At what age may a woman need facial rejuvenation?

Skin aging occurs gradually and unstoppably. It is impossible to beat time, but modern cosmetology offers a set of anti-aging measures that will slow down the formation of wrinkles and age spots, maintain skin elasticity and a fresh appearance. In our article we will talk about what procedures for caring for aging facial skin can be done at home, and how to combat the signs of aging in a cosmetology clinic.

General indications for anti-aging procedures

Many people believe that they should switch to anti-aging care when the skin condition begins to bother the patient. This is a big mistake. Non-surgical procedures for facial rejuvenation “work” only for subtle cosmetic defects and act as a reliable means of preventing problems with facial skin. A good cosmetologist will advise you not to wait until deep wrinkles and folds appear on the face - clear signs of skin aging. In addition to these indications for anti-aging care, it is worth noting:

  • the first smallest wrinkles;
  • facial activity - the appearance of small skin creases, predisposition to defects;
  • pale skin color;
  • uneven complexion;
  • feeling of dryness, tightness of the skin;
  • “bags”, swelling, bruises under the eyes.

Signs of aging accumulate gradually. Procedures in a beauty salon can guarantee quick results. At the same time, you do not have to endure pain or recover for a long time after facial rejuvenation sessions. However, these are not all the advantages of the non-surgical technique.

Salon treatments

Many women believe that they can get by with homemade masks or ready-made skincare cosmetics and do not need cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation after 30 years. Some are downright afraid of them! To dispel doubts, let’s look at each variety separately.


The essence of this anti-aging intervention is the injection of nutrients under the skin. Special “cocktails” are made, which include vitamins, amino acids, extracts of medicinal herbs, hyaluronic acid, etc. The main advantage of injections is that with this method, medicinal substances penetrate not into the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis, but into the deeper dermis .

Indications for mesotherapy are as follows:

  • darkening and age spots on the skin;
  • the appearance of wrinkles in large numbers;
  • decreased elasticity of the epidermis and its sagging;
  • spider veins;
  • pronounced nasolabial triangle.

But there are also serious contraindications under which the session is not performed:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • chronic inflammatory processes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the “cocktail”.

The cosmetic procedure helps restore elasticity, restore a beautiful complexion and stimulate metabolic processes in cells.

How facial mesotherapy is done (video):

Deep peeling

“Just think, I can do the peeling myself at home!”, some readers will think. But there is definitely a difference between a procedure at home and a salon session. With a professional approach, dead cells are removed both from the surface and from the deep layers of the skin.

Depending on the client’s preferences, the master chooses formulations with natural fruit acids or more chemical options. Some peels are painless, while others require minor pain relief. A cosmetologist may suggest removing dead scales on the surface of the skin or “getting in” deeper if the condition of the skin allows this.

There are three options for cosmetic peeling in salons:

  • superficial with weak acids: fruit, lactic, salicylic;
  • median with trichloroacetic or retinoic acid;
  • deep peeling with phenol, which belongs to the category of surgical interventions and is done only by specialists.

You should not resort to the procedure if the skin reacts too strongly to the effects of acids, there are keloid scars or inflammation on the face. Peeling is canceled during lactation and pregnancy, active phase of herpes or elevated temperature.

Contour plastic with fillers

Rejuvenating facial treatments after 30 years in salons usually include the use of fillers. The sensations during the session are unpleasant, since the substances used for injection have a gel-like structure and are poorly distributed under the skin. The problem of pain is solved by using anesthetics. After the injections, a few bruises may appear, but they will disappear by the next day.

The benefits of fillers are obvious: acting from the inside, they smooth out wrinkles and make the skin elastic, providing a rejuvenating effect. The substances do not accumulate in the body, they are harmless and gradually dissolve, so the procedure will have to be repeated periodically.

Ozone therapy

Its effectiveness is associated with the powerful rejuvenating effects of ozone. During therapy, old cells die, and young ones begin to rapidly divide, renewing the skin. Oxygen supply to tissues improves and metabolism accelerates.

