Useful properties and recipes for using rosemary oil in cosmetology

Rosemary oil has been used in cosmetology since ancient times. People have known about the unique properties of rosemary for many millennia. The ancient Egyptians considered it a sacred plant, and in some eastern countries a sprig of rosemary is still given as a wedding gift to protect the future family from possible adversity. This respect for the plant is not accidental - in terms of antibacterial and regenerating properties, as well as the amazing ability to restore energy, rosemary really has few competitors.

Use for cosmetic purposes, recipes

Rosemary oil can be used in facial and body skin care, as well as to accelerate hair and nail growth, massages and aromatherapy.

Taking care of your curls
The unique properties of EM allow you to accelerate hair growth , stop baldness , and get rid of dandruff and dermatitis on the scalp. A particularly successful effect is achieved by adding oil to care products for oily hair or thin and damaged curls. The best solution is usually to use oil masks with the addition of rosemary.

Taking care of your skin

Products with the addition of essential oils can increase the elasticity of the skin , making it softer and more moisturized. Rosemary is usually added to homemade cosmetic oils.

  • If the skin is dry or combination, olive, apricot, flaxseed, and almond oil can serve as the basis for such a product.
  • If there is a problem with oily skin, you can choose grape seed, milk thistle or string oils as a base.
  • Almond and castor oils are better suited for treating rough areas.

To make the product, take 2 drops of essential oil per 1 spoon of base oil.

Taking care of your face

You can use EO to enrich any home care products selected taking into account your skin type. Most often we are talking about masks, tonics and creams.

  1. To dry out oily skin , a product containing a couple of tablespoons of milk thistle oil and 4 drops of rosemary ether is suitable. The product should be kept on the face for about half an hour. Additionally, this mixture can be enriched with black cumin essential oil in the amount of 1 tsp. The frequency of procedures is every 3 days.

  2. A clay mask is an excellent recipe that is suitable for any skin . However, for oily skin it is better to take green clay, and for dry and normal skin it is better to take blue or black clay.

Clay mask recipe

  1. 1 tbsp. We dilute dry clay with water to a semi-liquid state.
  2. Add 5 drops of essential oil to the mixture.
  3. Leave the mask on your face for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After rinsing off the product, be sure to additionally moisturize the skin.

It is advisable to carry out the procedures in courses of 10-15 sessions, making masks at intervals of one day.

Getting rid of pimples, acne, acne

Most often, rosemary oil for acne is used as a spot application on inflamed areas.

You can apply pure EO or diluted in olive oil in the proportion: 1 drop per 1 tbsp. main (basic) means.

If entire areas of the skin are affected by acne, the product can be applied as a compress.

To remove scars and acne, you can dilute EO and rosehip, sesame, and cocoa oil in the same proportion.

It is advisable to smear problem areas with the resulting mixture twice a day.

Removing pigment spots

The best way to lighten visible pigmentation is to prepare a special mask based on sea buckthorn oil.

Add the essential product to the base in the proportion of 2 drops per 1 teaspoon.

You can lubricate stains with the resulting mixture daily.

We treat rosacea

Only camphor-borneol essential oil can be used for medicinal purposes. It is added to a special oil compress, the basis of which is milk thistle oil.

Camphor-borneol essential oil of rosemary is one of the chemotypes of the oil, contains ketones, is recommended for massage, has analgesic and stimulating properties. Produced in Spain.

Recipe against rosacea

For 1 tsp. base, take 2 drops of ether. The best results will be achieved by daily procedures.

Application for the treatment of dermatitis

The pronounced wound-healing and antiseptic properties of rosemary make it possible to treat any skin diseases of purulent-inflammatory origin with its help. After using products with the addition of EM, the rashes on the skin dry out and go away.

For lubricating inflamed areas, a mixture consisting of oils is best suited:

Mixture for the treatment of dermatitis

wheat germ oil, sea buckthorn, jojoba or black cumin oil - 1 part;

St. John's wort or amaranth - 2 parts;

3 drops of rosemary essential oil per 1 tbsp. ready-mixed base oils.

Anti-aging masks

  1. To care for dry mature skin, it is most often recommended to use masks made from sea buckthorn oil, sour cream, egg yolk, and honey.
  2. You can add a couple of drops of rosemary ether to any of the ready-made products - this will enhance the rejuvenating effect of the mask.
  3. One of the most effective means for getting rid of fine wrinkles in cosmetology are oil mixtures, the basis of which can be castor, flaxseed, peach, coconut, and nut oils. For 1 tbsp. the basics are 2 drops of rosemary essential oil. The product can be applied to the entire skin, excluding the eye area.

