6 effective ointments for bruises and hematomas after injections

In our age of great technology and high speeds, unfortunately, there are often moments when a person receives one or another injury. It is much more difficult if the injured part of the body is the head, and even more so, its facial part.

Since the human face is a very complex part of the body, surgeons have a great responsibility for correcting traumatic defects and deformities in this area.

So what needs to be done if something irreparable happens and someone, despite all attempts to correct the situation, still receives a facial injury. Firstly, do not panic; you need to seek help from a specialist, for example, the Center for Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery, as quickly as possible. At our Center, specialists have everything necessary to diagnose and treat various facial injuries, with the exception of serious concomitant and combined injuries, when the help of many specialists is required in an inpatient setting.

Despite the fact that injuries vary in complexity, we still recommend visiting an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to rule out the possibility of a more serious injury, such as an abrasion or hematoma.

So let's figure out what types of facial injuries there are.

Heparin ointment for bumps after injections

One of the most effective absorbable agents that are used when hematomas appear after injections are anticoagulants. Heparin ointment helps eliminate bruises and reduce bumps in a short time.

Compound Sodium heparin, benzyl nicotinate, benzocaine (anesthetic).
pharmachologic effect Vasodilation, pain relief, prevention of thrombosis.
Indications for use Inflammation of the veins, mastitis, thrombophlebitis, injuries, consequences of injections.
Method of use Apply a thin layer to bruises, bumps, hematomas.
Duration of use 7 days.
Contraindications Age up to 14 years, damage to the skin, sensitivity to components, bleeding disorders.
Side effects Redness, itching, rashes.
Advantages Minimum complications.
Flaws High fat content, there is a possibility of clogged pores.
Price, rub. 75/25 g

Swelling of the leg after vein surgery

After operations for varicose veins of the lower extremities, edema occurs in the early postoperative period. They are caused by damage to the soft tissues surrounding the venous vessel and lymphatic vessels. To prevent edema, phlebologists recommend that patients use elastic knitwear of the second compression class. Early activation and normal walking help normalize blood flow and prevent the development of edema.

Swelling after surgery on the veins more often occurs in patients who underwent surgery against the background of existing disturbances in the outflow of lymph from the lower limb or in the case of the development of erysipelas in the postoperative period. To reduce swelling of the lower limb, place it in an elevated position. Lymphatic edema decreases after applying a compression bandage with an elastic bandage. Pressure bandages are applied to certain areas of the legs. In the absence of the effect of conservative therapy, vascular surgeons perform minimally invasive interventions:

  • Sewing of lymphatic vessels through the skin;
  • Creation of channels in the subcutaneous tissue;
  • Creating an outflow from the site of lymph accumulation.

To reduce swelling, phlebologists can perform suturing of lymphatic vessels throughout or in the wound.

Heparoid Zentiva

An effective ointment for resolving cones after injections has excellent reviews from doctors and patients. It helps eliminate hematomas in a short time. The drug Heparoid Zentiva has the following characteristics:

Active substance Heparinoid
pharmachologic effect Antithrombotic, absorbable, anti-inflammatory.
Indications Hemorrhoids, bruises, trophic ulcers, bruises after injections, thrombophlebitis, acceleration of wound healing.
Method of use Apply twice a day with an interval of 5 hours, rubbing in with massage movements.
Duration of use Up to two weeks.
Contraindications Hemophilia, pregnancy, thrombocytopenia, lactation.
Side effects Redness, skin rashes, itching.
Advantages Quickly absorbed and has a healing effect
Flaws Do not use simultaneously with ointments containing salicylic acid or hydrocortisone.
Cost, rub. 170/30 g

Articles on the topic

  • Hemostatic drugs for hemorrhoids - effective medications with description and composition
  • Ointment for resorption of hematomas - pharmacy and folk remedies
  • Pain-relieving ointments for children with bruises and injuries - effective remedies with description

Bruises and hematomas of the face.

Bruises are the result of a mild blow to the face with a blunt object. In this case, subcutaneous fatty tissue (SFA) and facial muscles are damaged without tearing the skin. Hemorrhage occurs and pronounced post-traumatic tissue swelling appears, that is, a superficial or deep hematoma is formed.

Deep hematoma - blood enters the interstitial space forming a cavity.

Superficial hematoma - imbibition (soaking) of tissues with blood occurs without the formation of a cavity. The nature, color and time of resorption of the hematoma depend on its location, depth and size of the damage. The outcome of hematomas is most often favorable; they completely resolve without leaving any trace.

The nature, color and time of resorption of the hematoma depend on its location, depth and size of the damage. The outcome of hematomas is most often favorable; they completely resolve without leaving any trace.

Bruises, hematomas and abrasions are the mildest types of injury, but are they so harmless?


