Massage with a Guasha scraper: technique and choice of tool

In Chinese medicine, massage has a special place. There are many methods for performing it, they are not similar to each other and affect the body in different ways. Guasha is a unique, interesting and simple oriental massage technique consisting of stimulating and scraping the skin using specific techniques performed with a special tool.

The positive effect depends not only on the professionalism of the master, but also on the correctly selected scraper. This massage technique is ideal for treating illnesses and relieving nervous tension at home.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi is the energy that flows through the body. Many people believe that a person's Qi must be balanced and flow freely to ensure health and well-being. Stagnant energy is a possible cause of conditions associated with chronic pain. Massage is believed to help break down this energy, reduce inflammation and promote healing.

History of Guasha massage

It is known from historical sources that the earliest tool similar to gua sha predates acupuncture in the Stone Age. It was carved from Bian stone in various shapes and was used for such energy therapy and bloodletting.

During the Bronze Age, metal tools and needles took precedence over stone ones. Huang Di Nei Jing, the famous father of Chinese medicine, confirmed that from 475 to 221 BC, procedures using Bian stone tools became known as “Bian therapy”, which was on a par with acupuncture and herbal medicine.

These days, beauty and wellness brands are emphasizing jade or rose quartz, which is now used to make gua sha tools. But it was not always so. Used by Chinese women for generations as a home remedy to treat sick children, gua sha could be made from any material at hand.

However, information about gua sha stone tools is historically accurate. In the Stone Age they were usually made of stone. Later, jade was actually used. The massage technique has been practiced by ordinary people throughout Asia for centuries. The first articles to appear in Western medical journals cast a negative light on the practice. Later, extensive research was conducted confirming the positive therapeutic effects of massage techniques.

With the popularization of functional medicine and Chinese acupuncture, the ancient technique has become accessible and in demand again. This procedure can be done by anyone and does not require medical education.

Origins and history of the name

Like everything Chinese, the name of the massage contains its main idea. The hieroglyphs are interpreted in different ways, but the translations boil down to the following: “Gua” is an action meaning “scrape, movement in one direction,” and “Sha” defines something “bad and unnecessary.”

Put together and taking into account the context of the action of Gua Sha, it gets the definition: “scraping out everything bad from the body” or “removing or getting rid of negative energy and toxins.”

Thus, the chronicle of China records the mention of this technique in 500 BC. As evidence shows, this technique is still popular in the country today; all segments of the population are rejuvenated and treated with it. The difference in the technique lies in the choice of material for the scraper. Peasants used available clay tools or items made from buffalo horns, while emperors preferred the healing power of jade.

Guasha massage for face

The procedure relieves tension and increases blood flow, improving the overall condition and appearance of the skin. As in other parts of the body, muscles relax, facial wrinkles smooth out, and collagen production increases. Guasha is ideal for those looking for an alternative to Botox.

The facial procedure is performed along massage lines using a soft scraper, thanks to which the skin does not stretch. For facial massage, you can use a Bian stone tool with a U-shaped edge, which can cover the cheekbones, jaws and eyebrows. The other side is shaped like a ridge and is used to stimulate blood flow. The narrowest side with a straight edge is used to treat areas under the eyes and paranasal sinuses.

Facial massage is much gentler than conventional cleansing techniques and is easier to stimulate muscles when compared to massage. The procedure helps cleanse facial skin and improve blood circulation, fight early signs of aging and relax tense muscles.

What's the point?

Since the progenitor of this technique is Eastern medicine, it is not surprising that the principle of interconnection between individual systems in the body is taken as a basis, that is, if you influence a specific point in a certain way, you can cure an area of ​​the body that is located in a completely different place. If the impact of these points is correct, then in addition to the therapeutic effect, you can achieve a noticeable slowdown in natural aging. This procedure can be used anywhere, but is most often used on the face due to the mentioned ability to look several years younger.

As for the feasibility of the procedure, Chinese facial massage for wrinkles is scientifically justified, so there is no reason not to trust this procedure.

