The use of laser radiation to remove benign skin lesions

Papillomas are small skin formations that most often appear on the chest, neck, armpits, eyelids or groin area. These growths on thin legs negatively affect a person’s appearance and can cause discomfort. In some cases, papillomas appear singly, and sometimes in whole colonies.

Considering that skin tumors are viral in nature, they must be treated. The most effective way to treat papillomas is laser removal. Even if the growths do not in any way affect the quality of life and are not noticeable to others, their appearance cannot be ignored - this can lead to negative consequences for health.

Why are papillomas dangerous?

Typically, the appearance of skin formations is preceded by a situation that causes a decrease in immunity. This could be a previous cold, severe stress, hypothermia, exacerbation of chronic ailments and much more. In some cases, the “awakening” of the papilloma virus occurs during pregnancy.


  • Why are papillomas dangerous?
  • Benefits of laser papillomas removal
  • How to prepare for the procedure
  • Features of the procedure
  • Rehabilitation after the procedure
  • Contraindications for the procedure

It is almost impossible to determine the moment the virus enters the body - it can live quite peacefully in a person for decades and manifest itself only when unfavorable factors coincide, which have reduced the protective functions. Today, science knows about 130 types of HPV. The danger is that 10 of them have the ability to undergo malignant degeneration. That is, a small and unnoticeable growth on the skin can cause the development of a serious illness.

In some cases, after a certain period of time, papillomas disappear on their own - when the body’s defenses are restored. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in young and healthy women who encounter a problem during pregnancy - after childbirth, the growths begin to dry out and soon disappear. But you cannot let the course of the disease take its course - it is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner, who will select the most appropriate treatment method.

Attempts to eliminate tumors on your own can have negative consequences - from infection of the wound to the rapid spread of papillomas in healthy areas of the body. Improper treatment of HPV can cause relapse of the disease.

During laser removal, not only the body of the growth itself is destroyed, but also the pathological elements - that very thin stalk. Thanks to this, the risk of relapse is reduced by 85%.

Causes of papillomas, their types and location

The cause of skin papillomas is the human papillomavirus (HPV). Science knows more than 150 types of HPV, they are divided into three groups:

  • Non-oncogenic papillomaviruses - types 1, 2, 3, 5.
  • Papillomaviruses of low oncogenic risk (6, 11, 42, 43, 44).
  • Papillomaviruses of high oncogenic risk (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 51, etc.).

Viruses of the last two groups, with varying degrees of probability, can cause the development of malignant neoplasms.

Depending on the type of HPV, papillomas are divided into the following types: ordinary papillomas - also known as vulgar warts, filamentous growths, flat papillomas, genital papillomas - also known as condylomas, plantar warts, juvenile warts and papillomatosis.

The most common are vulgar, filiform and genital papillomas.

  • Thread-like forms of papillomas are more common in people aged 40+ and are localized in areas with thin skin - on the chest, armpits, neck, etc.
  • Vulgar warts most often “attack” the skin of the feet, palms, fingers and toes, but can appear on any other parts of the body. Often recur in conditions of decreased immunity.
  • Condylomas appear only on the mucous membranes. They can affect the glans penis, foreskin, vagina, and labia minora.
  • Plantar warts appear on the rough skin of the feet and on the balls of the toes.
  • Papillomatosis is a generalized form of the disease, manifested by the formation of growths throughout the body.

Benefits of laser papillomas removal

In modern medicine, several methods are used to cleanse human skin of growths, but the laser method is considered the most effective and safe. Let us highlight the most important advantages of this technique:

  • under the influence of a laser beam, all cells of the neoplasm die, including the base and stalk;
  • the procedure is completely bloodless - the beam heats and cuts off the capillaries, instantly sealing them;
  • the use of a laser beam makes it possible to achieve complete sterility - surgical instruments do not come into contact with the body, thereby completely eliminating the possibility of accidental infection during the operation;
  • the technique has a minimum number of contraindications;
  • During the procedure, the patient experiences virtually no pain. In some cases, local anesthesia is used;
  • after removal there are no scars or scars left. If the growth was extensive enough, a barely noticeable mark may remain.

Basic rules of care

The wound remaining at the site of the removed papilloma is already covered with a crust, which serves as a protective shield against infection. After removal of papillomas you cannot:

  • injure the surface of the wound;
  • Allow water to get on the wound for 24 hours, then wash it with hygiene products and rub with a towel;
  • cover the wound with an adhesive plaster (if the wound is large, the adhesive plaster is temporary);
  • stay in the open sun for more than 10 minutes;
  • You can sunbathe after removal of papillomas, visit baths, swimming pools, and open reservoirs no earlier than 3 weeks after the procedure.

