BB cream - a cosmetic miracle or just another pampering?


Not long ago, a BB cream appeared on the Russian market, designed to replace several care products at once: moisturizer, sunscreen, foundation and concealer. Despite promising advertising and rave reviews from customers, there are still many women who are skeptical about the product and are still not familiar with it. In this review, I will answer the most popular questions regarding Bibishka: is it as functional as the advertisement promises, what are the specifics of its use, and what is a BB cream needed for - after all, there are already plenty of foundations without it.

What is BB Cream

BB cream: Blemish Balm cream is a therapeutic camouflage cream that is used to camouflage problematic facial skin.

BB cream as a cosmetic product appeared on the market not so long ago. An ointment invented by German dermatologist Christina Schrammeck in 1968 was endowed with similar properties. The purpose of its creation is to correct and accelerate the healing of scars left in patients after injuries and surgical interventions. The healing cream not only visually concealed the scars, but moisturized the scar tissue and accelerated the regeneration processes.

The invention of a German doctor was improved 30 years later by Korean cosmetic brands. Now BB cream is produced by many companies around the world, but cosmetics from Korea still occupy a leading position.

The defining feature of the cream is the combination of a moisturizing effect with a foundation, which gives the cosmetic product a number of beneficial properties for the skin.

BB Cream:

  • Moisturizes and nourishes the epidermis;
  • Evens out skin texture;
  • Makes imperfections less noticeable - redness, age spots;
  • Protects skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Mattifies and eliminates shine caused by increased oiliness of the dermis.

By choosing the right shade for yourself, you can make your skin lighter or, on the contrary, give it a tan effect. One tube of BB cream can replace a dozen skincare products that most girls and women can use daily.

The history of creation is interesting

The presentation of BB cream was made in 1985 by Christiane Schrammeck, who invented it back in 1968. Presentations took place in Korea and Japan, where the miracle cream gained great popularity. There has been a boom in interest in this product in Asia. It was used by everyone, from ordinary girls to famous celebrities.

In Europe, the product appeared much later, after cosmetologists were able to create a light shade. The formula has been copied by various popular cosmetics companies, but is now different from the original in many ways.

Composition of BB creams

BB series creams contain various components, which allows you to choose the most effective cream for yourself that solves the main skin problems.

Basically, the natural base consists of:

  • Anti-aging components, antioxidants, vitamins, vitamin E and A are especially useful for the skin;
  • Hyaluronic acid, elastin, stem cells;
  • Panthenol, phytoextracts of ginseng, green tea, shea butter, allantoin;
  • Arbutin and licorice. Evens out skin tone;
  • Mineral pigments that give a glow effect;
  • Silicone components used to increase the smoothing properties of products.

Are there any side effects you should be aware of?

BB creams have no contraindications or officially recognized side effects. However, when choosing a product you need to consider some features:

  • Some products contain brightening ingredients, so these BB creams can make your skin appear paler as a result. Therefore, before purchasing, be sure to look at the composition.
  • If the skin is too dry, one BB product for day care will not be enough. You need to additionally use moisturizing creams or serums.
  • Choose your cream carefully and carefully read the manufacturer's instructions if your skin is prone to allergies to certain ingredients.

Some creams may take several minutes to adapt to your face tone, so you won’t be able to instantly create the perfect makeup in this case.

How do BB creams differ from other products?

In addition to the cream with the abbreviation BB, the rating of Korean cosmetics also includes products belonging to the CC, DD and EE series. All these creams have both similar and different characteristics, which determines their choice in each specific case.

Difference from CC cream

Blemish Balm cream, as has already been found out, simultaneously moisturizes and acts as a foundation. Products marked CC only even out and improve skin tone. Their composition is based on finely dispersed pigmented particles and reflective components.

The difference between the two skin care products is almost invisible to a non-professional - both coatings create the most natural shade. However, cream BB is denser in structure; you need to choose the shade of such products very carefully. CC cream has an airy texture and looks more like powder. In addition, this series also includes components that have a whitening effect.

