Chiromassage of the face: technique, indications, reviews

At the beginning of the last century, Dr. Ferrandis combined Western and Eastern healing techniques, which gave rise to the unique technique of Spanish massage (chiromassage), which allows you to deal with a wide range of problems - from physiological to emotional. Its peculiarity is the achievement of effective results thanks to smooth, painless movements of the palms and forearms of the massage therapist.

The master's unique massage techniques and movements are often compared to the flapping of a butterfly's wings - they are so light and weightless, but this does not at all reduce their effectiveness. The technique of performing Spanish body massage eliminates pain during the session. The main goal is to influence the lymph and normalize its outflow.

Chiromassage is a unique philosophy, a new effective technique that is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world. The movements of the master’s hands have a targeted effect on a specific system of the body, and also allow you to achieve general emotional relaxation. When performing this technique, the specialist uses techniques that specifically influence numerous receptors in the body. Some of their groups react only to a certain type of influence. This feature was noticed by the founders of chiromassage and is still used by masters to this day to have a positive effect on the mental and physical state of the client. The unique Spanish body massage technique involves directions, techniques and massage techniques that can have both a tonic and relaxing effect on the human body.

The Spanish technique is used both to achieve a healing effect and an aesthetic one (fighting age-related skin changes, cellulite, etc.). Training in this area is very important, because this technique allows you to combat a wide range of problems of the human body of the 21st century. Masters who have learned this technique have a large flow of clients and bookings for a month in advance.

Effect of Spanish massage:

  • tightening the oval of the face, giving elasticity to the skin of the whole body, improving the appearance of the skin
  • fight cellulite
  • normalization of lymphatic fluid outflow
  • preventing the appearance of wrinkles, as well as reducing the depth of existing ones
  • acceleration of metabolism
  • relief from headaches, migraines, spasms
  • strengthening general immunity
  • getting rid of rashes, acne and other skin problems
  • relaxation of the whole body, achieving sound, restful sleep, fighting stress, improving memory,
  • facilitating the learning process for schoolchildren and students
  • getting rid of puffiness, manifestations of varicose veins

In addition to the relaxing and healing effect, there is an increase in the production of endorphin - the hormone of joy, the general mood increases, and well-being improves.

The Spanish technique is popular among athletes. This type of massage is used to warm up muscles before intense physical activity, and also after - for relaxation. The unique procedure simultaneously strengthens and relaxes the muscles, which gives the athlete’s body even greater strength and flexibility. The course is prescribed to people who have undergone surgery for recovery and recovery. Some masters purposefully come to learn this technique in order to be able to help their friends/family who have undergone serious surgical interventions.

Historical reference

This type of massage appeared not so long ago (the beginning of the twentieth century), but is already rich in events. The technique was developed by Dr. Enrique Castellaas García. Moreover, it is interesting that for some time this type of massage was prohibited by the Catholic Church. Therefore, the procedure became actively widespread closer to the twenty-first century. The massage is a combination of ancient techniques with modern finds. It is performed in a harmonious, relaxing environment, preferably with calm music.

Spanish massage techniques.

In the process of learning this technique, the master becomes familiar with all the methods:

Myostructural massage technique - this type is used not only to increase skin elasticity, but also to effectively influence joints and tendons. With this technique, the patient's muscles achieve maximum relaxation. The procedure, performed using myostructural technique, has a targeted effect on the musculoskeletal system. The techniques used during the session help combat stagnation.

Biovascular technique of performing Spanish body massage - this type of procedure allows you to fight vascular disorders and effectively affects the cardiovascular system of the body.

The anti-cellulite technique of performing Spanish massage helps to improve the texture of the skin, subcutaneous formations, and get rid of excess fat deposits.

Somatoemotional Spanish technique - this type of procedure helps in the fight against stress and emotions. This method of execution has a calming effect on the human nervous system. The effect can be achieved by alternating the most relaxing movements with strong pressure aimed at certain points of the body.

