Wrinkles around the eyes: why they appear, how to remove them in cosmetology and at home

One of the most important conditions for maintaining youth and beauty for as long as possible is careful facial skin care. This process, of course, includes the fight against expression wrinkles. They can appear near the eyes, around the lips, on the forehead - depending on your luck. (Or rather, unlucky?)

Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of expression lines. And “ProfAesthetics” knows all these methods and knows how to apply them perfectly!

When do wrinkles appear under the eyes?

The skin in this area of ​​the face is thin. This is due to human physiology, that is, the natural absence of sebaceous and sweat glands. There is no large concentration of elastin and collagen, which results in dry eyelids, regardless of the type of dermis (oily, combination, etc.). Subcutaneous fat tissue is loose.

All these factors influence the formation of wrinkles from a young age. Cosmetologists recommend using moisturizing contour creams from the age of 20-25. This will delay the appearance of obvious external signs of aging.

The first small expression wrinkles

They can be noticed for the first time at the age of 25. At first, minor folds form in the corners of the eyes. This is due to the fact that people constantly blink up to 20 times per minute with the participation of muscle fibers.

If shallow rays from facial expressions appear on your face, no radical measures should be taken. It is enough to provide regular restorative and corrective care, for example, apply a product with a light texture and a softening, moisturizing and nourishing effect to the area around the eyes. All of the above manipulations help prevent aging and reduce and remove wrinkles under the eyes both at a young and mature age.

Age wrinkles

The inner layer of the epidermis, where the protein compounds elastin and collagen are formed, becomes thinner over time. This is a natural process not associated with pathological changes. The skin of the eyelids loses its elasticity and is no longer as elastic as before; it becomes very thin and susceptible to external influences. Natural protection weakens, ptosis develops (drooping of the eyelid from barely visible to complete closure of the palpebral fissure), cyanotic circles and swelling occur.

Apply the cream correctly, or avoid swelling and red eyes! (memo diagram)

There are certain rules on how to get rid of aging wrinkles using effective folk remedies that are accessible to the average consumer. Experts pay attention to the following features:

  • Any medicine should be applied directly to the eyelids.
  • The amount of cream should not be very small. However, you should not use too much of the substance.
  • If possible, the ointment or cream should be applied away from the eyelashes.

Why wrinkles appear under the eyes: common causes

In addition to age and excessive facial expressions, experts identify other factors that contribute to the occurrence of this aesthetic problem:

  • Poor quality or incorrectly selected regular care. The skin does not receive enough elements necessary for full functioning.
  • Lack of fluid and loss of elasticity.
  • Incorrect body position during sleep. For example, this applies to people who like to sleep face down on their pillow.
  • Vision problems. Due to pathologies of the visual organs, the habit of squinting and straining the facial muscles appears, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.
  • Stressful situations. Experiences and other negative emotions affect hormonal levels, lead to the destruction of the structure of collagen and elastin, and disrupt proper blood circulation.
  • Sharp weight loss, strict diets. Together with fat, the body leaves the body with substances essential for its functioning, without which normal skin tone and elasticity are impossible.
  • Hereditary predisposition. The tendency to early appearance of folds and dry skin is passed on from parents.
  • Systematic exposure to ultraviolet radiation, abuse of tanning, including solariums. Ultraviolet rays cause pigmentation and wrinkles if you do not take protective measures while in the sun.
  • Lack of sleep. The eyelids are in constant hypertonicity and do not relax.
  • Tendency to swelling. The delicate skin is stretched, causing noticeable furrows to form over time.
  • Tobacco smoking, frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Laennec – solution for injection

Bb Laboratories – Two-phase serum concentrate

Two-phase placental serum concentrate

Proper nutrition

A properly selected diet will help prevent the formation of new wrinkles. Fatty, salty and spicy foods should be completely excluded; fresh vegetables and fruits should prevail in the diet. Sea fish and lean meat saturate the skin with essential amino acids.

