How to get rid of closed and open comedones on the face

the problem of comedones on the skin of the face and body, and not only during teenage hormonal changes. Those with oily skin have to cope with this problem all their lives using any available means. In our article we will tell you what comedones are, why they appear and how to get rid of them.

What are comedones and what are they like?

Epidermal cells are constantly renewed throughout a person's life. And during the normal course of this process, the keratinized cells are exfoliated on their own, and the sebaceous ducts perform the function of secreting sebum ( sebum ). Sebum forms a hydrolipidic protective film on the surface of the skin.

However, in some cases, dead cells are not removed on their own, but form a stratum corneum that clogs the sebaceous ducts. Sebum can also become thicker for a variety of reasons, including being full of toxins. Due to the subcutaneous plug, a capsule is formed in the sebaceous gland, which creates an ideal environment for the development of bacteria. All this leads to inflammation, which is called comedones.

When can you use Azelik®?

Acne rarely occurs on the edges of the lips, since the smallest number of sebaceous glands is located there. More often, acne affects the chin, forehead, cheeks, and spreads to the décolleté, shoulders, and back.

One of the medications indicated for mild to moderate acne is Azelik® gel. Its main active ingredient is azelaic acid. It has the following properties5:

  • helps normalize disrupted keratinization processes in the pilosebaceous follicle;
  • helps reduce the level of free fatty acids on the skin;
  • exhibits antibacterial activity against propionibacteria and Staphylococcus epidermidis;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect due to its ability to reduce neutrophil metabolism and reduce the synthesis of free radical oxygen species.

Azelik® gel must be applied twice a day5. 2.5 g of preparations are enough to treat the entire face5. The gel is available in tubes of 5, 15, 30 g.

Let's look at the main types of comedones

Open comedones are the so-called blackheads. They are pores clogged with oxidized sebum and keratinized cells with melanin particles. Because of this, they have a dark shade and dense structure.

Closed comedones are small white subcutaneous nodules. They are formed when the sebaceous ducts are blocked by dead skin cells and sebum. Unlike blackheads, in closed comedones the plug is formed subcutaneously, and the duct does not have an exit to the outside. Papules quite often become inflamed, also cause pain, and a reddish tint appears around them.

Both types of comedones spoil the appearance, form irregularities, pigment spots, and depressions (as a consequence), and improper treatment and removal can cause the appearance of new lesions.

Many comedones form acne - a disease of skin rashes.

It is important not to confuse closed comedones with milia (epidermal cystic formations), sebaceous adenomas (benign skin formations characteristic of adulthood) and allergic rashes. Getting rid of these types of skin diseases is possible only in a beauty salon, under the supervision of a doctor.

Black pimple on lip. Causes of internal acne on the lip

If a pimple on your lip pops up just once, then most likely there is nothing to worry about. Poor-quality lipstick, draft, touching lips - all this can lead to similar phenomena. If acne occurs regularly, then you should approach this issue more seriously, because the reason for their appearance may already be associated with serious diseases of the internal organs. So, the main causes of internal acne on the lips include:

— sweat, pollution, cosmetics, draft, hypothermia and other external reasons; - allergic reactions to any products; — sluggish colds; — diseases of an infectious nature, in which acne is one of the symptoms; - poisoning with food, medicine or alcohol, intoxication of the body, as a result of which harmful substances come out through the skin; - unhealthy diet; - gastrointestinal disorders, which are usually a consequence of poor nutrition; — diseases of the digestive system, abnormal secretions, acute inflammation, etc.; - weak immunity, as a result of which viruses can multiply, for example, the herpes virus, which is very fond of the skin around the lips and the lips themselves; - problems with the liver, heart, kidneys, etc. As you can see, in some cases, a pimple is not a simple one-time inflammation, but a manifestation of a serious internal disorder. In this case, it is better not to delay going to the doctor.

Internal pimple on the lip, what to do first?

