9 masks with honey for the face against wrinkles at home with egg yolk

Many cosmetics manufacturers focus on the natural origin of their ingredients. However, this does not exclude the fact that such creams and masks necessarily contain synthetic preservatives to increase shelf life. Therefore, many women are in search of natural ingredients that they use for home care.

In this case, the egg face mask, due to the availability and versatility of the main component, becomes an excellent alternative to even expensive skincare cosmetics. This is exactly the case when quality is not determined by price.

Egg face mask

Benefits of eggs and honey in skin care

The main advantage of masks based on honey and eggs is that by adding various components you can choose useful compositions for normal skin and all other skin types (oily, dry, combination, problem). In addition, the egg-honey complex gives good results in facial skin care at any age.

Egg plus honey in masks have a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • Wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin (oval of the face) is tightened;
  • Pores, cleared of accumulations of dirt and sebum, are tightened;
  • The superficial as well as deep layers of the epidermis receive nutrition along with hydration;
  • Peeling disappears;
  • Regulates sebum production;
  • Inflammations go away very quickly, leaving no spots.

It is IMPORTANT to understand that it is impossible to solve all problems with any one composition. There are a lot of mask recipes. Therefore, for a specific task, you need to select a specific combination of components.

Egg mask: pros and cons

Using raw eggs in home cosmetology has a number of advantages.

  • Express care. Thanks to the content of a whole complex of vitamins and microelements, both the white and the yolk quickly “treat” problem skin. An egg-based mask will help you quickly refresh your face before any important event or going out.
  • Complete nutrition. The most valuable components in the chemical composition of eggs are: lutein, which protects the dermis from the effects of free radicals, lecithin, which helps get rid of blackheads and pimples, as well as “vitamins of youth” A, D, E, PP.
  • Getting rid of wrinkles. Egg protein, which is a natural “builder” of skin cells, plays a major role in the fight against aging. It returns elasticity to the dermis and has a visible lifting effect.

An egg face mask at home, in fact, has only one drawback - the composition must be used immediately after preparation. When stored even in the refrigerator, the natural product quickly deteriorates and loses its properties.

Are there any contraindications (side effects)?

A face mask with honey and egg has a number of contraindications:

  1. Allergy to mask components. As you know, honey and egg white are strong natural allergens. To avoid redness, as well as other unpleasant manifestations, it is necessary to conduct a test sample. A drop of the product should be applied to the inside of the elbow. If no reaction occurs at the application site within 1 hour, then the composition can be safely applied directly. Otherwise, it is better to refuse the procedure;
  2. Cuperosis - this manifestation is an individual feature of the body, when blood vessels are located close to the surface, forming a reddish-purple network on the face (especially on the cheeks, near the nose, on the chin). Honey activates blood flow, so after applying the product to problem areas, the vessels will become even more noticeable.
  3. Noticeable unwanted hair on the face. In a situation where you regularly have to do hair removal, sugaring or other procedures to remove unwanted hair, you should avoid using masks with honey and egg. The substances in these components actively nourish the hair root, causing the hair to begin to grow even more actively and become thicker.
  4. The presence of any damage to the skin - wounds, abrasions, pimples, ulcers, abscesses. After complete recovery, the procedure can be done without fear.
  5. It is prohibited to use the mask for patients with diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma and patients with carbohydrate metabolism disorders.

Beneficial properties of protein

The secret to the amazing results from using a protein mask lies in the vitamins, microelements and active substances in this product. Although their quantity leaves much to be desired, the deficiency is compensated by the highest concentration of beneficial components, which makes it possible to have an effect at the cellular level. Each element in the protein performs a specific function:

  • natural protein restores any microtraumas, provides tone and normalizes sebum production;

  • fats form a protective film that eliminates various negative environmental impacts (heat, frost, harmful fumes and air pollution);

  • carbohydrates tone up and relieve fatigue;
  • niacin acid eliminates yellowness and restores natural complexion;
  • glucose performs a transport function, restoring aging skin;
  • biotin normalizes the secretion of subcutaneous fat;
  • enzymes trigger restorative and rejuvenating processes directly in tissues, promote rapid healing of pimples, blackheads and minor skin damage;
  • B vitamins accelerate the healing of skin inflammations, restore metabolism directly in skin cells, improve complexion, eliminate acne, have protective and rejuvenating properties, make the skin firm and elastic, and prevent premature aging of tissues.

