Succinic acid: cosmetic use and redermalization effect

From this article you will learn how succinic acid affects the skin and how to use it correctly.

Succinic acid has recently conquered the cosmetology market. It acts at the cellular level and has almost no side effects. So it's not surprising that everyone likes her. The product is also unique in that it does not have to be taken as part of a mask. Even just taking pills gives an excellent effect. Let's find out how it affects the skin and how to use it.

How does succinic acid affect the skin?

Succinic acid
Succinic acid for women does not act in the same way as the drugs we are used to. It is also called “smart” because it recognizes which tissues are healthy and which are not. The drug focuses its action on the latter and restores them. At the same time, healthy cells remain intact. This property is actively used by cosmetologists. Penetrating into the skin, the active substance finds damaged, inflamed areas and begins to treat them. It also removes pigmentation using the same principle.

Succinic acid has a large number of different positive properties. It works as follows:

  • Activates the process of removing toxic metabolites and other harmful agents from the body
  • Delivers oxygen to cells, and therefore after its use the skin glows and takes on a healthy appearance.
  • Has general strengthening properties
  • Has an antioxidant effect and prevents the spread of cancer cells
  • Gives a good rejuvenating effect, especially if used together with mumiyo and hyaluronic acid
  • Helps eliminate scars and scars if they appeared not very long ago
  • Removes excess rashes, stops inflammatory reactions and infections, which makes it effective against acne
  • Improves the protective properties of the skin, allowing it to resist external influences
  • The product reduces swelling and enhances the effect of other beneficial substances
  • Provides complete facial care. It can be used regularly
  • Accelerates cellular metabolism
  • Deeply cleanses pores and eliminates blackheads

All these properties allow you to improve your skin and cope with most problems. It is noted that not every cosmetic can eliminate them. So it is the best alternative for most salon treatments.

Indications for use

Succinic acid is an intracellular metabolite of the Krebs cycle. The substance plays an important energy-synthesizing role. Under the influence of succinate dehydrogenase with the participation of coenzyme FAD, the compound is biotransformed into fumaric acid, metabolic products. In addition, it activates electron transport in mitochondria, which improves tissue respiration.

The widespread use of succinic acid in medicine is due to its ability to increase gastric gland secretions, diastolic blood pressure, improve muscle contractility, and stimulate adaptive, compensatory and protective functions of the body. When taken orally, the compound penetrates from the gastrointestinal tract into the tissues and blood and enters into catabolic reactions. Complete breakdown of succinic acid to the final products of metabolism (water, carbon dioxide) occurs within half an hour.

Indications for use of the compound in the form of a dietary supplement:

  1. Nervous disorders, depression, severe stress, anxiety - to reduce irritability and relaxation.
  2. Working with devices that emit an electromagnetic field - to neutralize the harmful effects of waves in a dangerous range.
  3. Weakness, emotional stress, increased fatigue - to increase vitality and energy.
  4. Increased blood clotting - to eliminate the likelihood of thrombosis.
  5. Disorders of the stomach and intestines, to normalize the microflora.
  6. Respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis) - to remove mucus from the bronchi and relieve swelling.
  7. As an adjuvant for venous diseases - to normalize blood flow and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  8. Work that requires strong mental stress - to speed up thought processes, reaction, and intelligence.
  9. When planning pregnancy - to stimulate the reproductive function.
  10. Taking antibiotics - to reduce the likelihood of side effects from the drug.
  11. Increased physical activity, cardio training to speed up metabolism and recharge your energy.
  12. Swelling, inflammation - to fight pathogens, remove excess water from the body, relieve fever.
  13. Diets - to restore water-salt balance, accelerate the fat burning process, compensate for the lack of minerals with a limited diet.
  14. Physical inactivity – to eliminate signs of oxygen deficiency in the body (increased fatigue, tinnitus, headache).
  15. Endocrine diseases - to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, normalize the activity of the thyroid gland.
  16. Toxicosis during pregnancy (up to 18 weeks inclusive) - to prevent dehydration, compensate for the deficiency of antioxidants, and improve the absorption of nutrients.
  17. ARVI, influenza during the season - to mobilize immune forces.
  18. Alcohol intoxication - to normalize blood pressure, remove toxic breakdown products of ethyl alcohol, improve well-being, maintain water-salt balance.
  19. Gynecological diseases - to relieve inflammation, improve tissue regeneration.
  20. Cosmetology – for skin rejuvenation, activation of metabolic processes, restoration of hair structure.
  21. Heart disease – for better supply of coronary vessels.

