Japanese facial massage performed by Alena Sobol or how to become 10 years younger

The popular beauty blogger continues to reveal the secrets of oriental techniques. Alena Sobol spent many years in Japan, studying the cultures of the Land of the Rising Sun. She also mastered the intricacies of facial care and massage techniques. The girl was struck by the beauty of oriental women, which persists into old age. Japanese women do not hide the peculiarities of skin care; they willingly share ancient techniques that also help improve their emotional state. Due to translation difficulties, the Asahi Zogan technique was not previously available. Today, everyone can master the rejuvenating manipulations of Japanese facial massage thanks to the work “Become 10 years younger.”

Features of the technique

Asahi Zogan proposed the technique to be used by Yukuko Tanaka, bringing together ancient knowledge. While working as a stylist, she looked for natural rejuvenation methods for her clients. The principles of self-massage take into account not only age characteristics, but also the shape of the face.

There are such types of Japanese cosmetic massage as Shiatsu and Kobido. Distinctive features of the first are the activation of certain points and the use of acupuncture techniques. At the same time, the skin does not stretch or smooth out. It is possible to improve color, structure, and reduce the depth of wrinkles due to the effect on energy centers.

Kobido is also an ancient technique; the main techniques are stroking and tapping in a certain rhythm. As a result, energy points are also affected, which allows you to speed up renewal processes and restore elasticity.

Indications for use

Anyone can master Alena Sobol's Japanese massage at home. All the details of the procedure to achieve the desired effect are described. The muscular frame of the face and neck is worked out, and the lymphatic system is also affected.

Indications for massage:

  • dull, unhealthy color;
  • puffiness, swelling;
  • oval displacement;
  • sagging skin;
  • wrinkles of different depths;
  • dark spots;
  • acne, comedones;
  • cheeks, jowls;
  • weak cheekbones;
  • double chin.

Attention! Thanks to oriental technology, you can not only cope with age-related changes. By influencing certain points, you can form an oval line, literally making a face. With regular use, it is easy to improve the condition of the skin and forget about hardware rejuvenating procedures.

Why is technology so effective?

In her videos, Alena explains that such a massage is really effective, and explains this for a number of reasons. First of all, there is a positive effect on the beauty meridians - special points of the face. In this way, blood flow is stimulated and normalized, as well as the lymphatic system. In addition, along with the skin, the massage also affects the facial muscles, thereby providing a good tightening.

As a result, to restore the former youth and attractiveness of your facial skin, you should spend only 10 minutes a day. Now you don’t need to carry out expensive procedures or go under a surgical knife. Alena Sobol herself states that in just weeks it will be impossible to recognize herself in the mirror.

Efficiency of the procedure

Just 10 minutes of regular care is required to achieve the desired result. Simple movements affect the outflow of lymph and help remove excess fluid. You can become younger in just 10 minutes. in a day.

Blood circulation accelerates, cells are saturated with oxygen. With systematic daily practice, you can achieve lasting rejuvenation and solve major aesthetic problems.

The effect of Alena Sobol's massage:

  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • whitens age-related and photopigmentation;
  • color improves;
  • inflammation and irritation go away;
  • manages to remove toxins and tighten pores;
  • elasticity and firmness of the skin is restored;
  • purulent inflammations and acne disappear;
  • the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated;
  • bruises and swelling of the eyelids disappear;
  • a clear oval line is restored;
  • It is possible to shape cheekbones, reduce cheeks, and get rid of a double chin.

Basics of Japanese facial massage

The essence of Japanese facial massage is to activate the lymphatic systems

The video lessons taught by Alena include a set of simple exercises and movements. They need to be done with a certain force and intensity of impact on the skin.

The essence of the massage is to activate the lymphatic system and deeply develop the muscles of the face and neck.

With the help of simple movements, excess lymph on the face disappears, and the functioning of fatty tissue under the skin is normalized, so the body begins to produce fresh lymph. Subcutaneous stagnation disappears, the body's self-regulation is activated, and the skin receives more nutrients, vitamins and lymphocytes.

In addition to developing muscles, bioactive Shiatsu points, located mainly on the bones, are activated. You can only influence them through massage. Thus, you send information to the brain that the cells of your face need to be renewed.

After just a few sessions, a woman doing Japanese self-massage under Alena’s guidance notices significant strengthening and tightening of sagging muscles, as well as the ability to move previously unused muscles. Wrinkles gradually disappear, the skin becomes smooth and silky, the face acquires its former clear oval.

The only condition; massage must be done systematically. As soon as the sessions are stopped, there is a high probability that wrinkles and swelling will return to their place. In order to stay young and beautiful, you need to devote a small amount of time to yourself a day; even very busy women can easily afford this.

Execution Rules

To achieve the desired results, you must follow the procedure exactly. The effectiveness of massage is influenced by beauty rituals performed before the massage. Attention should also be paid to the composition of massage mixtures.


