures a long-term effect of the drug. Outwardly, this technique resembles the well-known mantu test and is used mainly on the face.

There are two options for using this technique:

  • Surface. The depth of drug administration is no more than two millimeters; needle tilt 10 - 15°; The diameter of the papule is 1.5 - 2 millimeters. Used in the forehead, cheekbones, lower jaw.
  • Average. The depth of exposure and the size of the papule are 2 - 3 mm; needle angle 45°. Used to treat blood vessels.
  1. Nappage. A series of multiple injections performed over a large area. Depending on the depth of the puncture, it is divided into three types:
  • superficial, the area of ​​the epidermis is involved, at a depth of no more than 0.5 mm. The needle is inserted at any angle. The distance between punctures is no more than one centimeter. Performed on the face, neck and décolleté;
  • average. The needle insertion angle is 45°. Depth - no more than one and a half millimeters. Used for the treatment of vascular diseases. The appearance of “blood dew” is possible, because the walls of blood vessels are damaged;
  • deep. It is used, as a rule, on the body, in the treatment of fat deposits and cellulite. The needle is inserted to a depth of at least ten millimeters, perpendicular to the surface of the skin, then the drug is infiltrated.
  1. Retrograde-linear. The needle is inserted under the skin along its entire length, forming a channel, which is filled with the drug on the return stroke of the needle. Used to correct wrinkles and folds.
  1. Separate injections. The needle is inserted into the skin fold to a depth of 4 mm. The injection volume is no more than 0.2 ml.
  1. Systematized acupressure mesotherapy. Similar to the previous technique, only the puncture site is selected taking into account the principles of reflexology.
  1. Scarification. The drug is applied to the surface of the skin. Then the specialist makes frequent punctures on it with a needle at a distance of 3 - 5 mm.

Indications for non-injection mesotherapy

Every woman sooner or later asks the question: “At what age can you do non-injection mesotherapy?” It is recommended to contact a cosmetologist for a non-invasive rejuvenation procedure from the age of 20–25. The technique is used both for preventive purposes and when indicated. First, a cosmetologist examines and assesses the condition of the skin. Then he develops a treatment regimen and prescribes a course of 6–10 sessions.

Below are the main indications for non-injection mesotherapy:

  • hyperpigmentation;
  • thinned skin prone to irritation;
  • rosacea “stars”, vascular network;
  • disruption of the sebaceous glands, increased fat content;
  • lack of moisture, dryness;
  • the first signs of aging;
  • prevention of wrinkles;
  • decreased skin tone;
  • signs of photoaging;
  • facial ptosis, fuzzy oval, shaved hair, double chin.
  • enlarged pores;
  • a network of fine wrinkles around the eyes;
  • tendency to puffiness, dark circles in the eye area;
  • dull, unhealthy complexion;
  • acne, pimples;
  • scars, cicatrices, acne marks.

The method of non-invasive mesotherapy is not suitable if you need to correct pronounced problems of aging skin. In this case, more serious and effective techniques will be needed. Mesotherapy is an excellent procedure for preparatory programs. It is also often prescribed during the rehabilitation period after aggressive cosmetic procedures (laser, chemical peels) and plastic surgery.


The effect of the procedures depends on the formula of the drug. Thanks to non-injection mesotherapy it is possible to:

  • reduce the depth of facial wrinkles and strengthen the oval of the face;
  • lighten and even out skin color;
  • reduce the “rings of Venus” and increase the elasticity of the décolleté skin;
  • hide the vascular network and signs of rosacea;
  • reduce skin oiliness and cure acne;
  • remove scars, acne marks and age spots;
  • improve growth rate and restore hair structure.

Immediately after the first session, skin tone noticeably improves, the face becomes fresher and takes on a rested appearance. The complex of procedures allows you to achieve a sustainable effect for a period of 6 months or more.

Contraindications to non-injection mesotherapy

Like any cosmetic procedure, hardware mesotherapy has its contraindications. Therefore, before starting the course, a consultation with a cosmetologist is required! Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not sign up for the procedure.

