Boil on the butt: how and with what to treat a boil on the buttock, ointments and treatment at home

This disease is caused by pyogenic bacteria, usually staphylococci. But the most unpleasant thing, probably, is that inflammation can appear at any time of the year - even in the summer at the height of a country or beach holiday.

The development of boils on the buttocks can be provoked by:

  • microcracks
  • small abrasions on the skin
  • the slightest contamination
  • lack of useful microelements and vitamins
  • decrease in the body's protective functions
  • chronic illnesses.

Unfortunately, a boil is extremely dangerous because more than one may appear; multiple occurrences of inflammation are called furunculosis.


The formation of boils most often occurs due to infection through open wounds and cracks. Staphylococci are constantly present in small quantities on the body, but the body’s strong immunity suppresses the activity of pathogenic microflora. If furunculosis occurs (inflammation of several hair follicles), this indicates a severe weakening of the protective functions.

A boil on the butt occurs for the following reasons:

  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • skin diseases;
  • a condition of the body characterized by excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis, consequences of physical activity, etc.);
  • infectious, viral and other diseases;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • severe stress.

When the body is weakened, the immune system is unable to suppress the activity of pathogenic bacteria, which leads to tissue inflammation. Without treatment for the appearance of boils and their further development, intoxication occurs. As a result, the number of boils on the butt and other parts of the body increases, and other diseases arise or worsen.


In addition to having an idea of ​​how to treat inflammation of the hair follicle, the patient must take into account a number of rules that must be followed in order to achieve the desired result. With boils, it is strictly forbidden to squeeze out the abscess.

If the pathology occurs in a child, then under no circumstances should you prescribe antibiotics to him or her on your own.

In order for the abscess to ripen as quickly as possible, it is recommended to use aloe juice. A gruel made from laundry soap, finely ground and baked in an onion, is also a good recommendation.

If you know why a boil appears, then you can take measures aimed at preventing its occurrence. First of all, it is necessary to maintain immunity. The diet must be balanced and must contain foods rich in vitamins. It is extremely important to protect your nervous system from unnecessary stress.

It should be remembered that self-medication leads to irreparable consequences, so it is better to once again go for a consultation with a doctor.

Furuncle - symptoms and stages of development

A boil on the butt goes through several stages during development, each of which is characterized by its own symptoms:

  1. After infection, an internal boil forms on the buttock . At the site of localization of the pathological process, tingling, itching and numbness occur. The duration of the first stage of boil development is several days.
  2. Subsequently, suppuration of the hair follicle occurs, as evidenced by the appearance of a red growth. A day later, a hard and swollen boil appears, upon contact with which a person experiences painful sensations.
  3. At the last stage of development, pus causes the formation of a white head on the surface of the skin. During this period, the swelling characteristic of the previous stages gradually subsides and the intensity of pain decreases. Later (if there are no complications) the boil opens and the purulent exudate comes out.

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The skin on the butt is completely restored after 10 days.

Why you can't start an abscess

Not knowing how to treat a boil, some people prefer to let the disease take its course. This cannot be done, since the abscess may not break out, but under the skin, causing complications.

Most often, a “negligent” attitude towards inflammation of soft tissues leads to an abscess. It is more difficult to cure, since with an abscess boil there is a high risk of blood poisoning and death.

It is imperative to go to the clinic if the abscess is located in a place subject to friction or pressure. It is important to open a boil that makes it difficult to sit or walk (as the risk of a subcutaneous breakthrough increases).

Use of ointments

Medicines for boils:

  1. Vishnevsky ointment . Has antiseptic properties. The product suppresses the inflammatory process, dries out the problem area and stimulates the restoration of the skin. To remove a boil on the buttock, you need to apply a bandage with ointment to the tumor and leave it on for several hours. The procedure should be repeated up to three times a week.
  2. Ichthyol ointment . Has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Ichthyol ointment should be rubbed directly into the boil. After applying the product, the skin should be covered with parchment paper for 8-10 hours.
  3. Levomekol . The drug stimulates tissue healing and suppresses the activity of bacterial microflora. Like other ointments, Levomekol must be covered with a gauze bandage after application. The procedure should be repeated twice a day for about one week.