Thus, succinic acid has a wide spectrum of action, due to which it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all body systems and internal organs, without causing discomfort or addiction.

Succinic acid for skin rejuvenation: mask recipes

Facial rejuvenation
Succinic acid for women is used in courses. The course of use is one month. The procedure is carried out a couple of times a week. You will really like the result - your wrinkles will smooth out, fresh scars will disappear.

So, for the mask you will need:

Components for the mask

In any container, preferably glass, mix all the necessary ingredients. Basically, the mask is used to cover the entire face, but it can also be used for the neck. Then the effect will be even better. For a stronger effect, leave the product on for 20 minutes.

When the mask is washed off, do not treat the skin with anything else. All girls know that cream is often applied after masks. So in this case it will be superfluous. Let your skin rest. The duration of the course is 20 days and it is held once a season.

What is the procedure?

Biorevitalization of the face compensates for the deficiency of natural components - the very ones that nature provided us with during our youth. This is an absolute plus - the skin receives from the outside only those elements that are initially “native” to it.

By returning them to the dermis, we create a supply of moisture due to the fact that the gel with hyaluronic acid for the face acts as a “molecular sponge”. It restores the hydro reserve, attracts and retains water, providing a long-term moisturizing effect. Additionally, it helps to organize the chains of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity of the dermis framework. Thanks to this it is possible to achieve:

· effective prevention of aging;

· rapid facial rejuvenation;

· improving the appearance of the epidermis, greater smoothness and elasticity;

· color alignment;

· increased tone;

· solving the problem of age-related pigmentation on the face;

· launching deep restoration processes.

Mask with succinic acid against wrinkles on the face: recipe

Succinic acid works very well for women against wrinkles. The best effective remedy is obtained from strawberries. Take equal amounts of tablets and berries. That is, for two berries, there will be the same number of tablets. To ensure that the tablets mix well, dilute them in water. You don't need a lot, a tablespoon is enough. The berries need to be ground into a paste. Some people note that the skin feels tight after application. This can be easily fixed if you do it lying down. It is not necessary to keep the composition on your face for too long. 15 minutes will be enough.

Indications and contraindications

Succinic acid is a regulator of oxygen metabolism. When used externally, it controls the processes of photoaging, the formation of scars, wrinkles, and acne. With its help, the dermis is prepared for peelings and rehabilitation is carried out after them, as well as after surgical plastic surgery.

In addition, succinic acid is used for:

  • removing bags under the eyes;
  • cell detoxification;
  • elimination of pigment spots, redness;
  • restoration of damaged cells, water-salt balance in tissues;
  • improving microcirculation of the dermis, restoring skin elasticity and nutrition.

Contraindications include:

  • period of bearing the unborn baby, breastfeeding;
  • tendency to keloid;
  • acute inflammation or exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • blood clotting disorders, including those caused by taking anticoagulants;
  • skin damage;
  • tumors;

Succinic acid for the face against wrinkles and age spots

  • infections;
  • allergies and individual intolerance to the substance.

Mask with succinic acid for wrinkles around the eyes: recipe

Eye mask
Succinic acid for women can be used for any skin type. It makes excellent homemade masks or creams.