An oil mask will also help in getting rid of age spots if it is based on rosehip or sea buckthorn oil.

For the skin of hands and nails

Rosemary is a godsend for those with brittle nails . Special baths and compresses will not only perform an antiseptic function, but will also stimulate the strengthening of the nail plate and active growth of nails.

  1. The basis for a warm compress can be either a mixture of base and essential oils in a standard proportion, or warm mashed potatoes, to which it is recommended to add 1 spoon of base and a couple of drops of essential oil. A potato compress will not only strengthen the nail plate, but will also help avoid cracks and other nail defects. The mixture of oils can also be simply rubbed into the nail plates.
  2. At home you can prepare a simple cream that is suitable not only for nails, but also for the entire skin of your hands.
    Hand and nail cream recipe

    It is enough to mix 50 g. cream and 1 tbsp. base vegetable oil with 1 tbsp. honey. The ingredients are slightly heated in a water bath, and the finished mixture is enriched with 3 drops of rosemary essential oil.

    This nail cream is stored in the refrigerator; you need to lubricate your hands with it twice a day.

Recipes against cellulite and skin scars
Rosemary can be added to anti-cellulite formulations based on mustard powder, clay or red pepper, but it is not recommended to randomly mix it with other essential oils.

To eliminate scars, spots, stretch marks and severe cellulite, it is recommended to regularly carry out massage procedures. 4 drops of rosemary essential oil are added to the massage mixture, each session lasts 10 minutes. It is better to do a massage immediately after a shower.

We tighten the skin of the breast, get rid of stretch marks

  1. The use of rosemary essential oil for breast care can improve the condition of the skin, increase breast elasticity and even increase its size. The essential agent is recommended to be applied during contrast compresses. You will need 2 containers with hot and cool water. About 10 gr. Mix sea salt with 5 drops of rosemary essential oil and add to a bowl of hot water. 2 small towels are alternately wetted in cold and hot water and applied to the mammary glands for 30 seconds. Carry out the procedure for 10 minutes, then take a shower.
  2. You can also rub a mixture of basic almond and rosemary essential oils into the skin on your chest. If desired, 15 minutes after application, the product can be washed off with water.

Getting rid of stains

Much has already been said above about the effectiveness of rosemary oil in the fight against acne and their marks. Combining it with another component - celandine oil - will create a powerful remedy for combating problems on the face. It is especially excellent at getting rid of age spots, which may not go away for a long time after the pimple itself disappears.

Sea buckthorn and fir oil are also good helpers in the process of getting rid of acne stains. These oils both dissolve and lighten the places where inflammations were located on the skin, and heal wounds and reduce the inflammations themselves. To these, as well as other oils such as patchouli, rosehip and grape seed oil, you can easily add a few drops of rosemary essential oil and apply it to problem areas. If you want to cover the entire skin, add less rosemary oil, if only on the affected areas - more.

Clearvin: a remedy for acne and age spots

Some more ways to use oil

In intimate life

Preparing an enticing aroma

It is not only in cosmetology that rosemary is so highly valued. The plant, which has aphrodisiac properties, can become the basis for an oil composition with an aphrodisiac effect. Other components in such a mixture can be any citrus oils or patchouli. To flavor a room, rosemary can be accompanied by: lavender, cinnamon, fir, oregano, mint, sage and some other essential oils.

Rosemary is considered a powerful aphrodisiac, affecting people of both sexes. The oil helps solve the problem of male infertility and makes a man more energetic. For women, this plant allows them to relax and avoid mood changes caused by hormonal reasons. For massage, 3 drops of EO are mixed with a couple of tablespoons of natural vegetable oil: almond, avocado, vegetable or even sunflower. It is not recommended to use mineral oils for aromatherapy massages, since the artificial composition of the product negates the effect of esters.

To improve memory and performance

The use of rosemary for aromatizing a room and massage helps improve performance, get rid of drowsiness, nervous tension, and headaches. Additional effect after aromatic procedures: strengthening the immune system and restoring the menstrual cycle.

You can use rosemary in:

  • aroma lamps;
  • aroma baths;
  • massage treatments;
  • for enriching cosmetic masks and creams, nail strengthening products;
  • In minimal quantities, EO can be used to flavor drinks, meat and vegetable dishes.

