Masks around the eyes after 40 years at home: recipes for folk cosmetics

Magic gelatin

With age, the epidermis loses collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. There is a mask that, instead of Botox, will straighten the wrinkles around the eyes and more.

When applied to the entire face, it will provide softening, smoothing, tightening, and narrowing of pores. If rejuvenation sessions are carried out twice a week for 1 month, you can see how the oval of the face is tightened and fine wrinkles are removed.

Why gelatin? Because the composition of this substance is closest to the composition of our skin. Gelatin is collagen, that is, a natural protein. It dissolves well in water, so it is quickly absorbed into the cells.

Symptoms of skin aging

Age-related changes in facial skin depend on many factors: genetics, nutrition, environmental influences, aging of the body. The exposed areas of the skin are the most vulnerable: on the face, neck, and hands, the elasticity of the tissues gradually decreases and wrinkles appear.

After 40 years, the symptoms of skin aging become more obvious:

  • the skin is loose, its elasticity noticeably decreases;
  • pores expand and become pronounced;
  • wrinkles in the eye area are more noticeable;
  • the skin in the chin area sags, the oval of the face “floats”;
  • nasolabial folds become deeper;
  • the face looks swollen and puffy.

These skin changes develop gradually, but can become noticeable literally in an instant. Proper facial care for a woman over 40 will help slow down the aging process of the skin and keep it looking fresh longer.

Recipes for gelatin masks around the eyes

Recipes for miraculous compositions that are applied to the eyelids and area around the eyes.

Glycerin mask with honey

Glycerin is a product that moisturizes the skin, and honey nourishes it with beneficial substances.

Recipe: take 4 tbsp. l. glycerin and water, 2 more - honey and gelatin.

Dissolve gelatin in water, cool, add the remaining ingredients. Apply the mask to the area around the eyes, hold until it hardens, and rinse with plenty of cool water.

The product with honey has contraindications. This is an allergy to bee products. If you have allergies, it is better to use other effective recipes.

Moisturizing mask

Contains glycerin, fresh cucumber puree and gelatin. It is prepared in the same way as the previous one, but instead of honey, cucumber puree is added.

Take 2 tbsp. l. gelatin, dissolve in 5 tbsp. l. water, add a cucumber, preferably from the garden. Leave the composition on for a quarter of an hour, rinse with cold water. It is especially useful for those who have dark circles under their eyes.

Remedy for dry dermis

A nourishing remedy with olive oil will help get rid of wrinkles. You will need 5 tbsp. l. good milk, 1 tbsp. spoon of gelatin and cold pressed oil.

Mix the components, carefully apply to the eyelids, then gently remove by washing with cool water.

Rejuvenating Elixir

Add banana puree to the steamed gelatin. It will be useful for any type of epidermis.

If the skin is dry, then you can add melon, persimmon, and apricot pulp. For fatty types, cherry, strawberry, raspberry, and cranberry puree are suitable.

For the normal type - kiwi, peach, grapes, orange. When applying the mixtures, collagen production is stimulated, and the skin becomes younger.

Prevention of early skin aging

You should start taking care of the beauty of your skin at the age of 20. Choose the right quality cream, remove makeup from your eyes, and wash your face not with soap, but with special products suitable for your skin type. When they are young, they like to spend a lot of time in the sun, and this habit is difficult to give up. A passion for tanning should be covered with SPF protection, this will protect the skin from injury and dryness.

Visiting a professional cosmetologist at any age is one of the stages of maintaining youth and beauty!

The further you go, the more - from 40 years old, to prevent premature fading, it is important to use:

  • additional products containing vitamins A, E, C, not only inside, but also on top of the skin; injections with these vitamins around the eyes are useful;
  • cosmetics containing collagen, hyaluronic acid, peptides (they will help restore water balance and add velvety);
  • Peeling with lactic acid and deep chemical cleansing are required, which will help speed up skin regeneration and slightly tighten the face;
  • Exercising will help tighten and give elasticity to the skin.

Be sure not to stop drinking water; each body has its own norm - from 1.5 to 2 liters per day.

Do not use low-quality decorative cosmetics; choose a moisturizing foundation (BB).

