Before and after acne: 5 real stories of girls who were able to overcome acne

Jennifer Aniston
Do you also hear how cats scratch your soul when a glossy magazine falls into your hands? Looking at photos of stars on Instagram, we nervously bite our lips... “Good, damn, good.” Smooth skin, perfect complexion, barely noticeable wrinkles - and they, rather, add more charm than become a reason for disappointment. “Here is a witch,” others think. “Surely you don’t stand in front of the mirror for hours, trying to disguise a telltale pimple.” Well, have you recognized yourself yet?

Cosmetics stores have long profited from our desire to hide imperfections. Face primer, foundation, concealer, powder, correctors and highlighters, blush, eyebrow products, eye shadow primer, eye shadow, eyeliners and pencils, mascara - do you think this is a list of products in “Girlfriend”? No, this is something that, according to women's sites, should definitely be in every girl's makeup bag. A basic set for beginners, so to speak.

And if you decide to get upset now, then wait! Next are photographs of those very idols whom we love and hate for their eternally youthful appearance.

Ruby Rose (32)

The actress openly states that she also experiences breakouts on her face! “These pimples are mine,” she wrote on her Instagram Stories. “Yeah, it sucks... but I don't understand why anyone else cares.” I'm the same person. Anyone can have rashes. My dermatologist explained to me that the cause of acne is bacteria that lives on the phone and not very clean pillowcases in hotels.”

Kali Kushner @myfacestory

Kali Kushner is a 22-year-old student from America who, when looking at her “before” and “after” photos, cannot help but exclaim: “This is amazing!” On her Instagram page, the girl blogs about her skin life, where she tells followers about her journey and struggle with acne.

Since she was a teenager, Kali has been searching for a way to help her achieve clear, healthy skin. But neither pharmacy ointments nor care creams helped her, and sometimes even worsened the situation. After trying many remedies, Kali turned to an isotretinoin-based drug known as Accutane. This is a structural analogue of vitamin A - it helps dissolve fatty plugs that clog pores. In addition, the girl took vitamin C and used a dermaroller. It only took a couple of months, and Kali finally saw improvements in her skin: fewer breakouts, fewer scars, and no more redness.

Currently, Kali has stopped taking Accutane due to side effects: back pain, dryness and dehydration. Now Accutane is no longer available in America, since all the pros and cons of this drug have not been studied.

Scarlett Johansson (34)

“I always wash my face, even if I come home at four in the morning, I still take off my makeup and only then go to bed,” Scarlett shares. “I also make sure to clean all my makeup brushes once a week.” I know that bacteria love dirt, and I don’t want to live with acne anymore.”


Voluminous lips and a sexy squint have become the calling card of the actress.
Yes, even the sexy Lara Croft is getting old. In 2001, many girls were only familiar with their mother’s “brasmatic.” For those not in the know, girls from the USSR used this exotic word to call ordinary mascara. The fact is that until the 50s, the brush had to be moistened with water before use, and when the usual tubes of liquid mascara were invented, they wrote “Brosse automatique” (“automatic brush”) on the packaging.

don't miss The sharply aged Angelina Jolie is no longer recognized

So then Angelina Jolie was only 26 years old. Now she’s 44, and she hasn’t been so good for a long time.

Miley Cyrus (26)

Miley is sure that acne often appears due to dirty brushes that we use during makeup. That's why she regularly makes cleansing face masks.


Oh, what's that on the actress's teeth?
Caries? It's hard to believe that Pretty Woman is already 52 years old. The star denies numerous plastic surgeries, but is happy to share her beauty secrets - a strawberry mask, olive oil on her hair... But experts say that Julia’s radiant skin is the merit of masks with hyaluronic acid, mesotherapy, peeling and Botox.

don’t miss Pretty woman: tragedies in the life of “Pretty Woman” by Julia Roberts

Megan Fox (32)

The actress fights rashes on her face with peelings. True, sometimes she forgets about proper care and masks acne with thick foundation (and you can’t do that!).

Molly Greenblatt

Molly suffered from acne for 5 years. Cleansing foams, oils, tonics - nothing helped against the hated acne. The girl even resorted to a remedy similar in properties to the drug that Kali Kushner took, but it did not bring her long-term results. Then Molly decided to take a more radical step - stop washing her face.

Of course, Molly did not avoid getting water on her face: she calmly took a shower or bath, but did not use any special cleansers. Sticking to the plan, a year later the girl saw cleaner and smoother skin in the mirror: the rashes had almost disappeared, and her complexion had improved.



The result of worsening nodular acne is abscess acne. Due to the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, cysts are formed that are filled with purulent fluid and vaguely resemble a boil.

This type refers to painful and rather soft neoplasms. In advanced forms, the only medicine is a scalpel, which leaves behind small but deep scars.


This type is a continuation of comedones, with improper treatment or its complete absence. “Black” acne begins to actively multiply over time, resulting in severe inflammation and redness.