Difference from DD cream

DD cream is a modern analogue of the first two types of concealing cosmetics. The difference is that Do-all-Duties are more suitable for aging skin. They have a rejuvenating effect and, when used regularly, also exhibit a lifting effect, that is, they tighten the weakened dermis.

Difference from EE cream

There is another category of creams - Extra Exfoliating (EE), but their effect does not belong to foundation cosmetics and is not intended for daily use. They contain mineral granules, algae, and plant extracts that can cleanse the skin of dead cells, impurities and improve circulation. Constant use of this series of products according to the instructions increases the smoothness of the epidermis, making the face younger and fresher.

The difference between BB cream and foundation

The difference in effect between SS and BB products is not obvious, which cannot be said about foundation. Unlike the described creams, Blemish Balm foundations:

  • Almost completely hide pronounced defects, hyperemic and pigmented spots;
  • They interfere with microcirculation, ultimately drying out the face and making it heavier. The use of foundations involves the preliminary application of primers or other moisturizing and nourishing base. BB cream is applied mainly without preparation, does not interfere with air exchange, and does not clog pores;
  • They can “leak” at high temperatures, for example in the heat of summer, but BB Beauty does not have this drawback.

Thus, BB products are more suitable for daily use, while cosmetologists recommend applying foundation when you need to create an impeccable image before a date, corporate event, or party.

Difference from CC cream - what you need to know

CC cream is similar to BB in many properties, it has caring properties, protection from ultraviolet radiation, but it also has differences.

Properties of CC cream:

  • the main property is to even out the tone of the face, hide imperfections, redness and age spots;
  • has a lower density, matte finish, delicate texture;
  • often comes in the form of a white cream interspersed with pigment, which, when in contact with the skin, better adapts to its tone.

Types of BB creams

Blemish Balm products are divided into products for the face and body. When choosing them, you need to take into account not only the condition of the epidermis, but also the effects that you want to achieve.

According to the specific effects of BB cream for the face, they are divided into:

  • Matting. Absorb excess fat secreted by the glands. Suitable for oily or combination skin. The matte effect lasts up to 3 hours; to prolong it, you should then use powder or matte wipes;
  • Moisturizing. They contain a larger amount of oils and vitamins E and A, due to which cell nutrition is normalized;
  • With reflective particles. They give a natural glow, but are not suitable for those with problematic or oily skin.

According to consistency they are distinguished:

  • Liquid (paste-like). Applied with fingers, they are in high demand;
  • Cushions. South Korean new. They are a sponge with liquid contents inside. Pressing the sponge causes the cream to release, after which it needs to be distributed over the face, as if driving it inside.


There are 5 types of BB cream:

  1. For normal/dry skin. This product qualitatively cares for delicate skin, softens, moisturizes, evens out tone, creates a toning effect, makes it fresh and radiant, and protects it from the dangerous effects of sunlight.
  2. For oily/combination skin. The cream normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates excess shine on the face, creates a beautiful matte effect, nourishes, makes the tone even, and protects from ultraviolet radiation. The advantage of this product is that it is absorbed very quickly, and the result is noticeable instantly.

  3. For problematic skin. Allows you not only to hide, but also to treat acne, blackheads, and clear blackheads. Creates a matting effect and flawlessly hides skin imperfections.
  4. For mature skin. Allows you to rejuvenate, smooth the skin, eliminate fine wrinkles, make it firmer and more elastic. Helps even out tone and protect against negative external influences.
  5. Roller around the eyes. A special product designed to care for sensitive skin around the eyes, which requires the most careful handling. Moisturizes, helps fight dark circles and bags under the eyes, and adds a slight glow. A special roller applicator perfectly tones the skin cells, creating a rejuvenating effect and eliminating fine wrinkles (both age-related and facial wrinkles).

It is important to note that the roller around the eyes is a rarity; not all well-known cosmetic companies produce such a product.

BB cream is a help for girls with any skin type. Regardless of whether you have dry, oily or combination skin, with the help of an innovative cosmetic product you can transform your appearance in a matter of minutes.