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In case of multiple skin lesions, antibacterial drugs are prescribed, but one must remember that antibiotics are not recommended for children and pregnant women.

Oxacillin and Eriromycin are used in the treatment of a large number of boils. The therapeutic course takes about 7-10 days, depending on the severity of the lesion.


Many patients often ask the question of how to treat a boil.

When it first appears on the buttocks, without leaving home, you can do the following:

  • the area of ​​inflamed tissue is treated with an alcohol solution,
  • A gauze bandage is applied to the affected area, onto which Vishnevsky ointment or Levomekol is first applied.

The bandage must be changed every day.

What to do when pus comes out after the chiria matures? In this case, the tactics of therapeutic measures include the following stages of treatment:

  • the wound is treated with a solution of furatsilin or hydrogen peroxide,
  • the skin adjacent to the inflamed area is treated with iodine or brilliant green,
  • use of antibacterial ointments based on tetracycline or erythromycin.

The above medicines can be used at home. To cure this disease without consequences, therapeutic measures are recommended to be coordinated with a doctor.

You can apply medications to the affected area yourself, but there is a high probability that your efforts will not only not bring relief, but can also cause serious complications.

In cases where it was not possible to remove a boil on the buttock at home, doctors prescribe antibacterial therapy. Antibiotics will help eliminate the symptoms of inflammation and prevent various negative consequences. If the patient independently uses an antibiotic, the pathogenic microflora may develop resistance to the drug. Your further efforts will be in vain, and the pathological process will only worsen. This remark is especially relevant if children suffer from furunculosis, and parents give antibiotics in the hope of alleviating the condition of their child.

Vishnevsky ointment helps in the treatment of boils

In many cases, a mature boil is opened surgically. They try to remove dead cells as much as possible, and the resulting cavity is washed with an antiseptic. As healing progresses, it is recommended to stop using antibiotics.


A boil on the buttock rarely causes complications, so to get rid of the tumor, local medications are often used. If there are appropriate indications, the boil is removed through surgery.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Surgical intervention involves opening the boil and removing the purulent-necrotic mass.

Upon completion of the procedure, the open wound is treated with an antiseptic solution (usually hydrogen peroxide) and covered with a bandage soaked in tretracycline, synthomycin, or other antiseptic ointment.

Home remedies

Treatment at home for boils on the butt is carried out if it is not possible to use medications. A variety of baths and compresses based on antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substances are effective against boils.

Warm compresses and baths

If a boil appears on the butt, treatment can be carried out using:

  1. Meda . It must be mixed with flour until a viscous composition is obtained, then add goose or duck fat. The product is applied to the butt and left overnight.
  2. Luke . The plant is baked in the oven at 150 degrees for 30 minutes. Then the grated laundry soap is mixed with the onion in a ratio of 1 to 2. The resulting slurry should be applied to the boil and covered with a bandage. The compress should be kept for 24 hours.
  3. Aloe . Soak a gauze bandage with the juice of the plant and apply it to the problem area every 4 hours.
  4. Garlic . The crushed head of the plant is mixed with vegetable oil. You need to soak the linen fabric with the product. The latter should be applied to the boil so that the garlic porridge touches the problem area.

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In case of a boil breakthrough, the use of traditional medicine is contraindicated.

Boil on a child’s bottom - what should be taken into account?

In children, boils are smaller in size than in adults. The reason for the formation of abscesses is the child’s failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, as well as clothing that is too tight for the weather. After discovering a boil, it is important to ensure that the child does not touch it with his hands or try to squeeze it out.

The best solution would be to immediately contact your pediatrician.

The treatment algorithm does not differ from the therapy used for adult patients. A mature abscess is either treated conservatively or opened and a compress with an antiseptic is applied.

If a child has a persistently high temperature, children (over 12 years of age) are prescribed the same antibiotics as adults. The only difference is the dosage, which the doctor selects individually. Until this age, antibiotic therapy is carried out as a last resort.

Precautionary measures

If an internal boil has formed, the abscess should not be squeezed out. This will lead to the spread of the purulent process to healthy tissue. You should only touch the boil with clean hands; you should also wash your hands with antibacterial soap after contact with the inflammation.

