Laser removal of formations on eyelids

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Xanthelasmas are yellow formations on the skin of the eyelids, which are intradermal deposits of cholesterol. They are not a sign of an increase in this substance in the blood, as they can occur even with normal blood cholesterol levels. However, determination of blood lipids (cholesterol, LDL, HDL) is desirable.

Other formations that are quite often localized on the skin of the eyelids are fibropapillomas. Melanocytic nevi (moles) are somewhat less common.

Xanthelasma of the eyelids:

The main indication for removal of xanthelasmas and fibropapillomas is aesthetic discomfort.

However, when papillomas and moles are localized on the ciliary edge, their removal is desirable, since with magnification they can fall into the field of view of the eye.

Laser removal

Modern cosmetology allows using a laser to eliminate any mole without a trace on the surface of the skin. The practical benefit of the laser is that under its influence the visible area of ​​the mole is destroyed , leaving virtually no marks on the skin. High-precision treatment of nevus does not affect the surrounding skin. As a result, the duration of the recovery course is reduced. If we talk about other advantages of the mentioned technology, they look like this:


  • jeweler precision of the beam;
  • short duration of the operation;
  • rapid regeneration of damaged skin areas;
  • no bleeding;
  • the patient does not need special care after completion of the procedure;
  • no restrictions throughout the rehabilitation course.


  • It is impossible to obtain material for further histological examination in order to identify oncological processes, which endangers the patient’s life.
  • Possible allergic reactions to ultraviolet radiation.
  • If the patient suffers from other skin diseases such as herpes, dermatitis, etc., drug treatment is necessary after the procedure.
  • If the tumor is large, it is impossible to remove it completely in one session.

Remove a mole on the face

Remove a mole on the face

Our body is covered with a huge number of moles. For the most part, they do not pose a danger, since they extremely rarely degenerate into malignant neoplasms. Nevertheless, such a risk exists. From this publication you will learn how to remove a mole on the face, and if any alarming symptoms appear, you should sign up for a consultation with a specialist.

Reasons for the formation of moles

Most moles form during the development of the body. During puberty, the main reason for the appearance of nevi is fluctuations in the level of hormones, including pituitary hormones, which regulate the production of melanin by skin cells. Hereditary predisposition plays a certain role in this process.

In adults, the formation of new moles can be provoked by various factors. One of the most significant is hormonal status. Changes in the hormonal profile are often accompanied by the appearance of neoplasms on the skin. This happens during pregnancy, or during long-term treatment of chronic diseases with the use of hormonal drugs.

New moles may appear on areas of the body that are exposed to intense ultraviolet radiation. Fans of artificial or natural tanning are at risk. Also at risk are workers who work outdoors in regions with a hot climate and a large number of sunny days a year.

The appearance of new moles in adulthood should be alarming, but, as a rule, there is no reason for serious concern. They are usually benign in nature. The reason for contacting a specialist may be the appearance of a large number of moles, as well as the formation of large skin formations for no apparent reason.

Dangerous and harmless

Medical statistics indicate that malignant degeneration of moles on the face is unlikely, but still possible. It is impossible to exclude an unfavorable scenario for the development of events; this is important to understand. In this regard, you should carefully examine skin formations and remain vigilant regarding alarming symptoms indicating a change in their nature.

In dermatology, it is customary to identify five main signs that indicate the possible degeneration of a mole on the face, or on another part of the body, into a tumor. They are denoted by the acronym ACORD: Asymmetry, Edge, Color, Size and Dynamics. The average person should remain alert to more symptoms so as not to miss the alarm bell.

You should contact a specialist if at least one of the following symptoms appears:

  • The size of the mole changed and it began to grow.
  • The new mole is asymmetrical.
  • The color of the tumor has changed.
  • The nevus begins to hurt. A burning sensation, itching, or other physical discomfort appears.
  • The nature of the surface has changed: instead of smooth, it has become loose and uneven.
  • The edge of the tumor has changed: clear contours have become jagged.
  • The density of the nevus has changed: it has become harder or, on the contrary, softer.
  • Bleeding from the skin formation occurs periodically.
  • The skin around the nevus shows signs of inflammation: redness, swelling, peeling.

Experts recommend removing a mole on the face if at least one of the alarming symptoms appears.
Large nevi (diameter more than 10 cm), as well as formations located in places where there is a high probability of mechanical damage, are subject to removal. For example, a mole on the neck can be injured by jewelry. Make an appointment

Surgical removal

It is the oldest and most radical method of removing skin tumors. Preparing for the operation does not take much time. The surgical site is treated with a special antiseptic solution, after which local tissue anesthesia is performed. After anesthesia, the surgeon uses a scalpel to excise the tumor, capturing healthy tissue. This is done to remove cells that cannot be seen.


  • Exclusion of tumor recurrence.
  • Possibility of histological examination
  • Short operation time
  • Does not require hospitalization; after the operation, the patient can leave the clinic.
  • Depending on the location of the tumor, the “Cosmetic suture” technique is applicable.


  • Healing of the suture takes about 3-4 weeks
  • Complications are possible, in the form of suppuration or swelling of the scar
  • Depending on the predisposition of the skin, the formation of a keloid scar is possible.
  • If care recommendations are not followed and the skin is over-tensioned, there is a risk of the seam coming apart.

