Removal of lipoma (fat): overview of all methods with photos

Wen around the eyes are benign accumulations of fatty tissue under the skin. At its core, the disease is not life-threatening, but in rare cases, wen can develop into a malignant tumor. The fatty tissues can be easily felt, and with light palpation they move slightly to the side. The newly formed wen in appearance resembles a yellow-white pimple, which tends to increase in volume.

Rice. 1. Wen under the eye.

What is a lipoma?

Benign tumors located directly under our skin, consisting primarily of adipose tissue, are called lipomas (colloquially a lipoma is called a “fat”).

A classic lipoma (fat) is a lump located directly under the skin, elastic, painless when touched, and displaces with light pressure. Typically, a lipoma is visible to the naked eye because it forms a lump on the skin. The size of lipomas usually does not exceed the size of a bean grain, but in “advanced cases” the tumor can reach significant sizes. The localization of lipomas can be very diverse. This tumor can develop in any part of the body where there is fatty tissue. Once formed, the wen gradually grows, increasing in size.

Why are wen under the eyes dangerous?

Often you want to remove the pimples that have arisen yourself, by squeezing. However, this should not be done under any circumstances, since squeezing out wen under the eyes is fraught with infection and growth of the formation in volumes. Moreover, a completely different, more dangerous disease can be disguised as a so-called pimple:

  • hernia in fatty tissue;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • benign tumor of the sweat gland;
  • gland hyperplasia.

If you find wen under your eyes. It is very important to consult a specialist in a timely manner to establish the correct diagnosis, on which further treatment will depend.

Rice. 3. Wen above the eye.

Wen or lymph node?

Often the wen looks like a hardened, inflamed lymph node. However, fatty tissue is easy to distinguish from a lymph node, since the appearance of a lymph node is often associated with an increase in body temperature or some kind of infectious or inflammatory disease. Lymph nodes are located in certain places of the human body, while a wen (lipoma) can be localized in any part of the body where there is subcutaneous fatty tissue. The lymph node can often be painful when pressed (a lipoma will be painless).

Causes of wen under the eyes

If a fatty pimple that forms near the eye is the consequence of illiterate eyelid skin care, then the pimple, to a greater extent, appears due to impaired metabolism. However, there are other reasons such as:

  • problems with the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • high cholesterol;
  • disorders of lipid metabolism of the skin;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • hormonal disbalance.

If any health problems are identified, treatment of wen should be comprehensive, eliminating problems not only of an external nature, but also of internal organs.

Fig. 2 Milia are wen, found in the eye area.

Are lipomas dangerous?

Being a benign tumor, a lipoma does not pose a threat to human life and, as a rule, the main indication for lipoma removal is aesthetic discomfort. However, there are also real health risks. A lipoma can become infected and then its removal will be much more inconvenient and have much more unpleasant aesthetic consequences, since the incision in the case of an abscess will be much larger, and the scar from the operation will be much more noticeable.

How to remove lipoma (fat)? On the Internet there are a large number of so-called “folk” recipes for treating lipomas using the “Golden Usher” plant, films from raw chicken eggs, garlic, celandine and even cinnamon, but we have to warn you: lipomas should absolutely not be pierced, squeezed out or treated independently in at home. This is dangerous due to the development of abnormal growth of adipose tissue and the development of a dangerous purulent infection.

The most suitable way to reliably get rid of lipomas quickly, comfortably and without aesthetic inconvenience is surgical removal of lipomas.

In Vitaclinik, as a rule, lipoma removal can be performed on the same day of treatment. After consulting a dermatologist (and, if necessary, a surgeon), the most suitable method of removal is determined - removing the lipoma using a traditional scalpel, or removing the lipoma using a laser.

Video: lipoma removal with laser

The surgical removal procedure itself is carried out in a convenient and comfortable treatment room under local anesthesia in appropriate sterile conditions by a qualified surgeon and takes only a few minutes. The incision for removing uncomplicated wen is very small and often does not even require a suture.

Dr. Sven Eving


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Dr. Inga Khachaturyan

Removing fat under the eyes

Not all wen need emergency removal; this requires certain prerequisites:
  • soreness of the wen, making it difficult to close and open the eye;
  • sharp decrease in vision;
  • intensive growth of wen under the eye.

Rice. 4. Wen under the eyes with high cholesterol in the blood.