If lumps or hematomas appear after the injections, doctors prescribe an ointment based on bee venom. Apizartron has the property of improving microcirculation in tissues, promoting the resorption of bruises. Characteristics:

Compound Methyl salicylate, allyl isothiocyanate, bee venom
pharmachologic effect Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, absorbable.
Indications for use Bruises, injuries, inflammation of the musculoskeletal system, consequences of injections.
Method of use Apply a thin layer, rub until absorbed three times a day.
Duration of use 10 days
Contraindications Renal failure, age under 6 years, infectious, mental diseases, neoplasms.
Side effects Redness of the skin, severe burning sensation.
Advantages Effective analgesic effect.
Flaws Possible allergic reactions, high price.
Cost, rub. 250/20 g


Nicoflex ointment for bumps after injections into the buttock has a local irritant effect on skin receptors. This activates blood circulation at the site of the hematoma or bruise, helps relieve pain, and speeds up the resorption process.

Compound Capsaicin, hydroxyethyl salicylate, ethyl nicotinate.
pharmachologic effect Analgesic, absorbable.
Indications Bruises, sprains, the need to warm up the muscles after exercise.
Application method Rubbing 3 times a day
Duration of use 2 weeks
Contraindications Age up to 6 years, lactation, skin damage, pregnancy, sensitivity to components.
Side effects Allergic reactions
Advantages Enhances the effect of other drugs
Flaws Causes a burning sensation upon contact with mucous membranes

High price

Price, rub. 250/50 g

Vishnevsky ointment

If we compare absorbable ointments for lumps after injections, this one will be among the most effective. It helps eliminate hematomas, bumps, and bruises in a short time.

Compound Castor oil, xeroform, tar
pharmachologic effect Absorbable, immunomodulatory, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic.
Indications Frostbite, burns, phlegmon, tissue inflammation.
Method of use Compress twice a day.
Duration of use Until symptoms disappear.
Contraindications Sensitivity to components, kidney dysfunction.
Side effects Rashes, itching
Advantages Performance
Flaws Strong smell, stains clothes
Cost, rub. 30/30 g

Comfrey ointment

Among the effective drugs that are used after injections is a herbal remedy. Ointment with comfrey helps to quickly resolve bruises and bumps.

Compound Comfrey root extract, corn oil, tea tree oil.
Pharmacological effects Regenerating, absorbable, healing, analgesic.
Indications Bruises, myalgia, inflammation of joints and tissues.
Method of use Apply with massaging movements 3 times a day or compress at night.
Duration Determined by the doctor.
Contraindications Sensitivity to components.
Side effects Allergic rashes.
Advantages Natural composition.
Flaws Poorly absorbed.
Cost, rub. 130/75 g


Preferanskaya Nina Germanovna Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Educational Department, Institute of Pharmacy and Translational Medicine, First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenova, Ph.D.

Most often, scars form on the ears, chest, shoulders, back of the neck, and less often on the joints. There are known cases of the development of keloid scars on the face. In children, keloid scars can form at the site of burns on any part of the skin. A keloid can cause not only physical but also psychological discomfort, especially if the scar has formed on the face, arm or any other visible part of the body. The causes of keloid scars have not been established.

There is no pattern between the severity of injury and the severity of keloid scars. They often occur after a third degree burn, or can after minor injuries (an injection or an insect bite). Keloid scars form when the normal tissue healing mechanism, the normal scarring process, is disrupted. The cause may be incorrect alignment of the wound edges, excessive skin tension, or individual characteristics of the body's immune system.

With normal scarring of the skin, a softening stage necessarily occurs, the scar turns pale, becomes soft, mobile and painless. In the case of keloid scars, this stage does not occur, and the scar remains dense, rough and inelastic. A keloid scar has a dense consistency, with a smooth shiny surface and reduced elasticity of the fibers. It rises above the skin by 5–8 mm. This type of scars is considered the most unaesthetic.

The morphological basis of a keloid is made up of excessively growing immature connective tissue with a large number of atypical giant fibroblasts that remain in a functionally active state for a long time. Keloids contain few capillaries, mast cells and plasma cells. Growth occurs over several weeks, sometimes months, after which the size of the keloid does not change until the end of the patient’s life.

It is characteristic that keloid scars almost never ulcerate, but their appearance is accompanied by increased sensitivity in the area of ​​damage, pain, burning and constant itching.

Keloids are divided into young and old. Treatment tactics for these two forms are radically different. Young keloids - with a lifespan of 3 months to 5 years - are characterized by active growth, have a smooth shiny surface and a color from red to cyanotic (bluish). Old keloids - with a lifespan of 5 to 10 years - are characterized by an uneven wrinkled surface, sometimes recession of the central part, and have a paler color with a pinkish tint.

