Exudative erythema multiforme, clinical, immunological and therapeutic features

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Everyone is familiar with states of emotional arousal in which a flush of blood forms in the face. From a medical point of view, this phenomenon is not considered a pathology. However, when the redness of the skin becomes persistent, the question arises of diagnosing one of the many types of diseases called erythema.

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The pathological condition of discoloration and the development of inductive edema can be caused by various reasons, for example, exposure to high temperatures, hot weather or taking a hot bath, mechanical irritation during rubbing or massage. Chemical, radiation or thermal burns, as well as viral or bactericidal infections cause redness of the skin. In addition, color change is possible due to an allergic reaction.

What it is

The name erythema has a Greek root and is translated as “red.” Pathological pigmentation of the skin in a crimson color is due to the filling of capillaries with blood located on the surface of the dermis and the lack of outflow. This process is caused by various reasons, depending on which erythema is classified, its symptoms are varied.

Children are more often affected by the disease. The cause of redness and rashes are diaper rash and infections. In a newborn child, the pathology is caused by adaptation to the conditions of post-uterine life.

Table of contents

  1. Etiology and pathogenesis
  2. Post-traumatic vascular dyschromia
  3. Principles of treatment

Post-traumatic and post-inflammatory vascular dyschromia are acquired pigmentation disorders, the pathogenesis of which involves the vascular component of the skin against the background of acute or chronic inflammation or injury.

In our company you can purchase the following equipment for the treatment of post-traumatic and post-inflammatory vascular dyschromia:

  • M22 (Lumenis)


The phenomenon in question may be natural, for example, caused by increased physical activity, intense feelings of fear, shame, excitement, or UV radiation. In these situations, redness goes away on its own as soon as possible when the causes are eliminated.

However, treatment requires the manifestation of persistent erythema, which develops as a result of allergies, infections, chemical or thermal burns.

Sometimes redness of the skin occurs due to an insect bite. This type of erythema is called ring-shaped. Because the affected areas are oval in shape with red outlines and a light shade in the middle. Raised and hot affected areas are typical symptoms.

However, insect venom is able to migrate with the bloodstream to all parts of the body, where red spots form.

Taking certain types of medications can also cause erthematous gastroduodenopathy. It manifests itself as pigmentation and swelling of the skin.

In a number of pathologies of internal organs, erythema also occurs, for example, the palmar form occurs when liver function is impaired. With a stomach ulcer, gastrointestinal bleeding, poor diet with excessive intake of spicy foods and alcohol, and in the presence of infection in the intestines, antral gastropathy develops.

The treatment method is selected individually for each form of the disease.

Post-inflammatory erythema

Post-inflammatory erythema is characterized by red, purple or blue spots on the skin, resulting from deterioration of blood microcirculation in areas of inflammation. In most cases, post-inflammatory erythema develops in people with weak capillaries.

Post-inflammatory erythema: red, blue and purple patches on the skin

Post-inflammatory erythema is treated with chemical peeling, needling and laser skin resurfacing. Pharmacy remedies for post-acne spots include anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics.

Types and symptoms

Today, doctors count over 20 types of erythema. Each is characterized by primary and secondary characteristics.

They manifest themselves in patients with different intensities, this is due to the individual characteristics of the body. For example, in some the spots may be pronounced and reach a bright crimson hue, while in others they appear only with a slight pink blush.