There are several very good recipes:

  • The very first one is a simple care mask. Use it enough once a week to ensure your face always looks fresh. It is prepared like any other, simply - first grind 2-3 tablets into powder. They also need some water. Dilute until a soft paste forms. The composition is applied with a cotton pad. By the way, nothing needs to be washed off. The composition is completely absorbed into the skin. In addition, no additional facial treatment is needed.
  • The second recipe is suitable for rejuvenation. The composition includes the well-known mummy. It is also important that the composition requires an oil base. Almond or olive oil is used for this. Take two tablets for preparation. The mask is applied with massage movements and then left on the face for half an hour. It is not absorbed into the skin, so you will need to wash it off. Do not apply any cream after use, the skin should breathe and rest.

The authenticity of amber - how to determine the natural origin of the stone

Amber can be completely natural, pressed from natural chips, or obtained by fusing various natural resins. Amber has a complex organic composition. The quantitative content of elements in amber can vary and depends on the place of origin of the stone [6]. To analyze the structure and properties, the method of infrared spectroscopy (IR) is used. During sample preparation, amber is ground in an agate mortar with potassium bromide to a powdery state, and the mixture is pressed into a tablet. Such a tablet is analyzed on an IR-Fourier spectrometer and the spectra of the amber samples are recorded. This makes it possible to distinguish different types of amber by their characteristic peaks. The method is used in laboratories. For faster analysis, without pre-compression with KBr, there is an option for IR spectroscopy with the attenuated total internal reflection (ATR) method. The heating element of the ATR attachment softens the material and makes it possible to record the spectrum of solid samples. Using this method, it is possible to analyze the qualitative and quantitative composition of amber.

For cosmetics manufacturers, knowledge of such methods for assessing the authenticity of amber is a good help when choosing suppliers. The presence of certain quality analyzes on raw materials can serve as a guarantee of authenticity.

It is difficult to judge the quality of cosmetic products based on natural amber. The Institute of Amber (CSTI of Amber) worked on the technology of obtaining such products after deep processing of semi-precious stone. However, it must be noted that the current STO-00227092.001–2011 does not consider the use of amber for cosmetic, medical and food purposes. The presence of amber in cosmetic products can only be confirmed by the inscription “100% natural amber” and is guaranteed solely by the integrity of the manufacturer.

Some manufacturers use synthetic succinic acids or products unrelated to amber. The properties and quality of the products will vary, although they will all be declared as “amber cosmetics”.

Succinic acid for facial skin: recipes for use against freckles and pigmentation

Not everyone knows, but succinic acid for women is effective against pigmentation, as well as freckles. The product acts on the pigment and lightens it. As we have already said, the substance recognizes such cells as sick and actively treats them. To prepare, you only need a couple of tablets of the drug and a little white clay. It is recommended to take a tablespoon.

In general, any clay can be used; only white clay can effectively even out skin tone. First, the clay powder is diluted with milk or water to make a thick mass, and then tablets are added to it. Mix everything very thoroughly so that the mass is homogeneous.

By the way, clay often crumbles and cracks when used. This is a normal effect, because moisture leaves it. The product allows you to effectively eliminate pigmentation and oily shine. By the way, if you add a drop of rosemary or lemon oil, the result will be even better.

Cost of the biorevitalization procedure

The price for this service depends on a number of factors: the region of the Russian Federation, the qualifications of the cosmetologist, the salon’s pricing policy, the solvency of its target audience, and hardware equipment.

The minimum price threshold for biorevitalization using a high-quality drug starts from 5,000-7,000 rubles per session. Often, when concluding an agreement for repeated courses, salons offer clients discounts.

Skin care after the procedure

Post-treatment recommendations speed up the recovery process and prolong the success achieved.

· Do not use decorative cosmetics for 2 days.

· Use care products approved by a cosmetologist.

· Do not touch the skin with your hands, do not press on papules, pimples, etc.

· Arnica-based preparations are suitable for getting rid of hematomas.

