Hyaluronic acid: what are the benefits and where is it found?

How to use hyaluronic acid at home

Procedures and cosmetics can be quite expensive, so many women resort to using homemade cosmetics. To do this, you will need to purchase sodium hyaluronate powder at the pharmacy and prepare a solution for external use.

To do this, you need to dilute 2 g of the active substance in 30 ml of warm drinking water. leave to infuse for 40-60 minutes. The finished solution can be used as a cream. It should be applied to previously cleansed skin. Apply any other anti-aging product of similar effect on top.

Hyaluronate in rose hips

Rose hips have healing properties due to their unique composition. A decoction of them helps strengthen the immune system. It is successfully used for the following problems:

  • prostate adenoma;
  • kidney disease;
  • flu;
  • cholecystitis;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • high pressure.

Rose hips contain:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E and K;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • silicon;
  • vegetable protein;
  • pectins;
  • essential oils.

This product has wound-healing, restorative and tonic properties. It fights the signs of vitamin deficiency and speeds up metabolism.

To cook rosehip compote, it is recommended to do the following:

  • rinse 100 g of dry fruits under running water;
  • heat 1 liter of water in a saucepan;
  • pour boiling water over the rose hips;
  • cook for about 5 minutes;
  • cover the container with a lid.

After about 5 hours, the drink is ready. It is permissible to add honey and a slice of lemon to it.


Preparations containing hyaluronic acid and collagen, although not drugs, have some contraindications for use.


  1. autoimmune diseases;
  2. acute stage of chronic diseases;
  3. increased sensitivity to the composition of drugs;
  4. inflammatory processes in the body;
  5. low blood clotting;
  6. taking antibacterial medications.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should refrain from administering or using products containing hyaluronate. This can negatively affect hormonal balance.

Principles for choosing a product

Various pharmaceutical brands develop and produce a significant number of drugs with hyaluron in tablet form. It is impossible to say which company is better in this case. The choice depends on the availability of additives in products from different manufacturers: some will suit some, and others – others. Moreover, supplements should not cause side effects, in particular allergies. The tablets help in the fight against small wrinkles and in the recovery process after certain cosmetic procedures.

It is also important to understand that a dietary supplement is not a drug, so it is not subject to careful long-term monitoring. This means that you need to buy products from trusted companies with a good reputation - this is a guarantee of higher quality.

Question answer

Hyaluronic acid is an essential element for maintaining youth, beauty and health. With age, the natural synthesis of this component decreases, causing dry skin, the formation of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

It is impossible to answer this question precisely. Of course, the manufacturer promises a colossal effect after using such products, and you can find many rave reviews online (perhaps many of them were purchased). But in reality it is not possible to achieve a radical transformation. Many ladies notice a slight improvement in their appearance, but pills will not be able to remove wrinkles or tighten sagging skin.

For this purpose, contour plastic surgery, mesotherapy, and biorevitalization are performed. There are also non-injection methods. For example, laser biorevitalization. In this case, the laser helps the hyaluronic acid molecules penetrate the dermis. This is also an effective method, which has its own nuances.

How to preserve hyaluronate reserves in the body

By consuming the above products, you cannot be sure that hyaluronic acid will be absorbed in full. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to provide the tissue with microelements and vitamins. They help synthesize hyaluronate reserves. Among the vitamins, the following substances are useful:

  • Rutin . It is found in cherries, apples, grapes, citrus fruits, and green tea. There is vitamin P in garlic, beets, cabbage, tomatoes, and buckwheat.
  • Ascorbic acid . Vitamin C is found in vegetables and greens.
  • Collagen . Present in carrots, cranberries, spinach, beef, persimmons, corn, egg yolks and pumpkin.