After certain manipulations with biologically active points, some processes in the body begin to operate, which were previously in a state of inactivity. These processes are responsible for restoration, regeneration, and healing using their own resources. Collagen begins to be actively produced, which will affect the elasticity of the skin.

Massage can eliminate muscle spasms and tension, cleanse the skin, and have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and other metabolic processes. The healing effect is manifested on the facial nerves, nose, eyes and ears.

Benefits of gua sha massage for the face

For massage, a scraper made of jade or rose quartz is used, shaped to fit perfectly into the contours of the face. After applying moisturizer or oil to your face, you can begin the procedure.

Guasha massage provides invaluable benefits:

  • reduces the appearance of age and facial wrinkles;
  • removes waste and toxins, cleansing at the cellular level;
  • returns the skin a healthy and radiant appearance;
  • reduces bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • increases the effect of face creams and serums.


Guasha massage fights the causes and manifestations of the disease. Thanks to the impact on local zones of eight biologically active lines, it has a healing effect.

It is enough to go through several sessions, such as:

  • acne, age spots disappear;
  • creases, sagging, wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • marks disappear, swelling from lack of sleep;
  • pores narrow;
  • facial contours improve;
  • the skin is tightened, thickened, and rejuvenated;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • texture and natural complexion returns.

By the way!

The session does not involve twisting or stretching of skin areas. The scraper is gentle. However, it regulates microcirculation of lymph and blood, begins to nourish skin tissue, saturates it with oxygen, and activates regeneration processes to improve the appearance of the dermis.

Indications for gua sha massage

For the purpose of prevention, the technique is recommended for diseases such as rheumatism, osteochondrosis, asthma, bronchitis, cardiovascular pathologies and cholecystitis.

Guasha massage is widely used in combination with therapeutic treatments:

  • to eliminate headaches and back pain;
  • for problems with joints and women's diseases;
  • for diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, metabolic disorders;
  • to eliminate insomnia, relieve tension and muscle spasms;
  • to strengthen the immune system and cardiovascular system.

Guasha massage is used to correct cosmetic defects. Effectively eliminates acne and pigmentation. Helps combat excessive oily skin, wrinkles and signs of skin aging.

Unique facial massage tools not only cleanse the skin, but also stimulate the deeper layers of the epidermis. This process improves microcirculation and gets rid of acne and blemishes. Repeated treatment can reduce or prevent skin aging.

Indications and contraindications

Chinese massage is recommended if:

  • concerned about acne, pigmentation, scars, cicatrices;
  • metabolic processes are disrupted;
  • oxygen does not reach the cells well.

Guasha is not an aggressive technique and does not involve affecting the deep layers of the dermis.

However, it is not carried out if:

  • heart diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • herpes;
  • thrombosis;
  • oncology;
  • high blood pressure;
  • allergies;
  • bleeding, skin wounds;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • numerous papillomas, moles.

The note!

The gua sha procedure is recommended for women after 40 years of age, when the facial skin inevitably ages, tone decreases, and sagging areas and wrinkles appear. The result will not take long to wait, because the effectiveness of manual therapy has been tested by time. Expression wrinkles will smooth out in 7-10 days, deep facial wrinkles - 3-5 weeks.

Contraindications for gua sha massage

Exposure using the gua sha technique does not lead to serious side effects, but it is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before starting the procedures, you should consult a doctor. There are not many contraindications, but they still exist.

It is not recommended to perform the procedure:

  • during pregnancy;
  • for allergic rashes or other skin diseases;
  • if there are fresh scratches, scars or wounds;
  • with numerous moles and papillomas;
  • people with high blood pressure.

You should not give massage to people who have had a stroke. Absolute contraindications also include cirrhosis and hydrocele of the liver, problems of the nervous system, heart disease, as well as excessive sensitivity of the skin. Also, gua sha massage is not recommended for oncology and kidney pathologies.

Before starting procedures, you should check the certificate confirming the basic knowledge of the practitioner. The services of a professional guarantee effectiveness, proper treatment, reduced risk and prevention of bruising. When performing the procedure at home, you should carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations.

Indications for the procedure

Guasha massage helps solve a wide range of health problems and improve physical condition:

  • This is one of the most optimal ways to remove toxic substances and waste from the human body.
  • Headaches go away after gua sha massage, as the blood vessels dilate and blood flow improves.

