Shortens life expectancy and is harmful to health: 8 myths about anesthesia

  • Myths about anesthesia
  • Modern drugs for anesthesia
  • Imaging Techniques for the Anesthesiologist
  • Liver and brain toxicity
  • Consequences of anesthesia for older people
  • Epidural anesthesia
  • Anesthesia in dentistry

Traditionally, the patient experiences the greatest fear when thinking about general anesthesia.

Let's start dispelling myths with terminology; general anesthesia does not exist in medical nature. After all, translated from Latin, anesthesia is a medicinal sleep, so any manipulation in which our consciousness turns off for at least a minute is called anesthesia. And it is always general, because there is no local sleep. Confusion arises because a synonym for anesthesia is general anesthesia.

Necessary risks

It is impossible to carry out a complex operation without the use of general anesthesia, since without it the patient will not withstand the painful shock. Recovery from anesthesia may be required if its use has caused a negative effect on the body:

  • Depression of consciousness and respiratory functions
  • Blood pressure surges
  • Arrhythmias
  • Chills
  • Nausea

The state after anesthesia is especially unstable after neurosurgical operations Neurosurgical operations

Emergency or planned surgical interventions in the functioning of the brain and spinal cord are carried out with the aim of correcting or eliminating a pathological condition.

Contraindications for sedation

A permanent form of atrial fibrillation, coronary heart disease, hypertension, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus and many other chronic diseases are not a contraindication for dental treatment under sedation. On the contrary, constant hardware and clinical monitoring by an internist will allow timely medication to prevent pathological excess. By the way, monitoring and correcting the condition of a patient suffering from chronic illnesses during dental operations is the main point of the anesthesiologist’s participation in the treatment process. Medication-induced sleep may not be present as a component of the benefit.

Pain relief without harm: how to recover from anesthesia?

The onset of a post-anesthesia state is much easier to prevent than to overcome. The drug “Semax 0.1%” is perfect for this purpose. Unique regulatory neuropeptide Neuropeptide

Or regulatory peptide - these are compounds of amino acids that regulate various functions in the body.
"Semax 0.1%" has proven itself to be effective both as a prophylactic dose before surgery and in the treatment of complications after anesthesia . The therapeutic effect of Semax 0.1% is to prevent dysfunctional disorders of the parts of the central nervous system that are most affected during general anesthesia.

How can a plastic surgeon help?


Liposuction is not a weight loss method, but a local removal of fat traps. During the operation you can get rid of a maximum of four to five liters of fat. This is the volume that is considered safe for the patient’s health. It is clear that with a lot of weight, this figure is insignificant. Therefore, it is impossible to radically lose weight using liposuction.


Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery that allows you to correct the shape of the abdomen. It is performed if the weight has already been lost, stabilized and it is necessary to get rid of the so-called sagging skin flap on the abdomen. As a rule, abdominoplasty is combined with liposuction. As a matter of fact, in most cases, tummy tuck begins with liposuction. This is necessary so that the flap of skin moves better and is more mobile. Also during the operation, diastasis is sutured (this is a discrepancy in the rectus abdominis muscles, which is often found in women who have given birth and those who are obese). As a result of abdominoplasty, we get a flat stomach and a narrow waist.

"Semax 0.1%" - a faithful friend of neurons

Recovery from anesthesia can be challenging if you don't plan ahead. Anesthesia can lead to hypoxia Hypoxia

Decreased oxygen content in the body or individual organs and tissues.
brain and, as a result, to disruption of metabolic processes. In this case, the patient “recovers” from anesthesia for a long time due to dysfunction of the nerve pathways caused by a lack of oxygen in the neurons. Neuron
A nerve cell consisting of a body and processes extending from it. Structural unit of the nervous system..

Violations affect:

  • Restoration of higher nervous activity
  • The functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and excretory systems

The likelihood of recovery increases if negative consequences after anesthesia are minimized in the first postoperative hours.

Semax is an effective remedy and a faithful assistant in the prevention of complications after anesthesia; it promotes the rapid restoration of the activity of functional brain systems that provide vital processes. With Semax, a person will be able to recover from anesthesia quickly and with the least risk.

