TOP 10 ointments, creams and gels for dandruff that will really help, choose the best


There are many reasons that provoke the detachment of particles of the scalp, let’s consider the most common:

  • Metabolic disorder is the main cause of dandruff; because of this pathology, the body is more vulnerable to the action of pathogenic factors.
  • Hormonal imbalances are a fairly common cause of seborrhea in women.
  • Various diseases - for example, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or endocrine system, bronchopulmonary diseases, neurological disorders, low immunity;
  • Hereditary predisposition is a cause that cannot be eliminated.
  • Disturbed functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Poor nutrition, hypovitaminosis.
  • Overstrain of a mental or physiological nature.
  • A fungus caused by Pityrosporum Ovale - yeast-like fungi, elements of the healthy microflora of the scalp.
  • External negative effects on the scalp - abuse of hair dryers, curling irons, frequent coloring;
  • Ignoring a hat in winter or wearing a warm headdress in the heat;
  • Poor scalp hygiene. However, this reason occurs only in advanced cases when a person refuses to wash his hair at all.

What to do when a man has dandruff

First, they find out what caused the dandruff. If these are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or endocrine system, you need to visit the appropriate doctor and choose treatment for them. But more often the reasons are more commonplace - improper care or dietary errors.

To begin with, change your shampoo and also give up styling products during treatment. Do not use cleansers or care products that contain alcohol. They only dry out the epidermis and make the problem even more serious. Also, do not comb the scalp, otherwise scratches and ulcers will appear, through which an infection can be introduced. If the itching is very severe, you can take antihistamines, but it is advisable to consult a doctor when choosing them.

Types of dandruff

Dry dandruff

– caused by decreased sebum secretion (too dry skin). In this case, dandruff flakes are small in size, easily come off the skin, and a “powdered” effect is observed on the hair. Most often they are located along the entire length of the hair; lesions form quite rarely.

Oily dandruff

– this disorder occurs with increased sebum secretion. Dandruff flakes are large, stick together and attach to the hair. They peel off more easily than dry ones. With such dandruff, the hair quickly becomes oily and the patient feels constant itching.

A complex approach

In addition to using medicated shampoos, masks, and anti-dandruff ointments, you should do the following:

  1. keep your head clean, but do not overdo it - frequent washing, even with medicated shampoos, can be harmful;
  2. eat right, exclude unhealthy foods and dishes from your diet, give up fast food, carbonated drinks - everything that disrupts normal digestion;
  3. worry less, if necessary, consult a psychologist or psychotherapist to learn how to properly deal with stress, including with the help of medications;
  4. exclude coffee, strong tea and anything that unnecessarily stimulates the nervous system;
  5. lead a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, spend time in the fresh air.

Dandruff cannot be ignored. It is always a signal that not everything is in order with the body. Specialized medicinal products help modern men get rid of dandruff quickly, without problems and effort.

Effective treatments

Dandruff is dry, flaky scalp cells that cannot be ignored. This disorder may indicate that the patient has seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp. Let's consider the most effective methods of combating this disease.

Special diet

Trichologists believe that the appearance of dandruff is not necessarily associated with illness and stress. Reasons may include:

  • improper care of hair and scalp;
  • excessive consumption of sweet and fatty foods.

A balanced diet can help get rid of dandruff without risking your health.

Antifungal agents

I can overcome these violations with special means. Most often, experts prescribe antifungal tablets, such as Mycozoral, Nizoral and Nystatin. Remember that any medications should only be prescribed by a doctor, indicating the dosage and characteristics of use.

Special procedures

Physiotherapeutic procedures to help get rid of dandruff:


- a method that involves influencing the scalp using electrical impulses. This method will help well in the treatment of oily dandruff. The device used during the procedure improves metabolic processes and blood circulation. The duration of one session reaches 8 minutes.

Cryomassage - this therapy is carried out using liquid nitrogen or ice. This procedure will be most effective for oily dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Ice is applied to the infected areas and then a scalp massage is performed. Nitrogen is applied in a thin layer to the scalp with a cotton swab. The session lasts no more than 10 minutes, as there is a risk of getting a cold burn.


