Diaper rash in older women: causes and treatment

Many factors contribute to the appearance of diaper rash in the groin in men and women . This is an inflammatory disease in which skin folds are often affected by fungi, bacteria and viruses. How to deal with a dermatological problem depends on the cause of its occurrence and the nature of the pathological process.


The appearance of diaper rash in men in the groin area is caused by hyperhidrosis, the presence of infections on the skin of the genital organs, violation of personal hygiene rules, urine leakage due to the development of genitourinary diseases (prostatitis, adenoma), obesity, the development of diabetes mellitus and other pathologies of internal organs.

Diaper rash in older women and men can occur due to:

  • allergic reaction;
  • wearing synthetic clothing;
  • nocturnal enuresis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • blood stagnation;
  • weakness of the immune system;
  • intertriginous dermatitis;
  • deficiency of nutrients.

Important! What exactly caused diaper rash on the skin can be determined by a dermatologist.

Poor hygiene

Natural body secretions that accumulate on the skin provide a breeding ground for pathogens. If water procedures are not taken on time, an inflammatory process may develop.

Excess weight

Overweight people are prone to excessive sweating. Moisture and a significant amount of subcutaneous fat increases friction of the skin in the groin area.

Wrong choice of underwear

Synthetic materials do not allow or absorb sweat, which leads to increased moisture in the epidermis.

Causes of diaper rash in adults and children

The reason why this disease occurs is an infection that progresses in the folds of the skin and irritates it. In order for pathogenic flora to appear in them, microbes need a suitable “microclimate”. The ideal option is a warm and moist place, which is the folds of the skin. Bacteria enter them along with secreted secretions, as well as sweat.

Under normal conditions, when a person follows the rules of hygiene and does not suffer from certain diseases that can contribute to the formation of diaper rash, microbes “live” on the skin without causing any trouble. As soon as the protective functions of the skin weaken, infectious processes begin. And mechanical damage from friction can only worsen the situation.

The appearance of diaper rash, redness and peeling can be caused by urine released from fistulas and hemorrhoids. In the warm season, inflammation occurs more often, as people begin to sweat more actively. This is especially true for those who suffer from obesity.

Diaper rash in children: why does it occur?

In infants, inflammation occurs for several reasons. They can be triggered by increased humidity or friction. They arise due to the characteristics of the skin of babies. Unlike adults, she is still very thin and vulnerable, so she can easily get injured. The sebaceous glands are unable to provide sufficient protection. The lipid layer, which is also supposed to protect the skin, is not clearly expressed. It is constantly damaged due to frequent bathing and washing, and soap disrupts the pH of the skin. An acidic environment is destructive for microbes, but up to two or three months in a child it is alkaline.

Common causes of diaper rash in children are also:

  • Chaotic movements of the limbs and head. Because of them, the folds of the skin rub, which causes redness and diaper dermatitis;
  • Constantly lying on your side. Promotes the formation of diaper rash behind the ears, which is most common in newborns;
  • Skin contact with feces or urine. Since not all diapers are able to completely absorb this kind of discharge, they remain on the skin, damaging it. There is ammonia in urine, which is quite aggressive on the baby’s skin. And in feces there are enzymes that promote the proliferation of bacteria;
  • Contact with rough diaper or clothing material. This also applies to seams, Velcro, and elastic bands, which can rub delicate skin.

Mechanism of development of deviation

The inflammatory process leading to the formation of diaper rash in the groin in women and men of any age begins as a result of friction of the surface of the epidermis against clothing/bed, increased sweating, increased humidity, a large volume of sebum, and overheating of the body.

The most susceptible to dermatological disorders are:

  • babies;
  • aged people;
  • bedridden patients;
  • obese people;
  • sloppy people who neglect to care for their own bodies;
  • people suffering from hyperhidrosis.

Under certain conditions, an inflammatory process on the skin can develop anywhere where there are skin folds.

Frequent localizations

The appearance of unpleasant symptoms can be observed:

  • in the armpits;
  • on the feet, ankles;
  • in the area under the abdomen;
  • between the buttocks and in the anal area;
  • on the buttocks and in the tailbone area.

Diaper rash in older women and younger representatives of the fairer sex occurs under the breasts, as well as in the vaginal area. Men with a similar problem can encounter not only in the groin, but also on the scrotum and penis.

