Saddle nose rhinoplasty

Is it possible to remove a hump on the nose at home?

The author of the Facebook building method, Carol Maggio, will answer unequivocally “Yes.” To do this you need to do special exercises. However, it is possible to reduce a hump on the nose only if it is completely cartilaginous, since bone tissue cannot be removed using gymnastics.

Carol suggests two exercises:

1) Tighten your hips, buttocks, and pull in your stomach. Grab the bridge of your nose with your index finger and thumb, then gently but firmly press down on your nose.

2) Press the tip with your index finger, lifting it. Hold this position for 8-10 seconds.

Each exercise must be repeated 35 times and done twice a day. Only then is it possible to eliminate the nasal hump. If classes are stopped, the effect does not persist.

Causes of the disease and course of the disease

The disease is caused by demodex mites. The occurrence of the disease is promoted by:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of a chronic nature;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Chemotherapy;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Dustiness and high air humidity, sudden temperature changes.

As a result of exposure to demodex mites, the face acquires an earthy-gray color and is covered with nodules, ulcers and abscesses. The nose is most affected, as rough tissue forms in the skin. After some time, it becomes like a huge growth of dark red or purple color. The disease develops slowly. Over the course of several years, the nose becomes deformed and becomes lumpy. Its color becomes dark red or blue-purple, and in some cases purple. Such changes mainly affect the cheeks and nose. The ears, forehead and chin are much less commonly affected. The disease is more common in older people. It disfigures a person and therefore bothers the patient.

Correction of nasal hump with fillers

You can remove a hump on your nose with injections of special preparations based on hyaluronic acid. They are called “fillers” and are dense substances that are injected under the skin. Injections are made along the entire length of the back, thereby eliminating the disproportion and leveling the hump. Fillers fill all the holes and irregularities, they lift the tissue around the hump, so that it no longer stands out. The peculiarity of the method is that it can be used to correct small defects.

Fillers not only correct the hump of the nose, but also slightly change its shape if the client wishes and eliminate other minor imperfections:

  • change the tip a little;
  • smooth out small pits on the bridge of the nose;
  • remove sharp corners of the bridge of the nose;
  • straighten the back.

The effect lasts for 8-12 months, because the filler is gradually absorbed and removed from the body, and the original appearance is restored.

Cancer of the nose and paranasal sinuses: symptoms

A tumor in the nose develops in the maxillary sinus (maxillary sinus cancer), and cancer also affects the nasal cavity. Nasal cancer, the symptoms and signs of which become pronounced at a late stage, accounts for 1.5% of all cancers; men are more often affected. The reasons for the development of the disease are not fully known; most often, nasal cancer develops in workers of nickel production enterprises, woodworking and leather industries, in people who smoke and who often suffer from nasal infections. Symptoms and signs of nasal and sinus cancer vary. At the initial stage of development, the symptoms are similar to those of various diseases - rhinitis, sinusitis and other disorders.

Then the patient begins to experience headaches, discomfort, pain in the sinuses, and a change in sense of smell. The nose is constantly stuffy, mucous discharge from the nose bothers me. The pain can radiate to the upper jaw, temple, and a constant severe headache - such symptoms develop with cancer of the maxillary sinuses.

Cancer of the posterior external part of the maxillary sinus is manifested by difficulty while eating, difficulty opening the mouth - the cancer grows into the masticatory muscles. Cancer of the anterior lower part of the maxillary sinus often affects the hard palate and upper jaw, leading to tooth loss and the appearance of wounds on the gums. Cancer of the nose and paranasal sinuses can lead to displacement and loss of the eye, and facial deformation.

Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type of cancer; adenoid cystic carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, poorly differentiated transitional cell carcinoma, olfactory esthesioneuroblastoma and melanoma are less common. Carcinoma of the nose is not as dangerous as cancer of the paranasal sinuses, which has a less favorable prognosis. If early stage cancer is detected on the nose, then the five-year survival rate of patients is more than 50%, for cancer of the paranasal sinuses it is no more than 25%. Sinosanal poorly differentiated carcinoma has an aggressive course - the tumor affects the paranasal sinuses and nose, and is characterized by the appearance of ulcers and a tendency to necrosis.

Cancer of the nose and paranasal sinuses has clinical manifestations depending on the location of the tumor. Often a tumor in the thickness of the alveolar process is mistaken for an inflammatory process. It manifests itself in growth after tooth extraction. It is very difficult to differentiate tumors from the upper internal sinus. A tumor of the upper outer part of the maxillary sinus can remain unrecognized for a long time and manifest clinical symptoms in the form of pain. A tumor that has grown into the orbital area is manifested by swelling of the lower eyelid. A tumor that affects the infratemporal fossa, pterygopalatine fossa leads to swelling of the eyelid, the development of chemosis with exophthalmos.

Rhinoplasty - surgery to remove a hump on the nose

Plastic surgery is the most reliable and accurate method of removing a hump - cartilage or bone. Access can be open (through an external incision) or closed (through the mucous membrane). Plastic surgery is performed under general anesthesia and lasts 1-2 hours.

! See also More about rhinoplasty: choosing a method, before and after results

Main stages:

1) Opening the skin to access the hump.