The essence of the salon procedure is the subcutaneous injection of an oxygen-ozone mixture of 1 ml into different areas of the face. At first, a bubble inflates on the skin, but as the tissues become saturated, it resolves. After ozone therapy, the following favorable changes are guaranteed:

  • normal tone of the epidermis is restored;
  • small wrinkles on the face are smoothed out;
  • the skin becomes more elastic;
  • minor inflammations and acne disappear;
  • the vascular network becomes less pronounced.


  • menstruation;
  • history of serious head injuries;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • malignant tumors;
  • allergy to ozone;
  • convulsions;
  • problems with blood clotting.

Before starting ozone therapy, you should definitely consult with an ozone therapist, who will determine the amount of gas required for the procedure. The injections themselves are painful, so the cosmetologist may suggest an anesthetic. After ozone therapy, bruising, swelling, and pain may appear at the site of needle insertion.

All about ozone therapy in one video:


For most people, anti-aging procedures after 30, which are used by modern cosmetology, involve various kinds of lifts. There are several best procedures that provide a lifting effect:

  • Hardware massage courses. Through the use of various devices that apply current, vibration or light pulses to the skin, the production of natural collagen is actively stimulated. Enhanced metabolism in tissues
  • returns a blooming appearance to the face, improves skin color and eliminates swelling and bruises.
  • RF lifting, the essence of which is the effect of radio frequency radiation. Before the procedure, a special contact agent is applied to the face and neck, and then a special device warms up the skin layers using radio wave pulses. RF lifting is completely painless, you only feel pleasant warmth. It should not be given to pregnant women, people with dermatoses, hypertension, tumors, or diseases of the circulatory system.
  • Thread lift. This intervention is classified as surgical and is much more expensive than hardware massage and RF lifting. During the session, gold or platinum threads are introduced to form the frame of the face. Thanks to the procedure, folds are smoothed out, natural collagen begins to be actively produced and accumulate in the places where the threads are located.

Before carrying out any tightening salon procedures, you should definitely consult a doctor and have them done in specialized institutions.

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is performed using specialized equipment that literally burns out the upper layers of the skin, due to which the epidermis is renewed. The procedure is effective against wrinkles and age-related changes, as well as against acne scars, freckles and age spots. Polishing helps hide the signs of premature aging of the skin, eliminates dark circles under the eyes and makes the skin of the face and neck more elastic.

The duration for the face area is about 15-30 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the patient’s body. You may feel pain, in which case your doctor will suggest pain medication. The first day after laser resurfacing is the most difficult in terms of rehabilitation, swelling appears, ichor is released, and the face hurts. On the third day a crust forms, which finally disappears after a week.

Resurfacing should not be performed on pregnant women, patients with severe inflammation of the skin, infectious diseases, malignant tumors, or dermatoses.

How laser facial resurfacing is done (video):


The essence of the effect is to stimulate the facial muscles with the help of electrical discharges. As a result, all skin layers are tightened, the double chin is removed, swelling and sagging disappear. But you need to know that electrical impulses have an adverse effect on fillers and destroy the effect of Botox.

Before starting cosmetological myostimulation, the face is thoroughly cleansed, a special gel is smeared on it or a mask is applied, then electrodes are placed. The strength of the discharges is selected individually; if everything is done correctly, then only a slight painless tingling sensation is felt. The procedure lasts about 20 minutes.

Skin requires high-quality care at all stages of a woman’s life, but after 35 years, this issue should be treated especially carefully. Consult with cosmetologists, don’t be afraid to do procedures and be healthy, beautiful and happy!

Why are non-surgical anti-aging procedures popular?

For quite a long period, exclusively facial plastic surgery was used to solve cosmetic problems. During surgery, the surgeon removes excess subcutaneous fat and skin, slightly tightening the oval. Plastic surgery allows you to form clear facial contours, remove wrinkles, folds and skin sagging.

Surgical lifting shows good results in patients aged 40+. However, surgery is not justified in patients 25+, who usually want to get rid of the signs of photoaging (caused by sun exposure). Under the influence of sunlight, hyaluronic acid in the cells of the epidermis breaks down - the skin loses its former elasticity. In this case, plastic surgery is not a help: it only redistributes and slightly tightens the skin without affecting the root cause of the problem.