From the age of 30-35, you should begin to carry out moisturizing procedures for the skin, soak your eyelids with cream and use toner, and do not rub it into the skin, but apply it with point-to-point, tapping movements. It is useful to sign up for a facial massage. This will refresh and improve blood circulation.

Oils for wrinkles under the eyes

The use of oils to care for the skin around the eyes gives a visible effect after a course of procedures.

  • Almond oil will help you start fighting wrinkles and creases. Apply almond oil under your eyes by patting with your fingertips. The delicate texture of the product is saturated with vitamin E, which effectively eliminates blue under the eyes and enhances collagen production.
  • Applying castor oil in combination with vitamins will help remove even the deepest wrinkles. Take vitamins A and E in capsules, mix with 1 tbsp. l. castor oil. Tapping with your fingertips, try to “drive” the mixture into problem areas. After 40 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with a napkin.
  • Cocoa butter can be mixed with vitamins A or E, or used in its pure form. Melt cocoa butter (1 tbsp), add two capsules of vitamin E or A and 3 drops of sea buckthorn oil. When the mixture has cooled, apply to problem areas for half an hour. Remove the remains with a napkin.

Why is regular skin care important?

Every woman wants to look attractive, regardless of age. After 40 years, this desire becomes a problem of the first plan.

Firstly, this is working age. To keep your job or change it, you need to look good. The modern world requires this. Secondly, well-groomed skin, which a woman sees every day in the mirror, is the key to a good mood and self-confidence. An attractive appearance is noticed by the opposite sex. Therefore, it is important to take care of your skin regularly. All procedures bring short-term effects and require constant support.

For example:

  • mesotherapy is carried out annually;
  • The hardware procedure can be repeated with a frequency of 6 months to 1.5 years.
  • peelings and skin cleansing are carried out every autumn-winter season.

Unfortunately, there is no universal pill or injection, one for life. This is working on your appearance, which should become an integral part of life.

The skin is the largest organ in area; it is a protective barrier of internal tissues from the outside world. The environment acts aggressively on it, weather changes, dust, sun, bacteria, external damage and many other factors that harm the cover. Over 40 years of life, this organ begins to wear out and requires more careful treatment. Therefore, in order to maintain youth and beauty for a long time, you need to take care of yourself from a young age.

Compresses for the eyes against wrinkles and swelling

Puffiness under the eyes is a common occurrence, especially in the morning. A compress of raw potatoes will help get rid of swelling. Grate raw potatoes, wrap in gauze, place on eyes, hold for 15 minutes. After the compress, you should wash your face and apply moisturizer.

The same procedure can be done with cottage cheese, a mixture of sour cream and parsley. Lotions with sauerkraut and tea brewing give good results. Compresses will help reduce deep wrinkles, remove blue under the eyes and swelling.

How skin condition changes at 40

Statistics talk about total rejuvenation and increasing life expectancy of the population.
Nature has its own opinion. The peak of beauty occurs before the age of 30. The body does an excellent job of maintaining the necessary balance. Later he needs help, and it needs to be provided very carefully and correctly. First of all, you have to fight the decrease in collagen production. Changes in skin condition occur against the background of hormonal changes. Menopause is already approaching, adding many problems that also affect appearance. The skin becomes drier and more vulnerable, regeneration slows down, and nutrient absorption slows down. All of the above points force you to select a new skin care complex that meets the body’s changing requirements, and here it is worth listening to the advice of cosmetologists.

"Home Botox"

Masks with starch deserve such a loud name. What is the secret? The fact is that this white powder contains many useful substances that trigger the mechanism of skin rejuvenation.

Advice! Masks with starch are applied in 3-4 layers as they dry. Exposure time: 30 minutes. Course: 15 sessions with a break of 1 day. Masks are good because they remove even large creases.


Prepare the base: add 1 tbsp to 100 ml of water. l. starch, make jelly. Divide the mixture into 3 parts (put two in the refrigerator). To the remaining portion add 2 tbsp. l. fresh carrot juice and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.

Salon treatments

In addition to daily home care, facial skin after 40 years can and should be cared for using effective salon procedures.

Carbon peeling and carboxytherapy are effective ways to reduce the severity of age-related changes.