Cooking recipes

It is very simple to prepare a natural, nourishing facial skin care product. To do this, you will need simple ingredients such as honey and egg. Even a child can master the cooking process itself.

Mask with yolk and honey


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey


  1. Mix the components of the mask until a homogeneous paste is formed. After which the mixture can be applied.
  2. If the bee nectar is not liquid enough, it can be heated in a water bath, but you just need to make sure that it does not overheat, otherwise the egg will curdle.

Mask with protein and honey


  • white of 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey


  1. Beat the whites into a stable foam.
  2. Add the second component to the resulting “cream” and mix gently.
  3. You need to stir so that the egg foam does not settle.
  4. Afterwards, the mask can be applied to the face.

Indications for use

The cosmetic properties of the mask depend not only on the main product in the product, but also on additional components. When certain ingredients are added, the purpose of the procedure changes, which allows solving a variety of problems. A protein face mask can effectively combat the following skin imperfections:

  1. Enlarged and contaminated pores. Protein effectively removes impurities, tightens pores and smoothes the skin, which, with regular use, allows you to completely get rid of blackheads.
  2. Increased fat content. The product absorbs excess sebum, eliminates oily shine and gives the skin a matte finish.
  3. Peeling. The protein mixture is a kind of peeling analogue and quickly removes all dry particles from the surface of the skin.
  4. Deep and expression wrinkles. Of course, this home remedy cannot completely eliminate wrinkles, but it temporarily reduces the depth of the folds and makes them less noticeable.
  5. Pigmentation. The egg cosmetic product lightens age spots and freckles, eliminates acne marks and evens out skin tone.
  6. Flabbiness. A protein mask effectively combats loss of elasticity, improves turgor, tightens the skin and even prevents the formation of new wrinkles.​​

The best face mask recipes using eggs and honey

The basis

The basic composition without additional ingredients nourishes and moisturizes the dermis, making the face softer to the touch. It doesn't take long to prepare a face mask recipe with the traditional combination of honey and egg. It is necessary to beat the yolk, then mix it with 1 tsp. honey The texture of the mask should be uniform, so you need to actively mix the products. The mask can be applied to the face with your hands or a brush, distributing it evenly. 20 minutes is enough for the active components to penetrate the tissue. The traditional recipe is suitable for girls with predominantly normal or combination skin types. To solve individual problems, additional components are added to the mask.

For eyes

For the delicate area around the eyes, a face mask with honey, egg and oil is suitable. These components together cope perfectly with the problem of crow's feet, as well as dry skin under the eyes. Mix half the yolk, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and 1 tablespoon of honey in a container. Using the tips of your ring fingers, apply the mask under the eyes with light tapping movements; you can carefully apply the product to the bone above the eye. It is not recommended to leave it on the upper mobile eyelid, as the product can easily get on the mucous membrane when blinking, which will cause irritation. The mask should be left on for a quarter of an hour, then removed from the skin. As a result, the skin is nourished with oil and smoothed, while honey and egg make it softer.

For mature skin

Anti-wrinkle anti-aging face mask with honey and egg nourishes and moisturizes the skin. As a result, wrinkles are noticeably smoothed out. To prepare the composition, you need to mix wet cottage cheese, full-fat sour cream and honey in equal proportions. Then the resulting mass is distributed in an even layer along massage lines from the nose to the ears, from the bridge of the nose along the forehead to the tip of the eyebrow, from the center of the chin to the cheekbone. A light massage will be beneficial, the main thing is not to stretch the skin, all movements should be smooth and easy. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Then you need to dry your face with a soft towel and lubricate it with a thick-textured cream.

Vitamin mask

Compositions for normal skin are usually enriched with minerals and vitamins, since this type does not have any pronounced problems. Therefore, masks are applied in order to maintain the skin in a harmonious condition. A popular remedy is an egg-honey face mask with cabbage juice. To prepare, you need the white of one egg, 1 tablespoon of honey, 100 ml of cabbage juice and finely ground oatmeal for the binder. After mixing, the mask should have the consistency of liquid sour cream.