Modern technologies used in the cosmetology clinic guarantee a comprehensive result. They combine hardware, injection, laser, and aesthetic procedures that solve the problem from the inside - not just “mask,” but remove signs of photoaging and prevent their reappearance.

It is not for nothing that ISAPS statistics confirm the increasing popularity of non-surgical techniques - over the past ten years, the number of cosmetic procedures performed has increased by 200%.

Rules for preparing for anti-aging procedures

All procedures for facial rejuvenation are carried out with preliminary preparation - the skin should be protected from stress and moisturized abundantly. Here are some tips from cosmetologists that should not be neglected:

  • make sure that at least two weeks (preferably four) have passed since active sun exposure;
  • exclude a combination of sessions with similar operating principles;
  • a few days before the procedure, refrain from any type of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • If possible, exclude very salty, spicy foods from your diet: they load blood vessels and stimulate swelling;
  • do not forget to take a course of active skin moisturizing - use serums and masks;
  • Some procedures require several days of recovery - plan your time.

Recommendations for 35 year olds

With proper care and prevention of aging, you can achieve excellent results:

  • observe the water consumption regime - from 1.5 liters per day;
  • adhere to the basics of proper nutrition;
  • exercise;
  • carry out mandatory daily care in the morning and evening - from cleansing to nutrition;
  • carry out maintenance procedures 2-3 times a week - masks, soft peeling;
  • wash off makeup at night;
  • use high-quality cosmetics;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • protect skin from ultraviolet radiation and weather conditions.

This is the age when it’s time to seek help from a cosmetologist. There are many techniques that help effectively combat age-related changes: chemical peeling, mesotherapy, hardware procedures.

Injection procedures for facial rejuvenation

We are talking about injections of drugs whose active components reach the deep layer of the skin. Injections promote cellular rejuvenation and stimulate the processes of natural renewal of skin cells. The following techniques are used in modern injection cosmetology:

  • botulinum toxin injections – allow you to get rid of facial wrinkles and prevent their appearance;
  • biorevitalization (hyaluronic acid injections) – actively moisturizes the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles, demonstrates a slight lifting effect and protects the face from external negative factors;
  • blanching (filling small wrinkles with Beloterosoft) – smoothes the skin texture, improves complexion;
  • mesotherapy (beauty injections, meso-cocktail injections) – heals the skin, promotes its timely natural renewal;
  • ozone therapy (ozone injections) – saturates skin cells with oxygen, accelerates tissue metabolism, relieves local inflammation;
  • plasma therapy (injections of the patient’s own plasma) – improves the quality of the skin, activates cellular renewal processes, strengthens local immunity;
  • PRP therapy (injections of blood plasma with a high platelet content) - eliminates small and medium wrinkles, evens out skin texture, improves complexion, and rejuvenates the skin by 5-10 years.

The effect of injections depends not only on the quality of the drug used and the skill of the cosmetologist, but also on home facial care after the procedure. For the first few days, experts advise not to rub your face or use decorative cosmetics. Cosmetics containing alcohol and acids are strictly prohibited. Blood thinning medications should also not be taken during the recovery period.

Regardless of the type of injection rejuvenation procedure performed, in the first time after the session, the cosmetologist sets restrictions on visiting baths, saunas, swimming pools and solariums, as well as drinking alcohol and smoking.

Immediately after the injections, small lumps and bruises may appear on the face. They will go away on their own in a few days. Typically the rehabilitation period lasts a week. The recommended frequency of injection procedures is several times a year.

What is aging and what types are there?

Technological progress has greatly advanced over the past decades and a modern 50-year-old woman can easily look 30 years old with proper care. However, people are not yet able to completely overcome the aging process. Fortunately, there are many rejuvenation procedures
that will delay the appearance of wrinkles and remove sagging skin, delaying old age. Aging of all living organisms is a biological and physiological process that manifests itself in the degradation of all parts of the body, organs and body systems. Aging affects not only external changes, but also internal ones. Memory, coordination of movements, strength, and mental abilities deteriorate.

In this article we will look at the main types of aging, what causes them and what effective procedures can be used to look younger. To understand which technique is suitable for a particular woman, you need to understand what morphotypes

there are.