There are many different ways to eliminate the unaesthetic defect of a wen under the eye. Below are the three main ones:
  1. A medicinal method for removing wen under the eyes. For this method, a special solution is used, which is injected with a thin needle into the cavity of the wen, promoting its resorption.
  2. Mechanical method of removing wen under the eyes. Using a scalpel or needle, the wen is opened, all accumulated contents are cleaned out, and then filled with a solution that blocks the development of the inflammatory process. All manipulations are done under anesthesia.
  3. Surgical method for removing wen under the eyes. If the wen is large and does not respond to drug treatment, a scalpel, radio waves, laser or electric current are used. With their help, the wen is burned or removed, stopping its further growth.

It is better to decide what and how to remove wen under the eyes together with your doctor, based on the data of the examination.

How to remove wen using traditional methods

If it is not possible to visit a doctor’s office, you can try to remove the lipoma yourself. But this applies only to those formations that have appeared recently. If the lipoma is old, it needs to be treated only surgically.

Baked onion

Onions are considered one of the most effective means for removing wen. Do the procedure at least 2 times a day.

  1. Take one medium onion and bake in the oven.
  2. Grind the cooled onion using a meat grinder.
  3. Grate baby soap, add to onion and mix thoroughly.
  4. Apply the resulting mass as a compress to the wen.

Sour cream with honey

Before the procedure, you need to take a hot bath to steam the wen. Then the components of the prepared remedy for wen will better penetrate the adipose tissue of the tumor. Carry out the procedure every other day.

  1. Mix equal amounts of sour cream, honey and sea salt.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the problem area.
  3. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Prevention of lipoma

After lipoma removal, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  • reduce the consumption of fatty meats and high-fat dairy products;
  • introduce vegetable oil and fish into the daily menu;
  • refuse late dinners;
  • move as much as possible.

You need to follow these recommendations not only if a lipoma has already appeared, but also if there is a hereditary predisposition. Doctors say that the risk group for the formation of wen includes middle-aged and elderly people.

How is the laser lipoma removal procedure performed?

Wen removal with a laser is carried out by an oncologist or plastic surgeon who has the necessary experience and qualifications, specializing in working with neoplasms.

In most cases, manipulations are performed under local anesthesia and last 15-40 minutes. The outer skin is cut with a laser while simultaneously treating and sealing the damaged blood vessels. After this, the capsule with the wen is carefully lifted and peeled off with a laser.

The edges of the wound are sutured layer by layer, preserving the tissue microarchitecture. If necessary, a drainage is installed in the incision area, through which the ichor drains out for a few more days. If the lipoma is small, the incision site is sutured with a cosmetic suture, and a sterile bandage is applied over it.

Laser removal of a wen eliminates a long rehabilitation period. With normal physical well-being, the patient can return to their usual routine almost immediately after the procedure. The exception is certain complex cases when recovery requires several days.

Treatment of lipomas with pharmaceutical products

Those who prefer to use pharmaceutical drugs should purchase Vishnevsky ointment. This product should be applied to an adhesive plaster and attached to the affected area, after 2 days the plaster should be replaced with a new one.

You can also use hydrogen peroxide. This drug should be regularly lubricated. After a few days, the skin on the affected area will burst and the contents of the wen will leak out.

lipoma treatment

How to get rid of wen all over the body?

If we don’t consider folk methods of getting rid of wen (they won’t help much in this case), then there are two main ways:

  • removal of the wen during surgery;
  • injection of a special medicine into the fatty tumor to promote its breakdown.

Wen removal may be prescribed in the case of a clear aesthetic defect, a large size or pain of the tumor, or physical discomfort (due to rubbing or constant injury to the formation). Surgery is also planned if it is a pedunculated lipoma or a tumor that compresses internal organs. Do not try to get rid of wen on your own. Some people pierce them with a large needle. This is very dangerous, as an infection can penetrate through the puncture, causing the wound to begin to rot. Also, regular squeezing is unlikely to help, since the contents of the wen have a fairly dense consistency. This way you can only harm yourself.

Rice. 3. Wen on the body should be removed if it has reached a large size.

If you find a wen on your body, you should contact a doctor who will take all necessary measures to help the patient. If a person has wens and bumps on his body, it is better to take care of their proper prevention. Since their appearance is often associated with metabolic problems and poor lifestyle, you should:

  • get enough sleep;
  • eat regularly balanced meals and small portions to establish normal metabolism;
  • give up junk food - canned food, smoked foods, too salty and fried, fatty, etc.;
  • spend more time outdoors.

Often, people’s bumps and wen disappear on their own after they begin to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat rationally.

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