  • Symptomatic erythema is caused by strong emotions such as fear, embarrassment, and anger. It is short-term in nature and therefore does not require therapy. The process stops on its own when the person calms down.
  • Persistent erythema is a rare form of the disease, the etiology of which is not precisely established. However, it is known that the eruption of miniature papules, merging into large areas of inflammation, is caused by unfavorable heredity and infection.
  • Ramirez's persistent ashy dermatosis (dyschromic erythema) is distinguished by the color of the lesions, which acquire a grayish tint. The spots go away on their own over time.
  • Palmar erythema is a special type of disease that occurs in patients with impaired liver function. It manifests itself as redness of the palms, mainly in the area of ​​elevations under the thumb and little finger.
  • Exudative erythema multiforme has frequent relapses and periods of remission. The rashes are located symmetrically on the legs and arms. The affected areas of the skin acquire a bluish tint. The edges of the lips are also involved, on which papules form with the subsequent appearance of bloody crusts. They disappear within a week. The patient's general health deteriorates, and the affected areas experience pain and itching.
  • Polymorphic erythema is otherwise called multiforme. This is due to the fact that the affected areas are multiform in nature. They can be covered with papules of nodular rash, vesicles with liquid filling, hemorrhages, which are pinpoint intradermal hemorrhages. This form of the disease is caused by taking certain types of medications and is accompanied by signs of intoxication.
  • Physiological erythema is not considered a pathology by doctors, and therefore does not require treatment. In adults, symptoms appear as a result of emotional experiences, a reaction to a sharp change in air temperature. In newborns it is associated with changes in living conditions outside the mother's womb, for example, gastric nutrition.
  • Viral erythema is similar to infectious and colds. It manifests itself in children with reduced immunity in the form of a rash, fever, discomfort in the nose and throat, runny nose and headache. Only after 2-3 days do red spots become noticeable on different parts of the body. They soon pass, but the infection penetrates inside the body. Therefore, it is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin therapy.
  • Erythema infectiosum is observed in pediatric patients and has a mild course. The cause is parvovirus B19. Symptoms include a pronounced red tint to the cheeks and a lacy rash. Goes away in 14 days. Adults have a hard time with it. The virus poses a danger to pregnant women.
  • Erythema Chamera manifests itself with the typical geometry of a butterfly-like rash. The course is mild, typical but mild signs of intoxication are noted. Occurs in patients of all age groups. However, in adults it is accompanied by joint pain and swelling.
  • Centrifugal erythema of Biette is a type of erythematosis, which is popularly called lupus erythematosus. A characteristic sign is the localization of redness in the center of the face with stretching to the periphery. Patients are not bothered by itching.
  • Centrifugal erythema Daria is manifested by the appearance of round pink spots with a recess in the center of the lesion. The causes of the pathology have not been established, but a viral, bactericidal and fungal nature cannot be ruled out.
  • Sunburn. As the name suggests, the cause is prolonged exposure to daylight. The skin in areas free from clothing turns red. In severe cases, the temperature may rise. Pain is noted when touching the affected areas where swelling is noted. Patients are advised to use sunscreens and sprays when going outside at any time of the year.
  • Ultraviolet erythema manifests itself in a similar way to the solar form of the disease, however, the cause of skin damage is artificial sources of UV rays - devices, lamps, solariums.
  • Fixed erythema can be caused by various types of antibiotics and hormonal medications. When taken, hypersensitive patients develop red spots in strictly defined places. The affected area is the natural folds of the skin, face, and genital area.
  • Ring-shaped erythema develops as a result of decreased immunity and hormonal imbalance, and can also be caused by helminthiasis, infections, and oncology. Sometimes a rheumatoid form is observed. Treatment is prescribed after identifying the underlying causes.
  • Toxic erythema occurs in newborns and is the result of allergens entering the blood. Hyperemic affected areas are noted. In adults, the causes of development are considered to be exogenous and endogenous factors.
  • Erythema nodosum can be caused by various types of microbes, for example, toxoplasmosis, tubercle bacilli, streptococci. A typical sign is multiple or single affected areas localized on the legs, which have a pinkish or bluish tint and hurt, sometimes so severely that the patient cannot move freely.
  • Erythema nodosum manifests itself with symptoms similar to the nodular form. Therapy in both cases is carried out in a hospital and involves eliminating the underlying cause.


The course of treatment for erythema depends on the degree of skin damage and the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin. First of all, it is necessary to sanitize foci of infections, avoid physical influences that can affect the skin (massage, sunbathing, etc.), eliminate contacts between the skin and chemical irritants.

For erythema disease, treatment should include antibiotics, corticosteroid drugs, iodide alkalis, agnioprotectors that improve the rheological properties and microcirculation of the blood, as well as disaggregants, hemokinators, adaptogens and special drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. For local therapy, occlusive dressings with corticosteroid and butadiene ointment and dimexide applications are used.

A patient with erythema needs to remain in bed, especially when the erythematous lesions are concentrated on the legs. Gymnastics is also very useful, as it helps improve blood circulation. Experts advise sticking to a healthy diet that does not include fried, salted and smoked foods, preservatives, alcohol, strong coffee and tea, and chocolate. It is also better to exclude factors that may cause a relapse: prolonged walking or standing, smoking, exposure to low temperatures, lifting heavy objects.

Prices for services

Appointment (examination, consultation) with a dermatologist of the highest category/K.M.N. primary 1200
Appointment (examination, consultation) with a dermatologist of the highest category/PhD. repeated 1000
Taking a scraping250
Prescription of individual complex treatment (without the cost of drugs)1000
Piercing earlobes with a gun800
Piercing the earlobes (cartilage, tragus) with a needle1000
Belly button piercing1500
Lip piercing1000
Eyebrow (or tongue) piercing1500
Nipple piercing2000
Nose piercing2000
Sterile jewelry earrings300
Instrumental diagnostics for mushrooms (VOODOO lamp)300

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dyschromia)

Dyschromia appears in the form of yellow, brown and gray spots. The main cause of dyschromia is the effect of ultraviolet rays on injured areas of the epidermis.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (dyschromia)

Treatment methods for dyschromia include mesotherapy, laser, ultrasound and chemical peels. Cosmetics, including whitening and photoprotective creams, also help get rid of the pathology.