The best hardware procedures for facial rejuvenation

Hardware cosmetology products affect the entire structure of the skin, activating all internal processes in the cells. Procedures of this kind are absolutely painless, demonstrate noticeable and long-lasting results and have a very limited list of contraindications. Hardware rejuvenation includes the following techniques:

  • SMAS-lifting (impact of focused high-intensity ultrasound) – returns clear contours to the face, visibly tightens the skin and stimulates the production of natural collagen;
  • RF lifting (exposure to high-frequency electric current) – eliminates sagging, heterogeneity of the skin, stimulates collagen synthesis;
  • hardware carboxy therapy (subcutaneous injection of purified carbon dioxide) – stimulates blood circulation, nourishes the skin, accelerates metabolism and recovery processes;
  • microcurrents (exposure to low-frequency electric pulse energy) – promotes the production of collagen and elastin in cells, activates the process of cell regeneration;
  • myoplasty (stimulation of the facial muscles with weakly powerful current pulses) – forms a beautiful oval face and gets rid of a double chin, tightens the cheeks, removes “bags” under the eyes;
  • fractional mesotherapy (perforation of the skin with microneedles with simultaneous injection of vitamin cocktails) – nourishes the skin layers, improves blood circulation, enhances the processes of internal cell renewal;
  • hydromesotherapy (deep injection of the drug without using a needle) – has a healing effect, accelerates metabolism, promotes natural rejuvenation of the face;
  • phototherapy (the use of light pulses of different wavelengths and spectrum) - stimulates natural cell regeneration, improves the quality of facial skin.

Hardware rejuvenation is not performed on patients with individual intolerance to the effects, cancer, acute chronic diseases, or heart disease. Pregnant and lactating women should also refrain from such procedures.

If you don't want to resort to procedures

Of course, no one forces you to run to the salon when the first expression wrinkle appears and get injections and massages. Most ladies manage to maintain their beauty with the right selection of cosmetics and regular use of facial treatments at home after 35 years. The best care for fading epidermis should be built in stages: first, thorough cleansing, then moisturizing and nourishing.


At a young age, many girls have oily or combination skin, but the closer they get to 40, the drier and more sensitive their skin becomes. Therefore, you cannot use soap, drying foams and washing gels; you need to choose specialized delicate products that modern cosmetology offers.

You need to wash your face at least twice a day, this will saturate your cells with moisture and make them more elastic. There is nothing worse than constantly clogged pores; if you ignore your evening wash and go to bed with makeup on, the skin of your face and neck will definitely not thank you. If possible, you should wash your face in the morning, in the evening, and immediately upon arriving home from the street to wash off the dirt that has accumulated during the day.

The water should not be too cold. Yes, low temperatures help to narrow pores, but for sensitive skin, the icy moisture will have a shocking effect. There will be no benefit, but there will be more than enough harm. You can splash cold water a couple of times after the cleanser has been washed off.

Herbal infusions have an excellent effect; you can purchase foams or cleansing gels with extracts of medicinal plants, or brew them yourself and rinse with them after washing.

Removing dead cells

All representatives of the fair sex are familiar with peelings and scrubs; at twenty years old, you can choose even the roughest options, if there are no problems with skin sensitivity. At thirty-five, you need to approach the choice of peeling with great responsibility.

Many women like products containing fruit acids. Such cosmetic products are called gommages; they perfectly exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis and promote its renewal. There are two types of gommages available: the first need to be rolled with your fingers along with dead cells, the others are simply washed off with water.

When it comes to natural homemade exfoliators, the following recipes are worth mentioning:

  • Several walnut kernels are turned into powder using a mortar and pestle, mixed with lemon, orange, carrot or cabbage juice (be sure to be freshly squeezed!). The product is applied to the face and distributed with light massaging. No pressure, this can injure the skin!
  • Bodyaga powder purchased at the pharmacy is diluted with water to a creamy slurry. The mixture is applied to the face, left for 10-15 minutes and washed off with massage movements.

If you need to purchase a ready-made scrub, you need to pay attention to options with mild exfoliating components; apricot kernels and other aggressive particles are not recommended.