Antikeloid drugs are used to prevent the occurrence and treatment (softening and elimination) of keloid, hypertrophic scars.

The drugs are used only externally for the treatment of keloid scars after burns, operations, injuries, wound surfaces, ulcerative-necrotic diseases, for cicatricial deformities of the skin and for the treatment of adhesive disease. Do not use the drugs on open areas of the body, with damaged skin, or apply to infected wounds.

MA No. 12/16 - 1/17 provided information on enzyme preparations (Chymopsin, Longidaza, Collagenase, etc.), which are used locally in medical practice to break down fibrin formations and resolve scar contractures. Let's add here a number of drugs containing other effectively active substances.

Contratubeks is a combined drug with proteolytic activity that promotes the resorption of keloid scars. Its effect is due to the properties of the components: sodium heparin 50 IU, allantoin 10 mg and liquid onion extract 100 mg. Thanks to the extract of Serae bulbs, the drug has a fibrinolytic, anti-inflammatory effect, due to heparin - an antithrombotic and keratolytic (dissolution of the upper keratinized layer of scar tissue) effect from the allantoin component. Stimulates cellular regeneration without hyperplasia and inhibits the proliferation of keloid fibroblasts, thereby regulating the natural healing process of wound surfaces without the formation of a rough keloid scar or an ugly scar.

Currently, a long-acting Kontratubeks patch is produced for the treatment of scars. Treatment with it for 3 months (min) prevents the formation of large, rough, uneven scars that have a cosmetically unaesthetic appearance. The application of the patch reduces the itching, burning and tightness that typically occurs during scar formation, while protecting the sensitive surface of the skin from damage. Its use creates an occlusion effect with a soft air microcushion and moderate physiological pressure on the tissue, which prevents transepidermal loss of moisture from scar tissue and creates favorable conditions for the normal restoration of connective tissue fibers.

Kelofibrase (50 g cream, tube) is a drug with anti-scar activity, the main component of which is natural moisture-containing urea, which, in fact, ensures the constancy of fluid balance in scar tissue. Normalizes tissue trophism by improving microcirculation, saturates pathological areas of the dermis with fluid and maintains their water balance. Blood supply and regeneration of scar tissue improves. The drug has an antiproliferative effect, eliminates allergic manifestations, softens the collagen matrix and increases tissue hydration. The drug has a resolving, keratolytic effect. Urea has a moderate bacteriostatic effect and is destructive against fungal microorganisms. The drug contains sodium heparin, which has antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effects. With this route of heparin administration, its anti-inflammatory effect is significantly superior to its antithrombotic effect. The dextrorotatory natural D-camphor contained in the drug suppresses inflammatory processes in scar tissue and has an analgesic effect. Against the background of local irritation of nerve fibers, it promotes dilatation of capillaries and thereby enhances the trophism of hypertrophied areas of the skin. Camphor also has antiseptic properties. The drug is applied 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts from a month to six months, depending on the size of the damage.

Dermatix (gel 6 g, 15 g, tube) is the first line of drugs for the treatment of patients with scars, based on inert silicone. Silicone is recommended by international experts for its action on scar tissue. The drug acts superficially, without having a systemic effect on the patient’s body, which makes it possible to use it in a wide range of people. A special formula of the drug is used to get rid of scars and scars and to return the skin to a smooth and even appearance. Forming an invisible film, the gel dries very quickly and has a softening and keloidolytic effect on the affected areas. The main mechanism of action of the gel is to maintain the natural balance of skin moisture and reorient collagen fibers, which significantly improves the appearance of scars and allows them to be smoothed out. Under the pressure of the silicone film, collagen and elastic fibers acquire a horizontal orientation, protruding scars are smoothed and softened, itching is eliminated, alleviating the patient’s discomfort.

The drug is used in the treatment of atrophic structures and muscle contractures that interfere with the free mobility of the body and also spoil its aesthetic appearance. It is prescribed to reduce the size of skin scars during their healing, as well as for the prevention and treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars after surgery, burns, and other injuries. Since the drug does not have a systemic effect on the body, the likelihood of side effects is reduced to zero. In very rare cases, redness and a slight burning sensation may occur.

Silicone is also included in other drugs, such as Zeraderm (Zeraderm Ultra) , produced in tubes of 15 g. The drug "Zeraderm Ultra" belongs to the class of surface-adhesive elastomers, which, in addition to silicone, includes vitamins A, E and coenzyme Q10. The latter has an antioxidant effect, enhances the action of enzymes, stimulates reparative processes in rumen tissue, and participates as a substrate for tissue respiration. The drug has an antipruritic, antiallergic effect. The anti-inflammatory effect is realized by inhibiting the production of biologically active agents.