During carboxytherapy, the skin is saturated with oxygen by introducing carbon dioxide into it. Oxygen, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, activates metabolic and regenerative processes, and also stimulates collagen production. It is the lack of oxygen in tissues that is the main factor in skin aging. The action occurs simultaneously in several directions, so the result is noticeable after the first session.

The carbon peeling procedure is aimed at deep cleansing the epidermis and makes the skin healthier and more radiant. Carbon peeling triggers active regeneration and restoration of the skin, stimulates metabolic processes in cells, accelerates the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, increases density, turgor and tone of the skin, and refreshes the complexion.

Not so long ago, carboxytherapy necessarily involved injections, and carbon peeling could not be carried out without a laser. But today there is a safe alternative - non-invasive carboxytherapy and carbon peeling without laser from.

The ARAVIA Professional non-invasive carbon peeling procedure gives results after the first session

Non-invasive procedures help solve the same problems as laser or injection techniques:

  • deeply cleanse the skin;
  • reduce signs of aging;
  • cope with pigmentation and hyperkeratosis;
  • activate microcirculation;
  • restore an even tone and natural radiance to the skin.

At the same time, such procedures have minimal contraindications, no undesirable consequences and no long recovery period.

Another effective remedy for aging skin is chemical peeling. This procedure helps restore skin elasticity and healthy glow. has developed a professional multi-acid peeling REPAIR-Skin Control with glycolic, gluconic, and succinic acids. Peeling activates collagen production, moisturizes, and promotes cell renewal. The combination of acids allows you to have a comprehensive effect on the skin and have a rejuvenating effect: reduce the appearance of shallow wrinkles, even out the relief, and increase skin elasticity. The composition is atraumatic and can be used for any skin type, including for the care of dry facial skin after 40 years.

Important! The above products are intended for professional use. To avoid unwanted consequences, we do not recommend using them yourself at home. Sign up for treatments with these products from experienced cosmetologists.

To prolong the effect of salon treatments, use special products in your daily care. A highly active splash serum for the face with a boto effect is used to prolong the effect achieved as a result of peelings and other cosmetic procedures, as well as for regular daily facial skin care. The product has an immediate visible effect: smoothes, moisturizes the skin, restores its elasticity, radiance and fresh appearance.

Magic creams

Anti-aging creams can be prepared at home. They cannot be stored for a long time. Place in the refrigerator and use morning and evening, covering your face, neck, and décolleté.

With chamomile decoction

Add 1 tbsp to the chamomile decoction. l. honey, 1 tsp. sea ​​salt, 2 tsp. olive and almond oil, 0.5 tsp vaseline and cocoa butter, as well as 1 yolk.

Dissolve Vaseline and cocoa butter in a “bath”, mix the yolk with sea salt, honey and oils, add to the melted mass. Before going to bed, cover your face and remove any excess with a napkin.

Features of the composition of anti-aging cosmetics for the face labeled 40+

Beauty products for this period should contain several basic elements that will help:

  • even out texture and color;
  • increase the percentage of hydration;
  • tighten the contours.

In order for the skin to always look toned and fresh, you need to take more careful care of it. Cosmetics must contain amino acids, peptides, retinoids, natural oils and antioxidants. Hyaluronic acid becomes the main component, and the concentration of vitamins also increases. This rule also applies to step-by-step care for a man’s face after 40, the stages of which completely coincide with the female system of maintaining beauty and health.

You should not purchase creams and serums that contain preservatives, fragrances, or dyes. This is completely excluded, since allergic reactions and inflammatory processes can be provoked. Only light texture, high degree of penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis and a complete set of necessary substances. We need to pay attention to phytoestrogens, which help slow down aging processes. They can enter the body in a complex way: from the outside, with cosmetics, and also with food, for which it is recommended to carefully review and adjust the diet.

How to properly care for facial skin after 40 years, taking into account its type and characteristics

Mistakes in choosing cosmetics are costly at this age. A successful combination, on the contrary, can delay for a long time the need for drastic measures in the form of injection procedures. The main rule is to maintain unity. That is, it is better to choose a complete complex of one line, where the balance of all the necessary elements will be displayed, and select individual types of cosmetics so that they complement each other’s actions. In this case, the main guideline is individual characteristics and general rules.