For natural acid production, you can use gelatin. Jelly made from fruits, vegetables and fish have medicinal properties. It is recommended to take 5 mg of gelatin every day for a month, and the result will not be long in coming.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

Today you can find various ways to replenish hyaluron in the skin. Taking pills is a questionable method. Hyaluronic acid simply cannot be absorbed. This substance is produced by the body, and over the years this production deteriorates. The only effective method of replenishing the deficiency is the injection of this substance. You can also achieve good results through hardware biorevitalization.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

Proper nutrition is important for human health.
You need to watch what foods you eat throughout your life. But over the years, most people experience a deterioration in hyaluron production. And correcting your diet will especially help in this case. Of course, you should review your menu, but I also advise you to go to a cosmetologist. A professional approach will help prolong youth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS57lNrnu6k

You can get rid of age-related changes not only with the help of plastic surgery; affordable products and products with hyaluronic acid will be an alternative replacement for expensive procedures.

As a result, the epidermal cells are saturated with life-giving moisture, the skin acquires elasticity and a healthy color, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Biorevitalization – which drugs are better?

Hyaluronic acid is included in both preparations for biorevitalization and fillers - preparations for contouring. This is one of the main ingredients in creams, skin serums, and the basis of rejuvenation products. What preparations of unstabilized hyaluronic acid exist that are used for biorevitalization and bioreparation? Which ones have proven to be effective and safe? Let's consider the main preparations of hyaluronic acid for the face, registered in Russia, approved for use and time-tested.

What are the main hyaluronic acid preparations that have proven themselves well in the cosmetic services market?

Preparations for biorevitalization containing only hyaluronic acid

IAL-SYSTEM, Ial-system (made in Italy). Contains unstabilized hyaluronic acid at a dose of 18 mg/g. At this point in time, it is the leader among modern drugs for biorevitalization, the “gold standard”. Ial System is an effective, reliable, high-quality biorevitalizant for combating dehydrated skin.

Clinical effectiveness: skin hydration.

Indications for use: recommended for patients of any age and any skin type, especially dry and thin.

Features: marks from injections disappear quickly, after 4-5 hours or the first day.

Basic course: 5 procedures with an interval of 14 days.

IAL-SYSTEM ACP (Italy). Contains partially stabilized hyaluronic acid (HA) at a dose of 20 mg/g, that is, the density of HA in this preparation is greater, therefore, it is contained in the dermis longer and acts for a longer time. Most often, IAL System ACP is used after 3 facial biorevitalization procedures with IAL System to enhance the effect. It is also possible to combine these two drugs for injection into different areas.

Clinical effectiveness: moisturizes, creates a “depot” of hyaluronic acid in the skin to maintain tone and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Recommendations for use: recommended for patients of any age and any skin type, especially thick and severely dehydrated.

Features: papules last longer than after injections of other drugs.

Basic course: 3 procedures once a month

Teosyal Meso, "Teosyal Meso" (manufacturer Switzerland). The main active ingredient is unstabilized hyaluronic acid at a dose of 15 mg/g. Its molecular weight in Teosyal Meso is 1 million Da, which leads to ideal absorption in the dermis.

Clinical effectiveness: moisturizing, improving skin tone, preventing aging.

Indications for use by age and skin type: thin skin, including young skin, due to its low density, can be used for the skin around the eyes in patients prone to swelling.

Basic course: 4 procedures every 2-3 weeks.

Viscoderm "Viscoderm" (produced in Italy). Also contains hyaluronic acid in concentrations of 8 mg/g, 16 mg/g or 20 mg/g. The higher the content of hyaluronic acid in the syringe, the longer the papules persist after the procedure.

Clinical effectiveness: prevents the formation of wrinkles, smoothes fine wrinkles, improves the tone and color of the skin.

Recommendations for age and skin type: Viscoderm 0.8% is designed for young and middle age; 1.6% - for thin skin 30-40 years old, 2.0% - for correcting age-related skin changes after 40 years. But do not forget that biological age does not determine the choice of drug; it depends on the condition of the facial skin and the desired effect in the patient.

Features: The higher the percentage of hyaluronic acid, the longer the papules last (from several hours to several days)

Basic course: 4 procedures once every 2-4 weeks (depending on concentration)

Princess Rich – Princess Rich (made in Austria). A preparation based on hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 18 mg/g

Clinical effectiveness: activates collagen production in tissues, improves tone, retains moisture

Recommendations by age and skin type: suitable for all skin types

Basic course: 3 procedures once a month

The preparations described above contain only hyaluronic acid. Preparations of “pure” hyaluronic acid can be used from the age of 18 to improve tone, protect against ultraviolet radiation and premature aging.