  • For some joint diseases, gua sha techniques can eliminate pain and unhealthy swelling, as well as increase the motor activity of the affected joint.
  • If you have osteochondrosis, using gua sha massage helps relieve muscle spasms, eliminate pain and swelling.
  • Impact on a certain point, which is located on the projection of the lungs, is quite often used in the practice of gua sha in the treatment of various colds.
  • If your legs go numb, they feel heaviness and discomfort - using gua sha therapy will help solve these problems.
  • In the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder, pelvic organs, many female gynecological diseases, as well as intestinal problems, gua sha massage techniques are indicated for use.
  • If a person has acne or pimples on the skin of the face, gua sha will help get rid of such defects.
  • For diagnosed diseases of the human nervous system, poor sleep, and general weakness of the body, gua sha massage is also indicated for treatment.

Roller or gua sha scraper: which is better?

Unlike traditional massage, which only requires the magic of the hands to work, gua sha requires the right tools. In the past, people practiced this therapy using a spoon, coin, or other objects with rounded edges.

Currently, you can purchase special tools for Guasha massage, with the help of which the recipient’s body is affected. They are made using Bane stone, rose quartz, aventurine and jade.

Purposes of massage technique

According to the interpretation of Chinese teachings, a disease develops in a person as a result of the harmful influence of factors such as cold, dampness, wind or heat.

Acting mainly through the skin, they cause the appearance of areas with slow blood and lymph circulation. Therefore, in order to bring back the negativity received from the outside, you also need to act through the skin.

The goal of gua sha massage is to restore human health, which is achieved by eliminating stagnation in the tissues of the body using the method of special effects on its different zones.

By eliminating these problematic “foci of disease”, such a massage eliminates the very cause of health problems and, of course, its consequences.

Guasha scraper: which stone to choose?

The catalog of the online store contains sets and individual tools for gua sha massage. Before purchasing, explore all options to choose the one that suits you best.

According to Eastern medicine, each stone has a certain effectiveness:

  • Nephritis. Has a healing effect: calms, increases energy, eliminates bags under the eyes, fights age-related changes. The roller increases tone, removing swelling, and the scraper works the deep muscle structures of the body. Best suited for zodiac signs such as Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.
  • Rose quartz. Helps get rid of toxins and puffiness, and also improves blood circulation and fights wrinkles. The heart-shaped plate works the muscles, improving blood circulation. The roller helps restore turgor and prevents ptosis (drooping of soft tissues). Rose quartz is the stone of Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra.
  • Aventurine. Used in the treatment of dermatitis, restores sleep and increases self-esteem. The roller and scraper are used for a comprehensive massage of the body, head and face, which helps normalize the outflow of lymph and eliminate swelling. The complex effect allows you to smooth out wrinkles, sculpt cheekbones and facial contours. In terms of energy, aventurine is suitable for Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo and Taurus.

Salt of the Earth brand products are of high quality, which is confirmed by certificates of conformity. All items presented in the catalog are in stock and ready for delivery the very next day after receiving the application.

Important nuances and tips

When using gua sha practice, it is necessary to take into account specific nuances:

  • on the day of the procedure, the patient should drink approximately 2 liters of water at room temperature;

  • Guasha massage should not be performed immediately after a meal or if the patient is hungry;
  • It is prohibited to perform the procedure on a person who is drunk or under the influence of drugs;
  • you should not increase the duration of the procedures - this can lead to the opposite results;
  • depending on the level of skin sensitivity and the physical condition of the person, shi spots disappear after a few hours or after 5 days; until the “shi” has disappeared, the next procedure cannot be done;
  • after the gua sha procedure, some people may experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases, this phenomenon is not considered dangerous and is temporary; after an exacerbation there is always a significant and lasting improvement;
  • When performing a massage, you should avoid touching birthmarks and raised skin formations;
  • after gua sha massage procedures, a noticeable improvement in health may be observed for several days (this happens most often), but soon there comes a time of weakness, when a person feels that he does not have enough strength; This reaction is due to the high rate of detoxification of the body and the acceleration of metabolic processes in tissues. After 2 days, the patient’s health condition stabilizes.

