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Jowl plastic surgery at SANMEDEXPERT: high quality, safe and painless!

The gel is injected with a thin needle that does not injure the skin. After administration, the drug is evenly distributed in the subcutaneous layers, providing intense hydration and natural tightening.

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Age-related changes are a problem for every woman. The contours of the face gradually lose clarity, the skin on the cheeks sags, and so-called “jowls” appear. Modern aesthetic medicine has effective methods that help fight jowls without surgical intervention and health risks. Medical helps women slow down aging and regain youth. We perform jowl correction using Juvederm Voluma fillers.

What are jowls and why do they appear?

Jowls are sagging, flabby cheeks that deform the chin line and lower jaw. They age the face and cannot be hidden under a layer of makeup. A woman with sagging cheeks looks 5-8 years older than her age.

The main reason for sagging skin is that with age, the formation of collagen and elastin in the body slows down. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby, and gradually sags under the influence of gravity. The aging process can be accelerated by:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • bad habits;
  • exposure to UV rays;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • constant stress and depression.

Contour plastic surgery is a minimally invasive, atraumatic method for the body of non-surgical facelift using injections. Fillers - gels based on hyaluronic acid - are injected into the deep layers of the skin. Hyaluronic acid takes part in cell regeneration, increases the production of collagen and elastin, makes the skin elastic and restores water balance.

How to remove fillers from your face?

We came to discuss this topic because more and more often our new visitors come to us for the first time precisely for this purpose. On the one hand, every cloud has a silver lining. We are always happy to have guests. Moreover, they then become our friends. On the other hand, it is not customary to interfere with other people’s complications with advice and hands - you will be guilty. But today we will not describe complications, scare someone and promote ourselves on other people’s sorrows. If you experience a complication of injection contouring, you should definitely contact the specialist who administered the drug. We will discuss the question - what to do if you want to get rid of filler. I just decided and I want it.

There may be several reasons for wanting to get rid of filler. Sometimes this is the belief that a person looked better before the injection of filler. (These lips don’t suit me. I looked like a hamster when I removed the nasolabial folds. These cheeks make my face look thicker.) Does this happen? Happens. Sometimes a patient comes in and we don’t see any defects in the filler injection, but he doesn’t want to wear his filler in his face.

The second group who want to get rid of fillers are those for whom filler causes inconvenience. Swelling under the eyes, drooping corners of the mouth, the appearance of bumps at the injection sites, biting the place where the filler is, etc. On the one hand, this is not a complication requiring treatment. More often this is the result of the unprofessionalism of the cosmetologist, but sometimes also the individual reaction of the body. And then it also sounds - remove it!

The third group consists of those in whom the injected filler represents an unaesthetic element of appearance. We all know lips like a duck, cheeks like a balcony, etc. Complication? No. Patient's whim? Sometimes. This must be removed in order to save the patient’s image and… the reputation of the cosmetologist.

So, if this is not an acute complication that requires treatment and threatens the patient’s health, but the voice of common sense, we agree to help and remove the filler. Everyone is lucky if it is a hyaluronic acid filler, i.e. absorbable filler. Then we will need 1-2 sessions to eliminate the drug. To do this, special enzymes are introduced into the area where the filler is located using a microneedle, which immediately begins to convert your hyaluronic acid into water. The body removes this water within a few hours. The very next day, if necessary, we introduce a new filler into this area. This happens when you want to replace crooked lips with smooth ones without losing volume.

A more complex situation arises when a non-absorbable filler, for example Biopolymero, is introduced. Previously, such fillers were administered to almost everyone who applied for contouring. Later, when hyaluronic acid fillers appeared, permanent fillers were no longer used, but even today there are patients who have been injected with such drugs under the guise of hyaluronic acid. Sometimes the filler is 10-20 years old. In this situation, we cannot destroy the drug. We know how to reduce the volume of this zone. The prognosis depends on the location and amount of filler.

So, to summarize the above, then:

  • If you are not satisfied with the way your filler looks, it is easy to remove;
  • You can remove filler in “Correct Cosmetology” in a few minutes. It is not expensive;
  • if desired, a new drug can be introduced in this place tomorrow;
  • We will not cause you unpleasant emotions by discussing someone's incompetence. We are collegial!

Sometimes the need to wear unsightly filler forever leaves the fear of its re-injection forever. Believe me, the situation is not tragic. We can remove it today!

Jowl contouring with Juvederm Voluma filler

Juvederm Voluma is an American-made gel filler that is popular all over the world. Removing jowls on the face in honey is carried out using this drug because it is safe for health and highly effective. It includes:

  • hyaluronic acid - slows down aging, saturates the skin with moisture;
  • lidocaine - makes the procedure painless;
  • phosphate buffer - has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Removing jowls on the face using filler gives a noticeable effect in one procedure. The results of Juvederm Voluma injections last up to two years.

Defects requiring filler removal

Facial features will not immediately become similar to what the clinic’s advertisement promised. There must be a rehabilitation period, during which the injection site heals, swelling goes away and the body as a whole gets used to the filler.