To speed up healing and improve tissue regeneration, doctors at the MedBioSpectrum clinics in Moscow on Kashirka (tel.) and in Ramenskoye recommend the use of antiseptic and epithelializing agents, the selection of which is carried out individually.

How to prepare for the procedure

No special preparation is required for the procedure. Usually papillomas are removed on an outpatient basis in one day. The patient must be responsible when choosing a medical or beauty salon that provides this service and make sure that they have the necessary certificates and licenses.

Experts recommend that 10-14 days before the scheduled session to remove papillomas, avoid visiting the solarium and use sunscreen when walking in the fresh air. In addition, during the preparatory period it is recommended to avoid contact with household chemicals. If the growths are located on the face or neck, it is advisable to avoid using decorative cosmetics.

Application of laser radiation

Laser treatment is currently considered the most modern, safe and affordable way to remove tumors. The technology is so well thought out that it is perfect for eliminating adenomas, lipomas, warts, papillomas and moles on any part of the body, including the face.

Most often, lasers are used specifically to remove moles. And although doctors do not have a consensus on the advisability of this procedure, in some cases it is simply necessary.

You can suspect the degeneration of a mole into melanoma (skin cancer) based on the following signs:

  • Uneven, “torn” edges;
  • Heterogeneity of color (dark and light spots);
  • Loss of hairs that grew from the mole;
  • Wet or, conversely, glossy surface;
  • Active growth.

If at least a few of these signs are detected, experts strongly recommend doing tests and then removing the tumor.

Features of the procedure

The process of excision of growths itself is quite fast - one tumor takes no more than 5 minutes. The papilloma is burned out layer by layer with a laser beam. Before starting the procedure, the specialist adjusts the equipment to the desired frequency, intensity and depth of impact - these parameters directly depend on the nature of the skin formations of a particular patient. In parallel with the laser beam, the cooling system of the installation affects the treated area, which protects against burns on adjacent areas of the skin.

A small wound remains at the site where the skin growth was located, which is immediately subject to disinfection. Additionally, healing and antiseptic agents can be applied.

If there are small numbers of single papillomas on the patient’s body, they are all removed in one session. If the skin lesions are extensive and there are numerous colonies of neoplasms, several procedures are necessary.

How does HPV infection occur?

The mechanism of transmission of the virus is contact; the source of infection is the patient or the virus carrier. HPV can be released not only from growths on the skin, but also circulate in the blood, saliva and urine. In this case, infection can occur in 4 main ways:

  • through contact and everyday life;
  • sexually;
  • during childbirth from mother to child (which may be the cause of laryngeal papillomatosis);
  • during autoinoculation (self-infection or dispersion of the pathogen from existing foci during combing, shaving, or using a hard washcloth).

The risk of HPV infection usually depends on the state of the human body’s immune system, viral load and the presence of microtraumas and other inflammations on the skin and mucous membranes.

Even when infected with the HPV virus, papillomas do not always form on the skin and mucous membranes. The virus is localized in the basal layer of the epithelium and can remain inactive for a long time. Only under certain conditions (weakening of the immune system, stress, exposure to unfavorable environmental factors) do the processes of its replication start, which leads to cell proliferation and the appearance of tumors.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

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The period of complete healing of a papilloma wound takes from 7 to 14 days. At this time, the patient may notice the appearance of swelling or redness, which quickly disappears without the use of additional therapy. It is forbidden to rip off or lubricate with any substance the dense crust that has formed on top of the wound - it will fall off on its own.

Complete healing of the skin is observed after 28-30 days - at this point the trace of the procedure becomes completely invisible. Before this period, it is not recommended to visit the pool or sauna, and you should also avoid sunbathing.

Prevention of papillomavirus

Doctors at Dr. Novikov’s clinic take a comprehensive approach to the treatment of papillomas, therefore, after removal, in order to avoid the reappearance of formations, they recommend undergoing antiviral and immunostimulating therapy.

In order to avoid relapse, as well as to prevent infection, carriers of this virus are recommended to:

  • Get tested periodically for the presence of HPV in your blood.
  • Control the growth of existing formations
  • Have only protected sex
  • Use only your own hygiene products
  • Eat properly
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • When visiting saunas and baths, use your own replacement shoes

Contraindications for the procedure

Which patients should refuse laser removal of papillomas? Contraindications include pregnancy, active herpes infection, breastfeeding, and a history of diseases such as diabetes, HIV and AIDS.

If the patient has just returned from a vacation on the seaside, the specialist will recommend postponing the procedure 3-4 weeks later - a fresh tan is a relative contraindication.

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