Vestibular papillomatosis - when papillomas are not quite papillomas

Papillomatosis in men

The chance of contracting viral papillomatosis is higher for men.
Because a woman may not know that she has HPV on her cervix.

With each episode of unprotected sex, her sexual partner will be at risk of acquiring papillomaviruses without knowing it.

In men, the typical localization of papillomatosis is the penis: its frenulum, coronary groove, internal layers of the foreskin.

The reason is simple: these places are most easily injured during sex and it is easiest for viruses to gain a foothold here.

Less commonly, papillomas appear on the head itself, in the area of ​​the external opening of the urethra.

Sometimes they develop inside the urethra, in the navicular fossa at the external opening and then complicate urination and ejaculation.

Penile papillomatosis in men is visually diagnosed quite easily.

The process has its own characteristics depending on the location.

Typical papillomas form on the shaft of the penis, the skin of the groin and the outer layer of the foreskin.

Condylomas appear on the head, coronary sulcus and perianal area.

Are all HPV dangerous?

Human papillomaviruses are a large group that includes about 200 related viruses. Many of them are transmitted sexually: during vaginal, oral and anal sex. To become infected, penetration of the penis into the vagina or rectum is not required: skin-to-skin contact is sufficient. The pathogen can also be transmitted through sex toys.

Most adults become infected with papilloma viruses upon the onset of sexual activity. This is facilitated by promiscuity and unprotected sex. Condoms reduce the risk of transmission, but do not protect completely.

However, not all human papillomaviruses are dangerous in terms of the development of cancer. In most people, the infection is asymptomatic. A typical manifestation of an infection caused by HPV is papillomas or condylomas in the genital area and anus (“genital warts”), on the mucous membranes. Typically, the infection goes away on its own within a few months of infection. In 90% of cases, symptoms completely disappear within 2 years - the immune system successfully fights the virus.

Cancer is caused by high-risk HPV. This group includes 14 types of the virus, types 16 and 18 are especially dangerous. They are responsible for the majority of cases of cervical cancer in women.

Changes that cause high-risk HPV in the cervix: normal mucosa, intraepithelial neoplasia, cancer.

Papillomatosis in children

Infection with viral papillomatosis in childhood occurs during childbirth through the mother's birth canal infected with HPV.

Or when using shared towels or washcloths.

Because of these features, in infancy and early childhood, papillomas are more often found on the epithelium of the larynx and ENT organs (respiratory forms).

Older children in organized groups are already more prone to the appearance of papillomatosis of the skin of the torso, face and extremities.

Clinical manifestations are normal, the appearance of the neoplasms is the same as those described above.

Papillomatosis on the face and neck

This form of pathology also very often has a viral basis.

With such localization of the process, HPV is usually transmitted through personal hygiene items - towels, cosmetics.

This happens at an early age, in children's groups.

A small percentage of papillomatosis of the face and neck occurs in cases of autoinoculation.

When a person himself brings HPV there from other places in his own body, for example, from the groin area.

When several papillomas appear on the face and neck, this initially causes a minor cosmetic defect.

Over time, as the number and size of formations increase, discomfort increases.

From cosmetic it turns into completely organic:

  • men find it difficult to shave, papillomas become injured and painful, and there is a risk of infection
  • women find it difficult to use cosmetics
  • people of both sexes do not like it at all when the neck and face are strewn with papillomas
  • when localized on the inner surface of the eyelids, papillomas lead to the sensation of a foreign body in the eye, irritate the conjunctiva and cornea

A typical complication for such processes is the addition of an infection.

How do human papillomaviruses cause cancer?

Viruses are very strange creatures that are very different from cellular life forms. Currently, scientists have not fully decided whether these infectious agents can even be considered alive. Essentially, a virus is genetic material surrounded by a protein shell. It cannot reproduce on its own - for this it needs a cell of some organism, which, after infection, turns into a factory for the production of new viral particles.