  1. An obligatory step is cleansing the face and neck. For this purpose, soft, gentle products without aggressive components are used.
  2. Only natural ingredients are used for better glide. According to Alena Sobol’s “Get 10 Years Younger” method, you need to use only those oils that can be added to food without harm.
  3. Preparation must be carried out using rubbing movements performed with the same intensity.
  4. The movements are used with force, but the occurrence of pain is excluded.
  5. In the area of ​​the lymph nodes, the pressure decreases. Before mastering the technique, it is recommended to study the layout of the lymphatic system of the face and neck.
  6. The technique for a thin face has its own characteristics. The main impact is directed to the upper part of the oval.
  7. The author recommends immediately after waking up, introducing massage as one of the daily morning rituals.
  8. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 10 minutes.

Important! The technique is based on the impact of the fingertips on the integument, so long nails are not allowed when performing it, as the integument can be injured.

Preparing for the session

Proper cleansing of the skin will speed up the removal of toxins and restore a healthy color. You can use thermal water or natural cosmetic milk. It is not difficult to prepare the cleansing mixture yourself.

To do this, you need to steam the oatmeal, and then strain the finished liquid. Use for cleansing before Asahi massage.

To perform this, the author recommends preparing a special nutritional mixture. To do this, you need to combine 100 ml of flaxseed, sunflower, olive oil, add 30 ml of burdock. Then add 20 ml of pharmaceutical vitamin E and a composition of juniper and orange esters.

For a volume of 350 ml of vegetable oils you will need 10 drops of esters. Be sure to test the finished massage oil on the elbow or wrist for a possible allergic reaction. If itching or burning occurs, use apricot or almond oil.

Preparation stages:

  • cleanse your face with oat milk or cosmetic milk;
  • take a comfortable position in front of the mirror;
  • heat the nutritious oil to a temperature of 40–45°;
  • You can proceed directly to the technique.

Instructions for carrying out

Japanese technology can be divided into 4 stages . At the first stage, lymph flow is activated to relieve swelling and remove excess fluid. In the second, the forehead area is worked, in the third, the eyelid area.

The fourth and final step is to activate the skin around the lips. Each dose is repeated 3 times to maintain freshness, youth, and prevent aging. To model an oval, the quantity should be increased to 4–5 times.

Attention! When working on the area around the eyes, you need to reduce the intensity of pressure; the skin is very thin and easily stretched.

Step-by-step execution of Asahi:

  1. Press your temples with your palms and apply pressure to the base of the neck and collarbones. This technique is repeated after each exercise.
  2. Press your fingers to the center of your forehead and make smoothing movements towards your temples. Go back along the lymph flow line to the neck.
  3. Using light pressure, work the area from the outer corner of the eye to the inner. Fix for 2 seconds in the crow's feet area. Then, using more intense massaging movements, rub under the eyebrow from the outer corner to the inner one.
  4. Place your fingers on the center of your chin and apply pressure to the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. Movement along the nasolabial folds to the wings of the nose.
  5. Rub the nostrils and wings of the nose intensively. Then perform a circular slide from the cheekbones to the temples.
  6. Place your fingers on the center of your chin. Move with effort along the nasolabial triangle, lifting the cheeks. Then from the cheekbones return to the temples.
  7. Place one palm under your chin, touching your temple with your fingertips. The second palm applies diagonal pressure, moving the cheek to the inner corner of the eye. Return from the cheekbone down, then slide along the side of the neck. Repeat for the other side.
  8. Using the pads of the outer palms located at the base of the thumbs, perform smoothing movements from the nostrils of the nose to the temples diagonally.
  9. Perform the same exercise starting from the corners of the lips, leading diagonally to the temples.
  10. Repeat the previous exercise, this time placing the pads under the chin. Lead along the line of the lower jaw to the ear tragus.
  11. He folds his hands like a house, with his thumbs under his chin. The palms are in the nose area, the tips are on the bridge of the nose. Move your palms to the side, smoothing them towards your temples, stretching the skin with force.
  12. Rub the forehead area in a circular motion and complete the traditional exercise for lymph flow.


Even the most progressive cosmetologists agree that facial massage is a unique procedure that, with the right approach, can replace plastic surgery and hardware methods. Without the use of special equipment or expensive cosmetics, massage brings amazing results.

It should be noted that facial massage is a universal procedure. In its various variations it is used for:

  • Anti-aging skin;
  • Acne treatment;
  • Elimination of puffiness;
  • Treatment of neuritis;
  • General relaxation of the body;
  • Improved vision and speech function;
  • Regular facial care.

As for the Asahi massage, described in Alena Sobol’s videos, it has a powerful tonic and rejuvenating effect. Thanks to the active outflow of lymph, the cells are saturated with useful substances, freeing themselves from toxins and excess fluid. Thus, all metabolic processes in them are accelerated.

Already after the first massage procedure, described in videos with Alena Sobol, painful swelling disappears, a beautiful natural blush appears on the cheeks, and the mood noticeably improves. A full course of procedures, consisting of fifteen to twenty sessions, restores elasticity to the skin, smoothes out wrinkles, and makes the oval of the face clearer and more beautiful.

