"D-Panthenol Novatenol" - an expert in healing damaged skin

Panthenol is used to restore damaged skin and mucous membranes. The main active ingredient is dexpanthenol (vitamin B). The composition does not contain any antibiotics or hormonal substances.

The drug is effective for wounds, burns, allergic reactions, cracked nipples in breastfeeding women. The product relieves itching and pain, has a moisturizing effect and copes with inflammatory processes.

Description of the drug, its properties

Panthenol is a drug for external use, which is intended to restore the skin after various injuries.

Action of the product:

  • eliminates pain;
  • stops inflammation if it has not become infectious;
  • normalizes metabolism, thereby activating the process of appearance of new skin cells;
  • eliminates flaking and moisturizes the skin.

External therapy of atopic dermatitis: a view of the problem from the perspective of a pediatrician

Atopic dermatitis (AD) ranks first in the structure of allergic diseases in children, especially in children of the first years of life. AD most often begins in early childhood and has a relapsing course. As a rule, blood pressure is the earliest manifestation of atopy, and in some children it is the beginning of the “allergic march.” Of course, blood pressure significantly reduces the child’s quality of life, so the problem of timely and adequate treatment of the disease has now acquired particular medical and social significance.

The high incidence of the disease, its wave-like course, and frequent relapses of the disease lead to the fact that it is the practicing pediatrician, as a rule, who solves the tactical problems of treating blood pressure in a child. At the same time, issues related to diagnosis and determination of treatment strategy must be resolved in each specific case by an allergist.

The importance of the role of the pediatrician in the monitoring and treatment of patients with AD is also emphasized in the fundamental national documents on the diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis in children. For example, the conciliation document of the Association of Children's Allergists and Immunologists of Russia is called “Modern strategy for the treatment of atopic dermatitis: a pediatrician’s action program.”

It is obvious that the distribution of children with AD in different medical observation groups is different. Thus, according to the allergology department of Children's Clinical Hospital No. 38 of the FU Medbioextrem, children with atopic dermatitis made up 29.5% of all patients hospitalized in the department over 3 years. Of these, the vast majority of children were under the age of 7 years - 78.6%. A widespread form of AD was observed in 62% of observed children, a diffuse form - in 15.6%, severe AD was diagnosed in 31% of patients. Secondary skin infection was detected in 35.7% of patients.

The structure of the distribution of blood pressure according to the forms and severity of the disease turned out to be somewhat different in the pediatric ward, for patients for whom the diagnosis of blood pressure is not typical (children with blood pressure are usually hospitalized in the allergy department). As a concomitant diagnosis, atopic dermatitis was noted in more than 1/4 of children hospitalized in the PBO, while the vast majority of patients with AD were also under 7 years of age. However, mild AD was observed in 1/3 of patients, and moderate AD was observed in 2/3. Moreover, local and less common forms predominated. The diffuse form with severe hypertension in children observed in the boxed department was diagnosed extremely rarely.

In the outpatient practice of a local pediatrician, AD occurs frequently: approximately every third child under the age of 3 years has manifestations of AD, but mainly we are talking about local forms of mild and moderate severity, while children with severe and complicated AD are observed by an allergist. Therefore, the introduction of algorithms for the treatment of blood pressure in children is one of the urgent tasks of modern pediatrics.

Treatment of AD, of course, should be comprehensive, individual and depend on the age of the child, the form and stage of the disease.

General principles of AD treatment include:

  • diet therapy;
  • elimination regimes, environmental control;
  • systemic pharmacotherapy;
  • external (local) therapy;
  • educational programs.
    External (local) therapy is a mandatory component of complex treatment of AD. Main areas of local therapy:
  • elimination (reduction) of inflammatory changes on the skin and the main symptoms of AD associated with it (itching, hyperemia, swelling, skin rashes, etc.);
  • reducing skin dryness, improving skin barrier functions;
  • prevention and elimination of secondary skin infections.

It is known that the basis of the pathogenesis of AD is allergic inflammation of the skin. Consequently, all patients with AD need anti-inflammatory therapy, mainly external. The prescription of external anti-inflammatory drugs is the main method of treating children with AD and does not depend on the causes of its occurrence. However, the nature of external therapy should be determined by the stage of activity of skin inflammation and its clinical symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory external agents can be divided into two main groups: topical glucocorticosteroids (GCS) and anti-inflammatory drugs that do not contain glucocorticosteroids.

