TOP 12 homemade face masks for wrinkles after 50 years
After fifty years, the skin reacts to the slightest irritation, wrinkles and cracks appear on it.
Ovante cream for rosacea: description and method of use.
Ovante cream for rosacea is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that eliminates redness and inflammation on the skin.
The most effective methods for correcting a double chin and jowls
It is not a fact that a “strong-willed” chin is evidence of a person’s strength and fortitude. History knows
Fruit peeling for the face: features and effectiveness
From this article you will learn: What acids are used for peeling What is fruit
Myofascial facial massage - the path to health and rejuvenation
Age-related skin changes are a harsh reality that every person faces sooner or later. Appearance
What cosmetic procedures cannot be done for rosacea?
Delicate blush and glowing skin are the result of self-care and good blood circulation
Jessner Peel
What to do if after peeling there is a red face, swelling, peeling and other skin reactions?
Benefits of the procedure It is very important to regularly cleanse the skin of the face. Doing it more carefully helps.
Vitamin F: doses, products, benefits, deficiency, overdose
Initial appointment with a THERAPIST with 25 years of experience ONLY 1800 rubles! (more about prices below)
Hydrophilic oil
Why do you need hydrophilic oil: how it works and rating of the best
Appearing about half a century ago, hydrophilic facial oil has recently become in great demand.
Indications and contraindications for galvanic cleaning
open page: deincrustation - galvanic facial cleansing Oily or acne-prone skin
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