Homemade face masks: 12 Effective homemade masks that will improve your facial skin
The skin is so sensitive that psychological and digestive problems are immediately reflected, as in a mirror.
Salicylic acid effective against acne - 1% and 2%
Salicylic acid - 5 TOP recipes for acne and blackheads, using the solution for the face and nose
Description, composition and release form Salicylic acid is a substance from the group of beta hydroxy acids (BHA), which has
Ointments for abscesses, inflammations and for drawing out pus from a closed wound
When the skin is damaged, an abscess often forms: pus accumulating under the skin leads to
Ringworm on the skin
Ringworm in humans: treatment with ointments and medications at home
Lichen is a group of dermatological diseases of viral or fungal origin caused by systemic disorders in
Syphilis - symptoms and signs, causes. How to treat syphilis
Syphilis is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. And at the same time one of the most
lichen in humans
How lichen glows under ultraviolet light in humans and animals
The most common dermatological diseases include lichen - an infectious lesion of skin areas caused by
Types of gua sha scrapers
Massage with a Guasha scraper: technique and choice of tool
In Chinese medicine, massage has a special place. There are many methods for doing this, they are
Streptoderma - photos, signs, treatment methods
Streptoderma in adults, what is it and how to treat? Streptoderma is an infectious lesion
LPG massage: contraindications, pros, cons, features of the procedure and prices for hardware cosmetology at the MEDSI Clinic
Endermolift is a procedure created by specialists from the French company LPG Systems. The initial goal of development
Chickenpox in a child
How can you tell if your child has chickenpox? Advice for parents on diagnosing and treating chickenpox from a pediatrician
Chickenpox in children is the most common disease after ARVI that parents have to deal with.
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