As mentioned earlier, if this inflammatory process reappears, the first thing you should do is make an appointment with a specialist. At the same time, it is worth completely (at least temporarily) giving up cosmetics, which very often acts as a catalyst for this process.

As soon as you notice the first signs of a pimple, the main thing to remember is that you should not touch it with your hands! If you start licking your lips, touching the pimple with your hands, and even more so trying to squeeze it out, the infection can quickly spread to healthy tissue.

If you feel that an internal pimple has appeared on your lip, which resembles a subcutaneous ball, you should act immediately, since most likely it is herpes. If left untreated, this small ball can develop into an unaesthetic and painful purulent pimple, which, among other things, will take a very long time to heal.

It is better to attack incipient herpes with a special ointment, for example, Zovirax. The proven old-fashioned method has also proven itself to be excellent - earwax, which works no worse than pharmaceutical products. You can also use fir oil, which is best applied every two hours.

You need to understand that if you managed to get rid of a herpes germ on your lips, this does not mean that you have completely overcome the infection. Herpes is a disease that can lie dormant in the body for many years, and then come out at a very inopportune time.

Quite often there are cases when internal inflammation is caused by ordinary lipsticks. It doesn’t matter what company they are or how much they cost. If your lips are excessively sensitive, then it is better not to use any cosmetic products. Healthy, beautiful lips do not need additional decoration.

What causes comedones?

In fact, there are many reasons for the formation of comedones, and to combat them you need an integrated approach. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude all possible provoking factors , change your lifestyle, and aim for constant support of your health. It is certainly possible to improve the situation, but you need to understand that the external manifestation of a problem always has internal causes that should be studied and eliminated, and this is a slow and systemic process.

So, let's name the main reasons for the appearance of comedones:

  • hormonal imbalance (age-related changes, pregnancy or disruption of the glands);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • prolonged stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics (which leads to allergies or clogged pores);
  • bad habits;
  • poor nutrition and poor drinking habits (which leads to indigestion).

Preventing blackheads

When a person wants to get rid of a cosmetic defect for a long time, it is necessary to take measures to ensure that they do not appear again.

You need to know that mechanical removal of comedones is part of the problem. Blackheads cannot appear on their own. It is necessary to determine the main cause of their occurrence and eliminate it.

  1. If a person has oily facial skin, then you should not buy masks, glosses and oil-based creams.
  2. You need to drink enough clean water and minimize the consumption of fatty foods.
  3. Daily removal of decorative cosmetics before bed is required with a special product, and then with salicylic acid-based lotion. It removes the head of the comedone.
  4. Under no circumstances should you use cosmetics that have already expired.
  5. Do not eat hot foods or drink cold liquids. Their use leads to mini-burns of the skin above and around the lip, resulting in the appearance of blackheads.

By adjusting your diet and making adjustments to your daily menu, you can achieve a significant improvement in your appearance and overall well-being. After all, fruits, vegetables, dairy products and grains cleanse the intestines and contribute to its normal functioning.


Stages of the appearance of comedones

  1. Sebum accumulates in the hair follicle and gets stuck in the duct due to, among other things, a dense keratinized layer of cells (hyperkeratosis).
  2. The release of toxins from the deep layers of the dermis becomes more difficult.
  3. Sebum thickens and becomes filled with toxins and bacteria.
  4. The duct expands under the pressure of harmful substances accumulated in it.
  5. Further stages of development differ depending on whether an open or closed comedon appears:
      Or a dark plug when sebum oxidizes and melatonin (pigment) appears.
  6. Or the papule remains under the skin, causes internal inflammation and eventually breaks out (closed comedon).