What anesthesia options are there?

Local anesthesia.

Local anesthesia is performed by injecting a solution of Lidocaine (Xylocaine, Marcaine) into the tissue. The surgical site is punctured and it blocks the formation and passage of a nerve impulse. What do you feel? Numbness of tissues.

In fact.

In fact, today's surgeons rarely use local anesthesia for cosmetic surgery. This is due to the specifics of the operation - intervention on the bone requires general anesthesia, and the fact that it is simply inconvenient to work in an environment where a patient is looking at you trembling with fear. After all, rhinoplasty is a jewelry operation. Therefore, general anesthesia is most often used during rhinoplasty.

General anesthesia.

General is a type of anesthesia in which the patient’s consciousness is turned off and the patient falls into deep sleep.

Intravenous anesthesia.

Intravenous anesthesia can be characterized as physiological sleep. Drugs are injected into a vein using special dosing devices, which ensure a uniform, constant flow into the body. With this anesthesia, a person breathes on his own. After the operation is completed, the effect of the drugs wears off and the patient wakes up.

How do you feel during general anesthesia?

You don't feel anything. Modern drugs for general anesthesia induce temporary, easily controlled sleep that closely resembles natural sleep. Modern general anesthesia means easy, natural falling asleep, smooth, stable sleep during surgery, and quick and calm awakening. This applies to both intravenous and endotracheal anesthesia. The patient is not allowed to feel the disgusting process of inserting a tube into the trachea. In modern conditions, a person is first gently put to sleep, and then all the manipulations are done. So this article is perhaps the only chance to find out what will actually happen to you.

Will I feel nauseous?

The anesthesia that we use for our patients is practically not accompanied by nausea (in less than 5% of cases, compared to 30% according to statistics). Special medications are used that reliably block nausea. This is absolutely important: “Do not eat or drink 8 hours before surgery.”

Your anesthesiologist.

If you are undergoing general anesthesia, it is important that your surgeon conducts the operation together with a qualified anesthetist. A meeting with this specialist occurs even before the operation. The main task of the anesthesiologist is to assess your readiness for surgery and ensure safety during anesthesia. The anesthesiologist will not take risks and, if he has doubts, he will postpone the operation, even if this causes dissatisfaction with the surgeon and the patient.

The anesthesiologist is interested in what you were sick with, whether you have a cold or high blood pressure, whether you have had previous operations, allergic reactions, etc. Your physical condition is also important to him, whether you smoke or take medications. The anesthesiologist is obliged to study your card (in which the surgeon most likely described the upcoming intervention), test results and electrocardiogram. Blood tests will help identify hidden inflammatory processes, a tendency to bleed, the presence of diabetes, and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. An electrocardiogram will show the state of the heart. And only after this, based on the examination data and the surgical plan, the anesthesiologist will choose the most suitable method of anesthesia for you.

Why do you need to tell the anesthesiologist about the medications you are taking?

In addition to their main effects, most medications also have side effects that should be taken into account. When used together, drugs may change their activity and duration of action. For example, taking regular aspirin affects blood clotting; sleeping pills and sedatives can change the body's response to the administration of painkillers.

During the operation.

The anesthesiologist conducts the operation together with the operating doctor. During the entire operation, using modern monitoring equipment, continuous monitoring of pulse, blood pressure, respiration, and the activity of the body as a whole is carried out. The anesthesiologist must know your weight, your diseases, must constantly monitor your heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, level of anesthetic, etc. Must monitor the process of awakening after anesthesia, prescribe medications after surgery, and monitor how rehabilitation is progressing.

When will I wake up?

As soon as the operation is completed, your smooth awakening will begin in the recovery room. A plastic surgeon and a nurse will be in the room. For greater comfort, you will be carefully covered. Your mouth and throat will feel dry. There will be monitors at the head of the bed to monitor your condition.

After general anesthesia, it may seem to the patient that there was no operation at all, that she or he simply fell asleep for 5 minutes and now woke up with the anesthesiologist in front of his nose.

