Simple face mask with aspirin and honey: reviews
1:502 1:507 A face mask with Aspirin is a popular remedy for acne and acne. Simple
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Recovery after childbirth - recommendations from a cosmetologist
Many people experience stretch marks on the skin during their lifetime. They appear in women
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Aloe juice for papillomas: application features and contraindications
Causes of papillomas and warts. Their appearance is caused by the human papillomavirus, which is almost
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What to put on your lips after tattooing - How to relieve puffiness in the first days
Permanent makeup is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure for introducing hypoallergenic substances into the layers of the skin.
Cosmetic macadamia oil for the face: analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the product
Stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep and poor environment contribute to early skin aging. Stop this nasty
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Gel for external and local use INSTRUCTIONS for the use of the medicinal product herpes for medical purposes
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Red moles on the body: a signal of dangerous diseases or a harmless formation?
Home / Articles / Why does the skin around a mole itch? Moles and age spots are not
Optimization of complex therapy of lichen planus of the oral mucosa
Reasons for the appearance of tinea versicolor Contents of the article It affects middle-aged people. In medicine
Treatment of patients with rosacea complicated by demodicosis
Spregal is prescribed for demodicosis to achieve maximum effect during therapy. This is a parasitic skin disease
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Laser removal of warts: description of the procedure, quantity, possible consequences
During menstruation, the pain threshold is lowered, and recovery takes longer. Pregnant procedure
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