How to get rid of diaper rash for older women

Due to the fact that some functional disorders in the body often lead to the appearance of diaper rash, it is necessary to direct efforts to combat these diseases. For example, increased sweating and the appearance of ammonia on the skin are not the norm. It is important to understand which body system has failed. Often you need to make changes to your usual diet.

If an elderly woman suffers from increased sweating, which leads to diaper rash, then it is recommended:

  • take a shower twice a day and do it regularly;
  • if primary redness of the skin appears, immediately begin treating this area with a solution of salicylic or boric acid;
  • treat problem areas with baby powder, talcum powder or, for example, potato starch;
  • drink less;
  • do not abuse foods and drinks that increase sweating and have a diuretic effect.

How to treat diaper rash in older obese women? As a rule, you need to start with water procedures: take a bath and add an infusion of medicinal herbs that have an antiseptic and wound-healing effect. After taking a bath, the skin is dried and a special treatment is applied to it. It can be:

  • antiseptic, antimicrobial solutions (tablets), for example, furatsilin, chlorhexidine, potassium permanganate, boric acid;
  • antihistamines to relieve itching and irritation (Claritin, Suprastin, Diazolin);
  • fungicidal creams – Decamine, Nystatin, Clotrimazole (if a fungal infection has occurred);
  • wound healing drugs (Levomekol, Solcoseryl, sea buckthorn oil).

To treat diaper rash in older women and men, the following are most often used:

  • Bepanten
    (accelerates wound healing, eliminates skin rashes).
  • Nystatin
    (has an antibiotic, antifungal effect, quickly suppresses pathogenic microorganisms).
  • Salicylic ointment
    (relieves inflammation, eliminates rashes, helps exfoliate dead epithelial cells).
  • Boltushka, or zinc ointment
    (helps with advanced dermatitis, has a softening, drying effect).
  • Teymurov's paste
    (dries the skin, relieves inflammation and pain).
  • Burov's liquid
    (it is diluted at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of water, lotions are applied to the affected areas of the skin).
  • Tannin

In bedridden patients, diaper rash often leads to bedsores. In this case, it is extremely important to remove pus and other deposits from the affected area. This is often difficult to do at home, so the patient is sent to a surgeon, and sometimes to a hospital. This is due to the fact that in advanced cases it is necessary to clean the wound and apply a bandage with a special antiseptic twice a day. Such procedures promote rapid healing of wounds and accelerate tissue regeneration.

If there are weeping, non-healing areas of the skin (for example, irritation between the buttocks or diaper rash under the abdomen in older women), treatment may include compresses from solutions:

  • resorcinol
  • copper sulfate

After the wound has dried and crusted over, the doctor prescribes Glucocorticosteroids (Lorinden, Locacorten)


Important! Oil-based creams and ointments (greasy) can only be used when the wound is dry and the cracks have healed, otherwise it can cause increased inflammation.

If the patient has a streptococcal infection, then treatment is accompanied by taking antibiotics, and then he is prescribed immunomodulatory drugs, for example, Echinacea or Imudon.

In the process of treating diaper rash, you can use a Minin lamp. With its help, deep subcutaneous layers are heated with infrared rays, this helps to increase blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, improves tissue trophism, relieves inflammation, and can eliminate diaper rash at the initial stage of development.

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Types of diaper rash

Based on the cause of diaper rash, treatment tactics are determined.

In medicine there are:

  • Weeping diaper rash. The most common type of disease, caused by the accumulation of moisture in the folds of the epidermis. In the absence of the necessary measures to combat the dermatological defect, infections can join the inflammation. A pronounced symptom of weeping diaper rash is itching.
  • Diaper rash as a companion to diabetes. When metabolism is disturbed, the epidermis most often suffers. They are easily irritated by both internal and external factors. Due to the inability of the body's cells to fully absorb glucose, the activity of all internal organs and systems is disrupted. As a result, the skin constantly peels off, becomes inflamed, itches, and disruptions in thermoregulation occur.
  • Streptococcal and fungal diaper rash. Their appearance is provoked by the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the epidermis. This disease is caused by malfunction of the sebaceous glands, obesity, and genetic predisposition. Accompanied by the formation of pustular rashes and bright red spots. Location: any part of the body. Often observed in the groin of adult men.
  • Yeast is a consequence of the activity of Candida fungi. Therefore, doctors often call this disease superficial candidiasis. The inflammatory process often occurs against the background of cancer pathologies or after injuries. The main symptoms are the presence of a blistering rash that merges and forms erosion.