Meals should be regular - at least 4-5 meals in small portions per day. It is recommended to cook dishes by steaming.

Excessive consumption of carbonated drinks can lead to swelling. It is not recommended to drink strong tea and coffee before bed.

What to do if wrinkles appear under the eyes: effective actions

Primary changes associated with age may become noticeable in adolescence. At the age of 25-27, the synthesis of one’s own elastin and collagen slowly but systematically begins to decrease, and other processes in cellular structures slow down.

There are many methods that show high effectiveness without radical surgery. Some procedures can be performed at home without the help of a cosmetologist. Expression and age folds are eliminated using professional methods, including surgical ones if the wrinkles are deep.

What can help with wrinkles under the eyes at home?

What cosmetic products prevent the appearance of age-related and facial defects, and also reduce existing ones:

  • Corrective compositions for the eyelids to be used in the morning and evening.
  • Anti-aging products. They are distributed in the direction from the outer corners to the center along lines of less stretching of the dermis without pressure.
  • Night creams. It is recommended to apply them at least an hour before going to bed, this is mandatory if they are highly concentrated.

It is important that the drugs do not come into contact with the mucous membranes. Otherwise, irritation and allergic reactions cannot be avoided.

Cosmetology: how to remove expression wrinkles under the eyes and get rid of serious age-related changes

All procedures can be divided into 2 large groups:

  • Hardware correction techniques. This includes laser resurfacing, ultrasonic lifting, thread insertion, and chemical peeling. As a result, a radical effect is performed on the layers of the epidermis, complete cellular renewal is stimulated, and natural collagen and elastin cells are produced. The effect is long lasting, up to 3-4 years.
  • Injection correction techniques. These are botulinum toxin injections, biorevitalization, meso, etc. Wrinkles are eliminated for some time (up to six months), or their severity decreases.
  • Non-aggressive cosmetic and low-equipment techniques: massage correction of age-related changes with the inclusion of skincare cosmetics (masks, serums, creams, etc.), hardware procedures (including iontophoresis, microcurrents, electroporation).

Despite the relative safety and painlessness, each technique has its own characteristics and contraindications. How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes and how to remove other age-related changes must be decided together with a cosmetologist on an individual basis.


The specialist injects special formulations containing a certain concentration of vitamins, minerals and other substances essential for cells. This is the most gentle way to rejuvenate the skin, which allows you to cope with other imperfections (scarring, acne, stretch marks).

After completing the course, tissue elasticity increases, new collagen and elastin are produced, and the face acquires a healthy shade. Dark circles and bags go away, sagging disappears.

Botulinum therapy

Botox injections can remove dynamic wrinkles of the lower eyelid, as well as the so-called “crow’s feet” at the outer corners of the eyes. Botulinum toxin is injected into the muscle fibers, which promotes relaxation. The surface becomes smooth.


A favorite procedure for most patients in cosmetology clinics. It is safe, does not cause pain and does not require a long recovery period. Already 7-10 days after an effective beauty injection, you can notice good results. The skin becomes smooth, elastic, and new collagen is actively produced. The folds are no longer visible to others.

After injection of the drug, swelling, redness, and skin rash may occur. Unpleasant symptoms gradually disappear within 2-3 days.

Clinical methods

These are more radical methods of eliminating skin defects that require a subsequent recovery period. The result is noticeable immediately, it is long-lasting and lasting.

Ways to effectively remove wrinkles under the eyes from a cosmetologist:

  • Blepharoplasty. This is a surgical operation during which excess tissue that forms in the lower eyelid area is removed. Thanks to the procedure, flabbiness and sagging of the skin is eliminated. After rehabilitation, traces of the intervention become almost invisible.
  • Laser resurfacing. It can be superficial and deep. In the first case, a beam of laser light targets specific cells that stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. The second involves removing the outer layer of the dermis for its subsequent renewal.
  • Golden threads. Special biocompatible materials are introduced under the skin to create a thread frame. After the manipulations, a long recovery period is not required, the method is minimally traumatic and painless, but the effect lasts for a long time.