· If the cosmetologist recommended taking antiviral drugs 3 days before the procedure, then they are taken the same amount after its completion.

· Within 7 days, refuse eyebrow correction or hair removal of the treated area.

· Do not go to fitness, sauna, or swimming pool for the same amount of time if biorevitalization was injected.

· Taking a bath is replaced by a warm shower.

· Limit exposure to the sun for 14 days.

· It makes sense to stop drinking alcohol at first. It dehydrates the body and worsens the effect of the procedure.

After a couple of days, all traces of manipulation are visually smoothed out. And the freshness and youth of the skin delights from 3 months to a year, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.

Face mask with succinic acid and white clay: recipe

White clay
With this mask, succinic acid eliminates pigmentation, tightens wrinkles, and also relieves puffiness and signs of fatigue.

In this case, the mask is also made from two tablets and white clay. The mask itself is not much different, you just need to add five drops of rosemary. With its help, the composition will become softer and have a better effect on the skin. That is, it will not only act as a remedy for pigmentation, but also puffiness.

How does biorevitalization differ from mesotherapy?

Both procedures are based on injections or hardware administration of drugs. But meso-cocktails are made up of a large amount of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, plant extracts and other components. The percentage of hyaluron content in them is much lower than in biorevitalizants.

What is better: mesotherapy or biorevitalization?

There can be no clear answer to this question. Everything is determined by the individual needs of the skin. Note that with biorevitalization, the effect is visible from the first visit to the salon. With mesotherapy, it is cumulative, and there may be no noticeable changes after one treatment.

DIY succinic acid tonic: recipe

Do-it-yourself tonic
You can also prepare a tonic yourself that uses succinic acid for women.

The preparation is very simple and is done as follows:

  • Take distilled water - 50 ml and put it on fire
  • Next add succinic acid. Soften two tablets
  • Add 5-6 drops of essential oil. Use rosemary, rose or ylang-ylang

Use toner morning and evening after washing your face. For the latter, use foam or gel rather than soap. The composition can be stored in the refrigerator, but not longer than a week. By the way, if you add a small spoonful of alcohol to it, the shelf life will increase.

You will need:

Amber mask with coffee grounds

First, melt the honey in a water bath, and grind the grains with tablets into powder. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to your face for 10 minutes.


  1. Analytical almanac. A city where dreams come true. – 2022, No. 3 (10). –100 s.
  6. Study of varieties of amber using the FT-801 IR-Fourier spectrometer using the ATR method / B.Yu. Vorotnikov, A.G. Bulychev, O.I. Karsten, T.B. Ezhevskaya. – // Laboratory and production. – 2019(6). – No. 2 – pp. 104–109.
  8. Dimitrios Ladakis, Harris Papapostolou, Anestis Vlysidis, Apostolis Koutinas. Chapter 9 – Inventory of food processing side streams in European Union and prospects for biorefinery development // Food Industry Wastes (Second Edition). 2022. P. 181–199.–0-12–817121–9.00009–7
  9. Praveen Kumar // Refining Biomass Residues for Sustainable Energy and Bioproducts. 2022. 642 p.–0-05005–7
  10. GuochengDu, LongLiu, JianChen. Chapter 11 – White Biotechnology for Organic Acids // Industrial Biorefineries & White Biotechnology 2015. P.409–444.–0-444–63453–5.00013–6
  12. highlights/bio-succinic-acid-market

Succinic acid scrub: recipe

Scrub with succinic acid
Deep cleansing of the skin is possible with the help of special scrubs that contain succinic acid for women. You will need a couple of tablets that are added to your regular cleanser. The powder will not dissolve in it and will become something like an abrasive. By the way, you can also add them to the finished scrub. This way its effect will be enhanced.

It is important to apply the product to clean skin. First wash your face with warm water and remove all makeup. Scrub the skin with massage movements, and then rinse off the entire composition. At the very end, apply moisturizer.

