Wen under the eyes
White dots under the eyes (milia) - causes and treatment
White spots (pimples, spots, bumps) that appear on the face and in the eye area are called
Batrafen nail polish. Instructions for use. Reviews, analogues, price
About the use of the drug Batrafen for nail diseases.
Composition The cream for external use contains the active component of ciclopirox olamine, as well as
Girl with acne
Acne and post-acne of the face: causes and treatment features
Acne and its common consequence, post-acne, are a fairly acute and common dermatological problem.
Mumiyo for the face. Mumiyo beneficial properties and contraindications. Masks with mumiyo for acne, wrinkles, age spots on the face
Our article will tell you all about the beneficial properties of mumiyo, and also introduce you to simple
Herpes on the lips
Briefly about herpes: what causes rashes and how to deal with them?
Many people are familiar with the unpleasant manifestations of herpes. This is not surprising, because according to WHO, more than
Don't miss the first symptoms of nasal and sinus tumors
A polyp is a pathological growth of the mucous membrane. By its nature, this is a benign formation, however,
The best way to remove warts in the groin in men: methods and tips
Skin formations in the intimate area, similar to warts, appear for various reasons and occur
Tongue cancer
Why did a growth appear on the tongue, ways to remove papilloma
Tongue cancer is a fairly rare disease, but despite this, it is being registered every year.
Lactase deficiency
Lactase deficiency as an example of exudative enteropathy due to disaccharidase deficiency
Exudative enteropathy due to disaccharidase deficiency is associated with congenital or acquired deficiency of hydrolysis (digestion) enzymes
Atopic dermatitis
What are the best ointments for dermatitis: hormonal or non-hormonal, and is there an alternative?
Atopic dermatitis is a chronic skin disease. Due to disruption of biochemical processes, excessive dryness, flaking,
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