12 carrot face masks made from juice with sour cream for wrinkles

Dull complexion, pimples and blackheads can instantly make your appearance less attractive. As a rule, girls, faced with such a problem, mask imperfections with the help of all kinds of decorative means.

An excellent alternative to salon procedures would be carrot-based masks, which instantly eliminate the painful sallow tone of tired skin. In addition, carrot masks boast a pronounced lifting effect, as well as powerful nutritional and restorative properties.

Beneficial properties of carrots for skin

This root vegetable has a range of properties due to the rich amount of nutrients it contains. To prepare homemade cosmetic masks, carrot pulp, freshly squeezed juice, as well as extract and oil of this vegetable are used.

The effect of masks based on orange root vegetables is achieved due to the following beneficial properties of carrots:

  • Deep hydration of dry skin is provided by the carotene included in the composition, which restores the water balance of cells.
  • Vitamin A fights premature aging of the dermis and also smoothes out facial wrinkles.
  • Thanks to niacin, small cracks heal and the integrity of the epithelium is restored.
  • Carrot pulp tones, nourishes, and relieves irritation of inflamed areas.
  • During periods of increased solar activity, carrot masks protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

In addition, the vegetable contains ascorbic acid, which eliminates oily shine and also helps exfoliate dead cells. Therefore, carrot masks will become an indispensable tool in the fight against acne and excessive oiliness of the skin.

Carrot face masks for acne and acne. Reviews

Natalya: “The carrot mask is my salvation. I love the fresh smell of this vegetable, and after the mask my skin looks really fresh. And most importantly, this mask helps get rid of oily sheen.”

Olga: “I have incredibly oily skin, especially on my forehead and chin. No matter what I tried to eliminate this fat content, it was all to no avail. And then I read about a carrot mask and decided to try it. the result was excellent. I used the one that also contains lemon juice.”

Alexey: “I didn’t like it. Firstly, I consider all masks to be some kind of feminine activity. And secondly, walking around with orange skin is not very fun.”

Indications for use

The main indications for use are:

  • dehydrated sensitive skin;
  • age-related changes in the epidermis;
  • dull complexion;
  • excessive production of secretory glands;
  • premature photoaging caused by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Indications for the use of carrot masks.

Are there any contraindications?

Contraindications to the use of face masks with carrots are limited to several recommendations:

  1. You should not overuse the frequent use of cosmetic carrot masks due to the risk of staining the skin an intense yellow color. Keep the vegetable mixture on your face for no more than 10 minutes. For those seeking to lighten their complexion, a carrot mask is contraindicated.
  2. In some cases, beta-carotene causes pigmentation of the epidermis.
  3. If there are lesions and inflamed areas on the skin, you should wait until they are completely healed. Carrots can cause additional irritation of the skin.

Interesting fact! Carrots change the color of not only human skin, but also animal fur. For example, if ginger cats are fed raw root vegetables, their color will not fade and will be deep orange.

Homemade mask recipes

This article contains the most effective carrot masks, which are aimed at solving a wide variety of skin problems. The versatility of such products allows them to be used to care for any type of skin:

For a fresh face

A pale, uneven complexion makes the appearance tired and painful, and carrot pulp eliminates visible signs of exhausted skin in just one application. To begin with, the carrots are crushed to a pulp using a blender or grater, after which the pulp is poured with milk in a ratio of 2:1. The finished mixture can be applied to the entire surface of the face, carefully touching even the delicate area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. After the procedure, the effect of leveling the relief of the dermis is noticeable, the gray tint of the face is eliminated and a healthy glow of the skin appears.

For dry skin

The nominal dry type of epidermis is prone to the appearance of peeling, which cannot be hidden even with dense foundation. On the contrary, decorative cosmetics only emphasizes such flaws, making the skin texture uneven. To eliminate dryness, add egg yolk, sour cream, and a teaspoon of base nutritious oil to the carrot pulp. Almond, olive or flaxseed oils have a moisturizing effect.

The combined components are thoroughly mixed and the mask is applied to the cleansed surface of the face. Leave the mixture for 20-25 minutes, and after the time has elapsed, wash off the residue with water.

Girls with fair skin should choose fruits with a faint orange pigment. Girls with darker skin tones should give preference to vegetables with a rich color.

For oily skin

Too active work of the sebaceous glands leads not only to increased oiliness of the skin, but also provokes clogging of pores, which causes the formation of skin rashes. A tablespoon of carrot pulp mixed with one egg white and a teaspoon of starch will help normalize the process of lard production. Add a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the resulting mass. The exposure time of the product is 10-15 minutes. In addition, to give the face the necessary matteness, it is recommended to first rub carrot juice into the skin.


After 25 years, facial skin needs more effective products aimed at preventing the first signs of aging. After all, it is much easier to prevent the formation of age-related changes than to try to smooth out existing facial wrinkles.

In this case, a carrot mask with cream will be an excellent replacement for more expensive purchased products. To prepare, you will need a tablespoon of chopped carrots, a teaspoon of cream and the same amount of homemade cottage cheese. All components are combined in a convenient container and mixed thoroughly. Apply the mask to the face in a thick layer, not forgetting the neck and décolleté area. After 15 minutes, remove the mixture with warm water.

