TOP 5 hair treatments
The effectiveness of therapeutic cryomassage of the scalp
Services Doctors Results Reviews Verified by an expert Sharubina Karina Petrovna Trichologist, dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist Date of publication:
Laser hair removal of the deep bikini area. Contraindications, photos, price of the procedure
Laser hair removal of the deep bikini area. Contraindications, photos, price of the procedure
Every girl makes sure that her bikini area is free of excess hair. It's beautiful and done
Baby powder - first aid for acne on the face
Oily skin with acne is a problem of all times, it especially worries young people
How to use curiosin gel against wrinkles: basic rules of use and reviews from cosmetologists
No woman wants to put up with the appearance of wrinkles. Fortunately, today age-related changes
Medical cosmetology / Viral skin diseases
[td] Viral skin diseases: causes, classification Herpes Herpes zoster (herpes zoster) Warts Condylomas Contagious
Shingles: answering frequently asked questions about the disease
Shingles or herpes is an infectious disease that causes damage to the skin with the appearance of characteristic
actinic keratosis photo
Dermoscopic capabilities for diagnosing actinic keratosis in outpatient practice
Actinic keratosis is a pathological change in the skin caused by direct and prolonged exposure to solar radiation.
Why do age spots appear and how to get rid of them?
Causes of Melasma Pigment Spots Cause number 1 is ultraviolet rays. Stimulates hormone production
Symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis
The most common dermatitis in children: features of diagnosis and therapy
How seborrheic dermatitis manifests itself in adolescents Foci of inflammation appear primarily on the face: on
papilloma virus treatment
Acrochordon (Skin Tag)
What are the causes of acrochordon? The exact causes of acrochordon are still unknown. Predisposing factors
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