Contraindications for use

Despite all the obvious advantages of BB products, such cosmetics do not always bring only benefits:

  • You need to buy creams at the same time as a special remover, with which you can completely remove the remnants of cosmetics from your face. The best way to remove beauty products is hydrophilic oil. If you do not follow this recommendation, the silicones included in the composition can tightly clog enlarged pores, which leads to irritation and acne;
  • Asian creams do not have a wide variety of tones. As a rule, it is most difficult for brunettes to choose from the range of products presented, since most of the products are too light, which can look unnatural on the skin;
  • There is no point in using a product with similar properties if there are no defects on the skin that need to be masked.

How to choose the right bb cream tone?

Cosmetologists advise choosing BB Cream based on your skin type, the severity of age-related changes and taking into account existing defects.

  • For the mature one. A product that contains the ProXylan complex is more suitable. Activates the production of collagen fibers, increases the elasticity of the epidermis, and removes uneven microrelief. For older women, the natural oils, microparticles of minerals, and plant extracts included in the product are also useful, promoting hydration, enhancing cell nutrition and evening out the shade.
  • For the problematic one. It is based on salicylic acid, endowed with antibacterial and drying properties, and pigments that mask defects. This cream not only hides imperfections, but also has a healing effect.
  • For oily and combination skin. Excess sebum is absorbed using adsorbents. Creams for oily epidermis do not contain oil components, but contain minerals that help smooth out the relief.
  • For dry or normal. The base is represented by hyaluronic acid. It helps saturate all layers of the epidermis with moisture, retains it and creates a protective film that prevents the rapid evaporation of water. Additional components include natural pigments that gently mask imperfections without clogging pores or causing peeling of the skin. Antioxidant vitamin C prevents exposure of the face to aggressive irritants from the external environment.

In the BB series of creams, the palette of shades does not differ in variety. Most manufacturers have from 3 to 5. However, these corrective products have a unique property - they are able to adapt to the natural shade of the skin. The same tone can suit both blondes and girls with an olive complexion. But when choosing products you need to know that:

  • If your skin is too light, you need to choose the palest tone in the palette;
  • For dark-skinned women, the darkest one is more suitable;
  • In winter, preference should be given to light-colored products;
  • After tanning, imperfections are better masked by dark palettes of shades.

If you are in doubt about your choice, it is better to purchase Natural bb cream. And you need to remember that a perfectly even tone in the mirror can be seen no earlier than 5 minutes after application.

The top BB products also include rollers used to improve the condition of the skin under the eyes. The main component of such cosmetic products is haloxin, which masks bluish circles and has an anti-edematous effect. The application of the roller compares the skin tone under the eyes with the main color, refreshes and rejuvenates.

Catalog of BB creams

Manufacturers and review of popular companies

BB cream is one of the most popular products on the cosmetic market, so most companies have taken care of producing their own line of unique products. Brief overview of the Top 3 best of them:

  1. Intense Classic Balm from Skin79. The largest Korean brand presents a product for oily skin. It has an impeccable mattifying effect, completely eliminates oily shine, and takes good care of the skin. It has the only drawback - it is available in only one tone. Cost – about 1500 rubles.

    Intense Classic Balm by Skin79

  2. Professionals BB Cream from Pupa. Dry skin transformation from the famous cosmetics company Pupa. Moisturizes, makes the skin velvety, does not clog pores, does not cause irritation or peeling. Among the disadvantages is a weak matting effect. Price – within 520 rubles.

    Professionals BB Cream from Pupa

  3. Maybelline Clean Smooth Minerals. An excellent product for normal skin from one of the world's favorite brands, Maybelline. It has a light, delicate texture and fits perfectly, creating the most natural look. Perfectly hides imperfections and lasts for a long time even under aggressive external influences. It has a very pleasant aroma and an affordable price - about 310 rubles.

Clean Smooth Minerals by Maybelline
Products from famous cosmetics magnates are a guarantee of high quality and luxurious results.

Instructions for use

BB Cream should be applied after preliminary cleansing of the skin. You don’t have to use day cream, however, this does not apply to those with too dry dermis. You can also replace the base with a light serum.

It can be applied in different ways, each of which has its own pros and cons.