Types of the disease, their symptoms

There are a large number of types of disease, each of which has its own symptoms. Cheilitis happens:

  1. catarrhal, resulting from injury. Its characteristic symptoms are redness, peeling, swelling and soreness of the lips.
  2. eczematous, developing due to the occurrence of eczematous processes. The reason is an allergy to a certain type of food, cosmetics (lipstick, cream).
  3. glandular, associated with an abnormality of the salivary glands. It happens that cheilitis on the lips accompanies periodontal disease, lupus, etc. The lower lip often suffers and begins to peel.
  4. meteorological. It is caused, as the name suggests, by weather conditions (high air humidity, strong wind, decreased or increased temperature, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, etc.).
  5. exfoliative, characterized by a chronic course. It is divided into two forms - dry (the blood supply to the lips is disrupted and, as a result, dry scales are formed, which can be easily removed, but after a few days they appear again) and exudative (the border swells and becomes inflamed, crusts appear).
  6. angular, called jam. Due to streptococci, inflammation begins in the corners of the lips. Vitamin deficiency and frequent licking of lips can also provoke it.
  7. atopic, accompanying atopic dermatitis. The red border of the lips flakes and itches, the lips crack.
  8. hypovitaminosis, which occurs due to a lack of B vitamins. Dryness and a pronounced burning sensation affect not only the lip area, but also the entire mucous membrane of the mouth, including the tongue. In this case, the mucous membrane turns red, and vertical cracks form in the area of ​​the red border.

Regardless of the type of cheilitis, common symptoms will be:

  • peeling of the lips, observed both only near the border and over the entire surface;
  • swelling and swelling, burning and itching in the lips, the appearance of cracks and crusts on them.

How to get rid of closed comedones on the face

To completely get rid of comedones, it is necessary to take comprehensive measures: consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist, and also follow all instructions at home.

So, at home you need :

  • make therapeutic masks containing blue clay, as well as light peelings and scrubs for home use;
  • include antioxidants : fresh fruits and berries, spinach, lettuce leaves, green tea - this will help remove toxins from the body;
  • use cosmetics containing keratolytics .

Keratoloitics are necessary to thin the stratum corneum of the skin, which increases the risk of comedones. Among them:

  • salicylic acid 2-4% (cosmetics with a high percentage of acid are suitable for the skin of the back, neck, etc.);
  • fruit acids AHA (or hydroxy acids), because they oxidize the pH of sebum, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria;
  • retinol (including in peelings) - as a rule, is prescribed for external use for a long period, up to six months, with a gradual increase in the amount of the drug and the frequency of application. Suitable for the treatment of acne and multiple comedones. Oral systemic retinoids are prescribed by a doctor if necessary.

The use of keratolytics has a complex effect on the epidermis: cleansing, softening, antiseptic, brightening, stimulating the removal of the stratum corneum, opening comedones and cell renewal.

However, their use also thins the skin, making it more sensitive and unprotected, including from the sun. The cosmetologist chooses the appropriate remedy for each clinical situation and the duration of its use. He will also suggest the optimal sunscreen and tell you about other methods of skin protection.

Let's consider the options for solutions and treatment procedures that modern professional cosmetology can offer.

How to effectively get rid of blackheads on and around lips

The first instinct when you notice blackheads around your lips is to start squeezing them out. But this will not bring results other than irritation, inflammation of the skin or the appearance of purulent pimples if an infection occurs. First of all, it is necessary to find out the nature of the appearance of comedones.

The first specialist you should contact should not be a cosmetologist, but a dermatologist.

A dermatologist is a doctor who identifies the causes of skin diseases and prescribes their treatment. A cosmetologist is a specialist who removes external symptoms of any dermatological imperfections from the skin and can advise products and care rules to minimize these manifestations in the future.

At the first appointment, the dermatologist will assess the condition of the facial skin, determine its type, analyze the facts obtained and make a presumptive diagnosis. A dermatologist may also prescribe a preliminary course of therapy to improve the condition of the skin.

Then it is very important to get advice from other specialists:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gynecologist.

The appearance of comedones is closely related to the specifics of the work of these doctors. If problems are identified with these specialists, then you should undergo the entire necessary course of treatment.

