Warm rejuvenation with facial steam bath

The effect of warm steam effectively warms up, cleanses and softens the skin of the face. To obtain a specific result, various herbal decoctions and essential oils are added to the water. They promote healing, maintain elasticity, oxygen saturation, and normalize water balance. Regular steam bath promotes cell regeneration, healthy skin and improved appearance.

Steam bath for the face and its effectiveness

As one of the stages of the skin cleansing procedure, a steam bath can solve several problems at the same time. Thanks to the unique properties of steam, herbs and oils, the procedure acquires a therapeutic effect.

Main results after exposure to steam:

  • Cleansing. The pore walls soften and the contents are easily removed. The epidermis is cleansed of sebaceous deposits and toxins.
  • Treatment. Steam with microparticles of therapeutic agents soothes irritations.
  • Rejuvenation. Cell regeneration accelerates. A healthy complexion appears. Skin texture improves.
  • Health improvement. Inhalation for the respiratory system is carried out.
  • Aromatherapy. The nervous system is strengthened.

After several steam bath sessions, the skin becomes smoother, lighter and softer. Cells are saturated with oxygen and restore their functions.

Comparison table of characteristics

The table below presents the main characteristics of the models under consideration. By comparing them with each other, it will be much easier for you to navigate the range and choose a device that meets your needs and wishes.

Model nameManufacturer countryPeculiarityEffect
Scarlett SC-CA300S01Chinainexpensive effective modelclear skin, improved dermis tone, inhalations improve immunity
Rio FSTEChinaAvailability of additional attachments included in the kitrested, fresh skin, the result is comparable to the effect after an expensive salon
Gezatone 105SChinathe best model in terms of price-quality ratiodeep steaming of the skin, toning effect, improved blood flow
Beurer FC72Chinaionization functionmaximum deep hydration due to ions
GESS Fruit SaunaChinamultifunctionalitycleansing, steaming, air humidification, aromatic procedures
Travola AH8554Chinamultifunctionality and compactnessactivation of hydrophilic cells, skin hydration
Gezatone Aqua Care 105I with nanoionsFrancepresence of nanoionsskin is ready for any cosmetic procedures

Preparing for steam treatments

The result of the procedure depends on the quality of preparation. Facial cleansing occurs while sitting near a table. The head should be slightly bent over the steam container. Therefore, it is recommended to check the height of the furniture in advance to avoid burns and discomfort.

Before starting, the face is thoroughly cleansed of decorative cosmetics. It is best to wash your face with an appropriate care product. Dry your face with a towel or napkin. Gather hair and secure well. The steam can cause them to fluff up and stick to your face. A convenient device is a shower or solarium cap. If you suffer from stretch marks on your stomach, this article will help.


An effective product for cleansing, moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin. It has both positive and negative reviews. The latter in most cases occurs due to the fact that users do not pay enough attention to contraindications. Or they use the device despite them. In this case, it will lead to the opposite of the expected effect.

It is possible to avoid this kind of problem if you categorically refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • high skin sensitivity;
  • weak blood vessels on the face;
  • exacerbation of acne, rosacea and swelling;
  • hyperactive facial hair growth;
  • cardiovascular diseases (high blood pressure);
  • complex course of hypertension;
  • asthma;
  • mechanical damage to the skin (wounds, abrasions, fresh scars);
  • for skin diseases;
  • facial paralysis that makes breathing difficult;
  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • during pregnancy and menstruation.

Steam exposure

In a beauty salon, a steam bath for the face is performed on a special device with several intensity modes. It has a stable base, a compartment for water and special compounds, and a face bowl with high sides.

At home, use any wide container. For example, a 3-liter saucepan. It is better if it is used only for cosmetic purposes. Fill about half the volume with water, bring it to a boil, add decoctions, and place on the table. After the water boils, steam forms in the bowl. The steaming process begins after the face approaches the device, the shoulders and head are covered with a thick towel.

The cape should be spacious enough and completely cover the head, shoulders and water container. The best option is a large terry towel. The dense fabric allows almost no air to pass through and creates the desired sauna effect. After steaming, you need to remove the towel and wash with water at room temperature. It will wash away impurities and stop the process of pore expansion. Instead of a regular towel, it is better to use a paper towel. You just need to gently dry the skin with gentle movements.


After a steam bath, it is recommended to treat the skin with a scrub. It removes keratinized particles and lightly polishes the surface. Don't rub it in too vigorously. Thin areas may be damaged. It is enough to make a few light circular movements.