  • A small amount of the product (in the form of a ball) should be squeezed onto the palm from the back;
  • The beebik, melted from the warmth of the palm, should be applied in equal quantities to the center of the forehead, chin, cheeks, nose;
  • Using the pads of your index and middle fingers, lightly rub in the cream, moving along the massage lines;
  • The beep is distributed to the area around the eyes using patting movements.

After drying, you need to evaluate the result. If not all defects are hidden, then you need to add a little more product to these areas and distribute it to achieve an even tone.

Using a sponge

  • Lightly moisten the sponge, as when moistened it distributes the bib more evenly;
  • Apply the cream, melted in the palm of your hand, in the middle of the chin, cheeks, forehead, and in the center of the nose;
  • Gently rub the applied product with a sponge, moving from the center to the temples;
  • Under the eyes, use a sponge using patting movements.

Using a brush

It is advisable to use the brush for dry and redness-prone epidermis with increased sensitivity

  • First, the cream is applied to the palm, then it is transferred to the face using a brush and distributed along the massage lines;
  • Stroking movements with a brush are used around the eyes.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

So, with the question of why you need BB cream, everything is more or less clear. How to use this miracle remedy? After all, despite the fact that such products are considered universal, they are developed to meet the needs of a specific skin type. Advice from leading cosmetologists will come to the aid of beauty fashionistas:

  1. How to apply? The applied product should not leave a thick coating on the face. Regardless of the type of cover, the stages of applying the product are typical:
  • A small amount of the composition is squeezed onto the back of the hand.
  • 5 points are drawn on the face using a universal composition - on the chin, cheeks, nose and forehead.
  • The product is distributed over the surface of the face in an even layer. The best option for this manipulation is to use a sponge.
  1. Taking into account the characteristics of the type of skin. When distributing the composition over the skin, you should take into account their characteristics:
  • Very dry dermis should be pre-moistened with a special product and only then the BB product should be applied. It is best to distribute the universal composition using your finger.
  • On combination or oily skin, the product can be applied with a brush or sponge. Such tools perfectly distribute the cream composition in hard-to-reach places (in the corners of the eyes, nose, etc.).
  1. What to wash off with? Products for removing BB composition from the face should also be selected taking into account the type of dermis:
  • For oily or combination skin, products with a light structure are suitable: micellar water, tonic or other products free of fats or oils.
  • Those with dry skin can use hydrophilic tiles. It is unacceptable to apply alcohol-containing cleansers to dry skin.
  • It is better to clean normal dermis with a product with a neutral PH level. Removing pigment. It is most convenient to use additional accessories: brushes, sponges. It is best to apply the product first to a cotton pad.


Do enlarged pores become clogged with frequent use?

Not if you cleanse your face properly after makeup.

Can I use water to rinse?

It is possible, but simple washing will not give a high-quality cleansing effect. As a result, clogged pores appear and the color becomes dull.

What should you prefer - bb cream or regular foundation?

BB products are better suited for everyday use. It cares for the dermis, has a therapeutic effect, and does not interfere with the supply of oxygen. It is best to use foundation periodically, in situations where the face should look perfect.

Is a base required for application?

In most cases no. But if your skin is too dry, it won’t hurt to use a moisturizer first.

Can it be used under the eyes?

Yes. Cream from the BB line perfectly disguises dark circles and increases the elasticity of weakened dermis.

Is BB cream applied only to clean skin?

Naturally. Before using it, you need to remove any remnants of other cosmetics from your face. But for oily skin, it is advisable to first use a serum that will remove excess shine.

Is BB used as a makeup base?

Yes. Moreover, the remaining visible defects can be additionally masked with correctors.

What is BB cream and why is it needed?

Let's start in order. BB cream is a foundation, only much better. If only because it performs 2 functions at once: it masks what needs to be hidden and takes care of the skin. It turns out that in the future, BB cream fights pigmentation, acne, dark spots, dull skin color from the inside, and not just from the outside.

The right BB cream is the key to both good makeup and perfect skin. This is not serious plastering, but some light cosmetic repairs.

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