The effectiveness of external GCS in patients with AD has been proven by many years of practice and numerous controlled studies. Currently, GCS are, of course, the most effective anti-inflammatory drugs. However, until recently, both doctors and patients experienced persistent “corticosteroid phobia”, which was explained by the presence of side effects in the previous generation of corticosteroids (fluorinated), as a result of which these drugs were not approved for use in young children. Currently, external corticosteroids of “increased safety” have been created and have undergone controlled clinical trials in pediatric practice: methylprednisolone aceponate (Advantan), mometasone furoate (Elocom), alklometasone dipropionate (Afloderm), hydrocortisone 17-butyrate (Lokoid). Advantan (emulsion, cream, ointment and fatty ointment), Afloderm (cream and ointment) and Lokoid (ointment) are approved for use in children from 6 months of age, and from 2 years - Elokom (lotion, ointment, cream) .

Assessing the effectiveness and safety of external corticosteroids is most important for pediatric practice. The fact is that the skin of children has anatomical and physiological characteristics that increase the risk of side effects when using topical corticosteroids. The skin of children is more sensitive to the effects of corticosteroids: drugs are absorbed into the bloodstream in greater quantities, which increases the risk of increasing their concentration in the blood, as well as the development of local side effects associated with inhibition of collagen and elastin synthesis in the skin and cell mitosis. Therefore, it is so important to take into account age restrictions when prescribing drugs, and the duration of therapy should be determined in accordance with the instructions for use of this drug (in all cases it should not exceed one month with daily use of the drug). In addition, the recommended dosage (frequency of application to the skin) should never be exceeded. So, it is enough to use Advantan and Elokom once a day.

Considering the long chronic course of blood pressure and the need for long-term external therapy, the use of the group has always been the focus of attention of pediatricians. For many years, to treat the chronic and subacute stages of dermatitis, drugs such as ASD preparations of the III fraction, sulfur, tar, naftalan oil, zinc oxide, dermatol, and ichthyol have been used. The effectiveness of these products is low, in addition, most of them have a strong odor and contaminate clothes. Currently, these drugs are used less and less.

The most recent advance in the clinical use of steroid-free topical anti-inflammatory drugs is the advent of the calcineurin inhibitor pimecrolimus (Elidel 1% cream). According to the mechanism of anti-inflammatory action, pimecrolimus is a selective inhibitor of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The principal property of pimecrolimus is lipophilicity, as a result of which it is distributed in the skin and does not penetrate the systemic circulation. The clinical significance of this property is the absence of systemic action and accumulation, which allows the drug to be used for a fairly long time. When started early, with the appearance of the first signs of inflammation, Elidel prevents the development of exacerbations and provides long-term control over the disease. Elidel is well tolerated by patients of all age groups and can be safely used on all areas of the body, including sensitive areas - face, neck and skin folds. This drug has passed all the necessary controlled clinical trials, confirming its high effectiveness and safety in the treatment of blood pressure in children starting from 3 months of age. Our study also showed high efficiency and good tolerability of the drug in young children suffering from mild and moderate atopic dermatitis without pronounced clinical signs of secondary infection.

The drug is applied to the skin 2 times a day (if necessary, it can be applied to large surfaces of the skin), in combination with moisturizers, which can be used immediately after using the drug. An exception is the use of pimecrolimus immediately after swimming, when it is applied to the skin after a moisturizer.

When prescribing external anti-inflammatory treatment to a child with AD, it is extremely important to choose the right drug, depending on the stage of AD and the severity of the disease. Basic anti-inflammatory therapy is currently carried out using two classes of anti-inflammatory drugs: corticosteroids and pimecrolimus. If a patient has severe atopic dermatitis, therapy should always begin with the administration of external corticosteroids. For mild and moderate AD, the choice of drug is determined by the stage of the disease and previous therapy: in case of exacerbation, pimecrolimus is prescribed; if there is no effect within 5 days, external corticosteroids are prescribed. When positive dynamics are achieved, you can switch to pimecrolimus therapy, if necessary - long-term, up to a year.

Thus, therapy with external corticosteroids, in the apt expression of Professor G. A. Samsygina, can be called “fire therapy,” while when inflammation subsides or with moderately severe inflammatory phenomena, it is advisable to use pimecrolimus or other anti-inflammatory non-steroidal external agents.