You need to use the scrub 2-3 times a week. But the amount is considered large for dry skin. Just one procedure will be enough for her.

Fruit peeling masks

Masks with fruits will help not only rejuvenate and cleanse the skin, but also saturate it with micronutrients:

  1. With currants. 2 tables amber, ground into flour, is mixed with 120 g of fresh currants knocked in a blender. Add 6 g of peach or grape oil. Apply the composition to the skin of the face and leave for about 20 minutes.
  2. With kefir. A spoon (dessert) of a dairy product is connected to an amber tablet. It is not recommended to keep the composition for more than a quarter of an hour.
  3. With strawberry. Mix 1 tablet of acid thoroughly with strawberries whipped in a blender (2-3 pcs). Spread the mixture over your face for 30 minutes. Sometimes after 13-15 minutes you can observe a slight tingling sensation. In such cases, the mask is washed off at the beginning of the feeling of an unpleasant reaction.

After each use at home, fruit masks are washed off with warm water, and the skin is treated with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Peeling with succinic acid at home: recipe

Succinic acid for women is quite suitable for peeling. It can be suitable even for sensitive skin because it is very gentle.

It is carried out as follows:

  • First of all, the skin is prepared. Remnants of cosmetics are removed from it. You also need to wash your face with a cleanser. At the end of the procedure, steam your face by holding it over the steam.
  • Then we proceed directly to peeling. To do this, crush three tablets. Dilute the resulting powder with water until a thick paste is obtained.
  • Apply the finished mixture to your face and massage lightly. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse off.

By the way, amber peeling is considered the most gentle of all other means. If you have oily skin, then the procedure can be done once a week. For dry ones, using once a month will be enough.

General rules and tips for use

Succinic acid is effective and useful in itself, so it is not necessary to supplement it with a whole range of products. The main thing is to use masks regularly, apply after washing. You can scrub first, but be careful not to damage the skin.

The mask should be applied to the entire face, but some formulations are undesirable for the eyelid area. If you do everything correctly, the results will not take long to arrive. Scars and stagnant post-acne phenomena are smoothed out well, but pronounced defects cannot be removed.

For dry skin, one procedure per week is enough; for oily skin, up to three can be done.

How to dissolve and add succinic acid to face cream?

Cream with succinic acid
Succinic acid enhances the effect of regular creams. So it can enhance the effect of daily care products. This is very easy to do, especially since you don’t have to add anything to the packaging itself.

  • To begin, dissolve the succinic acid tablet well in a teaspoon of water. Place the mixture in a glass because it will take a couple of hours
  • When the tablet dissolves, feel free to add the cream. Approximately 20 ml will be required

That's all! Your cream will now be more effective. Store it in the refrigerator to prevent it from spoiling.

Reviews from cosmetology specialists

  1. Elena Apostolyuk, cosmetologist: “I recommend that you first test for the absence of intolerance to the main component of all recipes - succinic acid. If a thin layer of amber paste on the elbow does not cause a rash, then various masks can be used.”
  2. Ekaterina Dudikova, dermatologist, cosmetologist: “In my opinion, the effectiveness of this type of medicinal cosmetics is confirmed by two factors: low price and effectiveness - such a tandem emphasizes the uniqueness of the drug. The amber component enhances the effectiveness of others.”
  3. Anastasia Zaslavskaya, dermatologist, cosmetologist: “I consider the amber composition in cosmetology as the best way to rejuvenate the skin and restore the body. Of course, it is difficult to expect a positive result when trying to remove a large scar. If there is no constant maintenance, then acid cannot be considered a magical material.”

Succinic acid for women: contraindications

Succinic acid is also good for women because it has a minimum of contraindications:

  • First of all, it’s worth talking about allergies. As a rule, it does not appear, and therefore the product is absolutely safe for any skin. Typically, an allergic reaction occurs when the skin is too sensitive. So it appears extremely rarely, in most cases the drug is well tolerated.
  • If you have any damage to your skin, for example, acne, then do not use the product. Until they pass, it is better to refuse to carry out any procedures.
  • You should not use the drug during pregnancy either.