The main problem is the difficulty in maintaining a balance between nutrition and hydration. The sebaceous glands work actively, but tend to become clogged, causing focal inflammation. At the same time, shine does not disappear with age, nor does the need for regular exfoliation of dead skin cells. But you shouldn’t be overzealous with cleansing. The complex must contain creams with mattifying components and substances that normalize the volume of sebum produced. In questions about how to care for facial skin after 40, if you have the slightest doubt about the correctness of the chosen course, you should immediately seek advice from specialists.


With age, there is a loss of collagen and elastin produced by the body, so the problem doubles. A professional line, for example, placental repair cream with a moisturizing effect LNC Repairing Cream, will radically help solve it. Due to the high concentration of peptides, amino acids and vitamin C, the cream accelerates the regeneration of ceramides, protects against transdermal moisture loss, creates the effect of porcelain purity and transparency of the skin, while increasing its firmness and elasticity.


In this case, when determining a strategy for how to properly care for a woman’s face after 40, it is necessary to pay special attention to the overall balance and clearly maintain all stages of daily self-care.

We recommend

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Moist Cream Mask Pro – Moisturizing cream mask

Repairing cream with a moisturizing effect

Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate


The basis is zoning. You can combine several types of care products, but from the same series. It is recommended to use them strictly in areas. So, where necessary, drying is carried out, and in more vulnerable places the emphasis is on nutrition and protection.


Locally acting products are indispensable. They help quickly eliminate major imperfections and at the same time provide gentle care. When inflammation occurs, you need to take action quickly, but do not forget about subsequent hydration and restoration.

Delicate cleansing

Cleansing is necessary to remove dust and cosmetics from the skin.

There is a category of ladies who use ordinary water and soap for cleansing. This method helps get rid of dust and dirt, but cosmetologists do not recommend abusing it. The aggressive particles that make up the soap have a negative effect on the sensitive skin of the eyelids. Regular use of soap will lead to:

  • Skin tightness
  • Dryness
  • The appearance of wrinkles

Washing with water alone cannot solve problems; it cannot remove all dirt.

To properly cleanse the skin around the eyes, you will need the following cosmetic products:

  1. Milk
  2. Emulsion
  3. Lotion

How to gently cleanse the skin around the eyes:

  • You need to apply a cosmetic product to a cotton pad and wipe it over the upper eyelid, starting from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the eye.
  • The lower eyelid is cleaned in the opposite direction

Makeup removers will help completely remove shadows and mascara; you need to soak a cotton pad in them and place it on your eyes for 2 minutes. After applying makeup, apply it in a circular motion.

How to supplement the basic complex

The general state of health is instantly reflected on the skin, and you should not forget about this at any age. That is why strengthening the immune system in general should come first. This is followed by a comprehensive cleansing of waste and toxins, which are often the culprits of the sallow color of the skin, focal inflammation and other problems traditionally considered cosmetic. To improve your well-being and appearance, it is enough to include several additional elements in your facial care procedures after 40.

Massage and self-massage

Their importance is difficult to overestimate. A positive result is visible after 2-3 sessions:

  • the body's resistance to adverse external factors increases;
  • blood circulation accelerates;
  • metabolism will improve;
  • stagnation of liquids is eliminated.

These can be manual or hardware sessions.

Proper nutrition

On the eve of large-scale hormonal changes, it is necessary to prepare for them in advance. One of the important aspects is a revision of the diet: increasing the consumption of vegetables, fruits, vegetable oils and eliminating or limiting the reduction of foods that are clearly harmful to the body. It is advisable to include in the menu plant components containing phytoestrogens, as well as substances that accelerate regeneration and stimulate the process of cleansing the body of toxins.

Healthy lifestyle

This concept includes not only the absence of bad habits, dosed physical activity and adherence to the drinking regime. Positive emotions are no less important. A smile will not add wrinkles, but it will increase your personal charm several times.

Main myths and truth

Experienced cosmetologists are ready to debunk hundreds of myths about caring for mature skin, but a few are enough to appreciate the depth of common misconceptions.