After cleansing with a scrub, begin applying masks or creams. Skin with maximally open pores absorbs nourishing and moisturizing agents like a sponge. Active blood circulation promotes rapid penetration of nutrients into the deepest layers of the epidermis.


Each skin type requires an individual approach to treatment. The duration and frequency of the procedure depends on the skin type. Dry skin requires gentle cleansing. Fatty is more active. The mixed type involves selective exposure to different areas.


To prepare a medicinal solution for a steam bath, various components are used. These can be herbs, fruits, flowers and leaves of plants. They are usually stored dried. When brewing, you should carefully study the preparation method. Some varieties of plant materials require lengthy preparation in the form of boiling and infusion. Others simply need to be immersed in boiling water immediately before use.

In pharmacies, such preparations are sold in different packaging. Some are packaged in boxes of 30-100 g, others in portioned bags. You can choose a convenient option for a comprehensive collection or a separate item.

What are they?

Many users encounter a problem when the entire face does not fit into the inhalation container. This problem arises if you do not pay due attention to the size of the working cavity.

There are 2 types of steam sauna:

  • For the treatment of respiratory diseases. It is characterized by a narrow bowl used exclusively for warming the nasopharynx.
  • For cosmetic procedures. Volume vessel with additional functionality. In most cases it costs significantly more.

The division into types is very arbitrary, since there are devices that include both types of attachments.


Essential oils are usually extracted from the fruits, leaves and roots of various plants. In order for the steam bath oil to completely dissolve, you need to drop it into boiling water. It is enough to do this a few seconds before turning off.

Oils are stored in glass bottles of 10-50 ml. One procedure requires 3-5 drops. Before taking a bath, you should test the body’s reaction to the specific smell of the oil. This can be done by simply leaning over the steam. If there is no discomfort, the procedure will be pleasant.


Lean over the container with caution. When covering yourself with a towel, you need to control the degree of heating. The steam should not burn or cause discomfort. Proper heating resembles the effect of a bath. Gradually, warm air heats the surface of the skin, moisture and slight redness appear on the face.

Your eyes should be closed during the steam bath. This will protect them from burns, allergies and irritation. After taking a steam bath, you should not go outside or use cosmetics. Dust and chemicals can trigger inflammatory processes.


  • High blood pressure.
  • Asthma.
  • Acute diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Intolerance to components.
  • Excess facial hair.
  • Foci of infection and inflammation.
  • Cuperosis.

Despite the simplicity of the steam bath procedure, you should be careful about some features of the body. Sometimes the components of the solution can cause complications of an existing disease.

TOP 7 best facial saunas

The rating of the best saunas includes the following brands and models of devices:

  • Scarlett SC-CA300S01;
  • Rio FSTE;
  • Gezatone 105S;
  • Beurer FC72;
  • GESS Fruit Sauna;
  • Travola AH8554;
  • Gezatone Aqua Care 105I with nanoions.

Next, we will dwell in more detail on the description of each of the selected models, we will talk about their features, advantages and disadvantages, and characteristic features. We present to your attention some tips on choosing a device and reviews from users who have appreciated the presented devices. We hope the information will be useful to you, we wish you pleasant reading!

Scarlett SC-CA300S01

A budget option for a mini-sauna. It has a fairly large, voluminous bowl and a separate reservoir where extracts and essential oils are placed. The kit includes a nose nozzle - you not only steam the skin, but also get real inhalations that are beneficial to your body. The water tank is small in size; if necessary, it needs to be refilled periodically, otherwise there are no shortcomings.

Model featureinexpensive effective model
Effectclear skin, improved dermis tone, inhalations improve immunity

Price: from 1619 to 2000 rubles.


  • compact device;
  • the presence of a nozzle and a separate reservoir for extracts;
  • steam supply speed is controlled by the user;
  • ease of use.


  • bowl too big;
  • a small container into which water is poured.

I am completely satisfied with my first home sauna: it has a nice design and does an excellent job of its functions. I do steaming often, the condition of the skin has improved significantly, it looks rested, fresh, without redness, swelling, or rashes. I definitely recommend it as a decent budget option.

facial sauna Scarlett SC-CA300S01


Manual adjustment of steam supply allows you to make procedures safe and effective. The face is immersed in a special bowl, and the kit includes a capsule that contains herbs and oils, creating a wonderful design intended for aromatherapy and inhalation. The set includes several attachments for the mouth and nose; they are replaceable and will suit different family members.

Water bath: what is it and when is it needed?