Then you can return to the dermatologist (perhaps by this time the skin condition will have improved significantly), who will prescribe the main course of treatment for the epidermis. After this, you can safely go to a cosmetologist. He will teach you how to properly care for facial skin, treat areas around the lips, remove emerging comedones quickly and painlessly, and most importantly, without harm to the skin.

Features of removing blackheads in the lip area

Although comedones do not cause physical discomfort, it is quite difficult to get rid of them simply by squeezing them out. Its peculiarity is that the visible dark part is an “iceberg” of sebum that has clogged the pore. Inside it, it can reach very impressive sizes.

By clumsily squeezing out black dots, you can achieve the opposite effect:

  • introduce an infection at the right time and provoke inflammation;
  • injure the delicate skin around the lips, resulting in abrasions or long-lasting scars.

If an infection begins to develop inside the sebaceous duct, it is possible that it will spread through the blood circulation to neighboring ducts, which will result in a group of inflamed pimples, or even the development of a boil (a large and painful internal pimple).

What and how do experts recommend removing blackheads on and around the lips?

The best way to combat the appearance of comedones is still to visit beauty salons, where this will be done to the fullest extent, with high quality and with a minimum of side effects.

The most common procedure is mechanical facial cleansing, which is carried out using special tools. But in the area around the lips, it is recommended for large comedones and a large number of them, because the skin here is too delicate and susceptible to injury.

Cosmetology clinics also carry out procedures using the following products:

  • ultrasound - ultrasonic waves simply knock out all the contaminants from the pores to the surface;
  • laser - dissolves traffic jams, removing impurities outward, evens out skin texture;
  • peelings using cosmetics that deeply cleanse the skin - they simply dissolve sebaceous plugs and stimulate the epidermis to renew itself;
  • liquid nitrogen - it is used to perform cryomassage of the facial skin, which pushes impurities to the surface.

All procedures are completely safe. But you can’t deal with comedones in one go. Therefore, you will have to visit a specialist more than once.

I am just one of those women who constantly struggles with comedones. True, they appear less often around the lips than in other areas of the T-zone. In my experience, the most effective procedure is mechanical cleaning, but it is also the most painful and unpleasant. Ultrasound didn't help me at all. Peels and cryoprocedures are more pleasant manipulations, but their effect is not as lasting. And the dermatologist did not recommend laser facial cleansing to me (by the way, it has quite a few contraindications), saying that in my situation there is no point in spending so much money on this procedure.

What you can do at home

At home, cosmetic procedures to remove blackheads should be carried out in the most sterile conditions possible.

In the fight against comedones, you can use masks. Before the procedure, the skin needs to be steamed. Then the pores open, the contents soften, and therefore are easier to remove. To do this, just make a steam bath for your face:

  1. Brew chamomile or eucalyptus in a small container.
  2. Cover your head with a towel and hold it over the steam for several minutes (the steam should provide a pleasant warmth, but not burn).

You can simply hold a cloth soaked in hot water on your face. But this method is not as effective as a facial steam bath.

After this, apply a mask on your face (or just the area around the lips), for example, made from soda and starch (soda breaks down the fat that clogs the pores, and starch acts as an absorbent):

  1. In a small container, mix soda and starch in a 1:1 ratio with a small amount of water until a homogeneous thick paste is obtained.
  2. Apply the mixture to the lip area. Leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with warm water.
  4. Be sure to apply moisturizer, as the ingredients in the mask dry out the skin and can cause irritation.

An oatmeal mask with kefir can also be effective. Kefir is an acidic medium, that is, it is a soft peeling with whitening. Oatmeal relieves inflammation well and acts as a sorbent. For the mask you will need:

  • oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • kefir - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.

The mask is prepared as follows:

  1. Mix the ingredients using a blender or whisk.
  2. Let sit for 10 minutes.
  3. Apply the mask to your face, hold for 5 minutes, rinse with running water.
  4. Rub the treated area with an ice cube.