Anti acne

Grind the carrots and squeeze a tablespoon of juice from the resulting pulp. Then combine it with chamomile infusion and aloe gel. For convenience, apply the prepared mixture using gauze. To do this, a small piece of it, corresponding to the shape of your face, is moistened in a previously prepared healing liquid. Don't forget to make holes in the fabric for the eyes and lips. The mask is left on the face for 25 minutes. Then the gauze is removed, and the remaining product is distributed over the entire surface of the skin with patting movements. The mixture does not require subsequent rinsing with water.

To nourish the skin

This recipe is especially useful during the cold season, since the effective action of the mask provides deep nutrition and restoration of damaged skin. Carrot pulp is mixed with sour cream and honey in equal quantities. For more intense hydration, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of olive oil to the mixture. The mask lasts for 30 minutes. After the specified time, the mixture is washed off and a nourishing cream is applied to the skin.


Redness of the skin can be caused by a wide variety of factors. Typically, the skin is negatively affected by temperature changes, as well as ultraviolet radiation during increased sun activity. A soothing facial mask based on carrots and coconut oil will restore the integrity of damaged areas of the epidermis. A tablespoon of carrot pulp is combined in a bowl with coconut oil melted in a water bath. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the mixture. The finished mask is left for 20 minutes, after which the residue is washed off and the skin is lubricated with moisturizer.


Carrot masks with clay demonstrate remarkable cleansing and toning results. Blue clay is first dissolved in a small amount of carrot juice to form a thick, creamy consistency. Make sure that there are no lumps in the finished mixture. To do this, thoroughly stir the clay powder diluted with liquid. The mixture is applied in a thick layer, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. As soon as the mask begins to dry out, wash off the residue with warm water.


Finely grated carrots are mixed with cranberry pulp. Add a teaspoon of any nutritious oil to the mixture.

This berry and vegetable mask saturates the epidermal cells with all the necessary vitamins. And the natural acids included in the composition exfoliate the top layer of skin, thereby eliminating uneven complexion and pronounced pigmentation. Exposure time – 20 minutes.


People prone to allergic reactions need to be extremely careful when using honey masks. It is recommended to undergo a sensitivity test first. If the composition applied to the back of the hand does not give any negative reaction in the form of redness and itching, then you can apply the mixture to the skin of the face. To prepare, you will need a tablespoon of carrot pulp and a teaspoon of honey. Combine the components in a deep bowl, mix well and apply the mask for 15 minutes. After the specified time, wash off the residue with water.

Carrot-sour cream

Homemade sour cream, diluted with freshly squeezed carrot juice, will not only nourish dry skin, but also eliminate the painful gray complexion. To begin with, the sour cream is heated to room temperature, after which it is combined with carrot juice in a proportional ratio of 2:1. The mask is applied to the face, also affecting the neck and décolleté area. Keep the mixture for 25 minutes.

For sensitive and problematic dermis

The carrots are crushed and the healing juice is squeezed out of the finished pulp. Next, the resulting liquid is poured over oatmeal. The mass is left until it swells. Apply the mixture to the face in a thick layer, avoiding the skin around the eyes. After 15 minutes, the mask is removed with smooth circular movements. This gentle peeling is perfect for those with dry, sensitive skin. After the procedure, the complexion is evened out, the pores are cleared of impurities, and inflammatory elements become less noticeable.

Cooking rules

In order for the carrot mask to have the most effective effect, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Choose smooth carrots for cooking at home, the weight of which will vary from 140 to 160 grams.
  2. The highest concentration of active substances is located immediately under the skin, so try to remove not too thick a layer when peeling the root vegetable.
  3. Mix the ingredients in a glass or ceramic bowl, but never in a metal bowl, to prevent the mixture from oxidizing.

If you notice any of the above points, carrots are of poor quality and should not be applied to the face.

Carrot scrub

Carrot pulp (two tablespoons) is mixed with one tablespoon. l. semolina. The product is distributed over the skin with light movements along massage lines. The procedure is carried out for a couple of minutes, then washed with warm water. This scrub can be used no more than twice a week. The product gets rid of blackheads, removes dead cells and relieves inflammation.

We reviewed the most effective carrot mask recipes for acne for all skin types. Choose the one that suits you best and act!

Recommended entries:

  • Carrots for acne
  • Oatmeal for acne
  • Calendula for acne

Tips and rules for application

The main rules for application are:

  1. Before applying the carrot mixture, thoroughly cleanse the skin, and also use additional exfoliating peeling. This preparation will help avoid unwanted orange tint to your face.
  2. Apply the finished composition in an even layer, following all massage lines.
  3. During the procedure, it is recommended to relax in a lying position so that the nutritional components penetrate as deeply as possible into the skin structure.

Do not leave the mask on for more than 30 minutes, otherwise the bright pigment of carrots will color your fair skin.

How to use it correctly

Before applying the mask, you need to wash and cleanse your face. It is not allowed to apply a mask to cosmetics.

After washing, you should wait until your face is completely dry. After applying the mask, it is recommended to keep it on for no more than 15 minutes. If the procedure is prolonged, the skin may turn yellow.

It is best to carry out this procedure in the evening, before bed. You can prepare no more than 2 masks per week. Treatment is carried out only in courses. Each of them consists of a period of using the mask, which is 1 month, after which a break of 2 months is required.

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