– one of the most effective methods of treating dandruff. The procedure is carried out as follows: the skin of the head and neck is pricked with special medications, which include individually selected substances.

Shampoos, balms and lotions

Mild forms of seborrhea and dandruff can be cured not only by physiotherapeutic procedures, but also by medications. For example, shampoos containing ketoconazole, which eliminates flaking and relieves itching. Sulfur ointment, also used for various types of fungus, may help you. Products containing zinc, bifonazole or tar have good properties in the treatment of seborrhea.

Review of popular tools

There are many ointments, creams, and gels for dandruff; they differ in additional components and percentage of active substance. Before starting treatment with the drug, consult your doctor, carefully read the instructions and user reviews. Let's pay attention to the main, most popular options.


Salicylic ointment is a non-hormonal drug. The main active ingredient is salicylic acid. It has a pronounced antiseptic and drying effect, perfectly fights germs, bacteria, fungi and relieves inflammatory processes.

To treat dandruff, formulations with a salicylic acid concentration of no more than 5% are used.

Recommended for the treatment of oily seborrhea and fungal skin diseases. The product normalizes lipid metabolism, removes excess subcutaneous sebum, and promotes rapid and high-quality cleansing of dead cells.

Effect of use:

  • enhances the regeneration of damaged epidermal fibers;
  • creates unfavorable conditions for the development of fungi and bacteria;
  • relieves inflammation, itching;
  • reduces the process of skin peeling;
  • helps reduce oiliness of the integument and hair.

How to use:

  1. Apply a thin layer of the product to dry and clean scalp.
  2. Put on a shower cap and wrap it in plastic to create.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse off the remaining product well with shampoo.

Attention! A slight tingling or burning sensation may occur. If the side effect intensifies, it is recommended to wash off the product and not use it in the future.

Contraindications: pregnancy, renal failure and allergies to the components of the drug.

The cost of the drug is in the range of 17–27 rubles.


Clotrimazole is an effective vaseline-based ointment. The active substance is the same name clotrimazole. This substance perfectly fights various kinds of bacteria and fungi and prevents their development. It is worth noting that the drug, in addition to its destructive effect on harmful microorganisms and fungi, creates a positive bacterial background and prevents the recurrence of the disease.

It is recommended to use clotrimazole for seborrheic dermatitis and other fungal skin diseases.

Treatment with clotrimazole lasts 1–3 weeks, depending on the complexity of the disease and the doctor’s instructions. Even after the symptoms of the disease disappear, the remedy continues to be used for another 5–7 days.

Application: apply a thin layer to problem areas for adults twice a day, for children - once. Gently rub into skin for several minutes. Before the procedure, the skin must be washed with soap and dried.

It is not recommended to use the drug for pregnant women, as well as for patients during menstruation. In addition, treatment with the drug should be postponed in hot weather so as not to provoke high blood pressure.

Clotrimazole ointment costs approximately 45 rubles, the price of the cream will be higher - up to 162 rubles, depending on the country of origin.


Sulfur ointment is used for dry seborrhea and some fungal skin diseases. By itself, it is yellow, has high anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, reduces the greasiness of the integument and prevents the development of pathogenic flora. The product is not a hormonal drug and can be used to treat children.

The main advantages of the drug are high efficiency at minimal cost. Purchasing the product will cost no more than 90 rubles per package. You can buy it in almost every pharmacy.

Before use, consultation with a specialist is necessary, because treatment with sulfur ointment is not considered the easiest.

The drug has an unpleasant odor due to sulfuric acid, the main component of the product. In addition to it, the ointment contains petroleum jelly, water, and an emulsifier.

Attention! Sulfur ointment for dandruff will be very effective, but in addition it dries out the hair. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally moisturize them with balms and masks.

Sulfur ointment for dermatitis and seborrhea is used for 5–10 days. It is applied to a dry and cleaned surface for 5–7 minutes. After this, the remaining product is washed off with water and baby soap.

Treatment with sulfur ointment is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and increased sensitivity of the integument.


Zinc ointment for dandruff has been used for a very long time; it is a proven and safe medicine. Ideally, it should be used by patients with oily hair and scalp, against dermatitis and various rashes.