If you don’t really want to tinker with masks, and you don’t have time, then medications to combat blackheads come to the rescue:

  • zinc ointment - tightens pores well, zinc oxide relieves inflammation, and petroleum jelly softens the skin; the product will be more effective after removing comedones to prevent their formation;

    Zinc ointment has a drying, adsorbing, astringent and disinfectant effect

  • salicylic-zinc paste is a combined preparation for topical use, salicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and keratolytic effect, and zinc has a drying effect;
  • salicylic ointment is an excellent antiseptic, in addition to cleansing the skin, it disinfects it, but also dries it out, so it is better to use short-term courses (5-7 days) no more than 2 times a day with additional moisturizing of the skin;
  • Differin is a cream analogue of retinoic acid, it perfectly dries out acne, relieves inflammation, prevents the expansion of pores, accelerates the desquamation of the epidermis and controls the production of sebum, has contraindications, before use you should consult a dermatologist;

    Differin is a drug for the treatment of acne and post-acne; the drug should be used only after consultation with a doctor

  • Skinoren is a good remedy for combating acne and comedones at the initial stage, but it dries out the thin skin around the lips very much, so it is used only in combination with moisturizing creams.

Video: removing blackheads at home

Treatment procedure using the M22 device

The treatment principle is based on the targeted action of light rays in the range of 311 nm. The phototherapy procedure is absolutely painless and safe, and at the same time very effective. There is no long recovery period required after it. Additional advantages are that one session only takes about 30 minutes, and the effect is targeted only to problem areas.

In addition to the treatment of comedones and acne, there is also photorejuvenation, pigmentation treatment, lifting, and also has an antiseptic effect. The necessary parameters are set on the device: wavelength and depth of exposure, radiation intensity, intervals between flashes and their duration. Before the procedure, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin, applies a conductive gel and protects the eyes of himself and the patient with special glasses.

The M22 hardware procedure is recommended not only for the treatment, but also for the prevention of acne.

How to remove white dots on lips - treatment depends on the cause

What the white dots mean must be determined by the doctor - and only after that can treatment begin. Three methods are usually used: medication, surgery and folk remedies.

Drug treatment of whiteheads

Under no circumstances should you cut off, open with a needle or burn such formations on your lips yourself - this is fraught with the formation of wounds, ulcers and infection. The doctor will be able to select effective medications, taking into account the diagnosis:

  • for Fordyce syndrome - Suprastin tablets, Fenistil gel, D-Panthenol cream;
  • for herpes - Acyclovir ointment, Panavir gel;
  • for dysbacteriosis - jojoba oil (to lubricate the lips), orally - "Acipol" or "Bifidumbacterin" (to restore intestinal microflora).

All medications are selected by the doctor, who also indicates the duration of therapy, and it can take several weeks.


If conservative treatment does not give positive dynamics, then doctors can change the tactics of their work. How are white spots on the lips treated surgically? For this purpose the following are used:

  • cryotherapy – removal of the problem area with liquid nitrogen; the procedure can be complicated by the formation of scars on the skin;
  • electrocoagulation - “drying” white spots using high frequency current;
  • laser therapy - the use of a laser beam that excises spots;
  • Radio wave therapy is the most painless and non-traumatic method; after it there are no marks left on the skin.

The most difficult procedure is the one that uses liquid nitrogen. It is not only painful, but also requires multiple sessions. As a result, dense scars may form, which in the future will require the intervention of plastic surgeons.

Even if white spots on the lips do not bother you, you should seek help from a doctor and find out the true reason for their formation. The skin reacts to the slightest changes in the body; perhaps they are the first symptom of serious problems with the functionality of internal organs and systems.

Chemical peeling

As mentioned above, light peelings can be carried out at home, however, more intense and, of course, effective chemical peels can only be carried out within the walls of a cosmetology clinic under the strict supervision of a cosmetologist to avoid skin burns. Chemical peeling exfoliates dead skin cells, tightens pores, and has an antiseptic and brightening effect.