2) Incision of the cartilage and its gradual removal.

3) Cutting the bone to the desired level, grinding.

4) Cutting the side slopes and then moving them to a new position to give the back a natural roundness.

We have described the main stages of open access surgery. When closed, the technique is slightly different. The method of intervention is always chosen individually, based on the characteristics of the patient’s nasal structures.

Recovery period

The patient spends 2-3 days in the hospital under 24-hour medical supervision.

  • Patients have 1-2 bed rooms equipped with showers.
  • Each one has an individual monitor for vital functions, a functional bed with oxygen supply, and a personal TV with headphones.
  • Delicious food takes into account the doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations.

After discharge, the patient visits the doctor according to his recommendations, observes the medical and protective regime:

  • excludes physical activity for 3 months after surgery;
  • does not use glasses for 2-3 weeks, replacing them with lenses. The temple of glasses can injure the operated nose;
  • Do not eat food that is too hot or cold to avoid causing bleeding.

The final result of rhinoplasty can only be assessed six months or even a year after the operation, when the skin has healed and all traces of the intervention have disappeared.

Laser removal of a hump on the nose

The ability to remove a hump on the nose with a laser is an excellent option for those who want to avoid major surgery and still get high-quality, lifelong results. The laser technique assumes that the directed beam is the same as a scalpel. It precisely cuts soft tissue where it is needed and acts on the hump, softening it for subsequent modeling. This method is suitable only if the defect is formed from cartilage.

Additional laser functions:

  • Immediately “seals” blood vessels. Therefore, bleeding is excluded.
  • Disinfects the surgical wound.
  • Stimulates local regeneration processes.

Laser surgery is faster, the recovery period is shorter and easier compared to classical surgery.
Information materials on the site are posted for informational purposes, not self-medication. Any plastic surgery is a surgical intervention. When deciding to have surgery, be sure to consult with a qualified professional.

Nasal hemangioma and other benign tumors of the nose

Benign nasal tumors are formed from various tissues present in the nose and paranasal sinuses. Hemangioma is a benign tumor that most often develops in the first days of a child’s life and actively grows in the first six months of his life. After the child is one year old, the tumor begins to involute; most of the hemangiomas disappear by the age of seven, the rest by the age of twelve. More often, hemangiomas form in girls. The cause of the disease is a disturbance in the development of blood vessels in the embryonic period. Nasal hemangioma can grow deep into the skin, tissues of the organ and to the sides, destroy tissues, provoke bleeding, and disrupt the functions of the organ.

Nasal fibroma is a benign formation that can spread to the orbit. Nasal fibroma is rare, characterized by active growth and quickly grows into the orbit and paranasal sinuses. The tumor causes nosebleeds and nasal congestion. Fibroma that has grown into the orbit and nasal sinuses causes various complications: constant lacrimation, decreased visual acuity, exophthalmos, and can cause deformation of the skull bones. Fibroids rarely develop in the paranasal sinuses, most often developing in the maxillary sinus.

Adenomas in the nose can be true adenomas, a papilloma-like tumor, or a malignant destructive adenoma. Adenomas do not produce secretions, despite the fact that the tumor contains glandular epithelium. Adenomas in the nose are rare and are characterized by nosebleeds, nasal congestion, and can lead to the development of exophthalmos, purulent dacryocystitis and other complications.

Benign neoplasms of the nose are osteoma, chondroma, angioma, papilloma, chordoma, lipoma, myxoma, bleeding polyp, ganglioneuroma, dermoid cyst and other neoplasms. Tumors are formed during intrauterine development of the fetus with a negative impact on the woman’s body during pregnancy. They can appear in chronic diseases of the nasopharynx; the appearance of tumors is influenced by poor environmental conditions, injuries, and infections.

Nasopharyngeal cancer

With a tumor of the nasopharynx, the symptoms of the disease can be widespread and less common. Early manifestations of nasopharyngeal cancer are nasal congestion, a burning sensation in the throat, swollen lymph nodes, and ear congestion. The symptoms are similar to those of a cold. The tumor begins to progress rapidly and is manifested by the following symptoms: nosebleeds, hearing loss, sore throat, nasal congestion, frequent headaches, enlarged cervical lymph nodes, squint on one side, a feeling of numbness in the face, difficulty opening the mouth, non-healing in the nasopharynx. wounds.

Nasopharyngeal cancer is dangerous because the disease is asymptomatic in the early stages of development. Very often, the symptoms of cancer resemble the symptoms of colds. When oncology of the nasopharynx is detected, the symptoms most often indicate a late stage of cancer - an unpleasant putrid odor appears from the mouth, the patient feels an unpleasant odor that comes from the nasal sinuses, headaches are tormented, the vocal cords swell, the voice changes, the patient has difficulty swallowing, opening the mouth.

Nosebleeds are a constant concern, the body temperature periodically rises, tachycardia worries, speech becomes incoherent, strabismus and paralysis of the facial nerves may develop. Stage 4 nasopharyngeal cancer is characterized by general weakness, severe symptoms, severe pain in the nasopharynx, neck, and headaches.

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