Moisturizing and nutrition with vitamins

After a good cleansing, the skin is ready to accept nutrients; without this stage, any cosmetic procedures lose their meaning. The following vitamins will help restore your skin to its former quality:

  • C – returns normal color, removes bruises and redness;
  • A (or retinol) is a powerful weapon in the fight against age-related changes;
  • E (or tocopherol) - stimulates collagen production and tissue renewal;
  • B – tightens and starts the rejuvenation process.

The best moisturizers must contain hyaluronic acid and collagen. The first helps improve the quality of the epidermis and dermis, and the second creates a thin film on the skin that prevents moisture loss.

Making masks at home

For those who do not like ready-made skincare products or do not trust their composition, several amazing recipes are always ready, which include what in most cases can be found in the refrigerator:

  1. The same amount of rye flour and milk at room temperature are mixed and applied to the face. Keep the mixture for 10 minutes, then rinse with water and apply nourishing cream.
  2. Three quail yolks, a teaspoon of peach oil and a couple of drops of honey are mixed and applied for 20 minutes.
  3. Flour from freshly ground oatmeal should be mixed with an egg and spread on the face and neck. With such a mask you will have to lie down for half an hour, but the result is worth it: the skin is renewed and quite radiant.

You need to make masks at least 2 times a week, in which case the result will be noticeable with the naked eye.

Laser treatments for facial rejuvenation

Laser technologies are based on the use of a laser device that affects the skin with a thin, narrowly directed beam of light. The principle of operation of all such procedures is the same - the laser heats and evaporates the surface layers of the skin, thereby stimulating the process of cellular restoration and renewal. Laser facial rejuvenation includes several popular procedures today:

  • carbon (deep) peeling – heals the skin, stimulates deep tissue regeneration processes;
  • laser facial resurfacing (comprehensive skin rejuvenation with fractional CO2 laser) - noticeably rejuvenates the face, tightens the contour, starts the process of natural synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • Fractional laser rejuvenation (perforation of the skin with infrared light with a wavelength of 10.6 microns) – a pronounced effect of skin tightening, activation of the process of internal rejuvenation.

Laser rejuvenation is not performed in the presence of inflammation in the affected area, in pregnant, lactating women, patients with tumors in the local area, oncology and benign tumors. Other contraindications to the use of a laser beam include:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infections, viral diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders.

In the summer season, laser resurfacing is done only if two rules are followed:

  • the patient should not be in the sun for at least 2 weeks after the procedure;
  • Even with short exposure to the sun, the patient must use sunscreen.

Effective rejuvenation at home

Options for home rejuvenation against the backdrop of all modern methods are not only inferior, but generally humbly receding into the distant past. Not a single mask or beauty gadget can work a miracle, the maximum is adequate cleansing and moisturizing. The most offensive thing in this case is the lost time. Removing formed creases and making sagging skin denser is three times more difficult. There is no need to talk about the financial component and time costs.

Effective rejuvenation at home is more of a fantasy. However, we should not forget that, for example, adequate physical activity, a balanced diet, self-massage, working with posture - these are things that are available to absolutely everyone at home, and will definitely have an extremely positive effect on one’s appearance and, in particular, the face.

The best aesthetic procedures for facial rejuvenation

Aesthetic cosmetology is based on the use of fillers, mesothreads and other special preparations that allow the restoration of lost soft tissue. Procedures of this type not only significantly correct the contours of the face, but also activate the processes of internal cell renewal. This group includes the following methods of facial rejuvenation:

  • Radiesse lifting (correction of the facial contour with a specialized preparation) – returns the face to its former youth, demonstrates a pronounced lifting effect;
  • thread face lifting (skin tightening with mesothreads) – restores skin texture, outlines facial contours;
  • 3D lifting (face modeling with special threads) – evens out facial lines, corrects differences in relief;
  • filling wrinkles with fillers (contour plastic surgery without surgery) - instantly rejuvenates the face, models the contours of the face;
  • peeling PRX-T33 (stimulating the activity of fibroblasts and synthesizing natural collagen) – smoothes and rejuvenates the face, eliminates scars, scars and creases.