Getting rid of nasolabial folds

Wrinkles that appear in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle can age any face. Moreover, they can appear even in a young girl at the age of 25. Most often, the cause of their occurrence is mobility of the lower part of the face when expressing emotions and during conversation. Initially, they can be almost invisible and appear only during facial expressions, but with age, when the skin becomes more flabby and loses elasticity, the folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle form deeper and deeper.

In order to get rid of fine and other types of wrinkles in this part of the face, it is necessary to assess how pronounced they are. If these are facial wrinkles, then removing them yourself at home will not be difficult. As for age-related wrinkles, in order to eliminate them, you will have to contact a cosmetologist who will recommend a suitable procedure. These can be injections or hardware techniques.

Most often, the following cosmetic procedures are used to get rid of fine wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle:

  • mesotherapy;
  • contour plastic;
  • lipofilling.

If we talk about the first option, it will help get rid of small wrinkles that have just begun to appear. Mesotherapy cannot cope with deep folds.

Contour plastic surgery is used in cases where it is necessary to give a certain shape to deformed layers of skin. In this situation, fillers are used to fill the gaps formed in the tissues. As for lipofilling, instead of a gel with active components, the patient’s own adipose tissue is used.

You can also turn to traditional medicine, which has many effective recipes that help get rid of small and medium-sized wrinkles on your own at home.

Remedies to help fight nasolabial folds:

  • A mask made from quail eggs and bay leaves. To do this, bay leaf (10 leaves) is poured with water (10 g) and boiled for five minutes. Pour one dessert spoon of olive oil and two tablespoons of broth into three beaten quail eggs. Apply cotton pads soaked in the solution to problem areas for 10 minutes.
  • Honey based cream. Melt honey (1 tbsp), beeswax (1 tsp) in a water bath and mix until smooth. Separately, crush the apricot kernels and add 1 tsp. into the honey mixture along with 20 ml of water. Pour in lemon juice (1 tsp) and the same amount of grape oil. Mix everything and apply to wrinkles daily before going to bed. The product must be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of two weeks.
  • Mask with a smoothing effect. Take peach pulp (it must be ripe), mash it, add 1 tsp. melted honey and two capsules of Aevita. Mix everything and apply to problem areas for half an hour.

These recipes are suitable for those who are under 40 years old, since they are more effective in getting rid of facial wrinkles than age wrinkles. However, the problem of deep folds will appear much later if you use them regularly.

Proper daily care

In order not to think about how to smooth out and remove deep wrinkles under the eyes, you need to take good care of your skin.

There are 3 main stages that need to be completed sequentially every day:

  1. Cleansing. Makeup removers should be selected exclusively for the eyelids. On store shelves you can find micellar water, milk and other varieties.
  2. Nutrition and hydration. You should buy products that contain hyaluronic acid, ceramides, lipids and other hydrating components, as well as peptides, vitamins and minerals.
  3. UV protection. When in the sun, you should not neglect sunscreen. It is better to choose hypoallergenic products that can be purchased at pharmacies.

An excellent assistant in the fight for youth is Bb Laboratories cosmetics. These are placental biologically active anti-aging products that have made a real breakthrough in cosmetology. Japanese pharmaceutical scientists and cosmetologists have developed a cream that is unique in its category for caring for the area around the eyes: it should be applied even to the surface of the moving eyelid, unlike its “care colleagues.” It should also be noted that, thanks to their effective anti-aging compositions and pleasant light textures, the care products of this brand can be used to correct age-related changes in the delicate area around the eyes. You can get acquainted with the range at the RHANA online pharmacy.

Anti-age drugs

Bb Laboratories – Two-phase serum concentrate

Laennec – solution for injection

Curacen Essence (20 fl x 2 ml)

Nanoneedles with ultra-thin walls 34G

Products for men

Anti-aging products for men differ from those for women. The dermis of men is much denser, so creams for them have a high penetrating ability. With age, the skin of the eyelids becomes drier and thinner. To restore youth, cosmetologists recommend that men use special creams.