According to statistics, the Chinese live much longer than Europeans, while being distinguished by enviable physical activity into old age. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Chinese health practices are currently becoming increasingly popular in Europe.

How to choose a gua sha scraper: shapes and types of scrapers

For gua sha scraping massage, you can purchase special plates that have different shapes and are made of different materials. When choosing, you should adhere to the main rule - the edges of the plates should be extremely smooth, without defects, so as not to damage the skin.


Scrapers in the form of combs or small quadrangular plates are used to massage the head. They have from 2 to 4 ears. A plate with two ears is used to treat the spine. It was noticed that after a massage with comb scrapers, headaches go away, spasms are relieved, and hair growth increases.


The scraper is an L-shaped plate, with one side slightly longer than the other. Convenient for massaging small areas (corners of lips or eyes).


The spoon-shaped scraper is very convenient to use. The massage is carried out both with the rounded end of the handle and with the concave part.


A scraper in the form of an irregularly shaped foot allows you to work on any area. All sides are functional here.


Square or heart-shaped plates are designed for massaging large areas of the body, such as the back. Also widely used to treat areas under the eyes.


The gua sha scraper, made in the shape of a fish, is used not only for small bends. It is widely used for large areas of the face and body.

When does the massage effect occur?

When using gua sha techniques, the result is visible already during the massage procedure. The skin becomes red and a burning sensation appears. Dark spots and dots appear on the surface of the skin of the treated area of ​​the body, sometimes their color can even be black.

When using gua sha techniques, the result is visible already during the massage procedure.

It is believed that to increase the effectiveness of a gua sha massage session, areas of the human body should be tapped along the lines of energy movement, thus activating the subcutaneous meridians. However, such actions require the master to have special knowledge.

Experts in manual practices claim, characterizing gua sha massage, that it is an effect on the body that always gives excellent results.

A noticeable improvement in a person’s health is observed immediately after the first gua sha session

Guasha massage technique for face

Basic steps to perform a massage:

  1. Before performing the procedure, cream or oil is applied to the skin (magnesium or coconut oil is suitable).
  2. The scraper blade is pressed against the face at an angle of 15 degrees. The pressure on the skin should not be too strong so that there are no visible marks or redness.
  3. Using the U-shaped edge, the tool is slowly moved from the middle of the chin along the chin line to the earlobe 5-10 times. Movements should only be in one direction. The same thing is repeated on the other side.
  4. The U-shaped side of the scraper is placed on the center of the cheek and slowly slides up to cup the cheekbone. Repeated 5-10 times.
  5. If the tool has a textured ridge, large areas of the cheeks can be massaged to stimulate blood flow.
  6. Use a short edge to go under the eyes and in the sinus area, moving the scraper up and out 5 to 10 times.
  7. Using a U-shaped edge, go along the entire length of the eyebrows in the direction of hair growth. The massage refreshes the skin around the eyes, restoring a rested look.
  8. Place the long side of the scraper between the eyebrows and move it upward towards the hairline. You can further stretch the skin to the right and left.

The procedure does not take much time, but has an excellent result. Adds vigor, energizes you for the whole day, calms your nerves, thereby providing stress resistance. This is a good enough reason to purchase a unique instrument.

How many sessions do you need?

To achieve a full therapeutic effect, it is worth carrying out 10-12 procedures with sessions performed 1-2 times a week. For preventive purposes – once a month.

It is quite normal if, after performing a massage, a reddish-bluish tint appears on the skin, a burning sensation and tingling sensation are observed. This means that harmful substances and lactic acid are released when purple-black hematomas and bruises appear.

If hematomas do not appear during the session, then the quality of the procedure is probably low and it is necessary to increase the force when pressing the skin with a scraper.


The next session should be carried out after 5-6 days, when the unpleasant consequences subside. To avoid the opposite effect or lack of results, you should adhere to the time interval for therapeutic massage - 25 minutes, preventive - 30-45 minutes.