  1. The most expensive cream will be the most effective. In fact, the difference in prices is often made by brands, not by ingredients. The latter is worth studying carefully. You need components such as vitamin E, retinol, elastin, silicone, hyaluronic acid salt, and urea.
  2. Elite components are more effective than simple ones. Black caviar, stem cells, silk amino acids - all this sounds good, but it’s not worth overpaying.
  3. A cream with collagen and hyaluronic acid is the same as “beauty injections”. In fact, the presence of these ingredients in the cream cannot provide the same depth of effect as injections. Creams act superficially; serious problems require radical methods.

Features of the skin of the eyelids

The skin of the eyelids is very different in structure from that covering other parts of the body. In general, the skin has 3 layers: epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. In turn, the epidermis, i.e. the outermost layer of the skin, is also a multilayer structure. Directly on the eyelids it has 4 layers:

  • horny;
  • grainy;
  • spiny;
  • basal.

Moreover, all layers of the epidermis of the eyelids and their skin as a whole, like the area around the eyes, are several times thinner than in other areas of the face. The epidermis is 85-90% composed of keratinocytes, i.e., a special kind of cells that are rich in the protein keratin. It is this that ensures the strength and density of the skin, which allows it to perform its protective functions. Keratin is synthesized in the cells of the spinous layer of the epidermis, and since on the eyelids it can be formed by only 2 layers of cells, while in other parts of the body its thickness can be up to 15 layers of cells, the amount of keratin formed is quite small. Therefore, the skin of the eyelids is very sensitive and delicate, and any external influences inevitably cause damage to it.

In addition, the skin of the eyelids may completely lack a granular layer of epidermis. The main function of the cells that form it is the synthesis of lipids, i.e. fats. This is the main reason that the skin of the eyelids loses one of the important elements of protection - the lipid barrier. This also leads to the fact that it retains water worse, is prone to dehydration, and therefore dryness, as well as easy rejection of the cells of the stratum corneum in the form of scales, i.e. peeling.

The degree of skin hydration depends on 2 factors: the condition of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and the amount of sebum. If at least one of them changes, the lipid layer that protects the skin of the eyelids from moisture loss (dehydration) also changes, usually towards a decrease in thickness.

Also, the skin of the eyelids is distinguished by very loose subcutaneous fatty tissue. That is why it is easy to notice numerous blood vessels in its thickness, and this also determines its sensitivity to the adverse influence of external factors. At the same time, there are almost no sebaceous glands in it, which means that there is practically no wetting of the stratum corneum of the epidermis with the secretion it synthesizes and it remains unprotected from external factors.

All this together leads to the fact that the thin and sensitive skin of the eyelids is highly susceptible to dryness, especially with dry type. Therefore, in people even under 30 years of age, peeling, decreased elasticity, discomfort, itching, eyelids becoming gray-white, rough, and worsening of the skin pattern are often observed. Moreover, over the years, the condition only worsens, since there is a decrease in the amount of lipids formed, and the already small thickness of the lipid film decreases even more. Therefore, it is important to take care of your eyelid skin from an early age. Otherwise, loss of elasticity leads to the formation of a fine network of fine wrinkles that can quickly deepen. Initially, they usually appear in the corners of the eyes, which are called crow's feet.

In addition to aesthetic disadvantages, dry eyelids are also dangerous from the point of view of the development of inflammatory processes and immune reactions. Indeed, against the background of the inferiority of the lipid film, the skin becomes more vulnerable to the penetration of microorganisms, exposure to allergens and harmful substances. Therefore, a complication of dry eyelids may be the development of dermatological diseases due to the addition of a secondary infection.

Treatment of dry eyelids

The tactics to combat dry eyelids depend on the causes of its occurrence. If it lies only in the initially dry skin type or is a consequence of the adverse influence of external factors, it is enough to organize proper eyelid care, avoid contact with aggressive environmental factors and, if necessary, carry out a course of cosmetic procedures.

But if the root of the problem lies in the development of dermatological diseases or disorders in the functioning of internal organs, longer and more complex treatment will be required. In such situations, it will always be comprehensive and aimed not only at moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the eyelids, but also at eliminating detected diseases.

In case of an allergic reaction, antihistamines or corticosteroids are prescribed.

