coffee peeling for face at home
Coffee peeling - 10 best recipes for face and body
Coffee peeling continues to be one of the most popular scrubs. And that's very true, soft
Plantar warts
Treatment (removal) of genital warts with solcoderm and solkovagin
Doctors Cost Price list Doctors clinics Radio wave removal of condylomas is an advanced method of removing these formations
Thrombosis of hemorrhoids
A lump came out near the anus: what to do, treatment, what to anoint?
What are the common types of benign formations (tumors): lipomas; fibroids; angiolipomas; benign fibrous histiocytomas; neurofibromas;
Removal of lipoma (fat): overview of all methods with photos
Wen around the eyes are benign accumulations of fatty tissue under the skin. At its core
Zelenka: indications and contraindications for use
Zelenka: indications and contraindications for use
Zelenka is the popular name for a brilliant green solution, which has been used since the 19th century.
"Viferon": what it helps with, instructions for use, where to buy at a good price
Viferon, 10 pcs., 3,000,000 IU, rectal suppositories
Treating ARVI, influenza and other viral infections is usually more difficult than preventing them, especially
From surgery to recovery. How to care for a wart after laser removal
The cost of plantar wart removal The cost of plantar wart removal in Moscow can be different and
before surgery to remove laryngeal papillomatosis
Papillomas in the mouth: a simple solution to a “complex” problem
Laryngeal papilloma. Symptoms. Symptomatically, laryngeal papillomatosis can be represented by hoarseness, chronic cough, difficulty breathing,
Efficacy and rules for using garlic against papillomas: tips and recipes
There are several ways to remove papillomas that traditional medicine offers. But nevertheless, many
Gel "Traumel": indications and instructions for use, where to buy, price, reviews
Gel "Traumel": indications and instructions for use, where to buy, price, reviews
"Traumel" is a medicinal product that is produced in the form of a gel and medicine. Contains
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