Skin infections in patients with AD, especially those caused by Staphylococcus aureus (St. aureus), significantly complicate the course of atopic dermatitis and worsen the prognosis of the disease. Moreover, in some cases, both pyoderma and allergic reactions to skin microflora are observed, and St. aureus may act as a superantigen. In the case of an uncomplicated localized skin infection, the child can be prescribed fucorcin, an aqueous solution of methylene blue and other similar antiseptics. If such treatment is insufficiently effective, ointments with antibiotics and antiseptics (gentamicin, lincomycin ointments), antifungal ointments (clotrimazole, nizoral) or combination drugs that include an antibacterial, antifungal agent and an external glucocorticosteroid (pimafucort, triderm, etc.) are used.

When prescribing external anti-inflammatory drugs, you should always remember the need to use moisturizers/emollients . As remission occurs, in no case should the intensity of moisturizing treatment be reduced, since dry skin itself can provoke itching and serve as a factor in the development of exacerbation. It should be noted that to restore the barrier function of the skin, it is necessary to moisturize it (hydration, saturation with water), and also restore its lipid layer with the help of emollients. Many modern preparations for external use combine both of these properties, which makes their use more effective. However, moisturizing and softening products for skin care for children with AD should not contain stabilizers, fragrances, or alcohol. Mineral oils, petroleum jelly, lanolin can also provoke an exacerbation of blood pressure, as they impair the synthesis of lipids in the skin. Such products as Trixera cream, Atoderm, Lipikar, Topikrem, Mustela have proven themselves well. A moisturizer and emollient must be applied quite often, sometimes 5–10 times a day, so that the skin does not remain dry. After bathing, apply the product immediately to slightly damp skin.

The choice of the optimal dosage form of the drug for external use is also important. Thus, for acute inflammation with weeping, lotions, aerosols, lotions, and emulsions are most effective; for acute inflammation without weeping - water mash, aerosols, creams, pastes; if the inflammation is subacute - creams, ointments; for chronic inflammation - ointments, fatty ointments, and in areas of lichenification - ointments with keratolytic properties.

Thus, only a differentiated approach to the treatment of AD in children can ensure stable remission of the disease. External therapy for AD in children includes the use of anti-inflammatory local drugs in combination with moisturizers and emollients and, if necessary, antiseptic, antibacterial and antimycotic drugs for topical use. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is most important to rationally determine the tactics of anti-inflammatory therapy.

For severe cases of AD, local corticosteroids are prescribed; for mild and moderate cases, anti-inflammatory drugs that do not contain steroids are first used, and if there is no effect within 5 days, they switch to corticosteroids; when acute inflammation subsides, they return to nonsteroidal drugs, which are used until remission of blood pressure is achieved. During the period of remission, you can limit yourself to moisturizing and softening agents used “as needed” (Fig. 1). This strategy for external therapy of blood pressure is somewhat reminiscent of a “stepped approach” to the basic therapy of bronchial asthma, when the doctor determines the optimal choice of drugs depending on the severity of the disease and the degree of control over the symptoms of the disease. Very figuratively, we can compare this approach to external treatment of blood pressure with traffic light signals (Fig. 2): “red” - severe exacerbation, corticosteroids are indicated, “yellow” - anti-inflammatory drugs that do not contain steroids, “green” - moisturizers and emollients. The Scientific and Practical Program of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia “Atopic dermatitis in children: diagnosis, treatment, prevention” emphasizes that “only timely and adequate treatment of children with atopic dermatitis ensures stable clinical remission of the disease.”

O. V. Zaitseva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Russian State Medical University, Moscow

Release form and composition

The components are:

  • dexpanthenol (4.64%, 5%, 10%). It is the main active component taking part in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, moisturizes the skin and improves blood flow;
  • wax. It contains vitamin A, which promotes tissue healing, protects the injured area, but at the same time allows air to pass through;
  • vitamin E. Stops destructive processes in shit, promotes regeneration;
  • glycerol. Has a moisturizing and softening effect;
  • triglyceride. Participates in skin restoration processes, gives it elasticity and makes it healthy.

Since the drug based on the active substance is produced by different manufacturers, it may contain other components.

The product is available in the form of a spray, balm and ointment.

Due to its composition, the drug has a minimal number of contraindications and side effects; it is allowed to be used by children from 3 years of age.