Degrees of development

There are three degrees of damage.

Mild degree

It appears as slight redness on the body with no deep wounds, ulcers, erosions, or cracks.

Average degree

It is characterized by severe redness, the appearance of erosive ulcerations, and inflamed pimples. Photos of similar damage can be seen on the Internet.

Severe degree

Accompanied by bright, weeping foci of inflammation, erosions, combined into large foci. The patient experiences itching in the affected area, an unpleasant odor, cracks, and bloody discharge from the wounds.

If a secondary infection joins the pathological process, the condition of the epidermis rapidly worsens. Multiple erosive formations appear with sticky discharge and a repulsive odor. A person complains of discomfort, itching, burning, pain.

Diaper rash symptoms and their stages

The main symptoms include:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • peeling;
  • the appearance of cracks and ulcers;
  • itching;
  • burning.

If diaper rash is not treated properly, complications may occur. In places of redness, a yeast-like fungus or streptococcus appears. Chronic inflammation can cause microbial eczema and profuse rashes throughout the body. In bedridden patients, bedsores are possible.

At each stage of the disease, characteristic skin changes appear. There are three such stages, according to severity:

  1. Easy. Characterized by redness of the skin (hyperemia). May not cause any inconvenience;
  2. Average. In addition to redness, the skin begins to peel, crack, and in rare cases small ulcers and ulcers appear;
  3. Heavy. In addition to redness and disruption of the integrity of the skin, clearly visible erosions, ulcers, and detachments of the epidermis are added. The third stage of diaper rash is most often accompanied by a bacterial or fungal infection. In some advanced cases, microbial eczema occurs, inflammation is aggravated by an autoimmune process, and body temperature rises.

Diaper rash in pregnant women

The formation of diaper rash on the body of expectant mothers is quite common. This is due to the fact that the skin is exposed to additional irritating factors against the background of changing hormonal imbalances and weight gain.


The following can cause diaper rash in the groin area or anywhere else in the skin folds of women during pregnancy:

  • high body temperature;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • overweight;
  • clothes that are too tight, made from low-quality materials;
  • allergies to cosmetics or powder.


As in the groin of men, the signs of diaper rash in pregnant women are no different: the sore spot turns red, begins to hurt, and itch. Nervousness, irritability, and insomnia appear, triggered by constant discomfort on the skin.

Treatment during pregnancy

At the initial stage, it is not difficult to cure diaper rash in the groin.

The expectant mother should:

  • carry out hygiene procedures more thoroughly using hypoallergenic detergents;
  • stop wearing synthetics;
  • take air baths after taking a shower.

how to cure advanced inflammation. He appoints:

  • antiseptic solutions;
  • healing creams and ointment compositions;
  • antibiotics (if there is tissue infection);
  • antihistamines;
  • antifungal medications.

You can use folk remedies, but before doing this it is advisable to consult a gynecologist.


Before deciding how to remove diaper rash in the groin, you need to see a dermatologist. It is especially important to consult a specialist when the disease becomes advanced. Symptoms of diaper rash in women and men in the groin, buttocks, and armpits are often similar to signs of other dermatological diseases. Therefore, the patient is referred for a laboratory examination of the dermis by scraping the eroded areas.

Based on the test results, a diagnosis is established and therapy is prescribed. Additionally, a general blood and urine test may be required, as well as bacterial culture for fungi and bacteria.

General principle of rehabilitation

Itching between the buttocks requires targeted therapeutic actions, the scope of which can be determined after appropriate diagnosis by visiting a dermatologist

or, if necessary, using the advice of specialists in other specialized areas, depending on the established causal impact underlying the manifestation of the symptom.

In order to timely determine the parameters of service for any specialized institution in Moscow, with the ability to choose the most acceptable in terms of characteristics and convenient for visiting, we have created a reference book for private clinics “Your Doctor”, from the page of which you can immediately record a call to a dermatologist at home or the day and time of a visit to a specialist .