Fillers, mesothreads and other professional products for rejuvenation cannot be used if the patient’s body is individually intolerant to them. Contraindications to aesthetic procedures include:

  • cancer diseases;
  • skin lesions in local areas;
  • acne in the acute stage;
  • infections and viral diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Prevention of early skin aging

It is necessary to show concern for the beauty of the body, starting from the age of twenty. It is recommended to choose a high-quality cream, remove shadows and mascara from the eyes before going to bed, and wash not with soap, but with micellar water or special foams suitable for the type of dermis. Girls love to sunbathe, and this habit is difficult to break. You should use protective products with SPF, this will protect your skin from injury and dryness.

It is also important to visit a professional cosmetologist. The older a woman gets, the more careful care should be. From the age of 35, to prevent premature aging, you must use:

  • cosmetic products containing vitamins A, E, C (not only inside, but also on top of the skin; injections with these vitamins around the eyes are useful);
  • cosmetics containing collagen substances, hyaluronic acid, peptide elements (this will restore water balance and make the skin velvety);
  • peeling products with lactic acid and deep chemical cleansing promote cell renewal and provide a tightening effect.

You should definitely play sports, this will provide elasticity, the skin will be more taut and elastic.

We must not forget to drink clean water, the norm is individual for everyone - one and a half to two liters per day.

Makeup cosmetics should be high quality, foundation with a moisturizing effect (BB).

From the age of 35, it is necessary to carry out moisturizing procedures for the dermis, nourish the eyelids with cream and apply tonic, but do not rub it into the skin, but apply it pointwise, driving it in with your fingers. A professional facial massage will benefit you. This will normalize blood circulation and make the skin fresher.

Effective rejuvenation procedures after 30–35 years

Provided you organize proper home care for your facial skin, the first signs of fading become noticeable only after 30 years. The main principles of caring for a person aged 30–35 years are regular renewal and nutrition of the skin from the inside. And, perhaps, the third important point is preventing the appearance of signs of skin aging.

After 30, the skin cannot do without deep cleansing using chemical peels. The procedures allow timely removal of the stratum corneum, renewing the epidermis. The result is that the face looks fresher, the smallest wrinkles disappear.

Mesotherapy and biorevitalization will provide deep nutrition and hydration of the skin at this age. You should visit a cosmetologist for these purposes once every six months. This will be quite enough to preserve the natural beauty of your face.

Patients with active facial expressions should take a closer look at botulinum therapy. The procedure will prevent the formation of medium and deep wrinkles by reducing the force of contraction of the facial muscles.

In rare cases, after 30 years, it is important to carry out microcurrent therapy, electroporation, blanching and filling wrinkles with fillers.

How to maintain the rejuvenation effect longer

Home skin care will help preserve the results of rejuvenation techniques. It consists of three directions:

  1. The use of professional cosmetics, such as tonics, creams, lotions, scrubs, etc. When choosing care cosmetics, consult a cosmetologist.
  2. Using homemade masks. Berries are rich in vitamins and nutrients that nourish the skin and maintain youth. Green leafy vegetables contain the antioxidant lutein, which slows down the aging process. Cucumber masks saturate cells with moisture, making the skin fresh and elastic. Boiled potatoes will help get rid of wrinkles. Fermented milk products are very useful. They are filled with beneficial bacteria and calcium, which eliminates signs of wilting. Honey is an excellent anti-aging remedy. It saturates the skin with vitamins, enzymes, organic acids, and also stimulates blood circulation and cell regeneration. Various medicinal herbs soften and heal the skin. They can be used to make warm compresses for the face.
  3. Massages and exercises for face lifting. For example, breathing exercises can help tone your facial muscles. Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks. Lips need to be pressed tightly. For 5 seconds, press your palms on your cheeks without releasing air from your mouth. Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times. A mouth exercise will help tighten your cheeks and improve the shape of your face. Form your lips into an “O” shape and press your fingers to your temples, stretching the skin. Tighten your cheek muscles as much as possible, wait 5 seconds and relax. Perform the exercise 10-15 times. Wipe fading skin with ice cubes. This contrast massage refreshes the face, improves color and restores color.