Penetrating into a cell, HPV disrupts its internal regulatory processes. And this can lead to malignant degeneration. We talked about one of the studies, during which scientists tried to understand the mechanisms of this transformation, on the Euroonko website in 2022.

oncoprotein, a protein encoded by the viral E6 gene , plays a key role in the development of HPV-associated cancers It disrupts the functioning of the p53 protein in human cells - this compound is often called the "guardian of the genome" because it prevents normal cells from turning cancerous. As a result of this disorder, the enzyme telomerase is activated.

At the ends of chromosomes in human cells there are special sections - telomeres . Normally, they should shorten after each cell division. When the length of telomeres decreases to a critical threshold, the cell stops dividing and dies - this is a natural process. The enzyme telomerase lengthens telomeres, and thus its activation makes the cell “immortal.”

In addition, the viral E6 gene affects the function of the myc protein, which is involved in the regulation of cell division and programmed cell death - apoptosis . The result is also the activation of telomerase.

It is very important to study these mechanisms, because knowledge about them may help create effective methods for treating human papillomavirus infection and preventing the development of cancer.

Normally, the immune system recognizes cells infected with the virus and destroys them. If this does not happen, then the infected cells continue to multiply, and over time, precancerous changes appear, and then a malignant tumor.

Atypical variants of papillomatosis

Viral papillomatosis sometimes leads to the fusion of neoplasms and the formation of a huge Buschke-Levenshtein condyloma.

This, although benign, is quite a serious process.

The base of the condyloma is wide and penetrates deep into the epithelium.

Due to this endophytic growth, it destroys the tissues of the organs on which it grows.

Buschke-Levenshtein condylomas occur on the genitals of men (more often) and women (less often).

They reach large sizes and, without treatment, always cause severe damage to the genital organs.

A number of researchers believe that giant condylomas lead to skin cancer.

Sometimes patients with fungal infections come to dermatologists.

For example, chromomycosis, which manifests itself as typical papillomatous growths.

It is also capable of forming condylomatous formations with a characteristic “cauliflower” appearance.

Typical localization of neoplasms is the feet and palms.

Papillomas grow slowly, over the years, and do not merge.

They are often covered with horny scales, after which they turn into ulcers and scar.

Another option is Gottron's carcinoid papillomatosis.

It is a fairly rare pathology: as of 2014, about 60 cases have been described in the medical literature.

The discoverer simply called the disease: skin papillomatosis.

It is now known that the development of the process is not associated with infections, and most likely has an autoimmune origin.

Externally, this is an extensive area of ​​flaking (the size of a palm), similar to skin carcinoma, which is where the name of the disease comes from.

But Gottron's carcinoid papillomatosis itself is benign.

But it’s not easy to understand the diagnosis; a biopsy and histological examination are needed.

What malignant tumors develop due to HPV?

High-risk human papillomaviruses (mainly types 16 and 18) have been shown to be responsible for 70% of cervical cancer cases. These pathogens can also lead to a number of other cancers in women and men:

  • Oropharyngeal cancer in most cases develops in the tonsils and root of the tongue. Traditionally, smoking has been considered the main risk factor for the development of these malignant tumors. However, recent studies have shown that 60 to 70% of cases are due to HPV. According to modern concepts, in most cases, oropharyngeal cancer is caused by a combination of human papillomavirus infection, smoking and frequent alcohol consumption. In recent decades, the prevalence of oropharyngeal cancer associated with HPV has been increasing in young people who do not smoke or abuse alcohol but have a history of multiple sexual partners with whom they have engaged in oral sex. These oropharyngeal malignancies caused by HPV in non-drinkers and non-smokers usually have a better prognosis as they respond better to chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
  • Anal cancer is associated with papilloma viruses in more than 90% of cases. Moreover, the number of new cases of this cancer and deaths from it in developed countries is growing every year. Anal cancer is more common in women than in men.
  • Penile cancer is associated with HPV in 60% of cases.
  • Vaginal cancer is also caused in the majority of cases (75%) by high-risk papillomaviruses.
  • Vulvar cancer is associated with HPV in 70% of cases.