Let's look at the most popular types of chemical peels.

Milk peeling is suitable for very sensitive skin. It can be done at any time of the year. Lactic acid is found in pickles and lactic acid fermentation products. In addition to it, the composition includes urea and a complex of amino acids. This peeling gently exfoliates and at the same time moisturizes the skin, and also stimulates the growth of new cells,

Almond can be on a gel or water-alcohol basis, and can also contain not only the main component (mandelic acid), but also other types of acids. Used to improve skin quality, regulate sebum production, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots.

Azelaine peeling normalizes keratinization in the follicle ducts and sebum production, has an exfoliating, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It contains nonandioic, 1.7-heptanedicarboxylic acid, which is found in wheat, barley, lilac and other plants.

Glycolic and salicylic peels (AHA and BHA) are often performed simultaneously. In tandem, they have the maximum therapeutic effect: they not only cause the death of old cells, cause their desquamation, but also stimulate the production of natural collagen, as well as skin regeneration. They also discolor pigment spots and post-acne, improve metabolic processes.

Inflamed blackhead. Black dots

Blackheads are a very unpleasant problem that causes a lot of trouble for many people and develops complexes. How to deal with this phenomenon? You definitely need to figure this out!

Treatment of blackheads

Appearance is what people pay attention to first when meeting someone. And if there are black dots on the face, then this immediately spoils the impression of the person (they are visible to the naked eye even in a photo). So this problem needs to be fixed. Below is a proposed treatment algorithm.

1. First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist so that he can find out the cause of the appearance of blackheads.

2. A very important point is cleanliness of the skin and personal hygiene. So the washing procedure is mandatory and should be carried out twice a day: morning and evening. It is advisable to use special cleansing lotions or tonics.

3. What else helps? Before removing the spots, it is necessary to expand the pores so that the dirt comes out easily and effortlessly. They can be expanded by exposure to steam from hot water.

4. You definitely need to perform peeling procedures using scrubs (preferably made from natural ingredients).

5. You can also use masks, especially those based on clays (they help tighten pores).

6. Blackhead removal is carried out by experienced cosmetologists in salons. There are different types of procedures: dry cleaning, ultrasonic or manual, as well as the application of special deep-penetrating compounds

7. Products such as Zenerit, Baziron and others containing components such as zinc and hydrogen peroxide can help.

8. Do not neglect folk remedies. So, masks based on honey, cucumber and activated carbon will help.

Causes of blackheads

What causes black dots on the nose? The main reasons for their occurrence are listed below:

- improper skin care;

— environmental pollution;

— the cause of the appearance of black dots may be disturbances in the hormonal background or in the metabolic processes of the body;

— skin features, namely: enlarged pores and increased activity of the sebaceous glands;

- stress;

- decreased immunity.

Black spots on babies

Can blackheads appear in a child who has just been born? Yes, they can, and this is a completely normal phenomenon associated with the development of glands (in particular sebaceous ones), as well as with changes in hormonal levels. Typically, acne in newborns appears a few weeks after birth and goes away on its own within 1.5 - 2 months.

Deep blackheads

If the blackheads are very deep, then you should not try to squeeze them out yourself, as this can lead to damage to the skin and infection. The fight against this phenomenon should be entrusted to professionals. A dermatologist will find out the cause of acne and prescribe effective treatments. A deep cleaning will most likely be required. But one procedure is not enough (even if the effect is visible immediately); it is important to constantly monitor the condition of the skin and pay special attention to its care. Any dirt can lead to acne, and if it is not removed in time, it will increase in size.

If blackheads become inflamed

Blackheads are a problem. But even more trouble can arise when acne becomes inflamed. Redness begins, black dots increase in size and begin to rise above the skin level. The spectacle is unpleasant. In this case, you should not squeeze acne, as this can only aggravate the situation and lead to infection. Before going to a dermatologist (and he is required), you need to use antiseptics: alcohol solutions, hydrogen peroxide, and also regularly cleanse the skin of impurities.