Preparations for biorevitalization and bioreparation containing hyluuronic acid and additional ingredients.

Hyalrepair, “Hialrepair” (made in Russia) - contains unstabilized hyaluronic acid at a dose of 14 mg/g or 2 mg/ml, as well as vitamins + amino acids.

The effect of injections: smoothing the relief of superficial wrinkles, improving skin color and texture, increasing skin turgor, and has a lifting effect.

Recommendations by age and skin type: for middle and older age.

Features: the group of drugs “Gialripayer” includes several types that differ in indications and composition.

Basic course: 3 sessions every 3 weeks.

Meso-Wharton P199, “Meso-Wharton” (produced in the USA). A biological agent based on unstabilized hyaluronic acid at a dose of 15 mg/g + a peptide isolated from the umbilical cord and artificially synthesized, regulating the activity of stem cells by stimulating the release of growth factors. + complex of vitamins, coenzymes, antioxidants and growth factors.

The result of the procedure: fights age-related changes, improves cellular renewal, tightens contours, smoothes folds and wrinkles.

Recommendations for use: recommended for patients over 40 years of age.

Basic course: from 4 to 8 injections with an interval of 1 week, followed by monthly maintenance therapy.

Features of the period after the procedure: redness and swelling are possible 2-3 days after the procedure.

Meso-Xanthin F199 “Meso-Xanthin” (USA manufacturer). The drug contains hyaluronic acid + Fucoxanthin (derived from seaweed and maintains the stability of the DNA chain under various external and internal stresses) + Growth factors + peptides + amino acids + vitamins + nucleic acids

Clinical effectiveness: has a restorative effect not only at the cellular, but also at the gene level. After a course of procedures, wrinkles are smoothed out, skin elasticity and tone improve, pigment spots disappear, the severity of vascular patterns decreases, and a noticeable lifting effect.

Age recommendations: after 25 years

Main course: 4-6 sessions every 1-2 weeks

Jalupro, "Jalupro" (made in Italy) is a drug containing hyaluronic acid 1% or 2% + amino acids (lysine, proline, glycine, leucine).

The result of the procedures: effective in the presence of small and medium-sized expression and age wrinkles, post-acne and stretch marks, pigmentation and dry skin.

Recommendations for age and skin type: after 35 years.

Main course: 4-5 sessions at intervals of once a week.

NCTF 135, or NSTF 135 (made in France, Filorga). Also a drug that includes unstabilized hyaluronic acid + 12 vitamins + 20 amino acids + 6 minerals + 6 coenzymes + 5 nucleic acids + 2 antioxidants.

Clinical effectiveness: moisturizes, improves tone, elasticity, has antioxidant properties, fights post-acne

Recommendations for age and skin type: there are three drugs, which are conventionally divided according to the patient’s age:

“Innovative cocktail” NCTF 135+ for persons under 30 years old,

"Enriched" NCTF 135 HA for ages 30 to 35

“Extra-enriched” NCTF 135 HA+ for skin over 35 years old.

Main course: 4-6 sessions once every 1-3 weeks, depending on the composition of the cocktail.

JUVEDERM Hydrate , "Juvederm Hydrate" (made in the USA) is a preparation based on hyaluronic acid at a concentration of 13.5 mg/g with the antioxidant mannitol. This combination of the drug provides the greatest reinforcing effect. Mannitol shields cells from free radicals and prevents the breakdown of hyaluronic acid, thereby prolonging the effect of skin hydration and rejuvenation.

Result: moisturizes and increases skin elasticity, lifting effect

Recommendations for age and skin type: any skin of any age.

Basic course: once every 3-4 weeks, 4 procedures

It is worth remembering that it is better to focus your energy on preventing skin aging than correcting its manifestations. Based on the needs of the skin and lifestyle, the cosmetologist will select an effective drug and recommend a course of injections.

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