Having compared the two methods, we can summarize that the laser removal technique is predominantly aesthetic in nature rather than the surgical excision technique , which helps to 100% diagnose the pathological process in the tumor and adjacent tissues. It is worth noting that the World Organization of Oncologists, as well as the recommendations of the NSSN (National Comprehensive Cancer Network), support only the surgical method of removal, as it is the safest way to get rid of skin defects caused by tumors.

Reasons for appearance

The first stage of an education survey is to determine the source of its formation. There may be several reasons for the appearance of large moles:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • anomalies of intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • Excessive tanning in the sun and solarium - negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • skin injuries;
  • viruses, for example papillomavirus;
  • frequent stress;
  • diseases of internal organs - pancreas, liver;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • exposure to radiation, toxins;
  • taking certain oral contraceptives;
  • after surgical interventions;
  • pathologies associated with lipid metabolism.

Most often, patients complain that a large mole has grown due to hormonal changes. This can happen during pregnancy, during menopause, and during puberty.

What do we do first?

Any growths on human skin are cause for concern and can lead to serious health problems. As a rule, benign formations simply look ugly, but there is also a risk that they will increase and eventually develop into malignant ones. Therefore, the first thing we do is find out the type of tumor.

At this stage of research, it is important to find out for sure that this is not a malignant formation and whether it can be removed.

Then our specialists find out if there are any contraindications to laser removal and schedule a day for the procedure.

What equipment is used in our clinic.

Our cosmetologists use the MCL-30 Dermablate device, which is manufactured in Germany by Asclepion Laser Technologies. In addition to its safety, the MCL-30 Dermablate laser has a flexible adjustment system, which allows you to perform a wide range of therapeutic procedures. The beam of light produced by this device affects your skin at the cellular level, stimulating the formation of elements such as elastin and collagen, which make your skin younger. By combining the effectiveness of MCL-30 Dermabalte with the experience of our specialists, we get a truly amazing rejuvenation effect.

Types of skin neoplasms

Laser removal of skin tumors is effective for the following pathologies: atheroma, basal cell carcinoma, keratoma, botryomycomoma, cutaneous horn, warts, mole, fibroma, papilloma, condyloma, xanthelasma, molluscum contagiosum, nevus, etc.


Laser therapy is not allowed if:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • allergies to ultraviolet radiation;
  • high skin sensitivity;
  • weakened immune system;
  • skin inflammation;
  • elevated sugar levels;
  • epilepsy;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • also during pregnancy and lactation.

The procedure is non-traumatic, with minimal side effects.

Medical ]SkinLazerMed[/anchor] employs doctors with extensive experience in removing any tumors. On the day of your visit before the procedure, you will receive a free consultation with a specialist! You can make an appointment by calling: 317-78-21. You can also leave a request on our website and our administrators will contact you! Take care of your health with SkinLazerMed!


Laser removal of keratomas

NamePrice for 1 procedure
Histological examinationRUB 2,250
removal of keratomas 1-5 pcs. (1 unit) 400 rub
removal of keratomas 6-10 pcs. (1 unit) 350 rub.
removal of keratomas 11-20 pcs. (1 unit) 300 rub
removal of keratomas more than 20 pcs. (1 unit) 250 rub.
removal of senile keratoma 0.5 -1.0 cm1,000 rub.
removal of senile keratoma 1.0-2.5 cmRUB 1,700
removal of senile keratoma more than 3.0 cmRUB 3,300

Laser removal of vulgar and plantar warts

NamePrice for 1 procedure
Laser removal
Vulgar warts 1-5 pcs. (1 unit) 1,100 rub.
Vulgar warts 6-10 pcs. (1 unit) 550 rub.
Vulgar warts 11-20 pcs. (1 unit) 500 rub
More than 20 vulgar warts. (1 unit) 300 rub
Perioccipital warts (1 unit)1,100 rub.
Plantar warts, category 1 of complexity1,100 rub.
Plantar warts, category 2 of complexityRUB 1,700
Plantar warts, category 3 of complexityRUB 2,800

Removal of warts with laser on Belorusskaya

Warts are one of the most common benign neoplasms.
Everyone, at least once, has encountered this skin pathology. The cause of their occurrence is considered to be the human papillomavirus, which begins to manifest its activity under certain circumstances (reduced immunity, psycho-emotional stress, poor ecology, etc.). Morphologically, a wart is a flat or slightly convex growth on the skin, up to five millimeters in diameter. Its color may match the color of the skin, or be slightly darker. There are flat warts, convex warts, palmoplantar warts and pedunculated condylomas. Regardless of their type, they usually do not cause pain and therefore often do not undergo any treatment. But you need to take into account that in addition to the fact that warts are an aesthetic problem, there may also be medical indications for their removal.

Benefits of the procedure

Laser removal of skin tumors is considered the safest and most effective method. The positive qualities of the technique include:

  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • can be done at any time of the year (however, if you have returned from a hot vacation, cosmetologists recommend resting the skin for several days before the removal procedure);
  • no bleeding;
  • absence of pain (since it is done with anesthesia);
  • sterility;
  • exclusion of relapses;
  • does not leave scars or scars;
  • short rehabilitation period.
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