How to avoid comedones

  • maintain hygiene , including regularly changing face towels and bed linen;
  • avoid touching your face with your hands;
  • normalize nutrition (avoid sweet, fatty, floury, fried foods and fast food), maintain a drinking regime, take vitamins;
  • maintain a sleep schedule and try to avoid overwork and stress;
  • do not neglect physical activity - this helps speed up metabolic processes, saturate cells with oxygen and remove toxins;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • use medications and medicinal products prescribed by a cosmetologist;
  • monitor hormonal levels and avoid any changes;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to the open sun;
  • Do not self-medicate and do not use unproven methods of traditional medicine.

What are the types of acne on the lips?

It is important to distinguish between open (black) and closed (white) comedones or comedones, as they are also called. Although both are purulent inflammations of the sebaceous glands.

Blackheads or open blackheads are dark spots, bumps or pimples with a dark "head" that can appear on different parts of the body, including the lips, nose, hands, etc. They are common in areas where there are hair follicles, as they also contain sebaceous glands. The result of their appearance is clogged pores. says, “Blackheads, a form of acne, look this way because they contain oxidized melanin, a pigment created by skin cells called melanocytes. In fact, it is a milder form of acne that has a dark top. They are found only in open hair follicles.

Whiteheads or closed blackheads appear when the pores above them are completely closed, and they can reach larger sizes, as well as be accompanied by discomfort and pain.

Whitehead (closed comedone)

Blackhead (open comedone) on the lip

How to properly care for skin with open and closed comedones

If the skin is prone to oiliness and the formation of closed and open comedones, it requires special care. Necessary:

  • wash your face and use alcohol-free tonics and lotions containing acids;
  • minimize the use of foundation and other cosmetic products that clog pores;
  • do self-massage and tone the skin with contrasting washes and showers;
  • use sunscreen cosmetics;
  • monitor cell renewal, use home peelings and special brushes for washing, do not bring the skin to a critical condition;
  • moisturize and nourish the skin from the outside to avoid drying and peeling. Restoring the water balance of the epidermis is extremely important for successful treatment;
  • squeeze out pimples yourself
  • regularly , undergo all prescribed procedures and follow recommendations.

How to remove blackheads from the lips

If you act in the old fashioned way - squeezing out comedones, then such a procedure can only aggravate the problem. Firstly, it is quite painful. Secondly, an infection can get into the wounds, after which inflammation will begin. Its consequences are difficult to remove.

There are several ways to help remove blackheads painlessly. Moreover, these do not require visiting specialists. They are as effective as expensive salon treatments.

Home remedies are good if comedones appear in small quantities.


Common symptoms that will help identify blackheads on the lips, according to the authoritative site, include darkened, slightly raised bumps that are not inflamed or painful. They are a non-inflammatory type of acne, since bacteria have not yet entered the comedones. If acne becomes infected, it will lead to the development of papules, pustules, cysts and nodules.

In very rare cases, blackheads may be accompanied by slight pain and irritation, but remember that these are symptoms of more complex cases. The development of the disease can also be accompanied by psychological symptoms, that is, a decrease in quality of life and self-esteem.


Obviously, it is almost impossible to avoid the appearance of acne, especially during adolescence and pregnancy. However, there are several excellent and effective ways that will help reduce the severity of the disease:

  1. Avoid excessive sweating and staying in places with high humidity.
  2. It is recommended to shower regularly to avoid the accumulation of sebum, bacteria and dust.
  3. You can limit certain dairy products, which contain certain hormones, which further stimulate the sebaceous glands.
  4. Avoid eating foods and drinks with a lot of sugar in them, as this increases insulin levels, which can also trigger the growth of other hormones that affect the appearance of acne.
  5. Get more rest.
  6. You need to eliminate tension and stress in your life.
  7. Do regular exercise as it is a remedy for many diseases.
  8. Takes good care of hygiene.
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