What to do if you are burned by Verrucacid: first aid and further treatment
Almost every person, sooner or later, may develop unpleasant formations on the body that
The drug is used in the treatment of acne
Boro plus cream: detailed instructions for use, what it is used for, composition, review of analogues and reviews
Description of the drug Boro Plus contains only natural ingredients - phytoextracts of medicinal plants. In contrast
Manifestation of an allergic reaction
How does pityriasis rosea become infected?
The appearance of dubious spots on the skin, which sometimes itch and flake, is a serious reason to contact
Incubation period of lichen in humans: description, features and recommendations
Ringworm Ringworm (also called microsporia) is a highly contagious fungal disease that
Allergic dermatitis: which ointments and creams are most effective for treatment
Treatment of allergic dermatitis in adults, symptoms and prevention Allergic dermatitis is a specific skin reaction
Subcutaneous mite. Which procedures are prohibited and which are recommended?
Skin diseases are accompanied not only by pain and severe discomfort, but also by the risk of developing
What products contain hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid: what are the benefits and where is it found?
How to use hyaluronic acid at home Treatments and cosmetics can be quite expensive, so
Papillomas - a minor nuisance or a warning sign?
Papillomas are a widespread phenomenon in modern society. According to medical statistics, they are
Ringworm in humans. Symptoms, signs and treatment. What does ringworm look like? Photos, types, stages with names
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Gas injections in Krasnodar - injection carboxytherapy
Carboxytherapy is the subcutaneous or intradermal administration of medical (sterile) carbon dioxide (CO2) using
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