The cosmetologist can't cope? Start with a liver check

Acne and more: external signs of liver problems

Acne due to liver disease is a common and understandable problem, but there are other types of skin problems. Redness on the face due to the liver may be of allergic origin. This happens when the body cannot cope with the full processing of, for example, medications. Yellowness and sallowness of the skin are usually caused by excess bilirubin, which is normally excreted by the liver. But these signs usually appear when there are significant health problems. And acne, as the very first marker of problems, breaks out at the slightest problem.

Acne due to the liver is not always a sign of serious pathologies or chronic damage. Rather, on the contrary, a certain number of acne that are resistant to lotions and cleansing simply indicate that the liver needs support, for example, a diet, or giving up some bad habits. Also, acne on the face due to the liver can signal that the medications taken are not suitable for the body.

The hepatitis B virus is 100 times more contagious than HIV (human immunodeficiency virus).

Despite the widespread introduction of vaccination against hepatitis B, the prevalence of the disease remains high. In different regions of Russia, the prevalence of carriage of the virus ranges from 1.5% to 11.5%. As with hepatitis C, the source of infection is the blood of an infected person. The routes of infection are similar: the use of non-sterile needles, instruments for various medical and non-medical (piercing, tattoos, manicure/pedicure) manipulations, the use of personal hygiene items of an infected person in everyday life (razor, scissors, toothbrush, etc.), unprotected sexual contact, transmission of the virus from an infected mother to her child. The hepatitis B virus is more stable in the external environment and more contagious than the hepatitis C viruses and human immunodeficiency viruses. Therefore, the natural routes of transmission of the B virus (sexual transmission and mother-to-child transmission) are more significant for this virus.

How it works?

Does the liver affect the skin directly? No, the connection and the mechanism for its implementation are much more complex. The liver, as a natural filter of the body, must transform, bind and remove all toxins, poisons - that is, everything that cannot be removed without additional processing. Since the temperature inside the organ is always higher, the components of almost any poisons disintegrate much faster there into suitable for excretion. But there is a nuance: during the filtration process, the liver itself can become damaged. A simple example is that regular processing of large doses of alcohol disrupts self-healing processes and triggers organ destruction.

A diseased liver “creates” acne in two ways - either the body tries to remove toxins through the skin, and this reduces the immune defense by changing the pH to a more alkaline one. Either more sebum is released through the skin - a little fat is normally excreted through the pores, which in small quantities protects the skin from drying out and helps maintain its elasticity. Increased sebum secretion often indicates problems with the liver: when the skin begins to “shine” 2-3 hours after washing, it’s time to contact a hepatologist. Acne due to liver disease with severe excess secretion of the sebaceous glands is a secondary problem. A large amount of fat is a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. And if both problems are combined, acne lesions appear with a large number of pimples.

Herbal infusions

You can reinforce therapeutic measures to cleanse the body with natural compounds that have choleretic properties.

These include rose hips, motherwort, valerian, and peppermint. However, you should not get too carried away with cleaning with medicinal plants; failure to comply with dosages or long-term use can lead to side effects.

Herbs are brewed one at a time or made into infusions and consumed like regular tea. A small spoon of plant or collection:

  • pour a glass of boiling water;
  • insist a little;
  • strain and drink.

To improve the taste, you can add a couple of lemon slices and a large spoonful of honey, but only if you are not allergic to these products!

Decoctions should be consumed no more than twice a day. The average duration of the course should be no more than a month. Before starting herbal herbal therapy, it is strongly recommended to check for the presence of intolerance, since otherwise the patient will only aggravate the situation and the number of acne will increase.

Restore skin clarity

Clear facial skin is not a luxury; everyone wants to get rid of suddenly appearing acne. Moreover, they are often painful. However, if skin problems are caused by liver pathologies, you will have to try to get rid of acne:

  • change your diet by removing gifted, fatty, smoked, sweet, spicy foods
  • give up alcoholic, low-alcohol and non-alcoholic carbonated drinks
  • If you are following a “fat burning” diet, reconsider your diet in favor of a balanced diet
  • if there is a need to take medications that seriously damage the liver, discuss with your doctor how to neutralize the harm
  • drink more clean water
  • carry out a “general cleaning” of the body and cleanse the liver using detoxifying drugs

The relationship between “removing acne and cleaning the liver” has been known for a long time; this connection was known even in ancient times. Natural hepatoprotectors of plant origin were already popular among both ordinary and noble people, since the quality of nutrition seriously affected the liver and acne. The relationship between clear skin and an abundance of cabbage, turnips, greens and fermented milk products in the diet was tracked by doctors who put patients with liver disease on some kind of diet - there was no talk about the beauty of the skin. However, along with the pain, heaviness in the right hypochondrium and nausea, the rashes on the face disappeared.