Whitening mask

To prepare the mask, beat 1 egg and mix it with finely grated cucumber (without peel) and 1 tablespoon of honey, apply the resulting mixture for 20 - 30 minutes. Instead of cucumber, you can use apple puree (green). It also needs to be peeled.

Against dryness

For thin skin prone to dryness, a mask made from yolk, oatmeal and honey (1 tablespoon each) is suitable. Whisk the ingredients to a cream consistency and apply generously to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, you need to wash your face and apply a nourishing light cream.

Regulating sebum production

For oily skin, a composition with lemon juice is excellent. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 tablespoon of melted honey, egg white and 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Before application, the skin should be wiped with toner. Action time: 30 minutes. After the expiration date, wash off the mask with cool water. Citric acid has a fairly aggressive effect, so this product can be used no more than once a week. For problem skin

In order to get rid of pimples and blackheads, it is necessary to enrich the mask with anti-inflammatory agents. For example, you can add a decoction of chamomile flowers (1 teaspoon per 100 ml of boiling water). After the broth reaches room temperature, add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 egg. To facilitate the application process, liquid masks are thickened with fine Hercules. The duration of the mask is 15 – 20 minutes.

Egg mask with honey

But this mask is perfect for owners of any skin type. It will nourish, moisturize and give your face a healthy look. You just need to be careful with honey, because it is not suitable for those whose capillaries are located close to the surface of the skin. So, you will need:

  • 1 egg (for dry skin, use only the yolk);
  • 1 tsp light honey.

Mix everything and apply to your face with circular massage movements. Keep the mask on for no more than 30 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with cool water. If you wash off the mask with hot water, the egg may curl and then it will be very difficult to remove it from your face.

Yolk and cream mask

If your skin is dry and needs nourishment, then after using this mask you will see the effect the first time. You need:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 tsp fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 tsp. cream.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to facial skin for 15 minutes. Beat the yolk a little first. It is better to remove the mask first using napkins. Then rinse off the residue with cool water.

Lemon-yolk mask with oil

Lemon itself is an aggressive remedy for delicate facial skin. That is why it is added a little to masks and, together with other ingredients, it will perfectly rejuvenate and cleanse the skin. You will need:

  • Yolk of 1 egg;
  • 1/2 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 1/2 tbsp. olive oil heated in a water bath.

Mix all the ingredients, apply the mask to your face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.

This mask will perfectly tighten your skin, and regular use will help you get rid of fine wrinkles.

Egg face mask for blackheads

There are many options for such a mask. Its main ingredient is egg white. It perfectly pulls out impurities from pores. You can add sugar to it. Add a tablespoon of sugar to 1 egg white. Mash the egg well with the sugar. Apply the mask first in one layer to your face, patting it in lightly with your fingertips. After the first layer has dried, apply the next one. It is better not to use this mask for those with dry skin, because sugar and protein dry it out greatly.

In this video you will find another interesting recipe for a mask against blackheads:

Eye mask

As for the use of such a valuable product as shell film, it can be perfectly used for the delicate area under the eyes. If you want an instant smoothing effect, then make this mask before any event. The effect lasts 3 hours. If you want to consolidate the result and smooth out wrinkles for more than a couple of hours, then apply the shell film daily, like patches, for 14 days.

You need to carefully remove the protective egg shell so that it does not tear. This is quite easy to do with both raw and boiled eggs.

Magic powder

Boil several eggs and peel off the shell film. Dry it and grind it into powder. Add it to regular masks or cream for the eye area. It is better to store such powder in the refrigerator in a container with a tightly closed lid for no more than 10-14 days.

Rules for preparing egg-based masks.

  • The quality of the mask and its effectiveness depend on the quality of the eggs themselves. It doesn’t matter what size the egg is, the main thing is that it is fresh with an intact shell.
  • After applying the mask, it is advisable to lie down, because the egg is liquid and may leak.
  • If you have thick ingredients in the mask, then the mask will not spread and you can calmly go about your business.
  • An egg mask will work best if your skin is prepared. That is, it has been cleaned of cosmetics and steamed in advance.
  • When preparing a mask with oils, for example, do not use highly heated ingredients, otherwise the egg may curdle. But even when cold, the oil will not bring the desired benefits. Maintain balance.
  • It is most effective to use the whole egg. This way the skin will receive more vitamins and essential substances. And the drying properties of the protein are neutralized by the yolk.
  • You can apply the mask with your hands, but it is better with a cosmetic brush. This way you can better distribute the mixture over the surface of the skin.