To reduce the pain that occurs when a boil forms between the buttocks, it is recommended to heat the problem area with dry heat, for example, with a special lamp in a medical office.

To speed up the process of repairing damaged tissue, you should cover the boil with a band-aid to protect it from external influences. In addition, it is necessary to regularly treat the skin with antiseptic preparations and take a shower daily, which will avoid the spread of infection.

It's better not to take risks

There is a lot of advice on the Internet about treating abscesses with folk remedies. It is possible that they may be effective, but one cannot be completely sure of this. An abscess is a serious and dangerous inflammation that requires treatment, preferably under the supervision of a doctor.

Our clinic has specialists who will help you quickly cure even the most advanced abscess, prescribe all the necessary medications and procedures and make sure that there are no traces left after treatment. If necessary, a qualified surgeon will open the abscess and clean the wound, after which it will quickly heal. Saving on a doctor means, first of all, saving on your own health, which later becomes very expensive.

This article does not constitute medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for consultation with a physician.

Possible complications

  1. In the absence of treatment , a purulent process on the butt that occurs in one follicle spreads to healthy tissue. As a result, furunculosis develops, in which many boils appear on the butt. Over time, this process leads to blood poisoning (sepsis).
  2. In rare cases, purulent exudate penetrates the lymphatic system , causing lymphangitis or lymphadenitis to develop.
  3. If a staphylococcal infection enters the bloodstream , the functioning of internal organs is disrupted.

Why and why boils appear on the butt: the main reasons

A boil on the butt is often called a boil. The popular name arose due to the fact that any abscesses or purulent wounds were considered “boils”. This term is not used by doctors, but it has remained in everyday life due to its ease of pronunciation.

Sometimes it's difficult to figure out what causes boils. The root cause of their occurrence is staphylococcus (mainly aureus), less often - other bacteria that are part of the natural microflora of skin surfaces and do not harm a healthy body.

With an increase in the number of these bacteria, various inflammatory processes occur in the sebaceous ducts, hair follicles and at the site of skin defects. According to ICD 10, inflammation on the buttock is assigned code L02.3. If it is located between the buttocks close to the anus, the recording is made under the code K61.

Over the entire period of diagnosis and treatment of boils, doctors have identified several factors that increase the risk of inflammation of hair follicles in the buttock area:

  1. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Dirt and lack of air access create favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria. By neglecting to shower and changing underwear less than once every two days, a person runs the risk of soon discovering a boil on the buttock.
  2. Hair removal procedures and traumatic shaving. In the weather, for smooth skin, girls resort to deep hair removal of the bikini area. During this procedure, hair is removed not only on the pubis, but also between the buttocks, as well as around the external genitalia and anus. When hair is pulled out, infection easily penetrates into the resulting microtraumas, which leads to the appearance of boils. The source of infection can be both undisinfected instruments and the skin’s own microflora. Shaving, especially frequent, is also dangerous, because the razor cuts off not only the hairs, but also the top layer of skin, which leads to microtraumas and subsequent infection of the hair follicle with staphylococci.
  3. Pimples under or on the buttock. Since pustules cause discomfort to the wearer, many try to squeeze them out on their own. Neglect of asepsis rules, as well as the inability to completely remove the contents of a pimple from its canal, lead to secondary infection and furunculosis.
  4. Increased moisture or dry skin on the buttocks. Why humidity is included in the list of reasons is clear to many, because bacteria multiply better in secretions from the sweat glands. But overdried skin is also a favorable environment for the development of infections, because it is prone to cracking, and therefore the appearance of accompanying microtraumas.
  5. Impaired immunity due to illness, immunosuppressive drugs, poor daily routine, chronic fatigue. Immunity is a useful system for the body, but a rather fragile system, the functionality of which is disrupted by poor nutrition, some medications, and even psychosomatics. Normally, a temporary decrease in the body’s defenses can do without consequences, but if this factor occurs against the background of neglect of personal hygiene or a recent injury to the skin of the buttocks, the risk of a boil becoming very high. In children, boils on the butt appear mostly due to weak immunity.
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