Chemical peeling for post-acne

Chemical peeling is a cosmetic procedure that allows you to renew the surface layers of the skin using special chemicals. In particular, preparations with azelaic and hydroxyl acid, lactic acids and alpha hydroxy acids for post-acne are used for peeling.

According to the depth of impact, chemical peeling can be superficial, medium and deep. During the peeling process, the layers of the epidermis are exposed, after which the skin is exfoliated and then restored. Chemical peeling helps cleanse the skin, tighten pores and lighten post-acne marks. Skin texture is evened out and color improves.

Atrophic post-acne scars

Atrophic acne scars are abnormalities that occur as a result of skin healing after damage or inflammation. Atrophic acne scars come in different sizes and shapes and can be light or dark in color.

Atrophic post-acne scars

Atrophic scars are treated with mesotherapy, needling, biorevitalization and contouring. Medications for atrophic scars include antibacterial and wound healing agents.

Popular questions

1. What vitamins should I take for post-acne?
Vitamins A, B1, biotin (vitamin B7), zinc, as well as vitamins E and C help against post-acne. Only a doctor can prescribe the most effective complex of vitamins.

2. How to treat post-acne on the back?

Treatment of post-acne on the back is complicated by the fact that the skin in this place is thicker than on the face, and acne on the back penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. Treatment methods for post-acne on the back include chemical peeling, laser skin resurfacing and drug therapy.

3. What acids remove post-acne?

Azelaic and hydroxyl acids, as well as alpha hydroxy acids and lactic acids, remove acne. They can be contained in peelings, tonics, creams, serums. The acids in these products gently exfoliate the top layer of skin, smooth its surface and can lighten age spots. Products with acids can only be used as prescribed by a dermatologist-cosmetologist.

4. What peeling can be used to remove acne?

Post-acne can be removed using chemical, laser and ultrasonic peeling. Only a doctor can determine the most effective type of peeling for post-acne in each specific case.

5. How to whiten post-acne at home?

You can whiten post-acne at home using special cosmetics prescribed by a dermatologist-cosmetologist. In particular, products with salicylic acid, peelings based on lactic acid and serums with alpha-hydroxy acids will help against post-acne. You can lighten post-acne only using methods recommended by your doctor.




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Author: Novikova Anna Igorevna

Dermatovenerologist, trichologist, cosmetologist. Highest qualification category. Work experience 23 years.

Hypertrophic post-acne scars

Hypertrophic post-acne scars are small pink or red mounds. In most cases, hypertrophic scars appear in areas of active facial expression (around the eyes, on the forehead) when the developing scar tissue is stretched during contraction of the facial muscles.

Hypertrophic post-acne scars: raised scars

Chemical peeling and laser skin resurfacing are used to treat hypertrophic scars. Medications for post-acne, in particular, creams based on corticosteroids (hormones produced by the adrenal cortex), also help to get rid of hypertrophic scars.

Laser skin resurfacing for post-acne

Laser skin resurfacing is a procedure in which a laser acts on the middle and upper layers of the skin and breaks down dead cells, which subsequently exfoliate. Polishing post-acne helps to activate blood circulation, smooth out skin texture, and enhance the synthesis of collagen and elastin.

Two weeks before laser resurfacing of acne, you must avoid visiting the solarium and chemical peels. Three days before the procedure you cannot visit the swimming pool, sauna or bathhouse.

Injections for post-acne

Post-acne treatment methods include injections of Botox, steroids, as well as biorevitalization - injections of hyaluronic acid-based drugs enriched with vitamins and microelements. Thanks to injections, hyperpigmentation is eliminated, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized and the severity of scars is reduced.

A course of injections for post-acne consists of seven to ten procedures. If necessary, you can take a course of biorevitalization again after six months on the recommendation of a doctor.

Dermabrasion to eliminate post-acne

Dermabrasion is a type of chemical peeling that consists of deep layer-by-layer grinding of the skin using a special device with attachments. During the procedure, post-acne is eliminated from the surface of the skin, dead cells are removed and fine wrinkles are reduced. Most often, dermabrasion is performed on the face, but manipulation can also be performed on other parts of the body, including the neck and back.

Dermabrasion is aimed at completely renewing the top layer of skin. During the procedure, a wound area is formed on the treated area, which heals after the formation of new layers of skin. Dermabrasion is performed under local anesthesia. The procedure lasts up to half an hour.

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