Contraindications to non-injection mesotherapy include all diseases and conditions of the body from the list presented:

  • allergy to at least one of the components of the drug;
  • reinforcement with gold threads;
  • varicose veins;
  • dermatological diseases in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • blood diseases, hemophilia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • large and raised traces of hyperpigmentation, localized in problem areas;
  • oncology;
  • acute form of cholelithiasis;
  • open injuries and damage to the skin;
  • diabetes mellitus in any form;
  • chronic pathologies in the acute stage.

If you have chronic or any diseases not related to facial skin, be sure to consult with your doctor before performing non-injection mesotherapy.

Advantages and disadvantages of non-injection mesotherapy

Compared to other cosmetic procedures, non-injection mesotherapy has a number of advantages.

Main advantages:

  • painlessness;
  • a large selection of hardware influence techniques;
  • quick results;
  • minimum contraindications;
  • maintaining the integrity of the skin;
  • rapid disappearance of minor redness after manipulation;
  • short duration of the session (up to 30 minutes);
  • no need for a long rehabilitation period;
  • no likelihood of transmitting infections;
  • minimal risk of serious side effects and complications;
  • uniform distribution of the drug;
  • a variety of meso-cocktails for any skin type.

Non-injection mesotherapy is a favorite procedure for trypanophobes, as it does not involve the use of needles or injections.

There are also a few disadvantages that need to be noted:

  • the effect is less than with injection mesotherapy;
  • it takes many sessions to achieve the desired result;
  • it is necessary to carry out consolidation procedures.

Hardware non-injection mesotherapy is carried out using a special reusable nozzle in contact with the skin. There is an opinion that because of this you can catch some kind of infection. It's a delusion. In all medical centers, nozzles are thoroughly disinfected.

Mesotherapy - what is it and when should it be done 10/31/2018 15:17

There are six injection mesotherapy techniquesContents

  1. Mesotherapy - what is it, indications.
  2. Methods of hardware mesotherapy.
  3. Fractional mesotherapy.
  4. Mesotherapy techniques.
  5. The effect of mesotherapy.
  6. Choice of meso cocktail.
  7. Preparing for the procedure.
  8. Stages of the procedure.
  9. How often should mesotherapy be done?
  10. Side effects.
  11. Contraindications.

Mesotherapy is a method of cosmetic medicine aimed at eliminating certain dermatological problems by introducing preparations containing vitamins, hyaluronic acid, phospholipids, etc. under the skin.

Mesotherapy is indicated for the following problems:

  1. Expression wrinkles.
  2. Age wrinkles.
  3. Enlarged pores.
  4. Flabby, thin skin.
  5. Gravitational ptosis.
  6. Cuperosis.
  7. Scarring.
  8. Stretch marks.
  9. Dark spots.
  10. Acne.
  11. Cellulite.
  12. Hair loss and alopecia.

There are two types of mesotherapy:

  • hardware - a method in which medicinal substances are injected under the skin using special devices.
  • injection, drugs are injected under the skin using a syringe through punctures.

How to prepare for a non-injection mesotherapy procedure

Even before starting the course, you should consult a cosmetologist. The specialist will assess the current condition of the skin and identify existing problems. A cosmetologist must know all your contraindications in order to prevent possible complications. When the task is determined, he will select the composition of the meso-cocktail and prescribe the frequency and duration of the procedures.

According to experts, the cool season (especially spring) is ideal for a course of non-invasive manipulations. It is during this period that the skin after the procedures will not suffer from aggressive sun rays.

Do you want to get the maximum effect from non-injection mesotherapy in a short time? Then follow the recommendations listed below.

  • Avoid alcoholic beverages, taking antibiotics, visiting the solarium and sauna, and staying in the open sun three days before the procedure. To avoid adverse reactions of the body, inform the cosmetologist about taking any medications before the session.
  • If you have been sunbathing or recently sunbathed in a solarium, avoid non-injection mesotherapy for a while. If you have an intense tan on your facial skin, you will have to forget about visiting a beauty salon for a month.
  • Avoid using decorative cosmetics and aggressive cosmetics on the day of the procedure.


When carrying out the procedure, the result can be assessed after the first session. But to obtain a lasting and pronounced effect, you will need to take a course, the duration of which, as well as the frequency of procedures, is selected separately by a cosmetologist for each patient.