Guasha massage with a scraper and roller for the face: instructions

The gua sha roller massager is undoubtedly more convenient to use. The technology for using this tool is somewhat simpler than massage with a scraper. The roller simply, with light pressure, rolls along the massage lines. There is no need to follow directions.

Video: facial massage with Guasha scraper

Video: facial massage with Guasha roller

Benefits of a gua sha roller:

  • relieves muscle tension;
  • improves blood vessels;
  • works as a stimulant of the lymphatic system;
  • reduces swelling and wrinkles;
  • restores skin tone and youth.

The roller is a portable device. Doesn't take up much space. Can be used anytime and anywhere. Suitable for all parts of the body. A large roller massages the cheeks, neck, chin and forehead.

Reviews of the gua sha video

Ekaterina M, Ozon online store:

Excellent devices for the face, wonderfully smoothes the skin, relieves swelling with regular use. I use it with serum or emulsion; first I cool the roller or stone for 5 minutes in the refrigerator.

You can buy such a roller massager in the OZONE online store. Promo code OZONJ23216 will give you 300 points for your first order.

N***a, Aliexpress website:

Girls, this little stone works wonders! After a week of use on the face, I’ll be honest and straightforward, the oval of the face has tightened up, the jowls have gone away, there are fewer wrinkles under the eyes, drooping eyelids have disappeared, but with nasolabial ones it will probably take a while, but most importantly the skin has tightened up, I’m glad, I’ll continue with live with it. I RECOMMEND YOU TO TAKE IT!

Massage with a gua sha scraper: movement pattern

The technique depends on the shape of the tool:

  • Heart
    – used for the classical impact technique. It is recommended to work out the muscles of the face and body after physical activity. This approach allows you to greatly increase the effectiveness of the procedure. Exposure to the skin should be moderate to avoid the possibility of injury.
  • Foot
    - designed for targeted treatment of problem areas - delicate area under the eyes, corners of the mouth, etc. Not recommended for use on the body.

Facial muscles with description and diagram

Below is a description of the main muscle groups that create the facial corset. I tried to present this information briefly and without complex terms. Be sure to look at their location on the diagram - this will give you a visual representation of what happens when exposed to them.

Sphincters (constrict)

Orbicularis oculi muscles - located around the eye openings and close the upper and lower eyelids, protecting the eye socket. They are attached to the inner corner of the eye and are one of the most active on the face. Already at a young age, the first wrinkles appear in this area.

Orbicularis labii muscles - located around the mouth, allowing you to compress your lips. They are not attached to any bone, but more than 10 other facial muscles are woven into it. Clamps in this area directly depend on the psycho-emotional state. For example, tension of the lips during indignation and dissatisfaction leads to the formation of ridges in the corners of the mouth and wrinkles above the upper lip.

Depressors (pull down)

The proud muscle begins on the back of the nose and attaches to the skin above the bridge of the nose. When angry, this area of ​​skin goes down and forms transverse wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.

Brow wrinklers - woven into the skin of the eyebrows, which allows them to be brought closer together. Due to activity, stable vertical folds are formed in the area between the eyebrows.

Depressive corners of the mouth - pull the corner of the mouth down. When contracted, they give a dull and sad expression on the face. This movement also involves the muscles of the neck, which are held together by tendons and pull the oval down. This leads to the formation of jowls.

Chewing - originate from the zygomatic bone and attach to the angle of the lower jaw. Their main function is to press the lower jaw against the upper jaw. With their help, the chewing process is carried out, as well as the pronunciation of sounds. They grow throughout life due to tension and clenching of the jaw as a result of chewing and negative emotions. This prevents the normal flow of lymph to the parotid lymph nodes, resulting in swelling.

Levators (pull up)

The frontalis are the largest facial muscles. They start from the superciliary arches and are woven into the tendon helmet in the area of ​​the hairline. With active facial expressions, they shorten and spasm, forming transverse creases on the forehead.

Zygomatic - consist of a small and a large one. Allows you to lift and pull the corners of your mouth to the side. Stretch between the zygomatic bone and the orbicularis oris muscle. When they work, “crow’s feet” form in the corners of the eyes, and the nasolabial folds deepen.