Papular acne is sensitive to touch and often makes itself felt with painful sensations and itching. Contact removal of purulent mounds, or, more simply put, squeezing, will certainly lead to complications and a severe abscess. For treatment, benzoyl peroxide or isotretioin is used.


Complex and intractable formations, which over time fill with pus mixed with blood. In its neglected form, the contents come out of small holes, bringing pain and disgust.

  • Subcutaneous acne: causes of appearance and advice from cosmetologists on how to properly get rid of acne (115 photos and videos)

  • How to remove acne - advice from dermatologists on complex treatment and an overview of the most common mistakes in diagnosis and removal (120 photos)

  • Advantages of laser tumor removal

The appearance vaguely resembles a mountain hill with large and small hillocks across the entire surface.

Types of acne

To treat a skin disease, you need to know a specific description of individual types of acne. In nature, there are a huge number of varieties and classifications of acne, let’s look at most of them.

  • Comedones.
  • Papular.
  • Pustular.
  • Nodal.
  • Abscessing.
  • Phlegmonous.
  • Conglobate.

We will consider a description of these types of acne below, as well as methods for treating acne.

Is it possible to squeeze out blackheads?

You need to make sure to keep your hands away from blackheads. This is due to the fact that squeezing out acne can: firstly, lead to deep infection and the development of purulent pimples, and secondly, in some cases, when compressed (especially closed acne), the membrane in which the sebaceous gland fat is located ruptures.

This leads to sebaceous gland fat not reaching the surface of the skin, but deep into the soft tissues, which will cause inflammation in the deep layers of the skin and suppuration. It is best to use special strips and treatment masks designed to extract sebum from the pores.

But in some cases, dermatologists and cosmetologists still recommend acne removal. This is done using special tools “comedone extractors” (Fig. 20 and video).

Squeezing out blackheads: video

We hope that our article on the topic: How to remove acne from your face was useful to you!

Associated symptoms

In addition to skin rashes and other dermatological pathologies, helminthiasis is accompanied by other clinical manifestations:

  • critical weight loss;
  • increased or loss of appetite;
  • unhealthy color and general condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • disorders of the digestive system, which are accompanied by pain;
  • itching of the perineum, worsening at night and in the morning;
  • general weakness;
  • unstable psycho-emotional state;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • cough, fever;
  • At the chronic stage, vitamin deficiency and anemia develop.

How acne appears

Pimples on the skin of the face, chest and back appear in areas where a large number of sebaceous glands are located. In common forms, acne appears on the skin of the shoulders and forearms. The disease can be mild (open comedones), moderate in severity (closed comedones and papules), and severe (pustules).

Stage I: comedones formation

When the processes of exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin are disrupted, retention hyperkeratosis develops (delayed exfoliation). The mouth of the follicle becomes clogged with horny scales, as a result of which sebum accumulates in the cavity of the follicle. A microcomedone (milium) is formed, obstructing (closing) the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland. Over time, open and closed comedones are formed - non-inflammatory elements in acne.

Rice. 3. Microcomedones are formed when sebum accumulates in the ducts of the sebaceous glands and the mouths of the follicles. They look like small hemispherical nodules of milky color.

Rice. 4. In the photo, comedones are open in the area of ​​the external auditory canal. With open comedones, the openings of the follicles are open. Under the influence of environmental oxygen, the fats that make up sebum oxidize, which gives comedones a black color.

Rice. 5. The photo shows open comedones on the face.

Rice. 6. In the photo, the comedones on the face are closed. With closed comedones, the openings of the follicles are closed. Horny scales and sebum, having no way out, remain under the epithelium layer.

Rice. 7. The photo shows elements of acne. Mild - mild degree of severity. Modtrant - moderate severity. Severe - severe course - abundant papules and pustules, abscess formation and the formation of fistulous tracts.

Stage II: development of inflammation

Lack of oxygen, dead horny scales and sebum create conditions for the proliferation of propionobacteria acne - permanent representatives of the skin microflora.

  • Acne propionobacteria have the ability to break down sebum and cause inflammation of surrounding tissues, which leads to the development of papules. With the formation of large inflammatory infiltrates, an indurative form of acne develops.
  • When a staphylococcal infection is attached, pustules (ulcers) and microabscesses develop - pustular, abscessing, necrotic and phlegmonous acne. These forms of acne are severe.
  • With necrotic acne, inflammation develops deep in the follicles. Most often, acne appears on the skin of the forehead and temporal area. Pustules with hemorrhagic contents appear on their tops. After opening them, a scab forms. The disease ends with the development of a smallpox scar.
  • With phlegmonous acne, the inflammatory process penetrates and develops in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. When a purulent lesion is opened, thick, creamy pus is released. The course of the disease is long. Deep scars remain in place of acne.
  • With the development of multiple abscesses, an infiltrate with several fistulous tracts is formed (nodular cystic acne). Extensive infiltrates after healing leave cyst-like formations.
  • The fulminant form of acne is more often recorded in boys aged 14–17 years and women. The disease is extremely severe and has a malignant course. Symptoms of intoxication are significantly expressed, symptoms of arthralgia are noted, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

Initially, areas of the skin turn red and swelling develops. After a few days, boil-like rashes appear on the skin. Pustules can reach enormous sizes. Foci of necrosis form. After healing, rough scars remain.