Most often, it is recommended to undergo 10-12 facial mesotherapy procedures with an interval of 7-10 days.

Thanks to facial mesotherapy it is possible to:

  • reduce the severity of age-related changes, in particular reduce the depth of wrinkles and folds;
  • reduce the volume of soft tissues and eliminate swelling, including tightening the chin and removing the double chin, which provides the so-called non-surgical modeling effect;
  • improve the shape of the face by eliminating signs of gravitational ptosis;
  • reduce the number and severity of inflammatory elements on the face, including acne;
  • reduce or completely remove pigment spots and skin redness;
  • improve skin texture, in particular smooth out scars and post-acne marks;
  • remove bags and dark circles under the eyes, eliminate sagging eyelids, crow's feet;
  • improve the appearance of the lips by smoothing purse-string wrinkles, eliminating dry lips, making their contour clearer;
  • give your facial skin a fresh, rested look and ensure its effective hydration;
  • restore the thickness of the eyebrows and fill in the “gaps”.

But the effect of facial mesotherapy largely depends on the correct selection of the features of the procedure in accordance with the type of skin aging (finely wrinkled, deformed, tired, mixed). When all factors are taken into account, the correct selection of medications is taken and the full course of procedures is completed, the achieved effect can last up to 1.5 years. And to extend this period, it is recommended to regularly perform maintenance procedures.

In Russia, the most common types of aging are deformational or edematous and finely wrinkled.

How to conduct a non-injection mesotherapy session

Cosmetological procedures differ almost no different from each other in terms of the principle of implementation. How is non-injection mesotherapy done?

The session is divided into several stages:

  1. Preparation of the skin. Before performing non-injection mesotherapy, as before any other procedure, thorough cleansing of the skin from impurities and cosmetics is required. The condition of the skin varies among patients. Sometimes exfoliation is necessary to remove all the dead skin cells.
  2. Applying meso cocktail to the skin. The composition is selected individually, based on the characteristics of the body and the current condition of the skin. Typically, mesococktails contain amino acids, vitamins, hyaluronic and glycolic acids, collagen and elastin hydrolyzate, microelements, organic components, placenta, and plant extracts.

    Nutrients are applied using a special apparatus. Thanks to a certain mechanism of action on the skin, active substances penetrate deep into its layers. The duration of non-injection mesotherapy depends on the type of device. On average, the procedure lasts thirty minutes.

  3. Recovery. At the end of the manipulation, products with a calming or cooling effect are applied to the skin.

Non-injection mesotherapy should be carried out by a qualified specialist in a well-equipped room. The procedure is prescribed in courses of 3–10 sessions. It is recommended to leave an interval of 10 days between visits to a cosmetologist. A month after the end of hardware mesotherapy, it is necessary to undergo a consolidation course aimed at maintaining the achieved result.

Fractional mesotherapy - its features and advantages

The essence of this type of hardware cosmetology is multiple effects on a specific problem area, using a handpiece equipped with a replaceable cartridge with needles of various lengths. Their number is from 12 to 20 pieces. The cartridge is selected depending on the problem, its location and the individual characteristics of the patient.

The needles make several thousand oscillatory movements per minute, due to which the area of ​​influence is increased, and the pain of the procedure and its duration are reduced.

The effectiveness of the method is based on a double action:

  1. Inflicted microtraumas activate metabolism and regeneration processes. Stem cells are mobilized to build new tissue to replace damaged tissue. The production of collagen and elastin is stimulated. The skin is noticeably renewed within the first day after the mesotherapy procedure.
  1. During exposure, the drug penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. Its components participate in the biochemical processes occurring in the dermis, providing a prolonged, therapeutic effect. Therefore, the effect of the complex of procedures lasts from six months to one and a half years, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin.

Rehabilitation after non-injection mesotherapy

Important rules to follow:

  • Do not visit the swimming pool, sauna, SPA salons, or solarium. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. During rehabilitation, adhere to a gentle temperature regime.
  • Refrain from training and intense exercise for two days after non-injection mesotherapy.
  • Don't drink alcohol. The use of medications must be prescribed and approved by a cosmetologist.
  • Provide gentle care to your skin and do not apply decorative cosmetics to it.
  • If you experience hyperemia after non-injection mesotherapy, you need to buy ointments and balms with a soothing anti-inflammatory effect and apply them to the treated areas.

