Immunomodulatory therapy in the treatment of furunculosis



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Furunculosis is a purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding subcutaneous fat. Formed on the hairy parts of the skin. The causative agent of the infection is usually Staphylococcus aureus.

Furunculosis is more common in people with weakened immune systems, adolescents and adults. Furunculosis is rare in children and the elderly. The disease affects men more than women. Unsanitary living conditions increase the risk of infection.

Boils may disappear without any treatment. Sometimes they burst on their own and heal without a trace within 2 days to 3 weeks. However, after healing, they can lead to a complication of furunculosis such as scars. If the abscess is accompanied by fever, pain and other symptoms that affect well-being, the person should seek medical help.

Three or more episodes within 12 months are defined as recurrent furunculosis. In this case, you should also consult a doctor, even if the boils tend to heal on their own.

Vitamin deficiency and dermatitis

Quite often, the cause of the development of skin diseases is banal vitamin deficiency. A lack of beneficial microelements leads to a weakening of the immune system, as a result, all organs become more susceptible to the development of various pathological processes. However, skin problems can often be caused by a reverse reaction - an increased content of certain elements in the body. For example, excess copper or iron often leads to skin becoming dry and constantly flaking. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist to accurately identify the cause of dermatitis, as a result of which he will select the most appropriate dosage of the necessary substances.

The development of vitamin deficiency can be provoked by:

  • Poor nutrition. This phenomenon occurs as a result of many reasons - constant dieting, the presence of allergic reactions, social reasons.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disturbances of intestinal microflora.
  • Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.

With a lack of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) in the body, the amount of necessary chemical compounds that are needed for the normal functioning of beneficial elements is reduced. As a result, the process of absorption and movement within the body is disrupted.

If there is a lack of water-soluble vitamins (C, H, group B, nicotinic and folic acid), then the cellular immunity of the skin is disrupted and its protective functions are reduced.

Symptoms of furunculosis

Boils are red, swollen, and painful nodules of varying sizes. The larger they become, the more painful the sensation. The surrounding skin is usually red and inflamed. The nodules quickly fill with pus and may burst at the last stage of furunculosis. If several adjacent follicles are infected, they may grow together and form a larger nodule called a carbuncle. A carbuncle is a collection of boils.

Fever and swollen lymph nodes with furunculosis are rare, but possible.

Boils and carbuncles usually affect the thighs, armpits, buttocks, face and neck. They occur in areas prone to hair formation, sweat and friction.

Causes of furunculosis

The staphylococcus bacteria that cause the infection live on the skin, concentrating in parts of the body where folds are present (furunculosis on the face, in particular furunculosis of the nose and furunculosis of the lips, are the most common places where the disease manifests itself). Usually the immune system keeps them under control, but when the immune system is weakened, they enter the skin through a hair follicle or a cut or scrape in the skin. Furunculosis can be triggered by simple trauma to the skin or scratching it. Boils are often the result of failure to comply with basic personal hygiene standards. When the skin becomes infected, the immune system responds by sending white blood cells to the affected area to destroy the bacteria. Pus is a collection of dead bacteria, dead white blood cells, and dead skin.

The following conditions increase the risk of developing cutaneous furunculosis:

  • Diabetes: High levels of sugar or glucose in the blood can reduce the immune system's ability to respond to infection.
  • Medications: Some medications weaken the immune system.
  • HIV and other diseases that attack the immune system.
  • Skin diseases: psoriasis, eczema and acne.
  • Excess body weight also increases the risk.

Furunculosis itself is not contagious through contact, but if the immune system is weakened, the infection can sometimes spread when people share the same space or materials, such as clothing and foot spas.

Which microelements can and cannot be combined

Microelements are building materials for many biological processes. Their compatibility has been well studied, which allows many pharmaceutical companies to produce various multivitamin medications that contain 2 or more active ingredients.

  • Iron and copper interact with vitamin A and B2;
  • Vitamin B2 increases the healing properties of zinc, which improves the absorption of A;
  • Magnesium interacts with B vitamins, with the exception of vitamin B1;
  • Bromine increases the absorption of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium;
  • A good combination is zinc and selenium in combination with A and E, Omega-3.

Not all minerals interact well with vitamins. Some of them interfere with the absorption of beneficial components, while others reduce their effectiveness.

There are many examples of bad combinations of organic compounds:

  • Vitamin B1 is poorly compatible with magnesium and calcium;
  • Iron and copper interfere with the absorption of vitamin B2;
  • Vitamin B9, together with zinc, promotes the formation of insoluble compounds, which impairs their absorption;
  • Iron, copper and manganese make vitamin B12 inactive;
  • Vitamin C enhances the removal of copper from the body.

In the process of producing multivitamins, the manufacturer always takes into account the permissible doses of one or another component of the medicine.

Furunculosis: professional treatment

The doctor prescribes tests for furunculosis - smears of cultures from the affected area (from boils obtained by cutting), as well as from carrier areas on the skin.