In what cases is it used

The ointment is used in cases of:

  • scratches, abrasions;
  • boils;
  • wounds after surgery;
  • sun and other burns;
  • allergic reactions and skin problems;
  • diaper rash in children;
  • cracked nipples;
  • bedsores.

In such conditions, Panthenol is applied externally. There is no specific permissible dose. The entire damaged area should be completely covered with the product, but the layer should not be thick.

Less common indications include:

  • rhinitis and stomatitis;
  • inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • tonsillitis and laryngitis.

In such situations, the product is also used externally, but it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and rinsed.

For burns

Panthenol can be used for burns if they are caused by:

  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • thermal effects of another type;
  • improper use of chemical elements.

To achieve the best result, you should apply the product immediately after receiving a burn. It is most convenient to use the drug in the form of a spray so that the injured surface does not experience pain upon direct contact. Before application, the can should be shaken and sprayed at a distance of 10 cm.

For hands

For dry and flaky skin on your hands, it is better to use cream, and for cracks, ointment is suitable. The drug can be used several times a day. The last time you need to apply the product is in the evening so that the cream is absorbed into the skin throughout the night. It is also worth using the cream 10-15 minutes before work that needs to be done with your hands (you must wear rubber gloves).

For allergic reactions

In case of allergies, the drug acts as an auxiliary remedy, when a specific source of the allergy is identified, treatment is carried out, as a result of which a rash or peeling of the skin appears. Ointment and cream are able to combat reddened and itchy areas of the skin, have a moisturizing effect, constrict blood vessels, relieve irritation and other damage to the skin.

For healing open wounds

Panthenol for wounds can be used when the damaged area has already healed a little and is not bleeding. You can apply ointment or cream 3-4 times a day. Eventually, the scab should fall off faster as new skin begins to appear underneath.

Open wounds are best treated with a spray. You need to treat it with an antiseptic in advance. It is enough to use the drug twice a day.

Panthenol - affordable and effective skin regeneration

Panthenol (d-panthenol, dexpanthenol)

– is a derivative of pantothenic acid, i.e. provitamin B5. Once in the body, it easily turns into pantothenic acid and takes a direct part in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, normalizing cellular metabolism.

Panthenol stimulates the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, has a slight anti-inflammatory effect - this is the most important link in maintaining the normal functioning of the skin.

Panthenol EVO cream effectively restores very dry and irritated skin within 5 days of regular use.

Panthenol, contained in creams in a concentration of at least 5%, ensures the restoration of damaged tissues, helps accelerate metabolism in epidermal cells, maintaining a protective barrier for collagen fibers. Panthenol stops inflammatory processes, that is, it is able to stop inflammatory reactions of the skin of various localizations. Creams containing panthenol effectively care for irritated, dry and flaking skin. Cosmetic products with panthenol stimulate hair growth, prevent dandruff, and care for colored hair.

Panthenol EVO cream with 5% dexpanthenol content will help to effectively “soothe” damaged skin and accelerate its regeneration.

Panthenol has a pronounced protective and regenerating effect on the nail plates and helps restore damaged cuticles.

In medicine, medicines containing panthenol are successfully used for:

  • violations of the integrity of the skin (abrasions, cracks, etc.);
  • for dry inflammatory lesions of the skin;
  • dermatitis and allergic dermatoses.
  • Among other things, medications containing panthenol are often prescribed by ophthalmologists to treat and protect the eyes. It is impossible not to note the effectiveness of panthenol in protecting against aggressive solar UV radiation. In addition to the use of this wonderful remedy in traditional medicine, there are also non-standard methods of using it: panthenol is known as an effective fighter against wrinkles. This occurs due to the restoration of the hydro-lipid mantle.

    You can apply creams to the skin without fear of getting an allergic reaction - after all, they are used in the treatment of children, pregnant women, as well as people with sensitive and allergy-prone skin.

special instructions

When using the drug, you should consider the following features:

  • the product does not help fight purulent wounds, in which case more effective drugs will be needed;
  • if the surface of the damaged skin constantly gets wet, then there is no point in using the product;
  • Panthenol can provoke an allergic reaction, so before use you should apply a little product to a healthy area of ​​skin and wait a day. If there is no reaction, then you can use it for its intended purpose.

The drug is allowed to be used by pregnant women. It is absolutely non-toxic, intended for external use and is not able to penetrate the bloodstream or affect organs. Panthenol will not affect the health of the expectant mother and her baby in any way.

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