During the first seven days after the procedure, it is advisable to use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 40 before going outside. Consult your doctor first if you plan to combine non-injection mesotherapy with other types of cosmetic procedures.

A week after the session, try to take gentle care of your skin. Use moisturizing and nourishing products with a light gel consistency. Do not neglect the rules of the rehabilitation period to avoid possible negative consequences of mesotherapy.

Possible consequences and complications after non-injection mesotherapy

Correctly selected meso-cocktail composition, adherence to the technology of applying it to the skin, and proper use of the device minimize the risk of complications and negative consequences. However, the possibility of having a bad experience exists.

Therefore, it is important to know the possible consequences and complications of the procedure:

  • allergy;
  • degenerative changes in the epidermis;
  • introduction of infection;
  • slight redness for several hours (resolves under the influence of a soothing and softening cream);
  • swelling as a reaction to laser, magnetic or ultrasound effects;
  • post-traumatic lymphostasis.

If you want to avoid the listed manifestations, be sure to follow the rules of the rehabilitation period and skin care tips.

Stages of the mesotherapy procedure

A mesotherapy session, regardless of its type, consists of several stages. Before starting, the doctor conducts a consultation during which he determines the method of treatment and the composition of the meso-cocktail. Then goes directly to the procedure:

  1. The patient's skin is cleansed and degreased.
  2. An antiseptic composition is applied.
  3. The syringe is filled with the drug or it is applied directly to the patient’s skin if the procedure is carried out using a manipulator.
  4. The specialist proceeds to influence the patient’s skin, depending on the chosen technique: makes injections or makes multiple punctures of the skin surface.
  5. At the end of the procedure, an antiseptic cream and a soothing mask are applied to the skin.

During the day after a mesotherapy session, you need to maintain a gentle regimen and avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation. You can use cosmetics only after traces of inflammation disappear.

Non-injection mesotherapy at home: pros and cons

Hardware mesotherapy is a serious cosmetic procedure that is best performed in specialized medical centers. At home, you can save a little on a session, but you will end up with serious problems. The lack of good theoretical and practical preparation for operating the device often leads to skin injuries.

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Home non-injection mesotherapy requires more procedures to achieve the desired effect, as well as long-term rehabilitation. Recovery is possible only under the supervision of a professional.

Why is it better to carry out mesotherapy in a specialized clinic?

  • All necessary safety regulations are followed. The possibility of swelling, bruising, and irritation is excluded.
  • Reliable modern equipment is used. Thanks to him, the procedure becomes safe, painless, and skin restoration lasts several hours.
  • All sanitary and hygienic standards are observed in the premises where the procedure is carried out. The risk of contracting any infection is reduced.

How much does non-injection mesotherapy cost in a salon?

The price of hardware rejuvenation differs in different cities. It depends on several indicators:

  • dosage of active substances;
  • the hardware technique used;
  • number of treated areas;
  • composition of meso cocktails;
  • skin condition before the start of the course of procedures;
  • the level of the clinic and the qualifications of the employees working in it.

So how much does non-injection facial mesotherapy cost? In metropolitan clinics, you will have to pay an average of 2,000–6,000 rubles for one session. Prices for treating the décolleté area start at 4,000 rubles. In regions they can be lower, from 1500 rubles per session. Reviews and photos of clients after non-injection mesotherapy allow us to conclude that the procedure is worth the money spent.


There are three types of cocktails:

  • single preparations - contain one active substance, for example, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C or collagen;
  • multicomponent mixtures - formulas with different contents of several active substances, aimed at solving the most common problems, such as wrinkles, acne, swelling, etc.;
  • individual preparations - cocktails that the cosmetologist mixes independently in the presence of the client.

The choice of drug depends on the goals. If it is necessary to correct several imperfections at once, the cosmetologist will select a cocktail individually, taking into account the condition and characteristics of the skin.