Publication date: 2018-02-07

Methods for diagnosing skin diseases:

  • Diagnosis of skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin diseases at home
  • Diagnosis of allergic skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of bacterial skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of viral skin diseases
  • Diagnosis of hair diseases
  • Diagnosis of nail diseases
  • Diagnosis of skin tumors
  • Skin scraping
  • Blisters on the skin
  • Dermatoscopy
  • Demodex tests
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections
  • Mushroom tests
  • Skin scraping

Treatment options

If you notice the problem right away, it will not be difficult to cure diaper rash in the groin and body. You will need to treat the sore spot with an antiseptic. Some people use antibacterial wipes for this purpose.

You can take a bath with a herbal decoction, dry your body thoroughly and lie down undressed, taking air baths. If the situation is more serious, then it is necessary to use medications for diaper rash in adults in the groin and other parts of the body.

Important! You cannot independently prescribe antibacterial and antifungal drugs without knowing the origin of the pathological process. The wrong medicine can aggravate the condition and lead to the spread of infection throughout the body.


If you often sweat in the area between your legs or there are signs of inflammation on your body, then how to treat diaper rash in the groin?

Ointments you can use:

  • Zinc-salicylic ointment for diaper rash in people of any age (cost 25 rubles). This is a combined antiseptic used for all types of bedsores and diaper rash that are not associated with bacteria and fungi.
  • Zinc ointment (costs 37 rubles). Used for weeping wounds and erosions. It has anti-inflammatory, astringent, healing properties. Dries skin perfectly. Not prescribed in the presence of an infectious process.
  • Akriderm GK (cost 460 rubles). Combined antimicrobial, antifungal, antiallergic agent. It is based on a glucocorticosteroid. The drug quickly relieves inflammation, suppresses irritation, relieves swelling, itching, and burning. Used no longer than 10 days.
  • Desitin (costs 290 rubles). Zinc-based ointment for diaper rash. Dries and absorbs excess moisture. Eliminates symptoms, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the sweat glands.
  • Levomekol (costs 140 rubles). This is an ointment with an antibiotic that has disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, drying, and regenerating properties. Accelerates metabolism, improves the healing of the dermis, heals weeping eczema and pustules.


When choosing an effective remedy for diaper rash, you can pay attention to the following creams:

  • Clotrimazole (cost 258 rubles). Antifungal cream that can be applied to infected epidermis. Apply twice a day. Additionally, tablets are taken to obtain a lasting effect.
  • Bepanten (costs 775 rubles). It is made in the form of ointment and cream. Accelerates the regeneration of cracks and wounds, activates cell restoration, suppresses inflammation. Allowed for use by pregnant and nursing mothers.
  • Sudocrem (cost 365 rubles) based on zinc with lanolin. It is used in the treatment of bedsores, diaper rash, burns of varying degrees of damage. Removes inflammation, dries wounds, reduces sweating, creates a barrier film, preventing tissue irritation and further spread of bacteria.
  • Sanosan (price 260 rubles). Caring German therapeutic and prophylactic cosmetic product. Often used to treat and prevent groin rash in the elderly. Contains zinc and D-panthenol.
  • Advantan (cost 615 rubles) cream, lotion, ointment for diaper rash in the groin and body. For weeping diaper rash, a cream form of the drug is used. This is a powerful antihistamine with a quick healing effect. Perfectly relieves inflammation and other unpleasant symptoms. Do not use for more than 10 days.
  • Pantestin gel for diaper rash in adults in the groin (costs 150 rubles). It has an active antifungal and antimicrobial effect. Contains dexpanthenol - a substance with a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory effect.

Antiseptic solutions

If diaper rash is observed in the groin in men, treatment begins with antiseptic compounds. They disinfect problem areas, clean them well, and prevent the proliferation of pathogenic flora. As a result, irritating symptoms become less noticeable, and the healing process occurs faster. Chlorhexidine (costs 26 rubles), Boric acid (costs 85 rubles), Miramistin (costs 410 rubles) are considered popular

Miramistin Boric acid Chlorhexidine


If there is diaper rash in older women/men or a child, you can use talc-based powders. They instantly absorb excess moisture, prevent excessive friction, and prevent inflammation from spreading to healthy tissue. When it comes to cosmetic products, it is advisable to choose brands that do not contain fragrances or other substances that can cause an allergic reaction.