Before making egg-based face masks, make sure you are not allergic to albumin. If you have dilated blood vessels, have fresh wounds on your skin, or have inflammation, then you should refrain from using egg masks. Those whose skin is excessively dry and prone to flaking should also be careful.

Egg masks are a simple, inexpensive and effective facial care product. Such masks can tighten, refresh and even rejuvenate the skin of the face. As with everything, regularity is important here.

How to use correctly

To achieve the maximum effect from use, compliance with the mandatory rules will help:

  • Before applying the product, the face must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. It is advisable to steam the skin to achieve deep penetration of the composition into the open pores;
  • The most effective effect is observed with regular application;
  • It is necessary to use only recipes intended for a specific skin type;
  • The composition must be tested for the absence of allergies;
  • The mask is applied bypassing the delicate skin around the eyes;
  • At the end of the procedure, the mask is removed with cotton pads soaked in water - warm or cool, depending on the recipe;
  • To prepare the cosmetic composition, fresh products are required, honey - natural, always liquid in consistency, an egg - preferably a rustic one, without cracks or damage;
  • An egg cannot be added to a hot honey base - the white will coagulate due to heating;
  • The quantity of products must exactly correspond to the recipe for one session - no preparation for future use is required;
  • It is advisable to use special dishes to prepare the cosmetic product - a shallow bowl, a measuring spoon and spatulas for applying the mask and spreading it in an even layer. If you don’t have a suitable container at home, you can purchase it at a store that sells cosmetics.

Recommendations from cosmetologists

Every specialist in the field of cosmetology knows about the wonderful properties of honey and eggs. A large number of professional cosmetics are made based on these components. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend face masks made from eggs and honey as additional home care after cosmetic procedures.

Girls get excellent results by using face masks made from eggs and honey after aggressive peelings and cleansing. Of course, cosmetologists prescribe a clear action plan that must be followed. Any damage to the skin must be accompanied by a certain recovery period, during which any unnecessary touching or manipulation of the skin is prohibited. An experienced specialist will always warn his client about this. However, a month after the procedures, cosmetologists recommend including nourishing egg and honey masks in facial care.

Popular finished products

Often ladies simply do not have enough time, energy or desire to prepare cosmetics at home. A huge range of ready-made cosmetics is designed for them. Of course, among them you can also find masks containing honey and eggs:

  1. "Shark oil. Egg-honey" for early wrinkles. A completely natural product from the Russian manufacturer Luchiks.
  2. French honey Jelly Royale with royal jelly from CHARME D'ORIENT.
  3. Moisturizing and nourishing instant mask with honey extract from the Korean company Mizon.
  4. Softening cream mask with honey extract Urban Dollkiss. Natural mask made in South Korea.

"Shark oil"

A simple product for complex problems - hair mask with egg.

Benefits of egg and honey face mask

Perhaps this mask is one of the most useful and safest. In addition, it is suitable for any skin type, be it sensitive and dry, or oily, combination, the only difference is the question: should you use white or yolk? Different parts of the egg have completely different effects on the skin.

  • Yolk is able to nourish the skin, moisturize and refresh it, act as a restorative agent for regenerating processes, and help cope with fine wrinkles. Together with honey, it is ideal for mature and elderly women whose skin is dull and in need of rejuvenation. This product is also the best salvation for dry skin, since it contains a huge amount of vitamin A, a natural moisturizer. And it is its deficiency that leads to dryness, peeling and redness.
  • But protein is an excellent remedy for teenagers and young girls who are faced with acne, pimples and clogged pores. It is suitable for combination and oily skin, dries it, disinfects it, relieves inflammation and irritation, cleanses and tightens pores.

Another essential component is honey. An excellent product, not inferior in its wonderful properties to an egg. Suitable for any skin, tones it, saturates it with vitamins and minerals, smoothes wrinkles, immediately penetrates deep into the skin, and contains many biologically active substances.