A water bath is a method of heating food to the boiling point of water without direct contact of the heated product with water.
If we move away from dry scientific terminology, a water bath is an indispensable way to heat, melt and heat food in household conditions. This heating method is useful in cooking and confectionery (if you need to melt chocolate or plan to brew proteins), cosmetology (heating honey, making masks), making candles yourself (if you need to melt wax, paraffin), soap making and much more.

Do not confuse a water bath with a steam bath. In the first case, the product is gradually heated to a temperature of +100 °C, in the second - above +100 °C.

The advantages of a water bath over direct heating of food are as follows:

  • The heated contents do not burn and retain their qualities - both useful and physical-mechanical.
  • A water bath prevents contact of the heated product with water.
  • Thanks to the water bath, you can maintain the required temperature of the heated product for as long as necessary.

If the process requires monitoring the temperature of water or heated products, it is enough to acquire a special thermometer. Similar measuring instruments are sold in hardware stores.

Having figured out what a water bath is, all that remains is to understand how to build one at home.

There is nothing easier than setting up a water bath at home. The main thing is to know certain secrets of the process. All you need for the job are two pans: one of a larger diameter and deep, the second smaller.

Let us conditionally divide the process of constructing a water bath into stages. So:

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan.
  2. Make sure that water does not splash out after submerging the smaller pan into the larger one. If necessary, drain some liquid.
  3. Place what you want to heat in a smaller pan.
  4. Place the structure on the fire and slowly bring to a boil.

We’ve sorted out the process of equipping a water bath, now let’s move on to those secrets and subtleties, namely:

Give preference to thick-walled stainless steel pans. Enameled containers, ceramics, cast iron and other materials can spoil the heated product. In addition, stainless steel, unlike cast iron and other metals, will not change the chemical composition of the heated contents.

  • To ensure the product heats evenly, cover the top pan with a lid.
  • If you heat dense foods (melt butter or chocolate), stir the product constantly: this will ensure maximum heating uniformity.
  • To ensure a calm boil—air bubbles do not create seething—cover the bottom of the container with water with a towel.
  • Observe safety precautions: wear gloves and protect your face from steam burns while working.

Before you start using a water bath, try setting it up without heated contents. It happens that due to the inexperience of the housewife, during the boiling process, boiling water is poured into the upper pan. Also, running a water bath idle is useful if you need to strictly control the heating temperature of food or water.

Additional bath components

Considering what effect you intend to achieve, it is useful to add medicinal plants in the form of decoctions or tinctures that are prepared in advance.

Decoction recipe

Pour two tablespoons of the plant into 200 ml of hot water. Place on the stove and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After the time has passed, cover with a lid and leave for 60 minutes, strain.


It is prepared in approximately the same way, pour the herb with the same volume of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes, then decant.

It is advisable to use various essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on the skin and at the same time provide aromatherapy.

Each skin type has its own set of herbs and essential oils:

  • good for dry and vulnerable skin: marshmallow, chamomile, orange peel; chamomile and orange oil (neroli);
  • for excessive work of the sebaceous glands: lemon balm, fennel; essential oils of lemon and heather (juniper);
  • for women over 45 years old with aging skin: Ceylon cinnamon (cinnamon), eucalyptus, nettle, mint and cloves; rosemary oil;
  • for sensitive skin prone to rashes: black currant leaves, burdock root, yarrow; cedar, lemon and bergamot oil.

There are a great many recipe options, but when choosing, be guided by your skin type, purpose and allergies.

Benefits of steam for acne

  • Thorough skin cleansing

Steaming helps active agents reach the deep layers of the dermis. The plus is that after steam you no longer need to worry that the pores are clogged with dirt and the hated pimples will return again. Using steam opens the pores of the skin, removes dirt and kills bacteria that cause acne. Whiteheads and blackheads are also softened and easier to remove.

  • Stimulation of blood circulation

Steaming causes sweating. This dilates the blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow to the face. Along with blood, oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the cells to the skin, making it glowing and healthy.

  • Skin hydration

Steaming your face moisturizes your skin. When pores are open, they secrete sebum, which moisturizes the epidermis and combats dryness.

  • Improving skin permeability

Steaming improves the permeability of the skin, which allows it to actively absorb the necessary medications. Consequently, the effectiveness of the drug also increases.

  • Stimulation of collagen production

After the steaming process, the face receives an increased amount of blood flow, which leads to an increase in nutrients and oxygen received. This stimulates collagen production, increases skin elasticity, and reduces the depth of wrinkles.

  • Steaming is a relaxation procedure

Exposure to steam during facial treatments causes general relaxation. And if you add aromatic essential oils to water, it not only makes your skin glow, but also causes an overall calming of the senses.