Rice. 8. The photo shows acne on the face (papular acne).

Rice. 9. The photo shows acne on the face. When a staphylococcal infection is attached, pustules (ulcers) and microabscesses develop - pustular and abscessing acne.

Rice. 10. The photo shows pustular acne.

Rice. 11. The photo shows an indurative form of acne. The inflammatory process affects neighboring areas and penetrates deep into the tissue. Pustules are located on a dense base. Infiltrates are often extensive, their surface is bumpy. The disease leaves rough, disfiguring scars.

Rice. 12. The photo shows nodular cystic acne. Nodes more than 1 cm in diameter, always painful, protrude deep into the dermis, often merge, forming extensive infiltrates with fistulous tracts. When healing occurs, cyst-like formations remain. The skin of the face is most often affected.

Rice. 13. The photo shows cystic acne.

Rice. 14. In the photo, the acne on the back and chest is conglobate (spherical). Nodules, ulcerations, cysts and abscesses are the main elements of inflammation. The diameter of the nodes reaches 1 - 4 cm. Merging, the nodes form sharply painful conglomerates. Long-term non-healing abscesses often form. Healing occurs with the formation of rough bridge-shaped scars. The skin of the torso and chest is affected, much less often - the face. Acne conglobates occur in men with an additional Y chromosome, less often in women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome.

Rice. 15. The photo shows excoriated acne. The disease occurs when pimples are scratched and squeezed out. Sometimes this condition develops into neurosis, which is characterized by behavior deviating from the norm.

Stage III: acne healing

All types of juvenile acne leave scars. When the pustules heal, small atrophic (smallpox-like) scars remain, sometimes pigmented.

When spherical, abscessive and phlegmonous acne heals, hypertrophic and, less commonly, keloid scars remain, disfiguring the skin.

Rice. 16. Atrophic scars form after healing of pustular acne.

Rice. 17. The chronic course of the disease often ends with the formation of scar tissue.

Rice. 18. The photo shows acne keloid (keloid acne). In the back of the head, dense pink rashes are visible, which are inflammation of the follicles located at the border of smooth skin and scalp. The disease is long-lasting and torpid. The affected areas become sclerotic over time.

Summary -

Above we have listed an exhaustive list of drugs that are used specifically for acne. If the result of treatment with these drugs was insufficient, then similar drugs with higher concentrations of active elements are selected.

Important: if you simultaneously have not only acne, but also pimples, in this case, in addition to retinoids and azelaic acid, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • gels, lotions and creams with benzoyl peroxide (very effective!),
  • or antibiotics in the form of gels for topical use.

You can find out about the properties and brands of these drugs in the article: “Drugs for the treatment of acne”

Three additional rules for treating acne at home -

In addition to the basic treatment with retinoids, azelaic or salicylic acids, you must always follow three important rules...

    Regular cleansing and skin care - Wash your face twice a day only with a mild cleanser (such as Neutrogena). This will keep your skin clean and minimize irritation. You also need to avoid using oil-based cosmetics and skin care products (they clog pores). Use only water-based products!

Mild peeling preparations can be used periodically. You can do this peeling even at home, but you just need to use professional products for home use, but not soda, aspirin or lemon. Such products most often contain glycolic acid, which exfoliates dead surface skin cells, which also helps open pores.

    Reduce sebum production - To reduce the amount of sebum in and on the surface of the skin, as well as the oily shine of the skin, use the following products:

→ special toners for cleaning oily skin, → special cosmetic strips (Fig. 19), which are attached to the surface of the skin on the nose, forehead, cheeks or chin to remove sebum from the pores (Nivea, “Propeller”, etc.). → special cosmetic masks will help draw out sebum from the skin.

  • Reduce bacteria – If you only have acne, then using these products is not necessary. However, if acne periodically turns into pimples, then you can use benzoyl peroxide-based bactericides (once every 2 days) to prevent the appearance of pimples.


Kate Winslet, together with actresses Rachel Weisz and Emma Thompson, created the British League Against Plastic Surgery.
At 44 years old, the actress looks simply beautiful. Kate is one of the few who openly opposes plastic surgery and does not agree to change anything about herself, even for the sake of a role. In her opinion, a good effect can be achieved with the help of proper makeup. True, a makeup artist is not always able to fulfill the wishes of a film star. Like in this photo, for example. Too much powder, which highlights the fluff too much, is obvious.

As you noticed, even Hollywood stars don't always look perfect. Not convinced? Then here are some more close-up photos of celebrities' faces.

Elizabeth II Madonna

Melania Trump


Meghan Markle Natalie Por src=» [email protected] _0xac120003_9824329061589535284.jpg» class=»aligncenter» width=»429″ height ="600″[/ img] Reese Witherspoon

Katy Perry Emma Watson

Mila Kunis


Blake Lively

Avril lavigne

Photo: Legion-media, Getty images

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