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Thus, we see that the egg-honey face mask is a real godsend for most women, and has a number of advantages:

  • It is much more profitable than expensive cosmetic products, and its ingredients are quite affordable: honey and eggs can be found in almost any store at a low cost.
  • Easy to use, its preparation does not require any special skills or knowledge. A woman can prepare a mask only from eggs and honey, or at her discretion add some other components, which expands the range of therapeutic effects at no extra cost.
  • This mask is suitable for absolutely all ages; in most cases it did not cause any side effects; a number of contraindications are quite small.
  • Very good for the skin, quite capable of replacing creams for some time. In addition, it consists only of natural products, and is suitable for representatives of the fair sex who cannot tolerate mixtures of possible dyes, preservatives and additives on their faces.

What is known about the composition of the olive fruit product?

Olive oil is an excellent natural product for weakening and dry skin. The oil product gently cleanses and tones the skin, and also gives it a second youth. The oil accelerates cell regeneration processes, preserves and restores the natural elasticity and health of the skin.

Regular use of masks with olive oil at home evens out fine wrinkles and prevents new ones from appearing. Olive oil can be called a multifunctional and generally inexpensive cosmetic product.

In Ancient Greece, which is the birthplace of olive trees, olive fruits were considered divine gifts. Residents of the Greek state used this product to maintain healthy skin not only on the face, but also on the whole body.

Nutritionists call olive oil a product of longevity. Cosmetologists also note its unique rejuvenating property. Reviews from women about the use of olive oil are mostly positive.

Components of the oil product and their beneficial characteristics:

vitamin Amoisturizing the skin, normalizing subcutaneous circulation
vitamin Erejuvenation of epidermal cells, preventing its aging and wilting
phosphatidesability to retain moisture in the skin
phospholipidsconstruction of new cell membranes, active participation in metabolic processes
fatty acidHelps protect skin from ultraviolet exposure and other adverse weather conditions
useful microelementsneutralizing free radicals that “kill” facial skin

A huge advantage of using an olive product for masks is its unique property of not provoking any allergic reactions on the skin.

Tips and tricks

In order for the mask to bring as many positive results as possible, you should familiarize yourself with the following rules of use:

  • Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly cleanse your face. For combination, oily and normal skin, a simple brush is suitable, for acne-prone skin - a scrub or soft abrasive, while sensitive and dry types require more careful and careful cleaning. An ordinary herbal tincture of sage, linden, mint, etc., diluted in hot boiled water, is suitable for this. This will open the pores, wash away the layer of dust and sweat, allowing the mask to penetrate the skin faster and deeper.

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  • You should not overuse this mask, since each procedure is a kind of stress for the skin, and the best option is once every 7-10 days. If you want to use the mixture more often, it is advisable to consult with a cosmetologist before doing so in order to avoid further unpleasant consequences and the opposite result.
  • It is recommended to use only fresh products. Under no circumstances should you prepare a mask from eggs that have a characteristic unpleasant odor or bad color. Many people miss this fact, believing that food poisoning will not happen anyway, but the skin will endure it. No no and one more time no. At best, there will simply be redness or peeling; at worst, a widespread dangerous allergy, even swelling. Honey must also be of good quality and always natural. You should not buy store-bought with various additives.

Choosing the right ingredients

Both of these products for preparing a caring and nourishing mask must be chosen especially carefully. Only when using high-quality components can we talk about a real and quick effect from its use.


It is better to purchase honey directly from the apiary to be 100% sure of its natural origin. If this is not possible, when purchasing a beekeeping product on the market, determine its quality according to three criteria:

  1. Color.
  2. Taste.
  3. Aroma.

These signs are very difficult to fake, even using dyes, flavors and other artificial additives. Pay special attention to its consistency. Most varieties, with the exception of acacia, begin to become candied within 1–3 months after distillation from honeycombs.

Take the product with a spoon and let it flow freely from it. Natural high-quality honey will fold like a book and not spread over the entire surface. It flows in a continuous viscous stream without interruption.

Olive oil

When purchasing olive oil, read the label carefully. It is better if the place of production of the product coincides with the place of its packaging. The highest quality of the oil is indicated by the “Extra virgin” sign.

Product labeled as "Virgin" or "Pomace" is of lower quality. For better preservation of the oil, the bottle should be made of dark glass.

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