You can find out more information about this massage by watching this video:

And the best part is that every woman can achieve this result on her own. The massage algorithm is described in detail in Alena Sobol’s videos, and mastering it will not be difficult. After just a few sessions, you won’t have to look at the monitor – your hands will remember what they’re doing.


Theoretically, Japanese facial massage is a simple procedure. It completely eliminates any risk. Such a session does not include any painful or simply unpleasant manipulations. Intense twisting, squeezing or striking movements are excluded from the arsenal of Japanese massage therapists, whose goal is to create beauty.

In her videos, Alena Sobol outlined the massage technique in great detail. She advises using natural vegetable oils (for example, apricot, almond or wheat) during the session. An ordinary baby cream based on natural ingredients is also suitable. Baby oils like Johnson's Baby, she says, are completely unsuitable for such a massage.

Facial massage begins with stimulation of lymph flow. To do this, you need to press your hands tightly to your temples and move along the contour of your face and neck down to your collarbones. After repeating this movement three or four times, you should move to the forehead. By lightly pressing your fingertips on the middle of your forehead (do not press your fingers too hard - the pressure should be noticeable, but not cause discomfort), you should use them to describe the same “route” as in the previous movement.

Then you need to move on to the area around the eyes

The skin in this place is extremely vulnerable and sensitive - Alena Sobol especially focuses on this point. Under no circumstances should you put too much pressure on your eyelids - this can injure thin skin.

All movements are made in a circular manner - this is how the periocular muscles are worked out. The eyelid skin massage ends with the same lowering of the hands to the collarbones, which stimulates the outflow of lymph from the massaged tissues.

After this, you need to move on to the area around the lips. The muscles in this place are very strong and tough, so they need to be massaged very intensively. They should be kneaded with slow circular movements with fairly strong pressure (however, you must remember that no discomfort or pain should be allowed).

Alternative salon treatments

Professional performance will be provided by specialists in aesthetic medicine clinics. A wide range of cosmetic massage allows you to conduct Asahi, Shiatsu, Kobidu courses in a classical version. A special feature of Alena Sobol’s self-massage is the adaptation of the technique for home use. Minute manipulations allow you to achieve a lasting effect.

In the salon you can achieve amazing results after the course. There will be no need to master the technique and apply it daily. It is enough to undergo a professional massage no more than 2-3 times a year. Cost from 600 rub. up to 2000 rubles, duration 30–40 minutes. It is carried out with a frequency of 2 times a week on the same days, at approximately the same time. Similar techniques for home use can be found in Yulia Kovaleva.

Massage by Alena Sobol at home

Face massage

The massage offered by beauty expert Alena Sobol does not pose any danger to the body. Light techniques are used without pressure, without painful manipulations

It is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

Alena suggests completely avoiding twisting, kneading, intense pressure and active tapping.

Sable massages only on clean skin without makeup. Before starting the procedure, the girl must smear the skin with a special base. In her case, it's a cosmetic oil.

If you also have dry skin

, then peach, almond, coconut oil are your choice.
If you have oily skin
, then baby cream (for example, “Little Chanterelle” or “I myself”) is suitable for you.

Avoid baby oils

, used after water procedures (Johnsons Baby and similar products). They will not cope with the mission entrusted to them. Each technique should be completed with a special movement of the palms, provoking the outflow of lymph towards the collarbone.

Precautionary measures

If the technique is violated, the skin may stretch, new wrinkles and creases may appear. If you ignore the cleansing stage and perform a massage without makeup remover, you can disrupt oxygen breathing and provoke the appearance of acne and comedones.

It is also not recommended to increase the intensity of exposure, this will not accelerate the effect. Couperose mesh may appear and skin sensitivity may develop.


  • dermatological diseases in the acute phase;
  • viral, infectious pathologists;
  • headaches, general malaise;
  • malignant formations;
  • postoperative period;
  • pathology of the facial nerve;
  • rosacea

Self-care for your skin will allow you to achieve professional results. Ancient eastern techniques have become available for home use. They will help not only to maintain freshness and velvety, but also to cope with various aesthetic problems.

What you need for a massage

In order not to damage the skin during massage and not to stretch it too much, use vegetable oil or cosmetic cream. Apricot kernel oil works well. It can be found in any pharmacy. You only need a little bit of it, just to lubricate your hands. The main thing is that the product is natural. It is also possible to replace the oil with baby cream if it is of high quality. Why can't you do without oil completely? Stretching dry skin will not lead to anything good. It will most likely cause wrinkles to appear. If you moisturize your face, it will respond well to massage, and you will achieve your goals.

Photo from the site: volosomanjaki.com

Try to keep the room warm enough. You should feel comfortable massaging your face and your skin should be completely relaxed. This is not easy to do in cold conditions.

At first, you can also prepare a mirror for yourself to control the correctness of the technique. You won't need it later, as you can do the massage from memory by touch.

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