About 5% of all cancers in the world are associated with human papillomaviruses: 3% in women and 2% in men.

Methods to combat papillomatosis

The first thing people do when they notice papillomatosis in themselves or their child is to turn to folk remedies.

These conspiracies, the red thread and all sorts of rituals sometimes really give results: the placebo effect is well known to doctors.

But most patients are not successful.

Moreover: the process progresses, the number of papillomas and their size increase, the quality of life decreases.

Complications often occur in the form of secondary infections, the appearance of ulcers and scars.

And then people do what should have been done right away: they come to see a dermatologist.

Do vestibular papillomatosis need to be treated and how can it be cured?

Since this condition is not considered a disease, is not contagious and does not degenerate into cancer, it is not subject to mandatory treatment. However, many women decide to remove such “papillae”. Removal of benign papillomas is also indicated if they cause irritation, inflammatory processes, interfere with intimate life, or become a source of psychological complexes.

Micropapillae are removed by cryodestruction - treatment with liquid nitrogen. A laser or radio wave method is used, after which no traces are left on the mucous membranes. Vestibular papillomatosis no longer appears after treatment.

This condition is not contagious, so if micropapillae are detected in a woman, her partner does not need to undergo any tests. His health is not in danger. Strange “papillae” that appear in a man should be a reason to consult a doctor, since they are caused by some other disease.

Examination for papillomatosis

The first thing to do with any type of papillomatosis is to establish its nature.

To do this, doctors analyze the clinical picture (features of the course) of the disease.

The most important stage of diagnosis is analysis: biopsy and histological examination of a tissue sample.

This is the only way to ensure that the process is truly benign.

Considering the prevalence of HPV, papilloma tissue is analyzed to determine the type of pathogen using PCR.

If it turns out to be HPV of high oncogenicity (type 6, 11, 16,18), then treatment must be taken with the utmost seriousness.

Especially for women with cervical papillomatosis.

What is the likelihood that HPV will lead to cancer?

The likelihood that the papilloma virus will persist in the body for a long time and lead to cancer depends on a number of factors:

  • HPV type - whether it is considered a high oncogenic risk.
  • The state of the human immune system. The likelihood of persistent infection, the development of precancerous conditions and cancer is increased in HIV-infected people with various immunodeficiency conditions.
  • Concomitant sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea, herpes virus infection, chlamydia.
  • The number of children a woman has and the birth of her first child at a young age.
  • Smoking.

If a woman with normal immunity is infected with HPV with a high oncogenic risk, then it usually takes 15–20 years for cervical cancer to develop. In women with HIV infection and immunodeficiency conditions, this period is reduced to 5–10 years.

Removal of papillomas

Basic techniques:

  • cryodestruction is optimal for small papillomas in small quantities;
  • electrocoagulation is effective for small and numerous formations; it is widely used for papillomatosis of the neck and face;
  • laser vaporization is more suitable for less common processes;
  • the scalpel is an ideal tool in the fight against large papillomatoses, such as Gottron's carcinoid or Buschke-Levenshtein's condyloma.

Recovery is individual.

The earlier the removal is carried out, the less damage to the skin and the faster healing occurs after any manipulation.

The larger the papillomas and the more extensive the process, the longer everything will take to heal.

Where to undergo destruction of genital warts (papillomas) in Moscow?

In a multidisciplinary medical center you can always perform the destruction of genital warts (papillomas)

. Our medical center is located between the Konkovo ​​and Belyaevo metro stations (South-Western Administrative District of Moscow in the area of ​​the Belyaevo, Konkovo, Teply Stan, Chertanovo, Yasenevo, Sevastopolskaya, New Cheryomushki metro stations " and "Trade Union"). Here you will find highly qualified personnel and the most modern diagnostic equipment. Our clients will be pleasantly surprised by our quite affordable prices.

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