At night, metabolic processes in skin cells accelerate, so it is recommended to apply anti-wrinkle creams before bed.


This is an anti-aging eye cream, the use of which is allowed from the age of 35. A powerful smoothing effect and prevention of skin aging is achieved thanks to the protective formula “Damage Defense Complex”.

Price - from 700 rub.

Health And Beauty

This is a cream from a series of Israeli skincare cosmetics for men. Use is permitted from the age of 30. Plant extracts (tea tree and chamomile) soothe the skin and smooth out expression lines.

Price - from 650 rub.

Men Expert Vita Lifting, L'oreal

This is a product with an instant lifting effect. "Pro-Retinol formula" protects the dermis from ultraviolet radiation and evens out the skin around the eyes. Price - from 580 rub.


The procedure is performed regularly at home. You should first cleanse the skin and apply a nourishing moisturizer or gel.

All movements should be light and careful. First you need to pat, then stroke the skin with your fingertips clockwise from the corners of the eyes from the outside inward (about 20 times). Then the brow ridges are processed in this way.

For the greatest effect and relaxation, you can hold a warm towel on your face in advance. If you do all this every day, it will help not only eliminate the manifestations of early age aging, but also forget about swelling.


When asked how to quickly get rid of wrinkles under the eyes at home, what is best to do on a regular basis, any cosmetologist will answer that one of the most effective ways is gymnastics. Procedure:

  1. take a comfortable position, rub your palms until warmth appears and place them on your eyelids, close them, but not tightly;
  2. you need to slowly move your gaze to the sides (right, left, up and down), you will need 7 approaches;
  3. along the eye contour you need to slowly and carefully draw a figure eight with your finger;
  4. from the outer corners, move the pads to the bridge of the nose, without pressing forcefully;
  5. tense your eye muscles for 5 seconds and relax without squeezing your eyes too tightly, repeat up to 10 times.

Useful tips for youthful skin and prevention of wrinkles

The best preventive recommendations on how to deal with wrinkles under the eyes, how to fill small facial folds so that they do not develop into deeper ones:

  • If you read for a long time, work at the computer, your visual organs need periodic rest and light gymnastic exercises.
  • You should not use regular cream or other external products unless they are specifically intended for the eyelid area. Otherwise, the risk of developing allergies, as well as severe swelling, increases.
  • You need to make moisturizing masks weekly to nourish your skin.
  • Care procedures and cosmetic compositions should be selected in accordance with the age category and tissue condition. It is better to first consult not only with a cosmetologist, but also with an ophthalmologist.
  • Do not apply cosmetics in too thick a layer. In addition, it is necessary to retreat from the mucous membranes by at least 0.5 cm.
  • It is important to eat a properly balanced diet, get enough fluids, and take frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • To prevent the skin from getting used to the same products, it is recommended to periodically (every 3-4 months) change them to products with a different component composition (formula).
  • It is better to wash your face with cold water. Thanks to this, the dermis will remain moisturized, microcirculation will improve, and tone will increase.
  • You should carefully monitor your own facial expressions. There is no need to frown, squint, or close your eyes all the time.
  • Maintain a daily routine and ensure quality, healthy sleep (preferably about 9 hours or more). This way, the restoration and renewal of all cellular structures occurs much faster. The active ingredients of external formulations applied before bed are much better absorbed.

The most effective remedy for wrinkles under the eyes, which would quickly solve this problem, has not yet been invented. Eliminating unpresentable folds should be approached comprehensively. If you do not follow the simple preventive recommendations of cosmetologists, eat poorly, sleep poorly, drink little water, do not use skincare cosmetics and make other mistakes, it will be very difficult to get rid of bags, folds and puffiness, and also to consolidate the result for a long time, even when using serious cosmetic techniques.

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