Most often, side effects appear only when women take pills and do not use them as part of masks. The fact is that they use too much and this is an overdose. Well, this is where side effects appear.

Side effect of the drug

Biological supplement (succinate) is a substance naturally produced in the human body in a volume of about 200 mg per day. In addition, C4H6O4 is found in small amounts in cheese, wine, rye bread and pickled vegetables. Thanks to this, the human body is adapted to the supplement and therefore it does not cause harm . There are practically no side effects after taking the drug. In isolated cases, problems with the functioning of the stomach are possible, accompanied by:

  • increased acidity;
  • heartburn;
  • discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract or minor painful sensations;
  • impaired digestion of food;
  • excessive gas formation;
  • feeling of early satiety.

Cases of increased blood pressure with headache, dizziness, swelling, nausea and facial flushing are extremely rarely reported.

Succinic acid for the face: reviews from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists claim that succinic acid gives a very good effect for women. Good reviews are due to two facts:

  • First of all, the product is inexpensive. Its price is very small, and the effect is amazing.
  • Even if it is not as expected, the costs are still not large. In addition, negative reactions occur very rarely.
  • Succinic acid makes other substances that are part of the mask work.

But there are also some negative aspects. If you want to remove a large and old scar, then nothing will work. The remedy will not cope with it. The remedy is also powerless for serious age-related changes. Among other things, in addition to acid, it is always important to take additional care of your skin. Without this, you will not achieve any effect.

How to cook properly

To prepare the mask, use acid just diluted in water. Other ingredients must be fresh and of high quality, otherwise the effect may be the opposite of the desired one. Use clean containers and brushes so as not to cause infection or simply spoil the composition (and it is difficult to predict in advance how your facial skin will react to soured clay with milk). Tablets can be bought at any pharmacy.

Before using the mask, you must perform an allergy test. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of the mask components to the inside of your hand for several hours. If itching and redness occur, this mask should not be applied.

Before using the product, do an individual tolerance test. Caution should be exercised when using essential oils, especially rosemary and lemon.

Succinic acid is effective on its own, but in combination with other substances it can give even more pronounced results.

Succinic acid for the face: user reviews

Succinic acid for women is a universal remedy, and there are quite a lot of positive reviews about it. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of them:

Review 1

Review 2

Review 3

Review 4

Review 5

Skin redermalization with succinate and hyaluronic acid

Blocking free radicals and preventing dehydration in therapeutic cosmetology is called skin redermalization. For this procedure, sodium salt of succinic acid (succinate) and hyaluronic acid are used. This combination was first proposed by Professor V.I. Korzhov. During his research, the scientist noticed that this combination has a positive effect on cellular movement and the processes of mutual penetration of proteins and electrolytes. With the simultaneous use of hyaluronate and succinate, the content of pyruvic and lactic acid in tissues decreases, the concentration of buffer bases increases, DNA structure repair, intracellular regeneration, and microsomal oxidation processes are stimulated. As a result, metabolism in dermal cells is stimulated, damaged dermal structures are restored, and rejuvenation occurs.

Indications for skin redermalization using succinate are signs of early, physiological or photoaging of the skin (as well as their prevention). These also include other indications:

  1. Involutional changes in the skin (loss of elasticity, early hypodynamic wrinkles, mild gravitational ptosis, peeling, redness of the face).
  2. Scar changes in acne, post-acne.
  3. The need to prepare the skin to shorten the further rehabilitation period before plastic surgery, laser resurfacing, deep peelings, and other traumatic procedures.

Procedure for redermalization (restoration) of skin with succinic acid

Redermalization of the skin is also indicated for faster recovery after any chemical and mechanical effects that affect the middle and deep layers of the dermis, including the hypodermis.