The beneficial effects of medicinal herbs and essential oils

You should choose the right auxiliary ingredients for steam baths, taking into account your skin type and the problem you want to solve. The effectiveness of both this and subsequent procedures will depend on this. For example, to easily cleanse the skin of blackheads, we recommend adding an infusion of nettle or rowan leaves to hot water, and to lighten age spots and freckles - parsley or dandelion.

For oily skin, aloe, nettle, plantain, horsetail, oak bark, sage, birch leaves, mint and rosemary, essential oil of tea tree, mint and lemon are ideal for preparing an infusion; for normal skin and also when caring for combination skin - sage, rosemary, licorice, cloves, thyme, fennel, essential oils of neroli, lavender, bergamot, geranium, sandalwood; when dry and ripe - dill, chamomile, lemon balm, calendula, wormwood, bay leaf, rose petals and oregano.

How to choose?

In order for the device to be useful and effectively solve the assigned tasks, it is necessary to take a balanced approach to the choice. The market is overflowing with saunas with various functions; their prices vary from budget to premium; an ignorant beginner’s head will spin. This will result in an error.

It is possible to avoid related problems if you follow certain recommendations.

  1. Device type.
  2. The shape of the nozzles and their number. Budget models are equipped with one cone-shaped bowl. More expensive offers are equipped with several attachments of different shapes, for treating not only the face, but also individual parts. The cup does not squeeze the face and supports the head during the session.
  3. Steam power adjustment. The handle is made of high-quality materials and has a wide range of settings. This will not only allow you to select the optimal operating mode, but also avoid possible burns. Saunas that can remove excess steam are preferable.
  4. Volumetric tank. There is enough water for the entire procedure without adding.
  5. What liquid can I use? Special attention should be paid to the liquid used. Models with the ability to add essential oils and herbal infusions are preferred. Devices that work only with clean water are less effective.
  6. Additional functionality. Simple ones can only open the pores and prepare for further deep cleansing. Premium models do peeling and massage. There are saunas on the market with the function of thermal eyelash curling and even eyebrow correction.

What to brew for skin care

A special steam device becomes a huge help in caring for your skin. If you do not have such a useful assistant, steam baths for the face can be organized in the old-fashioned way: “dive” under a towel and expose your face to the steam coming from the heated liquid for 7-10 minutes.

Compositions against oily skin


  • 3 tablespoons red wine
  • a quarter glass of white wine
  • 10 grams of dried chamomile flowers
  • half a glass of clean water.

First you need to boil water. Then all other components are added to it, and the resulting mixture is brought to a boil again.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 10 laurel leaves.

Everything here is extremely simple: the bay leaf is filled with water and heated until it boils.

Composition against blackheads

  • A handful of fresh rowan fruits
  • 1 liter of water.

Squeeze as much juice as possible from the rowan fruits (you need to get about a quarter glass), and pour it into water brought to a boil.

To get rid of comedones, you can also use a fresh decoction of nettle, linden, St. John's wort or yarrow (20 grams of raw material per liter of boiling water), it would not be superfluous to add a couple of drops of eucalyptus or lemon ether to it. Whey from sour milk is also effective: without diluting it with water, you just need to bring it to a boil; about 1 liter is required for a single steaming. Immediately after the procedure, “hot on the heels”, it is recommended to stick a special cleansing patch on the problem areas, which will complete the work begun by the steam.

Compositions for combating acne and acne

Essential oil

  • 1 liter of water
  • a small amount of salt - both sea and regular salt are suitable
  • a drop of lavender oil, thyme and mint esters.

Drop the oils onto a handful of salt - this will distribute them more evenly. Dissolve in hot (not boiling!) water, then pour the liquid into the device’s reservoir or heat in a water bath.

To prevent the hot steam, which is also rich in extracts, from irritating sensitive mucous membranes, protect your eyes with a bandage.


  • 1 tablespoon hop cones
  • small fresh ginger root
  • 1 liter of water.

Chop the cones with a knife, and after preliminary cleaning, grate the ginger. Fill everything with water, bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove: the disinfecting and healing steam bath is ready for use.


  • 6 pine cones (preferably half-opened)
  • 5 drops fir oil
  • handful of pine needles
  • 1 liter of water.

Pour the cones and needles into boiling water. After five minutes, drop in the aromatic ether and immediately begin the procedure. To quickly defeat rashes, you can do several short approaches a day. The remainder of the composition is reused and stored in a tightly sealed container for up to 6-7 days.

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