Complex drugs

Diaper rash in the groin in men, the treatment of which is no different from the skin problem that occurs in women, is eliminated with complex medications. They are especially effective in the initial stages of damage. These products are manufactured taking into account all the necessary methods of influencing problematic skin: they relieve itching, redness, swelling, cracks, and pathogenic microbes. Available in ointments, gels and solutions.

They have no serious side effects or contraindications, as they contain exclusively natural ingredients:

  • La-Cri cream-gel (cost 255 rubles). Fights allergic manifestations, softens, moisturizes, heals the skin. Contains panthenol and bisabolol.
  • Resin (cost 40 rubles) based on pine oil and beeswax.
  • Balm Karavaev (costs 214 rubles). Consists of a mixture of plant extracts and fruits.
  • Boro-plus (costs 115 rubles) is a cream with natural ingredients. Quickly heals irritated cracks and restores epidermal cells.

Zhivitsa Balsam Karavaeva Boro plus La Cree

Folk remedies

For fungal and bacterial skin lesions that cause severe diaper rash, complex treatment is required.

In other cases, folk remedies that can be done at home will help relieve unpleasant symptoms:

  • shampoo is mixed with vodka in equal proportions and wiped with the resulting composition on the groin of women or men;
  • mix chamomile, celandine, string, oak bark. 2 large spoons of herbal mixture are steamed in a glass of boiling water. The resulting decoction is used to wipe the lesions or add them to baths;
  • stir 50 g of lard, a few drops of tea tree oil, 0.5 small spoon of yarrow powder, 5 drops of aloe juice. For skin inflammation, odor treatment is carried out twice a day after taking water procedures.

Types of diaper rash in older women and men

  1. Weeping diaper rash.
  2. Weeping diaper rash is the most common irritation on the skin of older women. It is localized in the folds of the skin and is mainly due to the fact that wet skin comes into contact with the fabric and constantly rubs against it. Due to friction, the protective layer of fatty lubricant on the surface of the skin becomes thinner, allowing microbes to easily penetrate the body and cause inflammation. Small wounds in places of friction begin to get wet, itch, and hurt.

  3. Diaper rash in the presence of diabetes


  4. People with diabetes are primarily at risk for diaper rash. Due to illness, their body copes worse with external negative influences. The skin of insulin-dependent diabetics is rougher, prone to peeling, and its turgor is reduced. In addition, due to impaired thermoregulation, they suffer from increased sweating, and this is one of the reasons for the appearance of diaper rash. If a diabetic has a tendency to develop eczema and hives, then this only aggravates the problem.

  5. Diaper rash associated with streptococcal infection


  6. Streptococcal diaper rash is one of the types of skin inflammation that occurs due to the penetration of streptococcal bacteria into the body. They easily enter the body when all the factors conducive to this are present: increased sweating and excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. Diseases such as diabetes mellitus, as well as excess weight, can again contribute to the appearance of such diaper rash.

    To avoid this, an elderly woman must follow all hygiene rules, paying special attention to risk areas.

    Places where streptococcal diaper rash occurs in older women: under the mammary glands, armpits, behind the ears, between the buttocks, in the abdominal area with excess weight - in short, in places where the skin rubs against each other or with clothing.

    Infected skin turns bright pink, clearly different from healthy skin. In addition, weeping diaper rash is often accompanied by cracks, which can bleed and cause significant discomfort and severe pain.

    Streptococcal diaper rash in older women is an extremely unpleasant inflammation that is easier to prevent than to treat.

  7. Diaper rash caused by fungi


  8. Another type of diaper rash in older women is fungal diaper rash. They arise as a result of skin infection by fungi, most often Candida and Pityrosporum.

    As a result of infection, reddish spots of round or oval shape with uneven borders resembling a fringe form on the skin. In addition, small white ulcers may appear, this indicates the penetration of other types of fungi into the body.

  9. Diaper rash that occurs under a cast


  10. Diaper rash occurs quite often in people who are forced to wear a cast. Elderly people with a cast are more at risk of developing diaper rash than others, because in their case, wearing a cast is accompanied by other factors, for example, dry skin that is prone to damage, etc. And if an elderly person is deprived of the ability to move, then this completely aggravates the situation.