The main active ingredient is zinc oxide, which perfectly relieves inflammation, itching, irritation, dries out the skin and has a detrimental effect on the fungus. After application, a thin protective film is created on the skin, which prevents attacks from irritants and bacteria. The composition contains petroleum jelly, it softens problem areas.

Zinc ointment can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

The course of treatment, the dose of application depends on the degree of the disease and is determined by the doctor, and can last up to 1 month. Apply the composition to clean and dry skin. After 1 hour, the residue is washed off in the usual way. Up to 6 applications per day are allowed.

Zinc ointment is indispensable for seborrheic dermatitis. After just a few sessions the effect will be noticeable.

Price: 18–77 rubles.


Nizoral cream copes well with many fungal infections. The main active ingredient is ketoconazole. It is used to treat dermatomycosis, pityriasis versicolor, as well as seborrhea and seborrheic dermatitis.

Using the cream is simple: apply it once a day to clean, dry skin. A remedy for seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, even at a severe stage, helps. In this case, the cream is used twice a day.

On average, the treatment course lasts 2–4 weeks.

Be careful, Nizoral cream is an allergenic drug. At the slightest sign of an allergic reaction, the remnants of the product must be washed off and the medicine should not be used in the future.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid cream therapy. Its cost is high, in comparison with zinc and sulfur ointment, about 500 rubles.

Skin Cap

Skin-Cap cream contains zinc pyrithione (0.2%).

The advantages of the drug include:

  • active in the fight against dermatological diseases, in particular seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, weeping sores;
  • reduces the greasiness of the integument;
  • quickly relieves irritation, itching and inflammation of the skin;
  • contains no hormones;
  • used repeatedly without risk of addiction;
  • the product is instantly absorbed without leaving marks on clothes;
  • has no pungent odor;
  • soft texture allows you to evenly distribute the composition to the affected areas;
  • does not require rinsing.

Application: Skin-Cap cream is applied twice a day to a washed, dried surface. It is necessary to rub the composition into problem areas of the head for some time. The treatment process is quite long ─ 30–45 days.

Important! Skin-Cap cream can be used during pregnancy, lactation, and also for the treatment of children over 1 year of age. The only contraindication is an individual allergic reaction in the patient.

Skin-Cap cream is available in tubes of 15 and 50 ml. Their approximate cost is 500 and 1200 rubles, respectively. Does not require a doctor's prescription.


Sulsena paste is the best anti-dandruff ointment, according to many. The active substance is selenium disulfide. The drug is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It perfectly dries the skin, prevents the appearance of dandruff and the secretion of excess sebum. The product takes care of skin and hair, relieves inflammation and irritation. The manufacturer recommends using the cream in combination with the shampoo of the same name.

Before applying Sulsena, wash your hair with shampoo. Squeeze a little mixture onto your fingertips and rub into problem areas. After 10 minutes, rinse off any remaining paste with warm water. Repeat the procedure every 3-4 days for 3 months.

To prevent dandruff, use Sulsena paste 1% 2 times a week or with a concentration of 2% once a week. The course lasts 1 month. The manufacturer recommends carrying out preventive measures every six months.

Pregnant women should not use Sulsena, or if they are allergic to the components of the product.

Cost ─ about 100 rubles.


Cynovit gel, ointment and cream are not hormonal drugs. They consist of zinc pyrithione, dipotassium glycyrrhizinate and additional components. The product dries out the problem, soothes the skin and has a detrimental effect on bacteria and fungi that cause the disease.

It is recommended to use against seborrheic and allergic dermatitis, fungal skin diseases, neurodermatitis, with a tendency to excessive oiliness and acne.

Application: Apply to problem areas morning and evening. After the condition improves, continue using Cynovit for another 2 weeks.


  • acute inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergic reaction to the drug;
  • excessive sensitivity of the integument.

The price ranges from 200–350 rubles, depending on the chosen form of the medicine.


Urelia gel is intended for problematic facial skin and is also used as a cure for dandruff. It has antifungal properties, intensively moisturizes the skin and relieves itching and inflammation. It is recommended to use for excessive dry skin, itching and flaking on the scalp.