Absolutely all patients who consult a dermatologist with the problem of dry eyelids are recommended to protect their eyes on sunny days, especially in summer, with sunglasses that completely cover the eyelids and protect them from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, or to apply special sunscreens. It is also worth giving up bad habits, enriching your daily diet with sources of vitamins A, C, E and drinking at least 2 liters of water daily, in addition to other drinks.

Additionally, complex vitamin preparations are prescribed.

Home eyelid skin care

To avoid problems with the skin of the eyelids and the development of diseases, it is important to properly care for it. Dry eyelid skin first of all requires sufficient hydration and protection from external irritants. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend:

  • Use only special makeup removers created taking into account the structure of the skin of the eyelids and avoid soap and alcohol lotions when washing. It is important to avoid intense friction and mechanical irritation. It is better to blot the skin with a soft cotton pad soaked in the product.
  • Regularly use special creams, masks, serums for the area around the eyes containing humectants and physiological lipids. Do not apply them to the moving eyelid unless this option is written on the packaging. Most products are applied to the orbital bone.
  • Apply the cream no later than 1-2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, there is a high probability of bags under the eyes forming in the morning. The optimal time for eyelid skin care is considered to be from 19 to 22 hours.
  • Under no circumstances should you use scrubs and peels to exfoliate the skin of your eyelids.
  • Protect your eyes from contact with shampoo, shower gel, and facial cleansers.

Caring for dry skin, including eyelids, should always include 2 types of treatment: gentle cleansing and adequate moisturizing. To cleanse the skin, use soft, non-foaming products, such as micellar water or cold creams. They contain mineral oils, non-ionic detergents (esters and micelles of fatty acids), which carefully dissolve contaminants, including decorative cosmetics. At the same time, they are easily removed from the skin with a cotton pad and do not require friction. In addition, they do not remove natural lipids, in particular cerebrosides and ceramides, which is an additional plus.

In addition, we must not forget that the main cause of dry eyelids is the insignificant thickness of the lipid film and dehydration. Therefore, it is important to focus efforts on maintaining normal levels of moisture and lipids. For this purpose, it is recommended to use cosmetics containing physiological lipids and humectants (hydrants), in particular:

  • fatty acids, ceramides, cholesterol;
  • glycerin, waxes, mineral and natural oils;
  • hyaluronic acid, urea, lactic acid, collagen.

To eliminate severe dry eyelids, you should choose masks and serums. In milder cases and to maintain healthy skin, creams are sufficient.

Humectants ensure that water present in the stratum corneum is introduced deep into the skin. These include: NMF, polyols, liposomes, glycosaminoglycans, elastin, collagen. The NMF system deserves special attention, which includes a variety of water-soluble and hydrophilic substances that are natural to the stratum corneum. One of the brightest representatives of such products is a composition based on pyrrolidonecarbolic acid, urea and lactic acid.

Substances that form a lipid film, on the contrary, help slow down the loss of water through the stratum corneum. These include all compounds that form the oil phase of any cream. This can be petroleum jelly, paraffin, silicones, natural oils rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, lanolin.

For severe peeling, a dermatologist may recommend keratolytics. But they are used with caution.

Care products are selected individually, taking into account skin type, time of year and other factors. Thus, in late autumn and winter it is recommended to use products containing moisturizers, and in the summer you should avoid using creams containing comedogenic lipids. But the emphasis is always on the ability of an eyelid skin care product to create a protective film.

For atopic dermatitis, ichthyosis and many other dermatological diseases, the use of fatty creams of the “water in oil” type is indicated. Their distinctive feature is the distribution of a small amount of liquid components in a fatty dispersion medium. They effectively solve the problem of dry eyelid skin, loss of elasticity and help reduce superficial inflammatory processes.

It is important to correctly apply care products to both eyelids. This is done exclusively along massage lines with light, patting movements to prevent overstretching of the skin and to avoid premature formation of wrinkles. On the lower eyelid, the cream is applied from the outer corner of the eye towards the nose, and on the upper eyelid, on the contrary, from the nose to the outer corner of the eye.