Scar Aesthetic - cream contains silicone, onion extract, arnica, chitosan, beta-carotene, shea butter, etc. The cream is used to treat burns, injuries, surgeries and stretch marks.

Kelo- Cote UV is an innovative silicone gel (6 g, 15 g) or spray (50 ml, 100 ml), contains polysiloxane - silicone, a type of organic derivative of silicon, and silicon dioxide - the most effective substance, additionally contains filter SPF15 from UV rays, used in non-invasive techniques in the treatment of scars, burns and cicatrices. The advantage of these forms over conventional silicone pads shows that the latter can cause irritation or infection of the skin; they are inconvenient to fix on the body during physical activity and sleep.

Skarguard - the drug contains silicone and the anti-inflammatory component hydrocortisone, the antioxidant - vitamin E, is available in the form of an ointment, gel-cream.

Regivasil gel contains silicone, emu oil, vitamin C, squalene and is suitable for removing scars on the body and face.

Madecassol is a dermatoprotective agent of plant origin, the active ingredient of which is a product isolated from the Centella asiatica plant, known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-burn properties, stimulates tissue regeneration, inhibits the growth of fibroblasts and stabilizes lysosomal membranes. The drug acts on various stages of collagen synthesis by fibroblasts, increasing its quantity, promoting blood microcirculation and skin regeneration, developing elastic tissue and restoring the collagen structure of the vein wall. The drug clears ulcerative lesions with their subsequent marginal healing and reduces swelling. Apply externally, apply ointment to the affected surface (pre-treated with an antiseptic) 1-2 times a day.

Mederma (gel 20 g, tube) contains allantoin + cepalin (from Serae onion extract). Allantoin is an active substance that collects and retains moisture in the surface layers of the skin, improves blood circulation, has a regenerative, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and keratolytic effect. Serae onion extract, which has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, promotes skin cell renewal and stimulates collagen production. Cepalin has a fibrinolytic effect, promotes the dissolution of blood clots, and also limits the proliferation of scar tissue cells.

The drug is effective in the fight against small cosmetic scars and scars remaining after the removal of tattoos, acne and other skin damage. Used to smooth out scars and scars, it is especially effective against stretch marks formed during pregnancy or rapid weight loss. Significantly improves the appearance of the skin, restores the ability of stretch marks to respond to ultraviolet rays, due to which the skin acquires an even tan and makes stretch marks less noticeable. The drug is used exclusively externally and only on healed areas of the skin. The gel is applied 3-4 times a day to previously cleansed and dried skin and then for 3-5 minutes. rubbed with soft pressing movements into the scar tissue or stretch marks until completely absorbed. The course of application is 3–6 months.

Fermenkol (gel 10 g, 30 g, tube) is an enzyme product from collagenases of hydrobionts, which is a complex of collagenolytic proteases with different molecular weights. It has high collagenolytic activity, providing deep hydrolysis of collagen peptide bonds. Hydrolysis of collagen occurs down to individual amino acids. Fermenkol exhibits selective activity against pathological collagen molecules with nodular and vortex folding, characteristic of keloid and hypertrophic scars, and is less active against fibrils of native collagen inherent in healthy tissue. The enzymes included in the composition selectively act only on the molecules of pathological collagen contained in the scar tissue of atrophic and keloid scars, destroying them, resulting in a reduction in the scar. Hydrolysis of collagen and elastin fibers occurs, which break down into individual amino acids. It only acts on scars that are no more than 1–2 years old, when scar tissue formation is still active. Use no earlier than 2–3 weeks after wound granulation. Transdermal delivery of the active substance into the deep layers of the skin is ensured by a unique patented formula that reversibly increases the permeability of the stratum corneum due to the hydration of corneocytes and corneodesmosomes, as well as the epidermis and dermis by swelling and loosening of interstitial collagen and elastin.

The use of electro- and phonophoresis during application makes it possible to increase the delivery of enzymeolytics to deeply located areas of scarred skin. Applications are applied 2-3 times a day. Course duration is 30–40 days, break 10 days.

Limus (Tambukan mud) is an organomineral colloidal formation of black or dark gray color with an ointment-like consistency from the bottom of the salt lake Tambukan in the Stavropol Territory. The mechanism of action of the product is based on reflex (thermal and mechanical) action and the penetration of biologically active substances through the skin or mucous membrane. In the course of research, it was found that Limus has a wide spectrum of action: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, immunocorrective and desensitizing. The drug is good for treating skin scars after chemical and thermal burns and traumatic injuries. Treatment with mud deposits from Lake Tambukan is one of the powerful healing factors of the Caucasian Mineral Waters resort. Treatment with these drugs can be carried out not only at the resort, but also at home in any region.

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