In addition to home care, it is important to use decorative cosmetics carefully. Use only quality products. And be sure to remove your makeup before going to bed so that your pores don’t get clogged and your skin can breathe.

At a young age, there is no urgent need to resort to radical rejuvenation. But proper care will slow down and delay the process of skin aging. There are preparations designed specifically for young skin with shallow wrinkles (soft, light). At the same time, you should not resort to injections because of fashion trends or on the advice of friends. Contact experienced cosmetologists who will tell you which cosmetic procedures and techniques are right for you.

Effective facial rejuvenation procedures after 40 years

At the age of 40, it is easy to distinguish between a face that has received quality care for the last 10 years and a face that has not undergone cosmetic procedures. For aging skin, one-time sessions of moisturizing and nutrition are no longer enough. At the age of 40, noticeable deep wrinkles appear on the face, which require comprehensive care.

The most pronounced effect is demonstrated by hardware and injection techniques aimed at tightening the skin in tandem with contouring with fillers. After 40, there is a good reason to get used to botulinum therapy, since aging skin becomes a canvas for facial wrinkles.

Injections of vitamin compounds can intensely nourish the skin at this age. Injections are recommended to be carried out in a course of 4-6 sessions, because aging skin needs nutrients more.

As the skin ages, tissue regeneration processes slow down. They can be dispersed using hardware or injection procedures. The most effective way to rejuvenate your face at 40 is microcurrent in combination with plasma therapy. This tandem will significantly enhance the production of natural collagen and elastin, which will take care of the beauty and youth of the skin.

What happens to skin after 35?

Even if you diligently take care of your face from a young age, choose the right cosmetics and do procedures, age-related changes will still overtake you, it’s just that for some they will appear earlier, for others later. This process depends on many factors, it is influenced by place of residence, genetics, work, presence of children and general characteristics of the body. In general, aging manifests itself in the following:

  • the epidermis loses tone, some parts of the face and neck sag;
  • wrinkles and folds appear;
  • the skin layers become thinner and require increased hydration;
  • a large number of dead cells collect on the surface, so you have to use exfoliating scrubs much more often;
  • Some people develop pigment spots;
  • the normal formation of collagen in tissues is disrupted.

It doesn’t sound very good, but the problem is that changes occur unnoticed by the woman herself. Not a single representative of the fairer sex has ever woken up in the morning and seen a wrinkled old woman in the mirror, although just yesterday she was beautiful and full of strength. This is why you need to start anti-aging skin care as early as possible to maintain youth.

Procedures for facial rejuvenation after 50 years

You can rejuvenate your face without a surgical scalpel at any age – even after 50 years. The difference is only in the intensity of the impact of the means used. Patients over 50 should focus on deep skin renewal, replenishment of missing volumes and enhanced nutrition.

You can, of course, continue to do regular chemical peels, but laser peeling will give you a more noticeable, lasting result at this age. The session will renew the upper skin layer and launch a powerful cell renewal process.

After 50, patients are usually bothered by too thin lips, pronounced “bags” under the eyes, deep nasolabial folds, and a double chin. All these unpleasant signs can be neutralized by resorting to a non-surgical method - contour plastic surgery. Fillers fill wrinkles, folds on the face, and correct the oval of the face. By replenishing the volume in this way, you can significantly tighten your face.

Mesotherapy, plasma therapy, and biorevitalization will provide adequate nutrition for aging skin. Conscientious patients became familiar with these procedures even earlier. Only after the age of 50 should you undergo courses of rejuvenating procedures of 8–12 sessions and at shorter intervals.

Taking into account the above recommendations, two main conclusions can be drawn:

  1. In case of subtle signs of skin aging, beauty injections and hardware procedures are sufficient to achieve the effect of visible facial rejuvenation. They have a “delicate” effect on the skin, which helps slow down the aging process.
  2. Pronounced age-related changes in the skin require the use of laser techniques and aesthetic cosmetology procedures. These measures will allow you to get rid of even deep wrinkles and creases, and facial asymmetry. Injections and hardware procedures will help maintain the result.

Facelift or lifting?

In aesthetic medicine, it is customary to distinguish between the lifting effect and the general facelift. Unlike a lift, which is designed to radically eliminate the manifestations of age-related ptosis (change the geometry of the face), lifting procedures provide an improvement in the condition of the skin, improve the appearance of the face as a whole, without radical tissue redistribution.