Cosmetology procedures

Cosmetic procedures are carried out only if the development of dermatological diseases is excluded. Today, biorevitalization and mesotherapy are used to solve the problem of dry eyelids. These procedures involve the introduction of substances into the skin that help moisturize and nourish it.

If dry eyelids are the result of age-related changes, you can additionally fill the nasolacrimal groove and wrinkles around the eyes with fillers, i.e., contour plastic surgery. This will further achieve a pronounced anti-aging effect.

But any cosmetic procedures cannot be performed if:

  • oncological diseases;
  • exacerbation of herpetic infection;
  • acute infectious disease or exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • autoimmune disorders.


Biorevitalization is a procedure that involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid into different layers of the skin through multiple point injections or non-injection methods. Patients should understand that biorevitalization does not provide an immediate effect. It increases smoothly within 2 weeks after the procedure and lasts for an average of 6-12 months.

To obtain a pronounced result, a course of procedures consisting of 3-5 sessions will be required. They are carried out at intervals of 2-4 weeks. The exact number of biorevitalization procedures required will be determined by a dermatocosmetologist individually based on the condition of the eyelid skin. In some cases, one course is enough to solve the problem of dry eyelids, while in others, maintenance procedures will be required, the frequency of which is also determined by the doctor for each patient separately.

Biorevitalization can be carried out by injection, but hardware techniques are more often used to treat the delicate skin of the eyelids. In the first case, the procedure involves introducing a specially selected hyaluronic acid preparation into the skin of the eyelid with thin needles. The minimum diameter of the needle ensures minor trauma to the skin and rapid recovery. Injections are performed at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other after preliminary cleansing and treating the skin with an antiseptic. To make the procedure less painful, an anesthetic is first applied.

Non-injection biorevitalization is more suitable for working with delicate eyelids. There are several methods for introducing hyaluronic acid into the skin, but most often a laser is used for this purpose. With its help, it is possible to achieve the most uniform distribution of the drug in the tissues and obtain a good moisturizing effect. In addition, it ensures that there are no visible marks on the skin around the eyes, which allows the procedure to be carried out during your lunch break and avoids the need to limit social contacts.

Laser biorevitalization additionally stimulates microcirculation, the synthesis of own collagen and elastin, and also reduces the severity of inflammatory processes.


Mesotherapy is very similar to biorevitalization, since it also involves the introduction of special preparations into the skin by injection or non-injection. But unlike biorevitalization, mesotherapy uses complex products containing not only hyaluronic acid, but also other compounds beneficial to the skin.

Preparations for mesotherapy are often called mesotherapy cocktails.

For dry eyelids, mesotherapy cocktails include:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements;
  • elastin;
  • collagen.

Additionally, the procedure will help eliminate bags and bruises under the eyes, improve the condition of the skin in general and obtain a rejuvenating effect. But to get a good result, you also need to undergo a course of mesotherapy sessions.

Contour plastic with fillers

This type of procedure is purely cosmetic in nature and is used to rejuvenate the skin of the face, including around the eyes, and eliminate deep wrinkles, folds and skin creases. Its essence lies in the use of so-called fillers, which are injected using thin needles directly into the wrinkles around the eyes or nasolacrimal groove, filling the crease and smoothing out the skin texture. In this way, you can eliminate even deep wrinkles and achieve a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

The fillers themselves are most often hyaluronic acid preparations, but, unlike those used for biorevitalization and mesotherapy, they have a denser texture and contain hyaluronic acid with a different molecular weight. But there are also fillers based on collagen, poly-L-lactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite and other compounds. They differ in the shelf life of the effect, cost, and possibilities of use.

To treat the skin around the eyes, fillers based on hyaluronic acid and collagen are mainly used.

Contour plastic surgery gives an instant and completely natural effect. Moreover, it is completely safe, which makes it a worthy alternative to plastic surgery.

Thus, although dry eyelids do not pose a serious threat, they can still significantly reduce the quality of life and lead to complications. In addition, it can only act as one of the symptoms of the disease, so you should not ignore the problem or try to cope with it on your own. It will be much more effective and rational to contact a dermatologist or qualified cosmetologist. The doctor will accurately determine whether dry eyelids are only a cosmetic problem or indicate more serious problems in the body’s functioning and will select the optimal treatment tactics.

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