    In modern medicine, plaster is the most popular material for fixing damaged limbs. It's cheap and easy to use. However, it has one serious disadvantage: it does not allow air to pass through, does not allow it to circulate freely, which is why diaper rash often appears under a plaster cast. As a result, the cotton wool that is used when applying plaster can become wet from sweat and swell, and this, in turn, leads to the growth of bacteria under the plaster. Hygiene of the injured area is almost impossible to achieve, and as a result, diaper rash appears.

  11. Diaper rash between the buttocks


  12. Diaper rash between the buttocks in older women is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. Most often they appear in the hot season, when a person sweats a lot. People with diabetes and those who are overweight are especially prone to this. Considering the localization of this type of diaper rash in elderly women, its treatment is somewhat difficult.

  13. Diaper rash on legs and feet


  14. Diaper rash that occurs in older women on the feet, in the folds of skin between the toes, and on the legs is infectious and inflammatory in nature.

    As a rule, such inflammation is associated with skin damage by fungal microorganisms. These areas are more susceptible to the risk of diaper rash due to constant friction of the skin on shoes, poor air circulation, and increased sweating.

    Frequent wearing of shoes made from artificial materials and rubber boots only contributes to the aggravation of this problem and creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogens.

    Excessive sweating in the foot area very often provokes the appearance of diaper rash. In this case, it is important to understand the reason for the disruption of the normal functioning of the sweat glands, because sweating is only a symptom that indicates the presence of some systemic disorders in the body. Treating the disease can significantly improve quality of life. The main thing to remember here is that moderation is needed in everything, because moderate sweating is the norm for the human body. The main thing in the fight against diaper rash on the feet is not to neglect hygiene and choose the right shoes.

    Often, irritation can be accompanied by some secondary infections caused by various fungi. Since the feet and hands most often come into contact with bacteria, it is important to pay special attention to any micro-inflammations that occur in these areas and promptly prevent their development and spread.

  15. Diaper rash that occurs in the navel area.
  16. Elderly women often suffer from omphalitis - inflammation of the navel. Diaper rash is one of the special cases of this disease. The nature of inflammation is usually bacterial or fungal. The inflammatory process begins to develop on the skin and in the tissue of the subcutaneous layer around the navel. In this area, the skin swells, and a liquid consisting of pus and blood begins to secrete from the umbilical cavity and forms detachable crusts. If the problem is neglected and proper treatment is not provided in time, excessive granulation occurs at the bottom of the umbilical wound, which makes it difficult for epithelium to form. As a result, this can lead to the appearance of a pink mushroom-shaped neoplasm.

    Navel diaper rash in older women, like any other, requires treatment. To avoid complications, when the first signs of irritation occur, it is necessary to treat the navel area with antiseptics and special ointments, and also, if necessary, go to physical procedures prescribed by a doctor.

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Treatment of complicated irritations

Ointment and cream remedies for diaper rash are not used in people with an advanced stage of the disease. They excessively moisturize the epidermis, creating a protective film on it. Thanks to this film, at the initial stages of inflammation, it is possible to stop its manifestations, eliminate itching and burning. But if the condition is aggravated, the protective barrier will interfere with the penetration of medicinal components that are necessary to destroy pathogenic flora.

How to get rid of the problem at this stage? The patient is prescribed antibiotics, antimycotics, and antihistamines, taking into account the cause of the pathological process and individual characteristics. Additionally, immunomodulators, vitamin and mineral complexes are used.

Local treatment is carried out using lotions. Lesions can be treated with silver nitrate 25% or 1% tannin. As soon as the pustules and ulcers disappear from the skin, use zinc-based ointments.


to avoid the appearance of diaper rash in adults in intimate places, as well as in other parts of the body:

  • daily intake of water procedures. A contrast shower has a good effect on the skin;
  • avoiding overheating;
  • timely and regular change of underwear.

It is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complexes to support the immune system, avoid physical inactivity, promptly treat infectious and viral diseases, keep the body dry and clean, and eat right so as not to face obesity. When diaper rash appears in elderly, sick people, all possible measures must be taken to eliminate the outbreak. Sprinkle red areas with baby powder or talcum powder, use healing creams with a light texture. Diabetics should carefully monitor the condition of their skin and not neglect the rules of personal hygiene.

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