Myofascial technique involves techniques that affect certain muscle groups, allowing you to effectively combat pain and spasms from serious physical activity.

The neurosedative technique of performing Spanish body massage is similar to the somato-emotional one. This type of procedure involves influencing special areas of the brain through pressure on points on the human body. The result is relief from nervousness, stress, and improvement of the emotional background after just one session. This technique allows you to combat sleep disorders. Massage movements: rhythmic, repeating.

Hemolymphatic drainage - accelerates lymph, removes toxins from the body. Performing the procedure using this technique helps to increase skin elasticity, improve complexion, and also improve overall immunity. Massage movements: smooth, wave-like.

Reaffirming is one of the unique techniques that allows you to achieve noticeable rejuvenation in several sessions.

It is not allowed to perform using two or more methods in one session, since they do not complement, but are mutually exclusive. One such session is a serious negative effect on your health.

The opinion of cosmetologists about chiromassage

  • The procedure will be useful even for young girls for whom problems such as a sagging chin, wrinkles or sagging skin are not yet relevant. In their case, chiroplasty will perform a purely preventive function.
  • Massage using the chiroplastic method is a self-sufficient procedure and does not require additional adjustments. At the beginning of the session, the master removes makeup from the skin, and at the end cleanses it and applies a nourishing cream. It can be combined with mesotherapy, microcurrent or ultrasound liposuction, as well as other self-care procedures.
  • Chiroplasty should be carried out step by step. First, relax the facial muscles, and then push them with fairly intense movements.
  • Chiroplastic massage has a beneficial effect not only on a woman’s face, but also on her chest. She will become noticeably more toned and elastic.
  • During the session, not only the face is worked on, but also the neck, back, arms, and chest (since the muscles, capillaries and blood vessels of these parts of the body have a direct connection with the facial part).

Spanish facial massage.

The difference between the unique Spanish method and the others is that the procedure is performed using a combination of more than a hundred techniques at a time. Chiromassage allows you to achieve an excellent rejuvenating, moisturizing effect for the skin of the face, neck, décolleté, as well as relax the facial muscles, the excessive tension of which impedes blood circulation, the ability to access nutrients to the skin tissues, after just one session.

The result of performing a Spanish facial massage:

  • strengthening the oval of the face, lifting effect, improving the appearance of the skin
  • improvement of lymph outflow, blood circulation
  • reducing the depth of wrinkles, preventing the appearance of new ones, overall rejuvenating effect
  • upper eyelid lift, getting rid of jowls, crow's feet
  • drainage effect
  • reducing the depth of scars, scars
  • getting rid of a double chin, getting rid of other aesthetic problems

Indications and restrictions

Chiroplastic facial massage is prescribed in the following cases:

  • the appearance of the first signs of skin aging, such as wrinkles, loss of elasticity and tone;
  • swelling in the neck and face, as well as “bags” under the eyes;
  • the appearance of spider veins;
  • dry skin;
  • loss of clear facial contour;
  • consequences of acne in adolescents.

Although at first glance facial chiromassage is absolutely safe, it can cause discomfort if the patient has contraindications, which include:

  • acute stage of chronic diseases;
  • allergic rash;
  • unhealed skin lesions;
  • a large number of moles;
  • heat.

Before starting a massage, the specialist must examine the patient’s skin and collect information about his overall health. Only in the absence of restrictions is further selection of actions and components carried out to suit the individual characteristics of the person.

General rules for conducting a Spanish massage:

  • Before the chiromassage session, take a shower, washing off all cosmetics from the skin
  • The course in the method is carried out using oil or fatty massage cream. The choice of remedy depends on the specific problem and physiological characteristics of the client. Preference is given to natural massage cosmetics
  • A Spanish body massage session begins with relaxing, soothing movements.