What to buy at the pharmacy

Masks with succinic acid can be made in the salon or at home using ready-made formulations.

“Levrana” is a brand of natural organic cosmetics that does not contain GMOs, artificial colors, flavors and other harmful substances. The product of this manufacturer contains about 8% succinic acid (source - Baltic amber), as well as lactic acid, a large number of plant components: organic aloe juice, fir oil, sea buckthorn, almond, string extracts, mint, cedar.

A special feature of the product is its completely natural composition: 99.5% of the ingredients are of natural origin, and about 12% of the components are grown in organic farms without the use of pesticides or chemical fertilizers.

The Levrana scrub mask can be used as a gentle exfoliant (contains small hard particles) or a rejuvenating mask. In addition to its rejuvenating effect, it also nourishes the skin and saturates it with beneficial elements due to the high concentration of plant extracts.

Amber mask-scrub “Levrana”

Gel mask “MEDICAL COLLAGENE 3D” with succinic acid, sodium alginate and activated triple-helical collagen (in native form) improves energy exchange in skin cells, saturates it with oxygen, intensively moisturizes, preventing early biochemical changes at the cellular level. This gel mask with collagen and succinic acid can be used to care for the face and neck. Designed to solve the problems of dull, mature, aging skin.

The product can be used at home for basic care or for express lifting (instant tightening effect). It is effective to use the collagen gel mask “MEDICAL COLLAGENE 3D” in professional salons for cosmetic massage, hardware caring and therapeutic procedures, and alginate plasticizing masks.

The following properties of the product are therapeutically significant in the comprehensive healing and rejuvenation of facial skin:

  • improvement of microcirculation in blood and lymphatic vessels;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • light whitening of areas with increased pigmentation;
  • increasing the skin’s immune defense and resistance to external factors;
  • smoothing skin texture, tightening contours;
  • blocking free radicals.

Collagen gel-mask for face with the addition of succinic acid

Bioplates "MEDICAL COLLAGENE 3D" are designed to instantly tighten the skin in the area around the eyes. They contain the same active ingredients as the gel mask, helping to stimulate biochemical processes in cells and tissues.

These plates are used as follows:

  1. Cleanse your face, treat the area around the eyes with a suitable toner (preheat in a water bath to 38-40°C) using a fan brush.
  2. Apply the mask, carefully straightening it so that no air bubbles remain under the fabric.
  3. Moisten the plate generously with tonic on top so that the gel particles are activated (the procedure must be repeated as the plate dries).
  4. Remove any remaining product using a damp disc or swab.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with masks for thin hair at home

Keep the mask on for 25 minutes. After this, the area around the eyes must be treated with a nourishing cream designed to care for this area.

"House of Nature"

Anti-acne face mask is designed to care for problematic facial skin. It effectively “pulls out” sebaceous plugs from pores, cleanses, narrows them, and regulates the secretion of sebum.

Oils included in the anti-acne face mask

In addition to mud, strawberry extract and blue clay, the composition also contains valuable plant components: primrose oil, sea buckthorn, essential oils of lemon and orange. The concentration of succinic acid in these products is low, but its effect is enhanced by auxiliary components, in particular citric and oleic acids.

Using a mask can slow down the aging process, tighten the skin, improve complexion, and activate the protective functions of the dermis to better resist adverse environmental factors.

This is a professional alginate mask with three active ingredients: argireline, succinic acid and whey. The mask helps fight premature skin aging, saturates dermal cells with oxygen and nutrients, regulates metabolic processes in various layers of the dermis.

The Botox effect mask from Shary Professional Alginate Mask also:

  • deeply moisturizes the skin;
  • eliminates dryness, peeling and irritation;
  • relieves the feeling of tightness;
  • saturates cells with active oxygen.

The product is suitable for use in the area around the eyes. Succinic acid in combination with argireline helps fight swelling and dark circles in this area of ​​the face, smoothes out small folds and creases, preventing the formation of “crow’s feet”.

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