Rosemary essential oil has not only an amazing aroma, but also toxic properties. In high concentrations the product is poisonous!

Product Description

A valuable oil extract in industrial production is obtained from young shoots and leaves of an evergreen tropical subshrub belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Rosemary officinalis is a very heat-loving plant that is found mainly in regions with tropical and subtropical climates.

But decorative varieties of this useful representative of the flora take root well in the southern regions of Russia, and some species are successfully grown even on a home windowsill. Therefore, any housewife can obtain rosemary oil for cosmetic needs if desired.

True, special equipment is used to produce etherol, since the product is obtained by steam distillation. At home, a simpler method of maceration is used, in other words, infusion of a plant base on any base oil.

Rosemary oil can be used in its pure form or combined with other natural ingredients.

Where is the best place to buy

You can purchase it at a pharmacy, natural cosmetics store, or place an order online. Sold in dark glass bottles with a dropper dispenser , price 10 ml from 120 to 800 rubles .

The oil is stored at room temperature away from sunlight, shelf life is 2 years. You can distinguish a high-quality broadcast by the following criteria:

  • the manufacturer indicates on the label “100% natural product”, as well as the Latin name - Rosmarinus officinalis;
  • it is impossible to determine authenticity by cost, but one brand cannot produce different esters at the same price; rosemary is more expensive than, for example, citrus esters;
  • the smell of the oil may not coincide with the aroma of the plant that became the raw material for production, and manufacturers of synthetic products try to get as close as possible to the bouquet of rosemary, so only professionals can focus on the aroma as a quality criterion;
  • It is difficult to check spoiled oil by external signs; you should take into account the information on expiration dates specified by the manufacturer.

Beneficial features

Essential oil contains a number of valuable elements that provide a complex effect on the skin:

  • pinene has antiseptic properties, eliminates oily shine, restores an even matte color, and ensures the transport of nutrients into the deep layers of the dermis;
  • camphene improves the general condition of the skin, increases immune parameters, protects against aggressive environmental factors;
  • cymol stops the spread of bactericidal microflora, narrows pores, and gives smoothness to bumpy relief;
  • cineole soothes irritated, inflamed dermis, helps smooth out superficial wrinkles, gives density and elasticity to the skin;
  • limonene whitens pigmentation, restores even color, helps tighten pores, cleanses the skin of toxins and oxidants;
  • camphor soothes itching, irritation, accelerates blood flow, helps normalize oxygen respiration and renewal processes;
  • terpineol is known for its antiseptic properties, normalizes sebium synthesis, improves renewal processes, stimulates tissue regeneration;
  • Caryophyllene gives a fresh, blooming appearance, tones the skin, strengthens thin capillaries, and prevents the formation of vascular networks.

A little history

Rosemary is translated from Latin as “sea dew”; on the sea coast today you can find shrubs with thin needle-like leaves. The ancient Greeks considered the plant a symbol of the goddess Aphrodite, endowing it with the ability to give happiness, love and youth. Fragrant twigs were used not only in cooking and medicine; in Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, temples were fumigated with shoots of the bush.

By the way. In the Middle Ages it was used against plague, infectious diseases, toothache and headaches.

Essential oil was first obtained in the 14th century, and in the 17th century, “Queen of Hungary’s water” was created, a universal remedy that was also used for cosmetic purposes. In France, rosemary water was popular among court ladies; Napoleon appreciated its tonic effect.

Rosemary: benefits and harm for the skin

Rosemary oil is widely available in pharmacies, as well as from manufacturers of natural cosmetics. High-quality essence has undeniable benefits for acne and post-acne.


  • Destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • Increase the ability of tissues to regenerate;
  • Improve local immunity;
  • Narrow pores;
  • Reduce swelling;
  • Regulate sebum production;
  • Get rid of isolated acne elements;
  • Cope with scars, pigmentation, small scars;
  • Restore moisture balance in the dermis;
  • Reduce the severity of wrinkles;
  • Achieve soft skin;
  • Normalize blood microcirculation;
  • Accelerate the healing of chronic psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema.

Pure ethers cannot be used: they can cause itching, redness and even burns. Rosemary oil is intended to enrich finished cosmetics or add to basic foundations. The pronounced smell of undiluted essence also provokes:

  • Anxiety;
  • Blood pressure surges;
  • Dizziness;
  • Insomnia when inhaling the aroma before bedtime;
  • In rare cases, seizures.
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