Only after complete relaxation the specialist begins a deep impact on the tissues and joints. The chiromassage technique does not imply any specific scheme for conducting a session. When performing the procedure, you are allowed to use various techniques that will allow you to achieve an even more effective result.

  • When performing massage movements, the specialist must take into account the unique physiological characteristics of the client
  • the results are noticeable after just one session, but to achieve long-term changes you need a full course - at least 10 sessions (15 for anti-cellulite massage)
  • all techniques, including anti-cellulite, must be performed absolutely painlessly
  • often the session is performed “in 4 hands” - by two masters at the same time

Who is it recommended for?

The chiromassage technique is offered for use by anyone who has:

  • rosacea, manifested by dilation of subcutaneous vessels in the form of red “stars” or a network of capillaries;
  • loss of clarity of the contour and oval of the face with the appearance of sagging skin;
  • decreased level of elasticity of the epidermis;
  • loss of muscle tone;
  • age-related skin changes;
  • the appearance of swelling;
  • insufficient oxygen supply to cells;
  • chronic fatigue and constant depression.

The technique has no age group restrictions, but it is recommended for everyone who has reached the age of thirty-five, since it is at this time that the skin begins to fade and lose its elasticity.

Benefits of chiromassage for the face

How often is it recommended to do a Spanish massage?

The frequency of the course depends on age, physiological characteristics, as well as on the problem that you want to get rid of with massage. The course is repeated when age-related changes begin to appear again (while combating aesthetic problems). The need to repeat the course must be determined by a specialist.

For women and men from 23 to 25 years old, chiromassage is performed once a month in order to achieve a healing, relaxing effect, as well as prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles.

People aged 25 to 35 years are recommended to take one or two courses a year to combat age-related changes, have a positive effect on muscles, and improve body mobility.

Over 35 years old - it is possible to take the course 2-3 times a year in agreement with a specialist.


Massage is one of the safest ways to achieve healing, relaxation, and reduce age-related signs of skin and joints. The procedure is allowed even for pregnant and lactating women. However, there are a number of contraindications to conducting a session, which each specialist studies during the training process:

  • It is prohibited to perform chiromassage in the area of ​​moles, melanomas, tumors, in the presence of skin diseases, bleeding, or inflammatory processes
  • It is not recommended to perform the procedure at the time of exacerbation of any chronic diseases (especially bronchial asthma), with unstable, elevated body temperature.

History of origin

The history of technology originates from ancient Egypt and India.

The name “chiromassage” was coined by Lino Ferrandiz García, who developed the technique in Spain after research in the USA and Switzerland. In 1933, the Catalan founded the Spanish School of Chiromassage.

How can you tell if a Spanish body massage procedure is being performed by a poorly trained specialist?

If your health worsens, bones ache, muscles ache, bruises appear - you are being treated by a non-professional. Be careful, because any technique in the hands of a poorly trained master turns into a destructive procedure for your beauty and health!

Every day, more and more new procedures appear on the modern beauty market, the effects of which are aimed at healing and rejuvenating the body, but massage will never lose its relevance. Its simplicity and effectiveness will always be appreciated. The ability to solve a wide range of aesthetic problems of the body without surgery or injections leaves massage techniques unrivaled. Training in massage technologies is a good investment in your development, which will help you become a professional in your field and start earning money from your favorite activity.

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

General information

A distinctive feature of the procedure is the absence of a clear and specific scheme. All techniques are chosen at the discretion of the master. During the process, the specialist takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Chiromassage of the body must be carried out by 2 people. Facial procedures are performed by one specialist. They are aimed at slowing down the aging process and increasing the elasticity of the skin.

Spanish massage techniques are the basis of chiropractic and kinesiology. A variety of techniques and systems help make each new massage session exceptional and different from the previous one. Today, the demand for the procedure is increasing every day. Therefore, many experts recommend consulting a doctor before contacting surgeons. Perhaps in a particular case it will be possible to get by with a manual massage technique.

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