The product contains urea (10%), a set of amino acids, and an extract of enzymes from the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas.

To eliminate dandruff, use Urelia gel instead of shampoo , it foams well. Apply a little product to damp strands, massage, rinse after 3 minutes.

You can buy the gel in online stores at a price of 1 thousand rubles per package.

Hormonal ointments

Therapy with hormonal drugs is no less effective in the fight against seborrhea. But keep in mind that the products cause side effects, so use by pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under 1 year of age is unacceptable . In some cases, treatment with such medications is possible, but not for long and after being prescribed by a doctor.

Advantan cream, Hydrocortisone, Dermovate, Delor are the most prominent representatives of this category of anti-dandruff medications. They have a softening, antifungal effect, eliminate itching and flaking, relieve inflammation and redness of the skin.

Hormonal therapy is short-term and is carried out under the guidance of an experienced specialist. It doesn’t matter whether a Chinese ointment or a medicine from a domestic manufacturer is chosen, the selection of the drug is carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the condition of the patient’s integument and the degree of the disease.

To be sure of a successful and speedy recovery, it is important to choose the right medicine and follow the requirements of the doctor and the manufacturer of the product. It is important to supplement treatment with ointments with a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and quality hair care. Remember, attention and care are the key to a healthy scalp and beautiful hair!

What not to do?

Absolutely forbidden:

  • Scratch your head. Itchy dandruff can be very uncomfortable, but scratching and scratching your skin will make the problem worse. Through the slightest damage, infections can easily penetrate, which can lead to the formation of pustules;
  • Use alcohol-based products, as they greatly dry out the skin;
  • Dye your hair and use other chemical hair products;
  • Use metal combs; the teeth of such a comb can damage the scalp and cause more dandruff to appear.
  • Keep the use of hair dryers and curling irons to a minimum.


Dandruff may return even if the symptoms have completely gone away. To prevent this from happening, it is imperative to follow the recommendations on preventive measures:

  • Try to avoid stressful situations. According to research, people who have suffered from depression, stress, and anxiety develop dandruff more often.
  • You should wash your hair when your hair becomes oily. For example, if you have oily hair, you may need to wash your hair every day, but if you have dry hair and a dry scalp, you may need to wash it every few days.
  • Take care of your scalp and use good hair products.
  • Try to limit the use of a hair dryer, the use of varnishes, sprays, and paints.
  • Monitor your diet. For skin and hair problems, it is recommended to take B vitamin complexes.

What to do if pathology appears from shampoo

It seems to you that after using a certain type of product, not only did your seborrhea decrease, but there was even more “white snow”. This means that cosmetics did not help cope with the problem, but only allowed the symptoms to develop.

In this case, you need to contact a trichologist, who, based on an examination, will select an effective composition for you. You must completely trust the doctor and complete the full course of treatment. If necessary, repeat the procedure after six months.

We provided you with a review of the top anti-dandruff shampoos and showed you photos. For clarity, we recommend watching the video.

How to choose the best and effective anti-dandruff shampoo

Before you go to the pharmacy, you need to visit a trichologist or dermatologist. Only these specialists, after a thorough diagnosis, will give you recommendations on the choice of cleaning products. They take into account the cause of seborrhea, hair type, age and gender. Depending on the disease, you will be prescribed an antifungal or antibacterial drug. Make purchases at pharmacies, specialty stores or online. For example, you can make a profitable purchase in the Moscow customs goods store The company offers products from famous brands at a low cost with detailed descriptions and photos.

How to use an effective anti-dandruff shampoo

Instructions for using a professional cleanser:

  • wet your head with warm water;
  • apply the drug to the roots;
  • massage for 3 minutes;
  • distribute the foam over all hair;
  • note the time for 8-10 minutes;
  • rinse under running water.

Preventative compositions are applied in the same way as any cosmetic mixture. In both cases, after use, under no circumstances should you use balms or masks. To improve the result, buy a spray or paste of the same brand and series, and from the same manufacturer. Before application, read the instructions and follow them strictly. Another misconception among people is that to eliminate seborrhea you need to use medication as often as possible. It is important! Should be used no more than twice a week!

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