How can you determine whether the healing process is proceeding normally, or whether the situation is out of control and the filler needs to be removed? Indications for the “do everything as it was” procedure may include:

  • Asymmetrical and unsightly contouring . The hyaluronic acid should be distributed evenly over the lip, but if the drug forms a noticeable relief, nodules, or is present on one side in greater quantities than on the other, there is probably too much filler or the injection was carried out at an insufficient depth.
  • Distortion of facial proportions. If the filler is injected too deeply or due to the individual characteristics of the patient, the filler can move under the skin, changing the contours of the lips.
  • Hypercorrection of lips , which end up looking not just unnatural, but ugly.
  • Hematomas , severe redness and swelling for more than 7 days.
  • Tissue necrosis , which is diagnosed by whitening of the skin.

Based on the scale of the problem, there are several ways to remove lips after hyaluronic acid: massage, physiotherapy, applications with special gels, injections of the enzyme hyaluronidase.

Find out which method of correcting scars and stretch marks is optimal for you!

doctor Svetlana Viktorovna Ogorodnikova.


Depending on the density of the filler, the substance remains in the tissues for six months to a year. During this time, the filler is gradually destroyed and removed from the body naturally, which is bad if the procedure has a positive effect, and good if the “beauty injection” was unsuccessful.

The process of removing small amounts of hyaluronic acid can be accelerated by simply stimulating blood circulation. Intense sports, walks in the fresh air and healthy eating will help with this. If the problem requires decisive action, then you should turn to injections or physical therapy with the enzyme hyaluronidase or collagenase.

Read on our blog:

Application of the collagenase enzyme in cosmetology

How to remove jowls and tighten the oval of the face

Jowl lifting is performed only after preparation. To identify contraindications, a cosmetologist examines the medical history, prescribes tests and allergy tests. Before contouring you need:

  • exclude foods with high salt content,
  • give up alcohol and nicotine,
  • reduce physical activity and sports.

You must notify your doctor in advance about taking any medications. This will help eliminate unexpected reactions. Contour plasty of jowls is not performed if:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • inflammation at the sites of intended injections;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How to remove filler from lips using injections

As such, the enzyme hyaluronidase is not used in its pure form . But it is actively used in cosmetic products that have an anti-scar effect, for example, in the drug Lidaza. But Lidaza is an old generation drug; at the moment there are more effective methods for removing scar tissue from the lips. An innovative product in cosmetology - Fermenkol. It not only breaks down excess hyaluronic acid, but also eliminates abnormal collagen. Fermenkol has undergone many clinical trials and in a comparative analysis has proven its superiority compared to other anti-scar agents.

It contains 9 active collagenase enzymes, a substance that breaks down unhealthy collagen and excess hyaluronic acid (which fills the space between collagen fibers). Fermenkol removes fibrous tissue from the lips and removes it naturally, due to which the filler breaks down and the face returns to its original appearance.

Fermencol should be injected into deep areas of scar tissue using ultrasound, microcurrents or electrophoresis. Fermenkol acts only on scar tissue without affecting healthy cells.

Before and after photos: removing silicone from lips

“This is an example of how the perception of a face changes after harmonization.
I removed the biopolymer from Marisha’s lips, and her eyes immediately “lit up.” This is the rule: the gaze of the beholder always catches the eyes, so nothing should distract from them - neither a large nose, nor lips. Moreover, the adjusted lips immediately lengthened the lower third of the face, making it more model-like and memorable. Plump lips are a feature that is initially atypical for the Caucasian type of appearance. This means that girls with a certain type of appearance can afford such large lips and still look natural.

And it’s not a matter of skin color at all - lips should have a “place” on the face. That is, the proportions of the lower third of the face should be of sufficient length to accommodate plump lips. Ideally, the height between the upper and lower lips should be 1/4 of the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin.

But in harmonizing appearance, not everything is so simple. If the tip of the nose is tilted down, then it “cuts off” the full face, shortens the above distance, and the lips, even after moderate contouring, look artificial.

Only a true artist who knows and understands the principles of appearance harmony can correctly fit new lips into the structure of your face.” Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev

Lip reduction, biopolymer removal. Performed by surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

Photos “before” and 2 weeks “after” removing silicone from the lips. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.

The patient was injected with silicone gel under the guise of hyaluronic acid gel. The lips became deformed and became asymmetrical. The photo shows the results of removing silicone gel from the lips in combination with lip shape correction. Surgeon: Iskornev Andrey.


Patient review:

Thank you :) Well, in one word, I am delighted!!!!! I remember how I walked and covered my lips)))) but now I’ve forgotten that I once faced this problem and the rehabilitation was generally easy, I expected terrible pain, which didn’t even happen) Andrey, thank you so much again for removing me from my life is a huge complex! You are simply a miracle person, talented, a huge professional, and by the way, your lips turned out worse in the photo than in life)))

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Is it even possible to remove biopolymer gel from lips?

Restoring the shape of the lips after previously injected silicone gel is an art.

When enlarging lips with gels, many believe that if necessary, “pumping out the gel” is a minor problem. After all, the gel was introduced through a thin puncture, which means it can be removed back in the same way. Unfortunately, everything is not as simple as it seems. This gel grows into the lip tissue, becomes overgrown with connective tissue (scar) and deforms the natural shape of the lips.

And in this case, lip correction turns into an extremely difficult task for the surgeon.

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