We can say that a facelift is a radical lifting. Despite the fact that the methods and techniques used are similar, there is a wider choice of cosmetic methods to achieve lifting goals.

Surgical facelift - effective, but expensive and with rehabilitation

You can radically solve the problem of a floating oval with the help of plastic surgery. However, you need to understand that in most cases, surgeons can “cut and tighten”; surgery cannot restore the youthful roundness of the face.

Based on your indications, the clinic will offer you two methods of performing the operation:

  • Endoscopic lift. The method is effective at the first signs of ptosis and consists of the following: a puncture is made in the area of ​​the temple in front of the ear, through which, using an endoscope, the doctor tightens the soft tissues and fixes them in a new position. The advantages of the procedure include a short recovery period.
  • SMAS lifting or tightening of muscular aponeurotic tissues. The surgeon makes incisions in front of the ear and behind the auricle and through them tightens a group of tissues, followed by their fixation at the required level.

It should be noted that these types of operations are the most expensive of all. The cost starts from 350,000 rubles and does not end at 1 million rubles for famous doctors. The most important thing in surgical lifting is the choice of doctor. We all remember and know examples of unsuccessful corrections by show business stars: both ours and foreign ones.

Thread face lift

This procedure is also called bioreinforcement, and its essence consists of implanting thread-like absorbable and non-absorbable implants under the skin. The biocompatible material from which the thread is made stimulates the growth of tissue around it, forming a frame, thereby tightening the skin and maintaining the oval shape of the face.

Threads with notches are used to tighten (move) tissues and give the desired oval to the face, threads without notches are used for prevention.

The cost of the procedure is calculated based on the number of threads inserted. At the same time, the price range for one thread is very wide, depends on the type of thread and ranges from 800 to 15,000 rubles.

Bioreinforcement with Radiesse

Another way to create a supporting frame is to inject fillers under the skin using a special technique. At its core, this technique is identical to a thread lift, only instead of threads, a liquid preparation is injected into the dermis. Most often we are talking about the drug Radiesse, since it promotes the production of its own collagen.

Bio-reinforcement with fillers does not allow you to tighten the oval of the face, but it works effectively in the initial stages of age-related changes!

The Radiesse bioreinforcement procedure is a preventive procedure, since it cannot be used to completely remove jowls or tighten the oval of the face. It is recommended to administer the drug in the early stages of tissue ptosis on the face - preventively stimulating and prolonging the youth of the skin.

Facial contouring

Despite the fact that our chief doctor is a plastic surgeon, we consider contour plastic surgery the most optimal way to give the oval of the face the desired shape and remove local imperfections.

Look at the before and after photos of our patients at the beginning of this article - all corrections were carried out using contouring techniques.

The essence of the correction is the introduction of safe fillers in order to recreate lost volumes and disguise certain aesthetic defects.

You can achieve the maximum effect from the procedure by simultaneously correcting the angle of the lower jaw, cheekbones and chin - then the oval will acquire a smooth transition from one part of the face to another. The volume of the drug is selected individually, but the optimal dosage is from 3 ml on one side, subject to simultaneous treatment of the cheekbone area.

An example of correction and rejuvenation of the oval of the face using contouring methods using fillers.

The drugs are injected deeply into the periosteum area under the cheekbones and into the chin area. Thanks to this technique, the face restores youthful volume and acquires clear, graceful contours of the lower jaw. With the simultaneous correction of lost volume in the cheekbones, you can achieve real facial rejuvenation by 10 years or more .

As is the case with bioreinforcement, Radiesse is often used in contouring. The main advantage of the drug over other fillers is its ability not to attract water and thus not provoke swelling, as well as a longer period of effect.

The procedure is minimally invasive, since an inconspicuous puncture is enough to administer the drug. In our clinic, injection rejuvenation procedures are carried out using cannulas - safe needles!

After the procedure, you will not notice any visual traces of injections: no hematomas, no blood!

Due to minor tissue damage, the patient does not need a long recovery period, unlike complex surgical interventions.

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