Usually the doctor asks the patient some question to make sure that the patient has regained consciousness. When anesthesia is completed, observation and treatment continues. The initial rehabilitation period may be accompanied by fever, chills, nausea and drowsiness. Or maybe just drowsiness. Or it may not be accompanied by anything at all. In any case, the anesthesiologist and the nurse on duty provide the patient with everything necessary for the body to recover as quickly as possible.

Will the anesthesiologist be absent during my surgery?

The anesthesiologist will be constantly with you at all stages of the operation until you wake up. All his attention will be occupied exclusively with your operation. The presence of unauthorized persons, including other doctors not involved in the operation, is excluded.

Is there a risk from anesthesia?

All operations performed under anesthesia carry some risk, which directly depends on many factors, including the type of operation and especially the patient's health. But in aesthetic surgery this risk is practically absent. The fact is that the plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist make every effort to prevent possible problems. Statistically, undergoing surgery is much safer than driving a car. An anesthesiologist working in aesthetic surgery is always a professional.

Will I be connected to a monitor?

Connection to the most modern monitoring allows your anesthesiologist and doctor to perform operations with the maximum level of safety. You will have an intravenous line inserted to give you fluids and medications. To monitor blood oxygen saturation, a sensor is placed on the finger. In addition, sensors are used to measure temperature and monitor the cardiogram. Some surgeries (such as abdominoplasty) use urine output monitoring. Before the operation itself, an elastic bandage will be applied to the lower legs to improve blood circulation in the legs during the operation.

What about smoking, drinking alcohol or taking medications?

Smoking harms your body much more than you think. This applies equally to passive smoking. Since smoking affects your lungs, heart, spasms blood vessels, and affects the healing process, nicotine can disrupt the effect of anesthetic drugs during surgery. All this can significantly affect the outcome of the operation. Therefore, taking care of his reputation, the doctor does not operate on candidates for facelift (circular facelift) and abdominoplasty in cases of non-cessation of smoking (at least a month before surgery). It is advisable not to smoke in the early postoperative period. This also applies to drinking alcohol before surgery.

Are there any restrictions on taking vitamins and traditional medicine?

The purpose of vitamins, nutritional supplements and traditional medicine is to help us live a healthy and long life. Their effect is mainly characterized by their effect on blood viscosity, protecting us from heart attacks and strokes. But this can also complicate the course of your anesthesia, surgery and healing. It is imperative that you notify your plastic surgeon if you are taking any of the above. You should stop taking vitamins, nutritional supplements, traditional medicine and homeopathic medicines at least 3 weeks before the planned operation.

"Semax 0.1%" helps:

  • Accelerate recovery from anesthesia and the state of postoperative disorientation;
  • Restore normal metabolism Metabolism Metabolism
    , which allows the body to maintain vital functions, maintain its structures and respond to environmental influences. and functioning of brain cells;
  • Prevent dysfunction of the respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and excretory systems;
  • Reduce the intensity of pain;
  • Normalize the work of vegetative centers.

Preparing an elderly person for anesthesia

So that doctors can exclude unfavorable factors during the operation, they prescribe a number of examinations to the patient:

  • Standard collection of tests. Specialists laboratory examine the patient's blood, urine and feces. If the test results are poor, doctors first carry out a course of treatment and various measures to prepare for the upcoming operation. If blood counts are poor, iron-rich medications or blood transfusions may be prescribed.
  • ECG
  • fluorography
  • Ultrasound

After collecting the necessary information about the patient’s health, the doctor will be able to calculate the likelihood of negative consequences and prepare for them.

How to restore the health of an elderly person after surgery

Of course, an elderly person needs care, especially during the difficult postoperative period. Doctors use all kinds of health checks using special equipment. Be sure to check heart function, blood pressure and other body functions. After the operation, the pensioner is provided with care and the following medical measures are taken:

  • procedures for treating sutures with antiseptic agents, as well as regular dressing changes
  • taking medications, in particular antibiotics
  • correcting electrolyte imbalance
  • body temperature control
  • emotional support

In fact, all points are simple to implement and require only conscientious implementation.

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