The chin lifts the skin of the chin upward and, when contracted, presses the lower lip against the upper lip, helping to express emotions.

Lateral - raise the upper lip and pull the wings of the nose upward, widening the nostrils. Its spasms lead to a deepening of the nasolabial fold and also contribute to the retraction of the eyes, making the nasolacrimal groove more pronounced.

All facial muscles are woven with microscopic fibers into the skin. Therefore, it is very important not to run the facial corset, improving blood circulation and lymph movement.

Back massage with gua sha roller

You need to prepare for a back massage: drink half a liter of warm water, do not eat for two hours before the session, take a warm bath to steam and cleanse the skin. Don't forget to apply massage oil or other care product to your body so that the scraper glides easily over the skin.

Help will be needed to thoroughly work through each section. You can also use the tool independently to influence the cervical and shoulder areas. When performing the procedure, you should carefully influence the area around the spinal column, without touching the vertebrae.

For back massage, the rose quartz set is most suitable. The scraper is indispensable for working out the paravertebral zone and allows you to better disperse the lymph.

Guasha massage technique for the back:

  • The massage starts from the shoulders and gradually moves lower. For symmetrical movements, use two scrapers.
  • Using short jerky movements, “scrape” the line of the spine and two more along the edges of it. There will be red streaks that will soon pass, don’t let that scare you. After working on each line, smooth the area with your palm.
  • Next comes work with the intercostal lines and hands.
  • Now horizontal rubbing with a plate from the spine to the sides over the entire surface of the back.
  • Finish the massage with soft strokes.

In classical Chinese technique there are three types of movements, you can combine them with each other:

  • Sea-Gu
    is a high-pressure scraper that moves quickly and rhythmically across zones.
  • Boo Gua
    - smooth and soothing movements with gentle pressure.
  • Pin-bu pin-se
    - medium intensity and speed of pressure, an intermediate option between the two previous techniques.

The massage usually lasts up to 40 minutes. Afterwards, dress warmly and try to drink more fluids. Do not take water procedures in the next 5-6 hours. A second massage session can be done when the bruises from the past have disappeared.

Preparatory stage

To achieve a beneficial result, the procedure for rejuvenating and cleansing the skin must be carried out correctly.

It's worth preparing:

  1. Disinfect instruments.
  2. Wash your hands and face with soap.
  3. Steam your skin, take a shower or a hot bath before applying the basic treatment to problem areas.
  4. Cover with massage cream and olive oil.
  5. Carry out stroking, rubbing, massaging movements with your hands.

Additional Information!

It is better if the massage oil used smells pleasant, thins out the aroma, moisturizes the skin and nourishes it with vitamins.


There is a certain level of skepticism associated with gua sha massage. Many people don't understand why they should waste time using a somewhat questionable massage technique. However, research shows that the method really works and gives the expected effect. Results are achieved through hard work.

The use of scrapers and rollers really improves microcirculation and blood circulation and relieves muscle pain. The therapy aims to move energy throughout the body. You can use gua sha massage for the scalp, face and body, for cellulite, for weight loss, back pain and much more.

You can choose a gua sha scraper right now with a 25% discount using the promotional code BLOG - only for new customers . Say goodbye to wrinkles and tired skin, shine every day with products from!

Execution Rules

Many people try to perform Guasha massage on their own, but as a result they do not get a pronounced effect. And in most cases this is due to incorrect manipulation technique. When starting this massage, remember a few simple rules:

  • The procedure must be done regularly. If you massage occasionally, you should not expect visible results even after several months. Regularity is the main condition for the effectiveness of Guasha massage.
  • The method is not suitable for people with acne. Problem skin does not like intense mechanical impact. Therefore, if you have a pustular rash, you will first need to eliminate the inflammation and make the acne disappear. Otherwise, you can easily spread the infection throughout your face and only worsen the problem.
  • During the session you need to strictly follow the technique. Otherwise, the swelling will increase and new wrinkles may appear, which will be difficult to get rid of. If you are unable to complete the procedure yourself, it is better to make an appointment with an experienced specialist.
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