Preparations for the face, body and hair differ in composition. In addition to common components such as hyaluronic acid and vitamins, biotin and growth stimulants are added to hair products, and body compositions are enriched with lipolytics to combat cellulite.

Common active ingredients:

  • hyaluronic acid – for biorevitalization, moisturizing, modeling the oval of the face;
  • vitamin C – to even out complexion, treat rosacea and eliminate hyperpigmentation;
  • provitamin B5 - to restore hair structure and strengthen skin;
  • rutin – to strengthen capillaries and against swelling;
  • coenzyme Q10 – eliminates expression lines, rejuvenates, increases elasticity;
  • collagenosis and lipase – enzymes for resorption of scars and stretch marks;
  • lipolytics – to reduce the subcutaneous fat layer and correct problem areas of the body.

Vitamins, amino acids, homeopathic extracts and synthetic components necessary to eliminate various cosmetic problems are used in the production of cocktails.

How to choose a clinic for non-injection mesotherapy

Now you know about the procedure, its advantages and disadvantages, even the estimated price for non-injection mesotherapy. All that remains is to decide on the choice of clinic.

What characteristics should you pay attention to?

  • Clinic experience. The longer she provides services, the more trustworthy she becomes.
  • Qualification of specialists. All personnel must have medical education. Retraining and advanced training courses will be a plus.
  • Diplomas and certificates. Both the clinic and its specialists must be present. Do not hesitate to ask for documents confirming the qualifications of doctors and the right to provide cosmetology services.

Attention! Does the medical center have regular customers, and are there no negative reviews on the website or third-party sites? Perhaps this is exactly the clinic you have been looking for for a long time.

Non-injection mesotherapy is recommended for people who do not like injections and avoid complications after cosmetic procedures. The method allows you to give freshness to the skin and achieve its rejuvenation without any discomfort.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best cosmetologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Types of facial mesotherapy

If previously the only way to introduce the necessary drug into the skin was through injections, manually, today it is possible through various types of physical influence or using specially created devices. Therefore, there are several types of facial mesotherapy, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Injection mesotherapy of the face is carried out by injecting the selected meso-cocktail into the skin or subcutaneous fat. For this purpose, special ultra-thin needles of 30, 31 and 32G are used, and their diameter is 0.3 mm, 0.26 mm and 0.23 mm, respectively. Therefore, the procedure causes virtually no discomfort even to very sensitive patients.

Capillary mesotherapy may be recommended in advance, which can reduce swelling of the face.

The whole procedure lasts about an hour, but facial mesotherapy itself takes no more than 15-20 minutes. The rest of the time is spent on treating the skin, applying an anesthetic, waiting for the onset of the analgesic effect, performing capillary mesotherapy, treating the skin after mesotherapy and receiving doctor’s recommendations for subsequent care.


This type of mesotherapy involves administering the drug using a mesoscooter or DermaPen device. It is most relevant when it is necessary to improve the texture of the skin, in particular for the treatment of post-acne.

The DermaPen device is a convenient small pen-shaped device, at the end of which there is an attachment with microneedles. They are coated with silver, which has antiseptic properties. A mesoscooter is a small roller with short thin needles on the surface.

Regardless of the choice of device, during fractional mesotherapy the drug is applied to previously cleansed and antiseptic-treated skin. After this, a mesoscooter is passed over it or a DermaPen is used, the needles of which pierce the skin a few millimeters, which ensures the penetration of the product inside.


Hardware facial mesotherapy involves introducing the selected drug into the skin using special devices. At the same time, its penetration is ensured due to a certain physical effect, which can be:

  • low temperatures (cryomesotherapy);
  • direct current (iontophoresis);
  • magnetic field (magnetophoresis);
  • oxygen supplied under pressure (oxygen);
  • ultrasound (ultraphonophoresis);
  • laser (laser facial mesotherapy is often classified as a separate type).

This ensures an increase in cell membrane permeability up to 400 times. But hardware mesotherapy is less effective than other types. At the same time, its huge advantage is the absence of injury to the skin, since the product is applied to the skin. Therefore, patients with a tendency to form keloid scars are recommended to undergo this procedure.

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