In more advanced cases, decoctions and infusions of milk thistle, sage, calamus, and mint were used - natural hepatoprotectors, which, together with diet, gave a pronounced effect. This liver cleansing removed acne even faster and better, and the general condition of the body became much better. Actually, one of the most effective pieces of advice from cosmetologists is still this: the best way to get rid of acne is to cleanse the liver.

Using a diet for cleansing is reasonable and safe, but you still shouldn’t use old recipes for infusions. Instead of herbal preparations with dangerous side effects and allergies, it is better to use modern hepatoprotectors, which include exclusively necessary active ingredients. The best option is to use hepatoprotectors based on silymarin, an active substance isolated from milk thistle. The drug Legalon, containing silymarin of the highest degree of purification, is completely free of all the side effects that are caused by an unrefined decoction of the plant. It allows you to safely cleanse the liver, and the skin gradually returns to normal.

Use of probiotics

A patient with liver problems caused by taking antibiotics and other toxic drugs needs to restore the beneficial intestinal microflora. For this purpose, probiotics containing lactobacilli are prescribed. The substances help normalize the levels of beneficial bacteria, thereby improving the condition of tissues.

The drugs have no contraindications; adverse reactions are very rare. Linex, Acipol, Rioflora, Bifidumbacterin give good results. The course lasts at least one month.

Safety precautions: how to avoid relapse

Cleansing the liver and facial skin are connected, and the opposite effect in the form of the return of acne at the slightest problem with filtering toxins occurs constantly. How to prevent acne from returning after cleansing? There are several ways:

  • once and for all formulate a diet that excludes foods harmful to the liver;
  • give up alcohol - all organs will be grateful, not just the liver;
  • give up strict diets that provoke fatty hepatosis;
  • monitor your immunity, promptly treat all colds and infectious diseases;
  • take hepatoprotectors in preventive courses as needed;
  • drink more clean water;
  • regularly breathe fresh and clean air in parks or gardens, preferably outside the city.

Quite simple tips that, unlike the strict prohibitions of a chronic patient, can be violated occasionally - one fried pie every couple of months will most likely not cause acne. And the best part: the rules can be supplemented with your own observations, because each organism is unique.

It is important to remember that acne resistant to cosmetic procedures and the liver have a very direct connection. Therefore, if suddenly acne and oily skin become a problem, you need to make an appointment with a hepatologist. Just in case.


To cleanse and start regenerative processes in the liver, the patient needs to take hepatoprotectors. Positive dynamics of the disease is observed when taking the following medications:

  • Karsil,
  • Ovesol,
  • Heptral,
  • Essentiale forte,
  • Liv 52.


A highly effective drug for protecting the liver, Heptral has antioxidant, restorative properties, and removes toxic substances from the body.

With a course of use, it is possible to improve liver function, cleanse and strengthen tissues.

The hepatoprotector is produced in the form of a solution or tablets, taken for two weeks, if necessary, the course of therapy is increased to a couple of months.

Heptral is considered a safe medication; it has a minimal list of contraindications, including only intolerance and the first two trimesters of pregnancy.

Liv 52

Liv 52 has a choleretic and hepatoprotective effect. The medicine is made on a plant basis and contains:

  1. chicory seeds;
  2. caper rhizome;
  3. Cassia seeds.

The pharmacy sells Liv 52 in tablet form. It is suitable for eliminating hepatitis associated with toxic effects, infectious processes, and antibiotic use. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the severity of the disease, the intensity of the symptoms, and administration for the purpose of prevention is not excluded.

Essentiale forte

Essentiale Forte is based on phospholipids that cleanse the body, evacuate harmful substances, and restore the liver.

Indications include fatty degeneration of hepatocytes, cirrhosis, alcoholic lesions, and psoriasis.

To eliminate acne, Essentiale is continued for a long time; the drug is well tolerated by the body and does not cause negative reactions.

In rare cases, allergic reactions and the development of dyspeptic syndrome cannot be excluded. Symptoms do not require discontinuation of treatment.


Cleansing the body with Ovesol helps fight acne on the skin of the body and face. The dietary supplement contains the following components:

  • oats;
  • turmeric;
  • mint;
  • rose hip;
  • immortelle.

Ovesol cleanses the liver well, enriches the organ with essential microelements, and ensures rapid recovery. Thanks to successfully selected components, the dietary supplement promotes better excretion of bile.


Another option for eliminating skin rashes is Karsil. Indications for use include cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, and biliary dyskinesia. The drug cleanses the filter organ and activates recovery processes.

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