Sometimes a complete blood test is performed to determine the cause of the skin infection and determine more effective treatment for furunculosis, as well as to rule out other internal disease. Immunological evaluation may be considered if disease recurs or there is evidence of another disease.

A doctor may use a sterilized needle to puncture a furunculosis abscess and drain the pus. Lancing may be enough to clear up the furunculosis, but if the infection spreads to a deeper layer under the skin, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

At the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic, we treat various skin diseases, including furunculosis, at reasonable prices - identifying the root cause and prescribing effective medication and physiotherapy.

Prevention of furunculosis

Ways to prevent the disease include:

  • keeping skin clean by washing regularly;
  • immediate disinfection of all skin wounds, cuts and abrasions, even the smallest ones;
  • Cover any cuts with a sterile dressing to prevent infection.

Eating a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise will improve your overall health and immune system, reducing the risk of developing not only furunculosis, but all diseases in general.

Seeing a doctor in a timely manner will help maintain your health.
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Multivitamin Review

Domestic and foreign companies are making a lot of efforts to combine several compounds in one drug. They use a special controlled release technology, which allows them to combine incompatible components with different absorption intervals in one tablet. Thanks to such developments, there are quite a lot of multivitamin complexes on the market, the main purpose of which is to provide a person with the daily requirement of all nutritional components.

Multivitamins contain at once all the vitamins that are combined with each other, which are necessary for normal life.

Multivitamin preparations that contain a large number of organic compounds necessary for the full functioning of the human body are popular.

Most multivitamins have the same composition, which contains the most popular compounds:

  • Vitamin A – improves vision, condition of skin, hair, improves the rheological properties of blood;
  • B vitamins – participate in metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Vitamin C – improves immunity;
  • Vitamin D – promotes healthy growth, strengthens the skeletal system;
  • Vitamin E – supports normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems;
  • Vitamin F and Omega-3 fatty acids are components for the full functioning of brain structures and myocardium.

All these organic compounds are present in any multivitamin medicine, but they are usually supplemented with microelements. The amount of each component depends on the purpose of the medicine itself: for children, adults or pregnant women. Sometimes such drugs have a medical purpose, that is, they are intended as an auxiliary therapy for a specific disease.

Nutritional supplements containing a number of useful components do not contain chemical components. Rich in fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, macro- and microelements for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.


Complivit contains group B compounds and ascorbic acid. It has a positive effect on the functionality of the body, regulates energy and metabolic processes, accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, and increases the body’s resistance to various viral and bacterial infections.

As a preventive measure, Complivit is prescribed 1 tablet per day. In case of vitamin deficiency, the dose can be increased to 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 30 days.


Supradin is one of the three best vitamin and mineral pharmaceutical preparations. Contains 8 vitamins and 12 microelements. It is recommended to use Supradin for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency, unbalanced nutrition, reduced immunity, increased physical and mental stress during the period of active growth of adolescents.

According to many doctors, Supradin is especially effective in the spring, when nutrient reserves are depleted. Like any other pharmaceutical drug, Supradin has some contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before taking it.


Its rich composition allows it to be used as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent for a number of diseases. Vitrum not only stimulates the body's protective properties, but also improves the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Regular use of Vitrum completely provides a person with the necessary nutrients, improves the condition of hair, nails and skin, and increases the body's resistance to a large number of diseases. Tablets are taken once a day for 1 month.

The instructions contain a number of contraindications and side effects that you should read before use.


Multitabs is a popular line of multivitamins for adults and children. Recommended as a preventive or therapeutic agent in the fight against various diseases and conditions. Multitabs “classic” contains 10 vitamins and 7 macro- and microelements. A distinctive feature is the presence of iodine, which is absent in other similar medicines.

Multitabs improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, neutralizes free radicals, cleanses the body of toxins, and stimulates the immune system.

The daily dose is 1 tablet, washed down with a small amount of water. Take 1 hour before meals. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the composition. When taken correctly, side effects are very rare.


The alphabet is designed in different variations for adults and children. The uniqueness lies in the fact that the package contains tablets of 3 different colors. Each tablet contains specific vitamins and minerals and is taken at the prescribed time. Thanks to this combination of nutrients, the risk of developing an allergic reaction or side effects due to incompatibility of the components is significantly reduced. Allows you to provide an antioxidant effect, improve the rheological composition of the blood, and protect against various diseases.


On the pharmacological market, Pikovit is available in 2 forms - tablets and syrup for children. It has a balanced composition, which contains a number of organic compounds. Designed to suit all needs. In addition to the main substances, it contains calcium and phosphorus, vit. D for active and healthy growth, as well as the prevention of rickets.

Taking Pikovit increases learning abilities and supports the functioning of all functions. This multivitamin is most often used in pediatrics. Tablets are recommended for children from 4 years of age, and syrup from 1 year. A small list of contraindications and good tolerability make Pikovit one of the safe and effective multivitamins.

Not all vitamins and minerals are compatible with each other

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